Discussion - Bill Willingham, Rooster Teeth, and Scott Kurtz Guest Author missions are live!
ok stupid question who are these peoeple?
(And kudos to CoH for getting him back into the game! Obviously I'm going to have to check out "Quest for Magic". Dare one dream of a port of Death Duel with the Destroyers?)
- Scott Kurtz - From the comic series "PvP"
- Rooster Teeth - The same folks who did the Captain Dynamic stuff, but are more famous for their "Red vs. Blue" series
- Bill Willingham - of TSR, AD&D, and comic fame
Finally, some new blood which might actually have some quality!
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Stick my balls in a sock!
You got Bill Willingham to make a story arc?!
Quest for magic is pretty intresting so far, but there are some (minor) errors. Can the authors make edits, or is it like Dev Choice? And does the feedback even get to the authors?
If we find these are just farm missions should we report them?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Bill Willingham? Awesome! He's a fantastic writer and I absolutely LOVE Fables! I'm half-way through the Peter & Max novel right now.
I'm excited to check out all these arcs!

I have no idea who any of these people are but from the responses from other posters I'm excited to try them.
All you need to do to enjoy them is login, find an Architect Entertainment building, and open the mission browser. We hope you enjoy the missions, and stay tuned as we plan to announce additional Guest Authors soon!
I will find the nearest Arena 2.0 building, fight through the crowds and enjoy this GA entertainment.

w00t! *runs to the nearest AE building*
Just ran through "OMG, it's the LOLBAT!". It's ok.
I liked Croc Pot's minions though. Using the Science Pack's Lab coat for a Chef's jacket, very nice.
Overall though, it's a solid Arc. One warning though, Monsier Ronguer is a Extreme set thug MM. Not sure what Secondary he has, but throws everything out at you if you're not careful.
Thank you for the time...

Getting Bill Willingham is pretty amazing, if you ask me. I love Fables.
I read PvP too. I'm sure the other two arcs will be fun, but I'm really looking forward to the Willingham arc.
Might be fun to join (or form) an AE team running these arcs tonight. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Bill Willingham -
"Quest for Magic" (arc id: 337434) - Irena Faust is tired of being a civilian in a super world, so she's embarked upon a quest for super powers. She thinks magic is the way to go and she has an idea where to s tart. Can you help her? |
Ran the above arc tonight, and spotted a few glaring typos, along with a potential mechanic glitch (Glowy in first mission was clickable before it should have been, according to the clues received in said mission).
Enjoyed the arc, but I'd have thought there'd at least have been a thorough proof reading of the arcs before they were released into the stark, uncaring wilderness of public attention.
Oh, and there's a typo in the announcement about the Quest for Magic, since I have no idea where to s tart

The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Please send me a PM regarding any typos or other errors you may find in these arcs. Thanks!
Follow me on my blog or on twitter:
Dr. Aeon's Blog
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Bill Willingham? That's really cool. I've never checked out Fables, but I really liked Shadowpact. Definitely will run that as soon as I'm on, probably with a dark defender who gets some inspiration from his take on Nightshade. I'm looking forward to running the current and future Guest Author arcs.
Where do I send my contribution to the Gail Simone Writes An Arc Fund?
Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia
So, where do we report any typos/glitches we spot in the arcs?
Ran the above arc tonight, and spotted a few glaring typos, along with a potential mechanic glitch (Glowy in first mission was clickable before it should have been, according to the clues received in said mission). Enjoyed the arc, but I'd have thought there'd at least have been a thorough proof reading of the arcs before they were released into the stark, uncaring wilderness of public attention. Oh, and there's a typo in the announcement about the Quest for Magic, since I have no idea where to s tart ![]() |

Bill Willingham has ties going way back to pen-and-paper superhero gaming with Villains and Vigilantes (the chief competitor to Champions). These days he's best known for his award-winning comic series Fables.
(And kudos to CoH for getting him back into the game! Obviously I'm going to have to check out "Quest for Magic". Dare one dream of a port of Death Duel with the Destroyers?) |
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
As for Bill Willingham, I've been a fan of his since I read "The Elementals" way back when. Very good series that was ahead of its time, thematically.
Scott Kurtz is indirectly responsible for my working here, believe it or not. One day way back when, he posted a link to this game he had heard of called "City of Heroes" on his site and I've been following the game since, first as a fan and later as a developer.
Rooster Teeth? Well, those guys are just Awesome!
As for Bill Willingham, I've been a fan of his since I read "The Elementals" way back when. Very good series that was ahead of its time, thematically. |
The Elementals actually got me into comics (that and Michael Gustovich's Justice Machine.) I did a spit take when I saw he wrote an arc.
Yes, but were you ever able to accurately calculate your Carrying Capacity? (The math formula and the English explanation thereof contradicted one another...I have both the first release and the Revised Edition rulebooks here at my desk!)
As for Bill Willingham, I've been a fan of his since I read "The Elementals" way back when. Very good series that was ahead of its time, thematically. |
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
All you need to do to enjoy them is login, find an Architect Entertainment building, and open the mission browser. We hope you enjoy the missions, and stay tuned as we plan to announce additional Guest Authors soon!
Scott Kurtz -
"OMG, it's the LOLBAT!" (arc id: 337435)
- OMG! Your new contact on the street is none other than the internet meme-obsessed hero, the LOLBAT, and he brings grave if not confusing news. The Algonquin Hate Table, a rogues gallery of the LOLBAT's greatest foes, are looking to expand their heinous if not artfully influenced crime syndicate into Paragon City. If you know what's good for you and the citizens you protect, you won't let that happen. Luckily, the LOLBAT knows how these guys work and he's ready to help you defeat these pompous profligates.
Rooster Teeth -
"Mission: Awesome" (arc id: 337438) - Help Captain Dynamic defeat the Great Face's evil plans...
"The Great Face-Off" (arc id: 337436) - The Great Face is wanting to wreak havoc on Paragon City. He needs your help to free him from Paragon Prison and then carry out his master plan...
Bill Willingham -
"Quest for Magic" (arc id: 337434) - Irena Faust is tired of being a civilian in a super world, so she's embarked upon a quest for super powers. She thinks magic is the way to go and she has an idea where to s tart. Can you help her?