Uber veterans

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This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?



1) Tanks, Controllers, Scrappers, Blasters, Corruptors, Brutes, VEATs (heh, I find it rather amusing that I don't actually have a single respectable Defender...I should work on that). No particular meaning to the order.

2) None, really. My first 50 was an Ice/SS Tank (that took me...4 years to get, only about 200 hours of actual playtime though) but it was hardly my most played toon. It didn't really become my favorite either because immediately after that, I leveled up a Stone/Stone in about 1/4 the total play time. If I could label any hero my favorite, it would easily be that one because it represents "everything in excess". Villain-side...probably my Elec/Stone Brute because it takes the concept of the Stone/Stone...and turns it into a death machine that also has higher defense.

3) Again, no particular way for me to pin it down. I like to make builds that have quirks. As in, my "no travel power" Stone/Stone with positive recharge, soft-capped defense, and insane run speed while in Granite, or my AR/EM Blaster with 168.4' range Full Auto and 641.3' range Teleport.
But, if I were to really try and narrow it down, the one I'm most proud of would be my Electric/Stone Brute. It has a lot of amusing slotting choices that make it significantly stronger than any other equivalent Brute out there and it has an exploding Teleport, which, of course, is impossible to not love.

*And if you're curious, 57 months as of yesterday. Although I would be at 62 or 63 if I hadn't taken a couple of months off to try other games.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



My first character was an Energy/Devices Blaster, and he was my first lvl 50. I still play him very regularly. I'm at the 60 month badge. I don't have Mid's info, but if you skip Time-Bomb and Power Push, you almost can't go wrong. It's the most survivable Blaster I've ever made by a wide margin.

I have to recommend a Dual Blades/Electric Scrapper, though. Freaking unstoppable.

By the way, I understand you probably want only "Uber Vets!" to avoid the power levelled crowd from steering you wrong, but there are plenty of sharp folks out there with only 2 vet badges.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
I made several alts when I first started.

My first toon ever was a invul/ss tank which I really disliked and I deleted it before reaching level 12.

My second toon (to replace that tank) was an Empathy/Dark/Dark Defender. He was my 8th level 50 (and he made it back when 50 meant something). My main SG is my wife and I only and he was almost 100% responsible for the healing badge (5,000,000 points of healing) for the Auto Doc in our base. He still comes out for MoSTFs and for Hami-raids.

3rd toon was a FF/Psi/Psi defender and it was my second 50. That toon comes out on occasions but the SG that she belonged to was a base raiding SG and it disbanded shortly after base raids were turned off. She's pretty much been consigned to oblivion and probably won't be back. Even if the devs get around to turning base raids back on the PvP changes have not only totally destroyed her purpose but made her very expensive build more than useless and I won't waste the time upgrading her since it will more than likey just get changed again.

The 5th toon I ever created was my 4th 50 and is still my main. An energy/energy/force blapper. That toon is my crafter and my go to toon for most content. She's fully IO'd and gets brought out 2-3 times a week at minimum.

My first 50 was the 12th toon I created. A dark/regen/body scrapper. He's still outfitted with SOs and comes out to play maybe once a month and still works fine just as he always has.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



1) I've played a little bit of everything, but mainly melee characters. My first 50 was an Ice/Ice Tank from back in the days when Ice Melee was horrible. He was actually made Pre-I3, when he could finally stack his armors. Other than that, I've got a 50 Peacebringer, Stalker, and Scrapper, and approaching 50 on a Defender.

2) I generally tend to shelve my 50s, mostly because I'm an altoholic, so I've still got them around, but they don't see much game time anymore.

3) My favorite so far has actually been the Dark/Psi Defender I've got coming up. A good concept and costume can go a long way for me.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



1. My first character is also my most-played character. He's a Dark/Rad Defender, and he's gotten over 1600 hours of playtime in. He was also my first 50. My second 50 and second-most-played character is my Rad/Dark Corruptor, but she only has some 200 hours on her. They're the only 50s I have.

2. I've played my Dark/Rad Defender pretty consistently from the day I started up until now. Lately, though, he's kind of falling out of favor. My Corruptor is just better.

3. Take a guess.



Very early on I made a decision to play at least one character of every AT to 50. I now have 2 Blasters, 2 Controllers, 2 Defenders, 1 Peacebringer, 2 Scrappers, 5 Tankers, 1 Warshade, 2 Arachnos Soldiers, 1 Arachnos Widow, 3 Brutes, 2 Corruptors, 2 Dominators, 3 Masterminds, and 1 Stalker. Of those, Arachnos Widow, Corruptor, and Peacebringer are the only ATs that haven't reached 50 at least once.

I've since expanded my goal to playing every power set to 50 at least once. At present, I have about 30 power sets I haven't put into a build yet.

My very first character was my Invulnerability/Super Strength Tank. He's remained my favorite character since then and was my first to 50. He's still my go-to character for TF runs, crafting IOs for all my other characters, badge collecting, etc.

I would have to say that as far as favorite builds goes, my Dark/Dark/Dark Defender is a very close second. A big part of that is the value inherent in mass rezzing a near-wipe of an entire raid with a single shot of Howling Twilight. One well-placed mass rez can turn the tide of the entire raid.

My favorite villains are my Ninja/FF Mastermind and my Fire/Dark Brute. The Mastermind plays very differently from every other AT and feels more strategically oriented. That makes for a nice change of pace every now an again. Fire/Dark seems to be a relatively uncommon combination of powers for Brutes, but the HP rollercoaster of Dark Regen coupled with Fire Melee's aggro potential is quite entertaining.

Both of those villains took some work. I didn't just sit back and watch the fights play out. The Ninjas constantly kept me on my toes trying to keep them under control. That's more difficult than it sounds when you turn around to bubble a teammate and lose sight of that Genin who then bolts to aggro the next spawn. The Brute had to do a lot of walking on that thin line between "not enough aggro to peg the Fury meter" and "3-second faceplant".

I don't think I've met a power set I couldn't find some value in. And I don't think I've ever found any one power in the game that I couldn't find some good use for. (Not that some aren't obviously better than others, but everything has its time and place for use.)

The Players' Guide to the Cities



what toons have you been playing for all this time?
I started with my Tank, Obsidius. Although I had a few other characters during his rise to 50, including my first villain, I mostly forced myself to play Obs through to 50 before branching out too much.

My next character was Alaestor, my Warshade. Although I was also working on my villain at the time, I ended up teaming more hero-side, so he ended up being my next lvl 50 character.

Then my first villain, my Mastermind named SteelRain (later renamed Iron Reign) finally got his playthrough once I started to tire of hero-side content.

Currently my Crab Spider, Hunting Machine, is sitting at about 45. He's an AoE monster and fun to play.

None of my toons are built specifically around mechanics - they're all thematic in origin.

I have a couple of other characters I kick around, but they mostly exist for low-level teaming and to try different ATs - although the former is less of an issue thanks to the new SSK system.

have you played one from when you started till now?
I still play Obsidius, although admittedly not as much as I used to. He's not only my oldest character, but the SG anchor.

whats your favourite build?
Tough to say, since I have a very slight case of altitis. Although I've invested more Influence in Obsidius than other characters, I think my Mastermind has my favorite build. There again, it's really hard to mess up a Bots/Traps



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1 - I've been in game since beta and have never left, so I have the 63 month badge and counting. In the beginning I started my main character identity "Starwind" - Grav/Rad controller. I've always had a major case of alt-itis from the very beginning, so it took me 3-1/2 years to get Starwind to my first 50. I've created over 150 characters on every server but my SG and server I play on is Pinnacle. I have 36 slots on Pinnacle now and I'm up to 10 level 50s - (1 Tank; 2 Trollers; 2 Scrappers; 2 Blasters & 3 Defenders).

2. - Yes, all my level 50's are still active. I play any of my characters on Pinnacle whenver needed for SG events and such to this day. I stick to Pinnacle. My average level toon on any other server is around 12. I kind of view the other servers as costume closets

3. - I don't have one single favorite build in particular, although I do prefer support toons like Defenders or Controllers over Tanks or Scrappers. I gotta say though, I recently leveled my MA/Shield scrapper to 50 and I absolutely loved it! Shield Charge ftw!

I do play villains, my highest is a level 34 Stalker with a MM close behind at 30. I also have a Peacebringer up to 33 curretnly. The appealing aspect to CoX for me is the ability to create and play such diversified characters.

[url=http://starwindgraphics.deviantart.com/]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url="http://www.theimpossibles.org"]www.theimpossibles.org[/url]



I have played every type of toon out there. I have a level 50 Ice / Storm Controller and a level 50 Bots / Traps Mastermind. My favorite is controller though. I've made tons of trash characters ( create - play - delete ) I just wanted to try out different playstyles, support / attack styles with no real serious direction for any of them. I took about a year off of CoH/CoV from 8/08 to 7/09. Now I'm focused on playing my Plant/Storm to 50. I still get side tracked from time to time, but it is short lived and I'm back on my Plant troller right quick.

Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper



I still often plan the very first character I made. His evolution has amused me greatly.

Claws/SR scrapper.

Be well, people of CoH.



I just got my 30mo vet badge and I mostly play the ATs on my sig. I have no idea what I'm gonna be playing by the time I'm eligible for the 48mo vet badge.



What toons have you been playing for all this time?

A wide variety, my publicly listed stable is 59 alts. Only one of these I Class as 'retired'

Though one on that list is likely to be deleted and rerolled very soon. (Former Mr England, he 'went rogue' via reroll. At the very latest I'll make him anew once GR comes out)

Have you played one from when you started till now?

Catwhoorg (Claws/regen) was rolled the very first day my account was created, and was last played on a Master of Khan TF on Sunday.

Whats your favourite build?

Blueside solo - Claws/regen
Blueside teamed - damage AR/Dev blaster, Support rad/rad defender

Redside solo - SS/fire Brute
Redside teamed - Crab Soldier

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1) Been playing for many months and have loads of characters. My favorite rides to 50 have been my Gravity/Kinetics Controller, my Fire/Fire Dom, my Warshade, my Night Widow, my DM/Nin Stalker, and my Fire/Thermal Corruptor.

2) Not really. I tend to lose interest in a character a few months after they hit 50. A few have maintained my interest long after 50 and still do so today, but I made them at least two years into playing the game.

3) The Fire/Fire Dom has been my absolute favorite build so far. She's purpled out, even has a pair of PvP procs. The only character I own that I can really say that I've spared no expense building, and by far the most powerful in my stable. I still play her at least once a week, though it's been a very long time since she hit 50.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
I don't consider myself uber. No comment on my feelings toward uber'ism and L337'ism.

However, I fall into your definition as I am a 60 month vet.

I have 139 characters at this point with a total of 2616 levels. It averages out to about 18.55 across all my characters on all the servers (not including test). I have the highest average levels on Freedom (no 50's) and Virtue (1 50) -- averaging at 27.21 and 28.21 respectively. And the least average levels on Liberty and Pinnacle -- averaging 12.92 and 13.33 respectively. I have 1 50 on Virtue, 1 on Champion, and 2 on Triumph. (totals as of the beginning of Sept)
I like to jump around from Server to server a lot. I play what I feel like playing unless I get paired up with one of my SG chums and help them along on what ever project they are working on at the time.
More or less I use my 50's for helping out my lower level characters and lower level characters in the various sg/vgs across the servers.

I made at least 22 characters the first week that I played. Those first 22 are at the following levels 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 16, 16, 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 32, 40, 42, 50, 50, 50.
Some have lower levels because of they server they are on and not being able to find teams when I log on with them.

I generally log in, do some trading, join a team if I get an invite, see if there are enough characters on to start a team around my character's level, maybe solo for a bit, and then move to another server to start all over again.
I tend to like playing lower level character more. As teams increase in level, it tend to turn into a light show and I can't see what is going on. When it reaches that point, it is no longer very fun for me.

I like focusing on having fun playing the game. Leveling is cool, but I'm in no rush to get to 50 with any of my characters. They will get there when they get there. I like to check out the various ATs and power sets. I also like to try different combination of AT's on team (you don't need a tanker, scrapper, brute, or healer to have a successful team).



My "Main of mains" is my first character, GRETA-001, a Claws/SR, who hit 50 after about 6 months real time and 720 hours of in game time. She is the first one to meet a new issue, to do all the newest stuff, my explorer and badger and now sits around 2600 hours in game time. While altitis (100+, of whom probable a good 20 or so see play several times a month) ensures a constant change in my current favorites, Greta is always one of them.

For AT's and sets, my favorites must be (as I'm always returning to them):

Scrappers (claws, broadsword and most recently DM usually paired with /SR),

Defenders (Empathy/any, Storm, and Cold/*Ice or Sonic* most recently) all of whom frequently suffer from 'scrapperlock'.

and Controllers (several Earth, in particular Earth/Storm)

Enjoy and have taken Blasters, Night Widows, Brutes, Corruptors and Stalkers to 50 and they continue to be enjoyed even if not played with the frequency of the above.

And last Yay! for Mids for the sheer fun of fiddling around with builds of all sorts.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!
Well, I got my 54 month badge a couple of weeks ago so I suppose that qualifies

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time?
What toons? Well, a little bit of everything, I've played every AT blueside to 50 at least once, some of them 3 times.

have you played one from when you started till now?
Well, my very first 50, CMA, still sees frequent play; he gets pulled out whenever a team needs a competent tanker... I like to flatter myself that I'm at least that. He's an Inv/Stone tanker, soft capped to S/L/E/N damage and he's incredibly resilient, and one of three level 50 tankers in my stable.

CMA was the second or third (been too long to remember exactly) character I created and the oldest still around. I remember that I originally rolled him up after being too frustrated by constantly dying with a Fire/EM blaster in my, at the time, very newbie hands.

whats your favourite build?
To some extent whichever of my characters I'm playing at the moment.

In all seriousness I tend to enjoy Tankers and Scrappers most, although I do have a lot of fun with my 50 Fire/Rad 'troller and my 50 Dark/Dark defender. My 50 Blaster, Sagitarii, is an Archery/EM and has been a lot of fun.

Characters I've enjoyed enough to play all the way to 50 would be:
  • Call Me Awesome, Inv/Stone tanker
  • ScaleBalancer, Tri-form peacebringer
  • Gortak, Broadsword/Regen scrapper
  • Dusk till Dawn, Dark/Dark defender
  • Bogus Wave, Rad/Rad defender
  • QuickWit, Mind/Kin controller
  • Granite Flame, Stone/Fire tanker
  • BlarneyStone, Stone/EM tanker (not one I'd recommend now)
  • Offline, Spine/Regen scrapper
  • Sagitarii, Archery/EM blaster
  • Nameless Drifter, Fire/Rad controller
  • Sword of Damocleve, Broadsword/Shield scrapper (my current default character)
Yeah, I know I really need to level up a Warshade... my highest is stuck at around 24. I just have SO many alts and he's on a server I very seldom play (Freedom; I almost exclusively play Guardian & Pinnacle) that I just haven't worked on him.

Other combinations I've enjoyed are:
  • Algie's Bear, mid-40's Plant/Storm controller
  • Nameless Stranger, 40 Ill/Rad controller (conceived as a companion character for my Fire/Rad)
  • Ryzza, 35 Kin/Rad defender
  • Hazmat Siren, mid-30's Rad/Sonic defender
As you see I've played a little of everything. I don't even try to remember all the <20 toons I've played and either shelved or deleted. Recently my SG decided to give redside a try; so far it seems a bit content light but the content that's there is mostly pretty good. I've only seen it up to level 30 but I'm impressed, most of it seems as good as the best blueside content. Now if there were only enough of it that you weren't forced into paper missions all the time when contacts run dry...

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
My two oldest characters is my Rad/Rad Defender (created issue 0) and my Peacebringer (created issue 3). Oldest villains are a Necro/Dark MM and Fire/Rad Corr (both issue 6).

Yes the defender mentioned above.

Favorite build This is a tough one. Either my Rad/Rad, Fire/Kin Cont, or WB/DB Tank. It really depends on my mood though.

I have the 63 month badge.





Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
I have 139 characters at this point with a total of 2616 levels.
I would completely give up on any hope of seeing them all to 50 right now.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



What toons have you been playing for all this time?

I give all my toons a quick going over every week.

Have you played one from when you started till now?

I had a core 7 to start with and they do get played just not as much. Out of them my Claws/SR is currently the most played.

Whats your favourite build?

I'd say in terms of being completed then one of the builds on my Claws/SRs is completed. I can't improve it and that's the reason why it's completed but generally I wouldn't say I have a favourite.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!
Between 54 & 57 months, including the first month I played on the hubby's account, so here I am - you rang?

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time?
I started with about 5-6 characters when I first set up my own account (the very first character on my husband's account has long been deleted).

They were:

Maurya - Eng/Elec/Elec Blaster, now level 50

Flambe' - Fire/Fire Tanker, currently in the mid-20's where she has been for a while

Libby Belle - Katana/Regen/Body Mastery Scrapper, currently level 47

Isotope 167 - Rad/Dark/Dark Defender, currently level 48

Violet Psyche - Strom/Psi Defender, currently level 28(?)

But like Alt, I also have a whole stable full of alts, most of whom will never see 50 (which is never really a goal of mine, as you can see from the group of 5 characters above). I'm only amateur compared to Alt, though, as I only have about 60 current characters, with a few ideas yet to be made from the I16 powerset proliferation.

have you played one from when you started till now?
Well, both Maurya & Iso are part of the regular Saturday TFs run by the Taxibots on Infinity. Flambe' & Vi are much less played. I can't get into a Tanker mindset, and the chaos caused by Vi's storms require me to be in a particularly destructive chaotic mood, so they get played less. I also play about 10-12 other alts at least once a week. The others go thru cycles, but everyone comes out for the big events.

whats your favourite build?
See the sig below. I love to Blast things. I play lots of Blasters, usually with /Energy as the secondary, but across all the Primaries. /Ice is also a favorite Secondary.

I play a good number of Defenders as well - all of which are played as Offenders most of the time - i.e., I Blast stuff a lot between buffing/debuffing. They tend to be soloists for this reason, as taking time out to buff means less time to blast.

Villainside - I play Corruptors who Blast. I play MMs who attack alongside their pets.

If I am in Melee (and not on a Blapping Blaster), I am probably playing a Scrapper with either /Regen or /SR as a Secondary, although recently I am liking /Firey Armor on a new baby Scrapper I have running.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Uber Vet of about 63+ months here. I took a three month break back in '05, but I joined in the game exactly one week before CoH went Live.

Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
what toons have you been playing for all this time?
Defenders and Blasters for the most part, but I've also dabbled in Dominators and Stalkers.

[quote]have you played one from when you started till now?[/uqote]
Almost, but not quite.

My very first character was Rush Bolt, an Energy/Energy Blaster. I played him up to about 20ish, then grew a bit bored and moved around a lot. I don't really remember what I played for a while, but my next main was a Radiation/Radiation Defender who got up to 35. I still have him, even though I no longer enjoy playing him. I keep him for sentimental reasons.

I returned to Blasters with a new Energy/Energy, this time under the name Thunderlight. Got to about 35, but grew bored and deleted.

After that, it was a Kinetics/Sonic Defender. I enjoyed the fast pace, but it just didn't wear on me well.

I rerolled Thunderlight as a Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper, got bored, rerolled again as an Energy/Energy Blaster and got bored again. I kept him around at 37 since he was my (then) highest Blaster ever.

At that point, I discovered a love for Trick Arrows/Archery Defenders. Ah, my first 50!

And then I decided to keep Thunderlight active, so I rerolled him as a Peacebringer. My second 50.

Fast forward to earlier this year: I made another Energy/Energy Blaster and finally took him to 50.

So I guess, in a way, I've always played an Energy/Energy from the beginning.

whats your favourite build?
Right now? My Traps/Electric Defender. There's something completely awesome about having a Defender with SR levels of Defense as well as good ranged damage AND excellent "melee" damage (Trip Mines!)

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
BS/Invul Scrapper. He's what I consider my "main", primarily because I really like the back-story I came up with for him, but he's also still a lot of fun for me to play.

Dark/Dark Defender. Probably my most played character, and probably the one that feels most like I'm cheating when I play most of the time.

DM/Regen Scrapper. Created back when Regen was one of the only Scrapper defense powersets with a mez protection toggle with no strings attached. It also turned out to be a wonderfully broken powerset. Well, I thought it was wonderful while I played it. I still really enjoy it, and Regen remains probably my favorite defensive powerset mostly because of how engaged you need to be to use it really well.

My very original character is a Katana/SR Scrapper. I still have him. He's still level 30. Unfortunately, for a very long time SR was so comparatively gimp to the other two Scrappers I made that they got most of my playtime and a lot of my emotional investment. I keep him out of a combination of sentimental attachment to his being my original and the knowledge that his powersets are actually quite good these days. Someday I hope to get around to him again.

I have numerous villains also, and actually play them more than my heroes. But villains don't feel old-school enough for this topic, so I stuck with my heroes. The 1st two listed predate Issue 1, and the 3rd predated Issue 2 by only a few days. My Kat/SR is from pre-release.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
Been playing since the pre-order beta. I've got over 50 characters across Freedom, Virtue, Justice, Infinity, and Guardian. I started out on Guardian with a Mind/FF controller and Kin/Rad defender, along with some other guys that never really made it out of their teens. The Kin/Rad was my first really good/high-level char, and rose into the 40s over the first ever 2x XP weekend. Most of my original characters haven't been played in any meaningful capacity in years though; once I moved away from Guardian I haven't really been back.

When I moved to Freedom in the summer of '06 to join up with the Repeat Offenders, I rolled up a Sonic/Sonic defender named Thomas Brown, which I still play today (and just helped another team on a STF Master run with). A few months later at the start of the Halloween event I made an Arch/EM blaster to prove that the original Defiance mechanic was totally awesome instead of totally gimp, and boringly enough named him Defiant Sniper. He intentionally didn't take Health or any +regen set bonuses, stayed out of range of any teammates' AoE heals, lived on the razor's edge, and did obscene amounts of damage all the way. In the 30s, I got Rain of Arrows and Boost Range, then slotted all my attacks for range. I'd teleport to the zone ceiling and plummet to stay under 10% hp, then proceed to one-shot hazard zone spawns from over 150 feet away, cackling like a madman. When they finally changed Defiance to be more palatable to a wider audience, I respec'd into a more conventional build, and once I built up some funds, IO'd him out for super-high ranged defense and recharge. He's since become my go-to character for TFs, badge-collecting (620 and counting), and most everything else.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
I made a Fire/Kin Controller right away (before they were the "farm build") and have never gotten tired of it. Was just playing it last night. Fast paced with an edge of danger. The imps still drive me crazy though and they stay home on some teams. Controllers are my mainstays overall and may account for half my total gameplay. Ice/Storm is my favorite probably (complete control of the battlefield!) and I've gotten every primary to 50 except Earth (which is 44 and getting to 50 soon just on principle).

I went through a Blaster phase last year after swearing I would never play them again (my first toon was En/En Blaster and I got it to 50 on willpower alone...and the fact that I didn't know it was ok to not "finish" a character you didn't like.). Enjoyed AR/Dev, Ice/Ice, and Fire/Fire a lot.

I'm probably not a good Tanker but got an Inv/SS to 50 anyway and enjoy it. Only one Defender kept me interested all the way to 50 but I totally love it (Dark/Dark). Currently playing Scrappers more often than I ever did before.

Got two lvl 50 MM on redside and that's about it over there. I gotta believe they'll both find redemption when GR hits and join my group of do-gooders.