If cheat codes existed, and you HAD to use them...





Infinite warburg Nuclear Blasts, or a whole new unique, laser from the sky nuke set. Just for Alpha ^^ kehehehe

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
I think it would make the game very boring after a while.Sure it would be fun in the beginning,but,then it would just get old.
You need a challenge to make the game fun and cheats just kill that after a period of time.

Although /MOARINF.......
Let me oppose the "you need a challenge to make the game fun" and leave it at that.

As well, some of the cheats listed didn't really make the game easier, such as having all costume unlocks. It just makes it a tad cooler and how it should have been without actually giving you a meaningful advantage.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I know this qualifies as weapon skins but I was always partial to the Legacy of Kain cardboard tube skin.

Fear The Tube!



I am having trouble with remembering the name to a FPS from the 90s. But it had Dog mode, and my favorite Shroom's mode.

I would also like Metal Gear Solid style unlocks that would make doing the game again worth while. Like an special suit that attracts more enemies to you than the game normally allows, or long term phasing, or just about anything that would make doing the same tasks more enjoyable.

210 50s and still counting!



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
- All TEMP powers only.
Does that include The I Win Button?
If so, it obviously would be my farmer's choice. All that drops in just one click... farmer's heaven.



-Phase shift that works with the geometry

-Instant recharge/recovery

-Every single power available

-Every single unlockable available

-Waffle machine

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



- ALL powers in the game available, limited only by their level restrictions. In other words, if you've always wondered what a Fire/Regen Blaster would be like, or a Necro/Kin MM. Or a Kin/Necro Defender with Fireball, Integration, and Oppressive Gloom!

- All unlockables, including costumes and weapon skins.

- All TEMP powers only.

Those'd be my picks.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Let me oppose the "you need a challenge to make the game fun" and leave it at that.

As well, some of the cheats listed didn't really make the game easier, such as having all costume unlocks. It just makes it a tad cooler and how it should have been without actually giving you a meaningful advantage.
I was talking more along the lines of unlimited nukes,godmode,etc.Anywho you are right and I retract that sentence,many a time I have had fun just hanging out,ToT'n,skiing,etc.

Thanks Sam for making me take the time to think about how much fun I do have.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
secret cow level
Boss farm!

I'm going to go on the assumption that just I would have access to these, since otherwise, it breaks down a lot. As much fun as I could have with infinite influence (I would demand that the cheat code be +ATM), having costume contests with 30 purple sets as the reward and then buying up the entire market's contents to repost them at randomly-chosen numbers (enjoy your 10 inf Deific Weapon and 1,500,000,000 inf Kinetic Weapons), I'd have to go for

ALL powers in the game available, limited only by their level restrictions.
This would keep me entertained for years.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



/load_character "Nemesis Warhorse"

Oh, and /set_all_enemies "Armadillo".



Steelclaw's Preferred Cheat Codes:

1) 1MOREMINUTE: This cheat changes the time flow relative to play vs the real world. For every minute of real world time you will actually PLAY for 1 hour. So if you have 10 minutes before you have to be to work; no worries... you've got a full day of playing ahead of you.

2) ITHINKYOUDROPPEDTHIS: Make your team mates work for you... Literally. You get ALL the team drops; inspirations, recipes, enhancements, etc. You even siphon off 10% of each other team player's influence. Conflicts arise when more than one player on the team knows the code. After 200 or so entries of back-and-forth codes the game will announce "You two stop that right now and behave yourselves! Don't make me pull this server over!"

3) CODMODE: Turns everyone into a fish. BABs immediately quits his job rather than retool every animation for underwater use. Aquaman clones soon outnumber the Wolverine ones.

4) NANA_NANA_NANA_NANA_NA: Turns on the FREEM! sound effects system for everyone. Now instead of hearing sounds they appear as stylized bubbles above the player. However, they are physical objects and fall to the ground. Within minutes the region begins to resemble a Gravity Controllers Family Reunion.

5) CANTWEALLJUSTGETALONG: Sets a designated key with the special "Luuuuuuuuuv Doctor" effect. Hitting an opponent with this effect turns them instantly into the player's pet. There is no upper limit to how many pets can be so enslaved. Any emote the player makes will be instantly copied by all currently following pets. YouTube entries from City of Heroes suddenly grow exponentially.

6) WHATABOUTTHECHILDREN: Baby-fies any player or NPC within a 10 yard radius of the user's character. Unfortunately this is a Teen Rated game so defeating said babies for xp is out of the question. While villains can use this power as a guaranteed protection from their enemies heroes are not so lucky. The inherent goodness of a hero renders them incapable of ignoring a baby's cries and since, let's face it, the affected targets are likely QUITE upset about their new appearance, they're ALL going to be crying. Heroes using this power do have a secondary benefit however; for every in-game hour spent baby sitting they earn influence for day care services provided.

7) LOOKOVERTHEREISTHATELVIS: This game lacks a thieving or pick pocketing function! Use this code and its designated key against any NPC who is facing away from you and get a random drop. Use it against a player and get something they are carrying... even already-slotted enhancements! This is a Stalker's wet dream.

8) BLUESTEELISAWIMP: Who needs a 50th level cap? Certainly not you! Enter this code and your character will instantly be elevated to 100th level. You will be granted 10th and 11th tier powers that can destroy every enemy in a single zone at once; although it does have a bit of a recharge time. So that you don't get bored it also manifests equal conning enemies for you to fight or lead into groups of bewildered 50th level players for griefing purposes. Enjoy this while you can because I can pretty much guarantee you that the Devs will have axed your account for hacking within 20 minutes of receiving their first petition about you.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



/smashmode 1 -- permanent full Fury bar for Brutes.

What? Like I'd need anything else?

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
You fail at fun.
Why thank you! I do try so hard!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
I am having trouble with remembering the name to a FPS from the 90s. But it had Dog mode, and my favorite Shroom's mode.

I would also like Metal Gear Solid style unlocks that would make doing the game again worth while. Like an special suit that attracts more enemies to you than the game normally allows, or long term phasing, or just about anything that would make doing the same tasks more enjoyable.
Only game I've played with a Dog mode is Rise of The Triad.



I want Nova to have a 1 second recharge, and cost 1 end. Set that sucker on auto, and go to town!

I'd fire off the cheat that turns Time-Bomb into a professional-grade fireworks display. Of course, that's not too much of a cheat since it's utility stays the same.

I'd give my Warshade a 3rd power set: Regen. Naturally his slots would need to be doubled, or tripled. Wait...we're cheating here, why not go whole-hog? I want a synthesis Kheldian, where I can choose PB or WS powers (not level restricted).



I second the nude code.



Quick Obligatory Bow to the Humor Goodness of SteelClaw.

With that done: 3 Stooges Powerset

Features Eye Poke, Face Slap, "See This Hand?" Thunderstrike and the deadly Rain of Pies. In addition, you can set appropriate sound effects to any and all actions of yourself and NPCs. Terrorized foes say "Nyaaaa-aaaa-aaaaaah!" while their hair stands on end, fleeing foes say "Woob Woob Woob Woob!" as they flee, etc.

Also with this powerset is the ability for male characters to wear poorly fitting dresses that in no way makes them look female, but for 2 minutes, every male NPC in the game will treat them as the hottest-looking female they have ever seen in their lives, with little popping hearts fluttering around their heads, and will not attack no matter the provocation. At the end of two minutes, the dress will vanish every NPC within sight will aggro on the player and attack.

The player will also receive the Undefeatable Stooge Ninja Infiltration Technique: The player will receive a cheap-looking Santa Claus outfit, and every NPC in the game will not only treat the player as friendly and open any locked door for them, if told "I have a present for you," they will happily look into Santa's Bag for 30 seconds. Santa's Bag comes equipped with a large mallet or skillet, and delivers a one-shot defeat to any NPC peering into the bag.

I would dearly love to run the last mission of the Statesman Task Force using this powerset, let me tell you.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Wait until it's fixed and rolled back.
Yeah, I fail at fun too.
Console codes are for single-player games, not multi-player. It just gets too messy when more than one person has to be pleased with the result.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



All unlockables, including costumes and weapon skins.

I always liked the Newgame+ feature. You beat the game, or in this case, levelled to 50, and you get to keep all your gear and unlocks for the next play through.



- Enable all Mastermind Powers

-Enable all Mastermind Secondary powers

-Enable all temporary pet summons

-Enable infinite Warburg temporary Nukes



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Big Head mode, of course!

I wish DVDs came with Big Head mode for the mopvies they feature. Big Head mode adds comedy gold to everything. I'd love to watch, say, Schindler's list in Big Head mode, for example. I bet it'd be a laff riot.

This. Soooo This. Anyone remember Goldeneye?

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Any tool that makes it easier for me to film. Such as:

1) CATTLECALLFOREXTRAS: I can drop a crowd of whatever I want in a particular place. No need to beg players to stop playing long enough for me to get my shot, or waste hours coding.

2) IKNOWKUNGFU: Instant AT and powers respec at my current level, so when I suddenly need a fire/fire blaster at lvl 50 with the powers I want, I can just swap.

3) THEPOWEROFNPCS: I have access to ALL the emotes in the game. INCLUDING the ability to walk IN-GAME.

4) WORLDDESIGNER: A place in the game of all-white space WITHOUT the horrendously glaring lights problem I have when I make an all white room in my base to film.

5) WEHADITBUTBABTHREWITOUT: Access to all the stuff (even as outdated as it might be) from the very beginning of the game.

6) IFIWANTITILLASKFORIT: The Godmode that keeps people from speedboosting me or throwing bubbles or shields on me when I'm trying to film and now I have to wait for it to wear off, or waste time editing my demo to remove the buff.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I think my Invisible Pink Unicorn character deserves permanent invisibility




/open world PvP.

Am I gonna get farmed? Hell yeah.
Am I going to take some of you with me? Hell yeah.

Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
I second the nude code.
Only if we get nipples back...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes