Who said generosity is dead?




Things like this are why I have been playing this game for over five years. Names have been changed.

[UHB Network']Shayna: [Luck of the Gambler: +7.5Recharge Speed (Recipe).50]
[UHB Network']Mr Squid: WANT
[UHB Network']Delicious Vindication: nice
[Tell] @Shayna: come to AP
[Tell] -->@Shayna: your kidding me
[Tell] @Shayna: nope
[Tell] -->@Shayna: HOLY ****
[Tell] @Shayna: even have 2 ingedients of the 5. you can have them too
[Tell] @Shayna: under the statue
[Tell] -->@Shayna: I mean...buh...wow...THANKS!
[Tell] @Shayna: which toon are you on?
[Tell] @Shayna: enjoy!
[Tell] -->@Shayna: Jesus...I am flabbergasted...I needed these for my build too! THANKS!
[Tell] @Shayna: pay it forward sometime....help a noob or something
[Tell] -->@Shayna: will do!



Pic or it didn't happen.

j/k! Gratz on that! Awesome stuff!

If I had one, I would....

....not do that. I need about 80 of them myself... :P


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I've seen it several times. My first toon got a gift like that. I've always remembered that, and if I'm through Atlas or Galaxy and I see someone with no vet badges and a character they're obviously taking seriously then I try to do the same for them.



Nice persons do exist. Someone helped me out and lend me 450k, so I could sell a very expensive recipe. I got double what I was expecting too and got 20 mil out of that recipe, ending any inf problems I had on that toon until the time comes to go IO (which is soon, considering the fact that i am past 40 now in less then two weeks). All he wanted in return was the original 450k and even that only because I insisted.



I gave away an Apoc triple (crafted) to an RO mate in Green Machine the other day. I wasn't going to IO out my FFoF and she was glad to have it.

At the moment, I'm selling drops to accumlate funds for my Hallowe'en event in a week, but I always try to hand over either scads of inf or IOs to new players. It's so easy to recoup the loss these days.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Thats one of the great things about this game. There are some really friendly people out there. One time someone sent me a tell and said I had the best tech costume she had ever seen and dropped me a purple recipe. I tried to refuse since I felt kind of awkward accepting it, but she told me to consider myself a costume contest winner.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
I've seen it several times. My first toon got a gift like that. I've always remembered that, and if I'm through Atlas or Galaxy and I see someone with no vet badges and a character they're obviously taking seriously then I try to do the same for them.
A friend started playing COH this past Friday, the first day of Double XP weekend. A brand new account. She was gifted every time she went to Miss Liberty to level up.

Whenever I team with someone with only one or now vet badges I give them money. I have plenty and they're just starting. Encouraging new players is the way to keep the game healthy.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Being nice to new players helps set a good precedent.
I remember being very new to the game and seeing a couple of L40+ players come enter Skyway. One of them stopped, dumped a full tray of SO's on me and bounded off before I could thank them.
I was quite happy.
As a newb, I was impressed that this was a game full of nice people and I've stuck around since then to be nice to others as well.



I gave away a Numina +Regen lvl 50 IO I picked up on a LGTF not long after Io's came out. We had an Empath on the team and she did a sterling job of keeping us all buffed and topped up so i asked if she wanted it for free.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



The other day I bid on like 30 random salvage at 1 million each - maybe some n00b got it maybe some flipping bastid, either way getting 1 million for a common salvage is going to brighten someones day.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



Just earlier today, a nice person I met the previous night offered me some money from their 50. Why? I have no idea, but all of a sudden my lowbie scrapper starting from scratch on a new server has 30 million infamy! cue head exploding, /praise---Justice has certainly proved to be very friendly so far Thanks again Witchwoman!



The other day I was standing at the Black Market and I got gifted some pretty nice IOs.

...but since it's me with my amazing luck, I thought I should ask if they meant to do that. It turns out it was a misclick, so I handed them back.

Generosity: Denied



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
A friend started playing COH this past Friday, the first day of Double XP weekend. A brand new account. She was gifted every time she went to Miss Liberty to level up.

Whenever I team with someone with only one or now vet badges I give them money. I have plenty and they're just starting. Encouraging new players is the way to keep the game healthy.
That's good to hear, and means so much to a new player. Sure, there are ways to make money early on, but a sense of hopelessness can set in on a player new to a game when they see what appears to be unreachable goals.

Even what seems like an inconsequential sum to a high level player can generate an enormous amount of hope in a new player.

I'm glad to see this thread and all of the examples pop up. It's good for the game.



Gifting used to be big on all the servers. However the generosity took a severe body blow by individuals that didn't appreciate the gestures. Many players got tired of being harassed every time they logged on by people that started demanding handouts just because someone was nice to them. Some were simply annoying and the worst offenders were obnoxious and rude with their demands. Those of us that still like to perform random acts of kindness have found alternate methods to avoid harrassment, like overbidding at the market or gifting people when they are busy at the trainer/store/respec contacts.



This is always nice, never really had something like this happen to me.

But every time I delete a toon of mine (Normally all my toons carry at least 5 mill) I just run around giving my things away on that toon.

One of the things I miss about AE is that, I made so much bank off of it, I'd give money away like nothing. Once held a CC in Atlas, a friend and I planned on giving away only like 50 mill, ended up giving away 450, everyone who came got a least a million for lining up. And at the end of the contest right as we announced the overal winner, a Rikti Invasion started... It was amazing...



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
A friend started playing COH this past Friday, the first day of Double XP weekend. A brand new account. She was gifted every time she went to Miss Liberty to level up.

Whenever I team with someone with only one or now vet badges I give them money. I have plenty and they're just starting. Encouraging new players is the way to keep the game healthy.
G.E.L. First toon was the first to ever gift me before there was even a money system, it was a training enhancement. and I was like Hun Thanks and she said to me Pay it Foward.
It was the coolest and I founded the Sentinel Of Liberty with that just in mind.

I encourage all too do it. It just might make someones day.

Heroes are known by deeds, so be a Hero!

And as the Sisterhood says: Think Pink!

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

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