The problems of being a child with superpowers...




Even though there are no child NPCs in the game there are a few younger super heroes or villains. My own version is Chylde Prodigy, a 14 year old Mind Control/Radiation Emission Controller.

I was playing her the other day and my mind began to wander... as it always does... into thoughts about the specific challenges/difficulties of our younger meta-human set.

* You're a Shield Defense Tank and your father is getting really ticked off about the state of his trash can lids.

* You're a Thugs Mastermind but, while the schoolyard bullies minions really intimidate the other kids during recess, they're not much use in knocking over a bank.

* Your arch-nemesis hit you with a Fear attack once and now won't let you live down your "I want my MOMMEEE!!" reaction.

* As a Sonic Blaster your loose baby teeth give you an automatic chance for Lethal Damage if they fly free.

* As a kid with electrical or flying powers "you're grounded" takes on a whole new meaning.

* Stalker powers sound neat and all... but what you saw when you walked into your parents bedroom late one night will be burned into your retinas forever.

* Mind Control Domination means never being without a prom date.

* Super Speed may be a cruel superpower to give a toddler but it's funny as hell to watch.

* The lonely heroic Mind Controller has too much integrity to force someone to be their companion... that's why they're praying Going Rogue comes out before Prom.

* On second thought maybe using your Fire Blaster powers in Home Ec was a BAD idea.

* The idea that all schoolyard bullies are Brutes is untrue. Actually, every kid with diagnosed ADHD is a Brute and sugar is their red inspirations.

* At one time or another EVERY parent has believed their child is a sonic blaster. The ones without a single intact pane of glass in their house are likely right.

* The phrase "Bouncing baby boy" was originated by the doctor attending the birth of the first known infant with Super Jump.

* Anyone who has ever changed a baby's diaper is convinced the child possessed the Poison secondary.

* You can tell the Kinetics Defender at the school because he goes to every sporting event and his team mates pester him constantly with yells of "Speed Boost please!!"... so... yeah... he's like every other Kinetics Defender.

* Today in the news the Secret Identity High School sports program was called into question. Accusations from other schools that the athletes of SIHS possess superpowers are being considered by the Sports Commission. "They got one kid that slam dunks a basketball... from the half-court line!!" said one angry coach. When asked, the Principal of SIHS responded "I stand by my students right to play these games... Go check out their records for yourselves... every single one of them is of Natural Origin."

* As an Illusion Controller you can date the most beautiful person in the world... in public... and still no one will believe you.

* As a second generation super hero "Take your child to work day" is even better than Christmas.

* Your six month old son is a superstrength tank and while that presents certain challenges in his upbringing you take solace in the fact that there's at least one Hellion who has a completely different view of the phrase "easy as taking candy from a baby."

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



The ice/storm controller who in high school got out of alot of tests by sneaking over to the principals house early in the morning and getting school called off for the day due to ice/fog/snow. (Ok not as good as yours, and definately not as well written)



*If you have Dark Miasma, everyone assumes you're too emo to pick for the cheerleading squad. (My D3 is a cheerleader...and an avatar of a dead goddess of death.)

*Teachers never buy the "I sneezed, and my homework caught on fire." excuse...even if you're a Fire blaster.

*Spines--old-style spines, at least--make you the butt of endless phallic and banana-related jokes. (Kind of like here....)

Not a list, but you might want to check out PS238, by Aaron Williams at Do Gooder Press. It's a comic book about metahuman children (and one non-metahuman boy who really wishes he were someplace safer) in school. The archive starts here.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



There actually are two children in the game -- Penny Preston and Penelope Yin (okay, she's a teenager).

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Decoys was the power of choice when playing the game "bulldogs" [not sure americans know this school game?]

Stalkers always won hide and seek.

School yard cossie contests werent very varied.

A team of toddlers with rage enhanced is scarier than you'ld imagine.

Infant minders are immune to fear.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
There actually are two children in the game -- Penny Preston and Penelope Yin (okay, she's a teenager).

*cough* baby new year

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Baby New Year is a tiny abomination... that THING is no child!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Child superheroes make up the largest percentage of Generic victims...Possiblly related is the sudden drop in sales of Superman pajamas.

Parents of young Necromancy Masterminds never have to explain what happened to Spot. He's still there, just slightly decomposed.

Puberty becomes far more interesting when your child is a Mutant. Phrases like "Don't worry Johnny, it's normal to start molting at your age" become eerily normal.

If you catch your teenage son alone with a fishing magazine featuring squid, don't panic. You may wish to have him tested for alien symbiotes.

Parents of young catgirls...umm...y'know what, let's not go there. The less I know about where those things acctually come from, the better.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
* Super Speed may be a cruel superpower to give a toddler but it's funny as hell to watch.
My three year old states "I'm SUPER-FASTER!!".

I rolled up a SS/WP Brute with him in mind and found that many of the powers fit, so I refer to the powersets as "Tantrum/Stubborness".



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Baby New Year is a tiny abomination... that THING is no child!
This. Absolutely this.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Being a teenager with super speed makes your first time very awkward.



Little Timmy caused a mass panic when displaying his "powers" by using Full Auto on the school bullies.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Stalkers always won hide and seek.
So long as they don't play against Night Widows



* Your friends mock you because even though you have wings you still can't fly till you're 14!

"Live forever or die tryin'"



Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
Little Timmy caused a mass panic when displaying his "powers" by using Full Auto on the school bullies.

"Rubber Bullets. Honest."

All that needs to be said...

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



This thread is just too far away to make a Cho Seung-Hui/AR joke.



Originally Posted by Balanced View Post

Not a list, but you might want to check out PS238, by Aaron Williams at Do Gooder Press. It's a comic book about metahuman children (and one non-metahuman boy who really wishes he were someplace safer) in school. The archive starts here.
Good Stuff! Making this really boring day of work a little more enjoyable.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
A young Martial Artist hero must necessarily focus on attacks to the lower body.
As one of my old teachers used to say, "There's no reason in the world you'd ever need to kick a man above the waist."

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Originally Posted by Balanced View Post
As one of my old teachers used to say, "There's no reason in the world you'd ever need to kick a man above the waist."
Having been hit in the groin over the course of my life a comical number of times and being kicked once in the solar plexus, I disagree.
At least after being kicked in the groin you can still breath.

Also, let's see...
Starting a supergroup is pretty tough when your SG base choices will be the jungle gym (kindergarten), cardboard box/pillow fort (elementary), your room/garage which you mother constantly barges in on to offer you and your friends Tang and Rice Crispies (Jr. High/Middle School), and finally, a class room which you'll need to have a teacher club sponsor (Highschool, though if you're lucky, your faculty sponsor will be one of the cooler teachers who can help you out).

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



For the majority, the Gym teacher would receive no more excuse slips.

The desks would be larger as half of your students are 8 ft. tall already.

Nemesis is the Principle.



There's a really good japanese comic by author Shiina Takashi named 'Zettai Karen Children'. (Literally, 'Absolutely Lovely'. Pronounce it through clenched teeth for the right effect. Oh yes. The children. They're... absolutely... lovely... ARRGGHH!)

The main characters are a former child prodigy who's grown up to be an ESP researcher and the three 'tween' esper girls he supervises. The girls are so powerful that they've been recruited into the government's service simply because they're NOTHING ELSE they can do with their nigh god-like powers.

While the story is an action-comedy, the author plays heavily on the serious problems faced by super-powered children.

Kaoru, the telekinetic, has a strained relationship with her mother and sister, both of whom are performers. "We cannot discipline that child," her mother states. And how could you when the child is capable of destroying military hardware in minor irritation. Setting limits and punishing her is something that only a major government (and someone with fantastic intestinal fortitude) can manage.

Kaoru accidentally hospitalized her mother when she was five years old and was immediately remanded into government custody. When she does go home to visit her family, she often reacts badly to their fans. The government has had to relocate her actress mother and model sister repeatedly due to destruction of their house and surrounds.

Accordingly, none of the three children can attend school without major government oversight for fear of the damage they could unleash on their teachers or classmates.

Shiho, the psychic telemeter, has to deal with a world in which most people, including her parents, are afraid to touch her. She has a good relationship with her parents, but her father is a police chief. He exposes his daughter to everything that goes on in his life every time he touches her, so he does so as seldom as he can.

"I know that the world is a dark and twisted place. How could I not?"

Since she's the most powerful psychic in the country, she's the investigator of last resort for unsolved crimes. Her supervisor interrupts a meeting in which she's being asked to identify murder weapons, outraged that she would exposed to such horror.

Aoi, the teleporter, has the easiest time of the three girls fitting in, but is still considered to be highly dangerous due to her abilities to, say, drop large buildings on people. She, as well as the other children are used to explore the theme of outside abuse of her powers-- governments and high-ranking individuals using the children as political pawns and superweapons.

At one point, Aoi strikes the Prime Minister of Japan for placing her in an incredibly dangerous situation for trivial reasons.

This is actually the series' overriding theme. The supervisor, Kouichi Minamoto, spends as much time defending the children and other espers from his supposed 'allies' as he does from enemies.



Great work as usual, SteelClaw ^^
This...actually really makes me want to make a proper 'teen-hero/villain'.

We shall have to see...=P

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



One of my blueside characters is a little girl. Who's a mad scientist...

50 Things Nicki Tesla (9 years old) is no longer allowed to do:

1. My hero license is for fighting crime, not personal profit.
1a. I do not rob from the rich and give to the poor.
1b. I am not poor.

2. Drugs are to be bagged as evidence, not "free samples".

3. Statesman is not the "Great Satan". I should stop insisting he is.

4. Citadel is a respected member of the Freedom Phalanx. I should not try to pirate his brain.

5. Positron is not a source of limitless power.

6. Ms. Liberty will not increase my security level in exchange for chocolate.
6a. Or US dollars.

7. Having a towel round my neck is not proof I'm "Level 20".

8. The MAGI vault does not have an "open door policy".
8a. No, really.

9. Catgirls are not suitable specimens for experimentation.
9a. Even if "Atlas Park is lousy with them", and "nobody will miss one or two".

10. The Freakshow does not have a junior division, and I should stop trying to start one.

11. Dr. Vahzilok is not my faculty advisor.
11a. Neither is Dr. Hamidon Pasalima.

12. Not allowed to accept scholarships from Aeon University.
12a. Not allowed to intern at Crey Industries.
12b. Not allowed to launch a hostile takeover of Crey Industries.

13. Clockwork are not allowed in the house.
13a. They do not make good pets.
13b. "Toilet-trained" does not mean "trained to dismantle the toilet".

14. The Trolls would not make superb minions once brainwashed.
14a. They don't have brains to wash.

15. I am not the Clockwork Princess.
15a. Not allowed to kill Penelope Yin and take her title.

16. I am not the Nemesister.
16a. Definitely not Lady Recluse.

17. Villains are not appropriate role models.
17a. Even if I'm their favourite kid and they give me the best presents ever.

18. I am not allowed to create new life.
18a. Especially in Mom's kitchen.

19. Not allowed to clone myself.
19a. Not allowed to reproduce by ANY means.
19b. At least until I'm 18.
19c. I cannot use Ouroboros to solve this problem.

20. "Making new friends" does not involve cloning.

21. Synthesising artificial testosterone does not count as "discovering boys".
21a. I do not know what that really means.

22. Those fools in elementary school did not mock my genius, and I will not show them all.

23. My classmates are people, not lab animals.
23a. PETA did not complain.

24. My homeroom teacher is not a Rikti in disguise, and I must stop reporting him to Vanguard.

25. I cannot wear my nuclear thinking cap to school.

26. My curfew does not count as oppression by the man.

27. My allowance is not "seed money". I do not qualify for grants.
27a. Not allowed to secure independent funding.

28. I can have a piggy bank. Not an anonymous Swiss bank account.

29. Igor is my cat. He is not my lab assistant.
29a. Or my second-in-command.
29b. He cannot deputize for me in emergency situations.

30. I should not tell people that Igor can talk, but the only word he knows is "meow".

31. "I have modified my body to photosynthesize" is not an excuse for missing meals.

32. I cannot have a pony.
32a. Not in the name of science.
32b. There is no such thing as a cyborg unicorn.

33. Being protective of ordinary citizens is a good thing, but I am not "the only one allowed to hurt them".

34. I am not a professional, and should not tell people to trust me.

35. My bedroom is not an independent nation.
35a. I do not have diplomatic immunity.

36. Portal Corp is not Stargate Command.
36a. I am not Jack O'Neill.

37. I am allowed to go to the mall. I am not allowed to go to the mall in another dimension.
37a. The restraining order says nowhere near Portal Corp.

38. I have contacts, not a "secret intelligence network".

39. The cafeteria jello is not a "Hami-O".
39a. I should not try to raid it.
39b. I am not allowed to slot it in people.

40. I must return all the police drones I "acquired".
40a. They were not "just lying around".

41. I am not allowed on field trips to the Terra Volta Reactor.

42. The supergroup base is not my lair.

43. My supergroup rank is not "Tyrant".

44. Firepower is not the answer to everything.

45. I am not an Incarnate.
45a. I am not chaos incarnate.

46. "Dexter's Laboratory" is not government propaganda to slander child geniuses.
46a. I should not promote "Vahzilok's Lab" as an alternative TV series.

47. Not allowed to build a giant robot.
47a. Not allowed to 'borrow' the Council's giant robot.
47b. Not allowed near the Kronos Titan.
47c. I am not old enough to drive.

48. The War Walls are not the Fourth Wall, and I am not supposed to break them.

49. I cannot sell my teammates at Wentsworth's.

50. I am not a giant monster.

* * *

(Yes, all of these came from actual RP. The full list has over a hundred entries, but most of them are player-character-specific. =)


Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix