Empthy- does not suck




Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
Just my 2 inf, but EMPs are great at lower levels, but at higher levels they aren't really needed. IMO Control/Debuffs are much more desirable for the higher level content.
The reason for this is because at lower levels the people who are receiving most of those heals (besides crazy suicidal blasters) are the tanks and scrappers constantly in the thick of things. As levels progress these two ATs gain more of their defenses and become much more independently survivable. What happens then is most Empaths continue to try and focus on healing in an environment that has shifted to make those heals less necessary while other Empaths shift their focus more towards buffing and blaster support. I was part of the latter group.

Again, the people who only value Empathy for it's heals are the people who are only looking at one side of the coin.



I agree with your post, yet I still feel EMP is better for lower level content before, as you pointed out, toons become self sufficient. An EMP can still be valuable at higher levels, but much more situational in use. IMO, they are certainly less desirable to have around than a solid debuffer. My first 50 was an EMP defender and back in the day, she was a whole lot of fun. Now, I rarely bring her out to do much of anything.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



I'm just curious whether Empathy will still be held in high regard once Thermal comes to Defenders. I personally love Thermal, but could never get into Empathy.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I'm just curious whether Empathy will still be held in high regard once Thermal comes to Defenders. I personally love Thermal, but could never get into Empathy.

Its popularity could be cut in half, and you wouldn't even notice.........it's that lodged in people's heads.



Thermal's like Pain Domination - it's better than Empathy at spreading the love around on an 8-person team, but not as good for small teams.

Thermal for Defenders will offer 31% Res vs S/L/E/N (is that right?) and 62% vs Fire, but can do so effortlessly for the whole team, whereas Empaths offer 24% Defence (=48% Resistance) vs everything (including Psi, and of course, half the debuffs and end drains now miss) for the select few.

I recently got a Plant/Thermal Controller to 50 playing mainly in dual-box duos, and compared to Empaths I've played, she offered pretty poor mitigation, say when paired up with a Blaster.

That said, this is all logic and reasoned argument, and probably has little to do with the popularity of the Empathy set



I just never could get used to the recharge on Empathy's top tier powers. 300 second recharge on a 90 second power is an eternity, even after you train it down.



Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
I agree with your post, yet I still feel EMP is better for lower level content before, as you pointed out, toons become self sufficient. An EMP can still be valuable at higher levels, but much more situational in use. IMO, they are certainly less desirable to have around than a solid debuffer. My first 50 was an EMP defender and back in the day, she was a whole lot of fun. Now, I rarely bring her out to do much of anything.
Only thing I might add to this is that alot depends on the team makeup as far as what an Empath can bring to a team, and how large the team is.

For me, the "niche" for Empathy seems to be smaller teams and/or teams lacking in mitigation overall.

My first empath was a Mind/Emp controller that levelled up on a small dedicated team with an Inv/SS tanker as the alpha-sink. As we levelled up, it became apparent that my controlls were less and less necessary thru the 20s and once into the 30s, the Heals and Buffs became less necessary (For the Tank). But even then I always had a place to contribute on the team.

Now on my second Empath. I find myself on many teams packed with squishy characters, so I never feel under-utilized. The biggest thing that I think an empath needs to learn at the end game is how to time-manage buffs and WHO to put them on.
The time management comes with experience and the "who to buff" can change with every team. I prefer this kind of challenge personally. If buff targets were "cut-n-dry" for every team, then I would still enjoy my Hero, but he would be less challenging to play.




My biggest problem with playing empathy and forcefields is no debuffs. They are both cool sets and like having them around but i just cant play a defender/corr unless it has debuffs or massive damage buffs.

**********Warning below is written by someone who is mentally scarred by car crash pugs and car crash tf´s************

With that said i have a hard time playing thermal. Deleted a plant/thermal at 40 and a thermal corr at 25. People think they are invincible wiith resistance shields and run around like idiots .
I have tried again with a Earth/thermal but after a pug in the hollows i decided that i couldnt deal with it again.

I am now trying it on an MM, so far so good. Bots are good teram members. They just blast meatbags until they drop without stopping and yelling HEALZ PLZ YUR SHILEDS SUCK and say you are bad at healoring and kick you when you respond that i cant heal you idiots when i have no endurance.

Ok i feel better now.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
I would agree with all this - Empathy is less than stellar on full teams of 8. It shines both in superteams and on small 3-4 person teams, PuG or otherwise.

Its weird really, how the "heroic" Empathy set is all about choosing favourites for your buffs and leaving everyone else out in the cold, while the "villainous" counterpart Pain Domination applies its buffs much more evenly to the whole team.
true, but Pain <<< Empathy, at least in terms of buffage, my highest pain is only 30 so I can't comment past World of Pain, but it's *very* lackluster compared to fort...

Such is the cost of an AoE power, I suppose, but I think it should have been +def instead of +res, at least that way it could be stacked with Maneuvers...


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

I think you underestimate our fools, sir.

Why /duel is a bad idea



Yeah, exactly.

Pain Domination gives everyone on the team 10 bucks worth of buffs, Empathy gives 50 bucks to its best friend and 20 bucks to a couple of runners up. Call me a commie, but sharing with everyone seems more heroic to me

When I saw the stats for Pain Domination I was very let down. I've started playing it now, and I'm not expecting it to be particularly brilliant.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
For me, the "niche" for Empathy seems to be smaller teams and/or teams lacking in mitigation overall.
I think you summed it up very well there. This also depends on the skill level of the players on a team. If they know what they are doing, an EMP becomes less a necessity. I team with a lot of 60+ month vets so my experience with a team "needing" an empath varies a lot from a newer player. I'd also still debate that sets like RAD and DARK will do more for mitigation on a team than Empathy will.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Between the RAs, Fort, Rez and Adrenalin boost, Empathy seems to be one of those sets that benefits from lots of +recharge.
Absolutely. When slotting, especially for IOs, Recharge >>>>> All (including healing). My first 50 and my namesake character just finished slotting out her IO build (Yes, I know, I'm slow) and she's sitting at a standing 50% global recharge bonus before hasten, and the difference is night and day.

As usual with an internet discussion, we're going back and forth between extremes. No, empathy isn't needed in the upper levels. But then, nothing is. When my 50 tank can crank up the difficulty to 8 people and stand there taking a beating while I go make a sandwich, she doesn't really need anything else. Neither does my 50 scrapper when I crank up the difficulty high into the purples. Heck my newest 50, my Elec/ice blaster can tank for small teams with no defenders or controllers in the team. This game does very well in making the content available with little gating.

The question we should be asking - are Empaths useful? Sure they are. A good empath backing up my tank makes her hit harder, hit more often, and not have to worry about having greens and blues. A good Empath backing up my scrapper means she chews up those deep purples faster and easier. A good Empath backing up my blaster means she has to hit the aid self and ROTP button a little less, and kill things a lot more. Would another defender be able to fill that void? Sure they would, in different ways. But that doesn't undercut or diminish what the empath brings to the table.

Rule number #1: Nothing is *needed* in this game.
Rule number #2: There are bad players in every AT, they're just more noticeable in some roles than others.
Rule number #3: A good player can make anything shine.
Rule number #4: More buffs/debuffs are almost always better than less.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
The biggest thing that I think an empath needs to learn at the end game is how to time-manage buffs and WHO to put them on.
The time management comes with experience and the "who to buff" can change with every team. I prefer this kind of challenge personally. If buff targets were "cut-n-dry" for every team, then I would still enjoy my Hero, but he would be less challenging to play.

This, in my opinion, is precisely what differentiates a good Emp from a satisfactory one. The first thing an Emp should do on any team is /info each other player on their team, see what their powersets are, and what powers they have. Based on that assessment, determine what players will benefit the most from your buffs and make them your priority. That said, it's necessary to remain flexible based on the actual performance of the team, changing up your initial buffing strategy if need be.



For myself, sometimes, when basic team effectiveness or survival is not in question, my buff allocation priority is determined by a simple "spread the love" philosophy, in particular with Adrenalin Boost which is a fun magnifier that I like to try and give to as many on the team over the course of a mission/TF as possible. Stone tanks dig it of course, but so do trollers with long-recharge AoEs and nuking blasters (and recently shield and Electric melee chars). Some people clearly recognize when they've been the go-ahead to go extra gonzo and some do not. The ones who turn things "up to 11" tend to get more repeat doses than ones who maintain their status quo playstyle.



No, it's true. Empathy does suck. Suckiest power set to ever suck. I got to go my damn sucky girlfriend is calling.



Originally Posted by Tabik View Post
This, in my opinion, is precisely what differentiates a good Emp from a satisfactory one. The first thing an Emp should do on any team is /info each other player on their team, see what their powersets are, and what powers they have. Based on that assessment, determine what players will benefit the most from your buffs and make them your priority. That said, it's necessary to remain flexible based on the actual performance of the team, changing up your initial buffing strategy if need be.
Gotta agree with this one. checking the info on the team when first coming on will be a big help on picking who gets fort and such. As a buffer by trade (healing is a pleasant bonus) you only get access to a few buffs and not all of them are available on everyone. Even with hasten you cant buff the entire team. Tanks dont really need fort for the most part. But throw fort onto a shield scrapper, and that's one less person to worry about. Toss on a grant invis onto said scrapper and you can basicly pretend they arent there and let them go crazy all over the map. (exaggeration of course but still that much defense means you wont have to worry about them.) Personally, and this all depends on the team im on, my first person ill consider for fort is the controller. the bonus to accuracy will help them help me. Forting any Kins is huge. That will benefit the team more than anything i can think of. Again its the accuracy buff im thinking of here. Hang out near the kin, run tactics and buff with fort and you have yerself a very potent buffstick. But about the original post. Since i personally like to keep with a support roll on my emp/dark, (leadership toggles, grant invis, emp buffs etc) and i only run 3 dark powers (darkblast, tenebrous tentacles, nightfall) for the -acc debuff they bring (its best to use those two for the most -acc for your buck since they are cone attacks) then i have room for absob pain. And it's a great safety net. I may only need to use it once every few missions but when I do, im glad i did.



Problem with Empathy is that with the introduction of IOs much of what it can give became redundant or not all that noticable. Extra recovery, +def, and +rech buffs aren't that needed on high end IO builds. Where debuffs are a force multiplier and aren't really ever redundant.

Empathy is never really a bad set but there are many cases where a rad, dark or cold can provide the extra mitigation your team needs, but at the same time increases team kill speed or weakens AVs.

In the high game when all the ATs have their personal mitigation tools (epic shields or control) you don't need a buff/debuff set to provide a large amount of extra survivabilty. The sets that offer some mitigation and debuffs to boots become a better option. I would even go so far as to say that a therm is more useful in the high game than an Emp. The +res and heals will provide enough extra mitigation while Melt armor and forge will increase kill speed and heat exhaustion will help overcome AVs.

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point



My emp/en Defender just hit the slippery slope part of her career at level 35. Coming from other MMOs, learning the real strength of her powerset has been fun and interesting in how it has forced me out of my traditional playing-style.

Reading this thread and others has helped me to see the shift that is occuring more clearly. The last 10 levels has seen a consistent shift towards focusing on buffs. Depending on circumstances, I may still just set HA to auto to keep everyone topped up, but I spend a lot of my time ensuring that Fort and Clear mind are always on people who can benefit from them and hitting as many people as possible with auras if there is no way to call a group hug. Based on what I am reading, I am becoming the right kind of 'empath' to ensure that I will be a useful, even valuable, member of teams as I continue up the levels.

I'm encouraged. I loved playing my monk in GW because it was hectic and required that I always be paying attention. Here in CoH, once my scrapper started getting a little boring, I decided to try a defender and so far she has been fun and rewarding.



Originally Posted by Hobo_Healer View Post
No, it's true. Empathy does suck. Suckiest power set to ever suck. I got to go my damn sucky girlfriend is calling.
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