What happened to COH?

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Originally Posted by HolyCrusader777 View Post
Why don't they just close the 2 lowest member servers like I think Conan and Warhammer did? Which are the lowest CoH servers anyways?

Hey, we have too many nearly empty houses with just like ONE or TWO people in them, why don't we just demolish the 2 lowest population neighborhoods and put everyone from them into other houses?



I think the canned reply stands up pretty well, actually. That's why it continues to get thrown out when this sort of thing comes up. As to your critiques:

Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
1-4 are just some dude's opinion. One shared by many I'm sure, just as I'm sure many would enjoy a more populated experience.
Not quite. They're problems with this notion. You are, however, correct that they're subjective assessments and/or statements of preference. However, the status quo is on the side of those against the server merge. Therefore, the onus is on those for the server merge to make a case that justifies superseding those preferences.

Imagine the reverse scenario, a game with one giant server and some players want to shard it into multiples for whatever reason - less lag, a greater value on the individual player, whatever. It's up to the people who want things changed to make their case as to why the apple cart should be overturned for all the people who like their game quite well as-is, thank you. Same thing here.

Despite being matters of preference, these aren't trivial concerns. If my primary servers were merged into others and I was forced to play on a Freedom-clone and/or lost many of my names, SG names and characters, then it would be difficult for me to maintain interest or enthusiasm for this game. That's one of the few things that I can honestly say would likely make me walk away from this game forever. And I suspect I'm not alone in that.

Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
If I can solve 5, 6 (with the assumption that bases could move) with about 2 seconds of thought I'm sure someone smarter than me could do it too.
Even leaving aside the Standard Code Rant, moving bases doesn't address the primary concern which is the naming issue. There isn't a good solution to this issue because it's an issue with the fundamental nature of the game's naming system. Captain Amazing (Triumph) and Captain Amazing (Pinnacle) can't both be Captain Amazing if the two servers were to be merged.

They'd have to either be forcibly renamed, take some kind of tag, or else add a number or other differentiating character. Even if we take the best possible scenario and postulate a newly designed system that allows both players to keep their names with some kind of hidden tag that isn't visible, now you've got other problems, like when I try to invite a given Captain Amazing to my TF. There's a bigger issue here than you're making it seem.

Since you're not contesting #7 I'll assume the canned reply speaks for itself.

Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
8 - back to dudely's opinion
9 - neither freedom or virtue hit more than 2 dots last 2x xp event, hardware has been upgraded well enough to fulfill the task now.
10 - CoX has survived plenty of death knells around the community and has even weathered some bad PR as lately as i14. If a merge was determined to be the course of action it would work out better than if it was determined to be important and it wasn't done.
8 - And back to the onus is on the guy who wants things to change. Forcing a change like this is going to alienate some players. Probably lose some players. It's not a simple nor is it a straightforward undertaking. If there's not a damned compelling reason to do it, then the potential losses are likely going to outweigh the imagined gains. If the reason is that a larger pool of players is 'needed', there's plenty in the canned reply to debunk that. If no defensible justification for merger can be argued, then things should remain as they are.

9- Reply kind of misses the point. The point was that a server merger doesn't free up hardware because you still need the same hardware to handle the same traffic. Merging Liberty into Freedom doesn't free up more hardware because now you need more hardware on the Freedom server bank to support the folks from Liberty.

This combined with the fact that, as you pointed out, no server is critically underperforming from a hardware perspective, makes this pro-merger argument defunct.

Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
It hasn't been necessary to date and I think it is fair to see where the game stands after the dust settles. If it staves off CO it is pretty bullet proof, though CO seems to be doing everything it can to make that as easy as possible for CoX heh.
Chances are good that our game will weather CO and DCUO and whatever else just fine. Fans of the genre, who comprise a large share of our playerbase, will probably try some or all three of those games at one point or another, but the pendulum swings both ways: our players may try their games, but their players will likely try ours too. CO Devs swing a nerf hammer and we'll find our populations up, and so forth. At this juncture I think CO may end up being more a boon than a threat to CoX.

Unless our Devs do something crazy like a server merge.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Hey, we have too many nearly empty houses with just like ONE or TWO people in them, why don't we just demolish the 2 lowest population neighborhoods and put everyone from them into HolyCrusader777's house?
Fix't that for ya.



I belong to two other gaming communities and these types of threads are very common. For some reason, some people feel the need to let eveyone else know that they are upset with some aspect of the game, so they create a thread in some fruitless attempt to convince others that the game is dieing. I say fruitless because the disscussion holds no purpose what so ever. Are they trying to get everyone to stand up and promote the game to gain subs? nope. They are unhappy and are facing the door but dont want to walk out by themselves.

One of the communities I belong to is a game that came onto the market in 2001. For 8-1/2 years now, you can bank on a weekly thread from a bitter player who is just upset at the developers because of game mechanics changes or lack of changes that suits their play style. So they make a thread to let everyone else know that they are P.O.'d. I point and laugh followed by a wave goodbye.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
1-4 are just some dude's opinion. One shared by many I'm sure, just as I'm sure many would enjoy a more populated experience.
Justaris answered most of your points better than I could, but I do want to ask one thing here. If they really would "enjoy a more populated experience" why don't they do something radical like, play on Virtue or Freedom? There they go! Lots more population!

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by sydney View Post
I belong to two other gaming communities and these types of threads are very common. For some reason, some people feel the need to let eveyone else know that they are upset with some aspect of the game, so they create a thread in some fruitless attempt to convince others that the game is dieing. I say fruitless because the disscussion holds no purpose what so ever. Are they trying to get everyone to stand up and promote the game to gain subs? nope. They are unhappy and are facing the door but dont want to walk out by themselves.

One of the communities I belong to is a game that came onto the market in 2001. For 8-1/2 years now, you can bank on a weekly thread from a bitter player who is just upset at the developers because of game mechanics changes or lack of changes that suits their play style. So they make a thread to let everyone else know that they are P.O.'d. I point and laugh followed by a wave goodbye.

Just to clarify the OP was merely asking because he had noticed a difference after taking a long break, and even tho I think he overreacted when someone mentioned other people making DOOM posts, he was clear that wasn't his intention.

OP's have no control over who pops into their thread and starts spouting crackpot ideas.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Just to clarify the OP was merely asking because he had noticed a difference after taking a long break, and even tho I think he overreacted when someone mentioned other people making DOOM posts, he was clear that wasn't his intention.

OP's have no control over who pops into their thread and starts spouting crackpot ideas.

I wasnt clear either... I was addressing the doom and gloom crowd.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Player (with no other info other than "I think" and "Maybe") : "Populations are down."

Developers (with actual data from billing, server info, etc.) - "Subscriptions are up."

Which should I believe? Hint, it doesn't start with a "P."
How about both. As I pointed out (I forget if it was in this thread or a different doom thread), SERVER POPULATION can be down while PLAYER SUBSCRIPTIONS are up. We have more players, but many of them are doing something else RIGHT NOW (like school, Aion, CO, etc).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
Justaris answered most of your points better than I could, but I do want to ask one thing here. If they really would "enjoy a more populated experience" why don't they do something radical like, play on Virtue or Freedom? There they go! Lots more population!
I already play on freedom. I don't consider 29 players between the levels of 11-20 while I'm trying to level my elec/kin corruptor to fit the definition of "high population", but ymmv.

Maybe they were all in hide?



Originally Posted by cyberdude View Post
After a long break, I decided to sign back up and get back in to playing. I signed on it the server is empty and no chat going on at all! I can't find teams and it just seems deserted. I use Freedom which is normally full and active and for the last week nobody around. Is COH dying? I know Champions online just launched. Did COH loose most of it's base to Champions or are they just dying slowly?

This is wierd cause COH has always been active in the 5 years I've been playing....Now it's like empty!
When the AE was released, there was a huge influx of players from other games that were apparently just joining CoH in order to take advantage of the exploits in the AE.
Of course, if you want to exploit CoH, you want to be on the busiest server you can to be able to take advantage of a full team.
There were a good number of players that didn't want to farm/pl in the AE and so they moved to other servers. Some moved their character instead of just making new ones on other servers.
So when i16 dropped, suddenly many of the players that were exploiting the AE - and could no longer do so because of the changes in i16 - apparently quit playing.

Also, as you may know, there have been on-going problems with server overloads on Double XP weekends. There were so many players closed out the last time around that were complaining about it on the forums that I know at least I posted threads for them to make characters on other servers so that they would have characters to play elsewhere if they were locked out of Freedom again.
On the same note, there are rumors running around that Freedom had a server upgrade. I haven't seen anything to back this up from the DEVs. If this did happen, then that may account for the server showing a lower "load". However, some players say that Freedom and Virtue were upgraded to higher capacity servers quite a while ago, so...who knows what kind of numbers those bubbles actually mean at this point.



Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
Not quite. They're problems with this notion. You are, however, correct that they're subjective assessments and/or statements of preference. However, the status quo is on the side of those against the server merge. Therefore, the onus is on those for the server merge to make a case that justifies superseding those preferences.
I never suggested the onus was on anyone other than people suggesting a change, but the "status quo" is not a solid arguement. Don't rock the boat has held practically no water in terms of changes that have occured in this game. All I said was that those particular points are subjective opionion, one held by many, but also not held by many. I'm glad we agree on that and aren't trying to pass off 1-4 as actually carrying any real weight.

Imagine the reverse scenario, a game with one giant server and some players want to shard it into multiples for whatever reason - less lag, a greater value on the individual player, whatever. It's up to the people who want things changed to make their case as to why the apple cart should be overturned for all the people who like their game quite well as-is, thank you. Same thing here.
If the argument was only relying on personal opinion I'd shoot holes through it too.

What if Paragon said that by shutting down 2 servers they would free up the capital to reinvest and end up producing an additional free issue each year? Just hypothetically speaking of course, but just imagine.
Despite being matters of preference, these aren't trivial concerns. If my primary servers were merged into others and I was forced to play on a Freedom-clone and/or lost many of my names, SG names and characters, then it would be difficult for me to maintain interest or enthusiasm for this game. That's one of the few things that I can honestly say would likely make me walk away from this game forever. And I suspect I'm not alone in that.
These are valid points, but these aren't what points 1-4 were about as these issues fall under points 5, 6, (which I'll address) and 7 (7 as mentioned is reason enough not to proceed) aside from the misplaced assumption that everything would turn into a freedom clone. Why not a virtue clone? Or for that matter we have 2 highish population servers in the game, each with a very unique dynamic, why wouldn't an additional high population server also emerge with its own dynamic? Because it would. Saying it would emerge as a freedom clone is called "fear mongering". Its a very effective tactic, well played, but it holds no water especially when what little evidence we have points in a totally different direction.


Even leaving aside the Standard Code Rant, moving bases doesn't address the primary concern which is the naming issue. There isn't a good solution to this issue because it's an issue with the fundamental nature of the game's naming system. Captain Amazing (Triumph) and Captain Amazing (Pinnacle) can't both be Captain Amazing if the two servers were to be merged.

They'd have to either be forcibly renamed, take some kind of tag, or else add a number or other differentiating character. Even if we take the best possible scenario and postulate a newly designed system that allows both players to keep their names with some kind of hidden tag that isn't visible, now you've got other problems, like when I try to invite a given Captain Amazing to my TF. There's a bigger issue here than you're making it seem.
Standard code rant is just that, we don't know. They could maybe move bases, maybe not, who knows how hard it would be? Probably no one until they tried. I made the same assumption that Bill makes and just says lets pretend it could happen. In all fairness unless they outright state it is impossible (not just difficult) it can happen.

You are right that Cap Amazing from Pinnacle can't coexist with Cap Amazing from Triumph on the same server. But Cap Amazing with a sub/superscript Pinnacle above/below their name can coexist with Cap Amazing with a sub/superscript Triumph above/below their name. We already have a ton of text that can go in those areas such as badge titles, sg name, other titles, one more isn't going to break the camel's back. Not with all the options to only show such things on mouseover and whatnot.

On search all it has to do is Cap Amazing (Pin) vs Cap Amazing (Tri). I'm sorry but I just can't see that as an issue worth more than a few seconds of complaining.

For SG names Justice 4 All (Pin) and Justice for All (Tri) works just fine for grandfathering.

If populations on some of these small servers are as low as might be suggested such grandfathering would be a pretty small issue actually. It would probably come with another name purge too, so the benefits outweigh the minor inconvenience of having a small tag above/below your name. They really do.

Since you're not contesting #7 I'll assume the canned reply speaks for itself.
Nope, like I said 7 is reason enough to full-stop any merge discussion until a satisfactory solution could be developed. #7 is all that the canned response should consist of because the rest of the points just make the whole thing look like a whiny "you can't have my toys" rant that has holes a semi can drive through.

Like I said, I have no solution for 7, and I've never heard one, thus the idea of merges is out for now.

8 - And back to the onus is on the guy who wants things to change. Forcing a change like this is going to alienate some players. Probably lose some players. It's not a simple nor is it a straightforward undertaking. If there's not a damned compelling reason to do it, then the potential losses are likely going to outweigh the imagined gains. If the reason is that a larger pool of players is 'needed', there's plenty in the canned reply to debunk that. If no defensible justification for merger can be argued, then things should remain as they are.
Again this is just opinion and again I never said the onus was on anyone other than those advocating change. If done well this alienation of players and mass exodus is again nothing more than fear mongering.

Simply put we have no idea what the opportunity cost is of continuing to run underutilized servers actually is. Maybe no one does.

If they cut the server list in half, how much faster would server maintenance be performed, how much faster would the game update, how much additional capital would they have to reallocate? And the list goes on and on. We simply don't know and probably can't even venture a guess.

9- Reply kind of misses the point. The point was that a server merger doesn't free up hardware because you still need the same hardware to handle the same traffic. Merging Liberty into Freedom doesn't free up more hardware because now you need more hardware on the Freedom server bank to support the folks from Liberty.
My response to 9 is what I meant it to be. It doesn't need to free up hardware, the existing hardware is more than ample to merge 2-3 of the low population servers together if that was what was deemed to be the course of action, or to merge 1-2 of the low pops into one of the higher pop servers. Freedom/Virtue don't hit red anymore, so no upgrade would be necessary, the upgrades that have occurred have been satisfactory.

It does free up all the costs associated with owning, operating, and maintaining those extra servers though.

9 is an antiquated reply from when the servers used to grey out every event.
This combined with the fact that, as you pointed out, no server is critically underperforming from a hardware perspective, makes this pro-merger argument defunct.
Sorry you lost me here. If I have 2 factories and each can produce 100k units, but factory A produces 57k and factory b produces 19k I am grossly under-utilizing my assets, my costs are going to be considerably higher than they could otherwise be because I'm operating two factories rather than one and my efficiency is going to be lower because I have to ship to/from two factories rather than one and I am failing to take advantage of economies of scale and labor force multiplication.

The only logical reason to keep the two factories is if I plan on expansion, or if I have another way of generating revenue from the under-utilized assets.

I doubt Paragon is renting out the servers to other companies and while hopeful I kind of doubt the game is going to go through a large expansion phase.

The most important thing you guys need to remember above all else is that Paragon is running a business. They aren't hosting a game to cater to your personal wants and needs. Virtually everything they do has to make sense to the business before it can proceed. Rest assured that if it makes financially viable sense for them to merge the servers at some point your protest of "they took err jerbs" is going to fall on deaf ears.

Chances are good that our game will weather CO and DCUO and whatever else just fine. Fans of the genre, who comprise a large share of our playerbase, will probably try some or all three of those games at one point or another, but the pendulum swings both ways: our players may try their games, but their players will likely try ours too. CO Devs swing a nerf hammer and we'll find our populations up, and so forth. At this juncture I think CO may end up being more a boon than a threat to CoX.
Agreed. I feel CO is only helping this game in the long run. Had they actually delivered the product they envisioned I'd say otherwise, but that isn't the case.
Unless our Devs do something crazy like a server merge.
reread the last thing I initially said: (server merge) hasn't been necessary to date.

If and when the business determines it is necessary (and it probably will eventually come up) then it will happen. At which point people that like solo'ing all the time and playing like it is a LAN based game can urge them to release a single player w/ co-op version of the box like is currently being requested in one of the forums.



A very well-reasoned reply, thank you. I think you're a bit dismissive of the attachment people may have to their names, SG names, etc, but there's a large amount of subjectivity inherent in that issue. George may not mind going from Captain Amazing to Captain Amazing (Pin), but for John it might be a major irritant. I don't want to blow this too far out of proportion (i.e. I don't see this alone as grounds for a ragequit DOOM session), but I also don't feel that dismissing it out of hand as "complaining" is just.

Even more so for Supergroups - some might find "Justice 4 All" and "Justice For All" to be equivalent. Others might find them very different indeed. Personally I don't like using numbers in my words and I prefer to use complete and correctly spelled words. I'd prefer my SG name to reflect that and it would bother me if it didn't. Enough to quit the game? Probably not, in my case, but especially in a game that has being able to individualize oneself as a prime selling feature, I don't think character or SG name issues can be waved away as inconsequential. I'm aware that for some players they are just that, but for others they are a vitally important part of the game experience.

And to take up your factory analogy, you're assuming that the two factories are producing identical products. If Factory A produces Hero-Os and Factory B produces Ascendant-Os, then shutting down one and consolidating assets also means losing whoever was a dedicated consumer of Factory B's Ascendant-Os. Maybe down the line Factory A will develop it's own version of Ascendant-Os, but will the people burned by the loss of their favorite cereal be willing to try a new flavor? That's a bit strained as analogies go, but there it is.

You brought up the distinct server cultures and yes, while a merged server would certainly develop its own culture (perhaps incorporating elements of the old servers and entirely new random elements), there's also something to be said for the communities we already have, communities which have existed for five years and are part of the core subscription base of this game. Toppling those pillars could be a calamitous move.

As for the Freedom-clone remark, I freely admit that was hyperbole to make a point.

Another point in your reply I'd take issue with is the phrasing "not yet necessary", the implication being that it will be necessary at some indeterminate point in the future. But as you said yourself in your discussion of the Standard Code Rant, we can't know what those conditions might be.

Obviously market forces are paramount, but can we really say definitively that there will come a point when it will clearly be economically advantageous for NCSoft to merge servers, despite the fallout such a move would certainly cause on the servers affected (i.e. does the money saved outweigh the money lost in cancelled subs?). Speaking hypothetically, yes, if such a time did come and conditions were thus, then a server merge would be called for. I just don't see it even on the horizon, not for years if ever.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



I gotta say I agree with most of Forbin's Canned Points.

Most of my characters had a Name, Background Story, and Theme in mind before creation. It would piss me off extremely if I lost even one of my characters Names.

I, like most other SG Leaders, are most likely very fond of our Sg's as they are right now. I don't want my Name changed, I don't want to be Merged with another SG that has the same name, I most definately don't want to lose my SG. Either of these things again Piss me off extremely.

I play on Triumph, I've always played on Triumph. I like Triumph. I don't want to play on Triumph/Pinnacle or Pinnacle/Triumph. I would like to stay right where I'm at.

I can only speak from my own in game experience, and all of this is of coarse my opinion, and how I feel about this particular topic.

But I think alot of the points being so readily dismissed as "Opinion" may be a concern to more people than you think.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I already play on freedom. I don't consider 29 players between the levels of 11-20 while I'm trying to level my elec/kin corruptor to fit the definition of "high population", but ymmv.

Maybe they were all in hide?
They don't have to be on hide. They can simply already be on teams, instanced, or even zoning.

Your "29 people" is fantasy. Are you playing at 2 AM pacific time on redside? OIC. I mean... seriously. Flawed math is flawed. 29 people is 3+ full teams. All you need is ONE more person to make a "team" - you don't need 8 person teams 100% of the time, seriously.

Subscriptions have been up since 2 issues ago. New games come out and are in beta; school has started, the biggest "threat" to this game is "real life".

So,.... no. It's not that they need to be hiding. You just need to learn to form a team.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Sorry I didn't mean to actually use two different SG names it was supposed to be the same name twice just with the location indicator after the name. I really appreciate you reading well enough to pick that up, it is unusual

For player names it would look something like this.

badge title
Super Group

With font just as they are ingame relative to your name. Heck even make Server only appear on mouse over just like SG.

Considering how you can stack so many titles above and below your name as it currently stands I just don't see how one more would be the toppling point.

TBH I'd do it for everyone on every server regardless of merger status so that we get one step closer to cross server pvp! Plus if it is done for everyone then it adds the Johnson and Johnson no tears formula® to the mix



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
They don't have to be on hide. They can simply already be on teams, instanced, or even zoning.

Your "29 people" is fantasy. Are you playing at 2 AM pacific time on redside? OIC. I mean... seriously. Flawed math is flawed. 29 people is 3+ full teams. All you need is ONE more person to make a "team" - you don't need 8 person teams 100% of the time, seriously.

Subscriptions have been up since 2 issues ago. New games come out and are in beta; school has started, the biggest "threat" to this game is "real life".

So,.... no. It's not that they need to be hiding. You just need to learn to form a team.
It's not a dream, it was more a nightmare. It was about 8pm PST on Friday night (ya I have no life right now ). It was bleak and made me sad.

It is my understanding from having successfully used the search function for years now that grey equates to them being teamed, so they were definitely on the list. The only thing that could reasonably push the numbers up would be people in hide. And no, people changing zones wouldn't because it wasn't a single search that evening .

That was 29 people spread between lvl 11 and 20 occupying Cap, Shark, and PO primarily. I don't mind duo'ing on many of my toons, my elec/kin is not one of them. 5 or more is what I consider a solid team to be. I logged onto hero side after sending tells to each and every single person on that list. Not like it took long though haha.

So like I said, maybe they were all in hide and there was actually way more people online. But I'm not basing my personal opinion on one evening, my opinion has formed over 3.5 years now. That specific comment was with regard to suggesting that anyone that desires more people can pay to move or reroll onto freedom/virtue. In case you haven't read very far I'm of the opinion that we probably don't need to merge at this time. All I have been talking about is how weak the "canned response" is.

Subs are up, subs are up, what are they up to? up from what? You realize I could literally always say subs are up and be telling the truth until the day the game is shut down right?

Please take your passive aggressive attitude somewhere else, I think everyone is being quite calm, so really just don't go down that road it is embarrassing. Thanks



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
I gotta say I agree with most of Forbin's Canned Points.

Most of my characters had a Name, Background Story, and Theme in mind before creation. It would piss me off extremely if I lost even one of my characters Names.

I, like most other SG Leaders, are most likely very fond of our Sg's as they are right now. I don't want my Name changed, I don't want to be Merged with another SG that has the same name, I most definately don't want to lose my SG. Either of these things again Piss me off extremely.

I play on Triumph, I've always played on Triumph. I like Triumph. I don't want to play on Triumph/Pinnacle or Pinnacle/Triumph. I would like to stay right where I'm at.

I can only speak from my own in game experience, and all of this is of coarse my opinion, and how I feel about this particular topic.

But I think alot of the points being so readily dismissed as "Opinion" may be a concern to more people than you think.

Just clarifying, the canned points are Memphis_Bills, I just did a copy/paste.



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
I gotta say I agree with most of Forbin's Canned Points.

Most of my characters had a Name, Background Story, and Theme in mind before creation. It would piss me off extremely if I lost even one of my characters Names.

I, like most other SG Leaders, are most likely very fond of our Sg's as they are right now. I don't want my Name changed, I don't want to be Merged with another SG that has the same name, I most definately don't want to lose my SG. Either of these things again Piss me off extremely.
What if none of these had to change, because they don't. Scare tactics have put this notion in people's heads, but it is inaccurate.

I play on Triumph, I've always played on Triumph. I like Triumph. I don't want to play on Triumph/Pinnacle or Pinnacle/Triumph. I would like to stay right where I'm at.

I can only speak from my own in game experience, and all of this is of coarse my opinion, and how I feel about this particular topic.

But I think alot of the points being so readily dismissed as "Opinion" may be a concern to more people than you think.
I don't want to come across like I'm being insensitive, to be frank I'd loath the idea of losing my names too.

I'd imagine that if they merged servers they'd use a new name rather than keep one of the old ones or combine them. Think survivor

I know it would bother plenty of people, people inherently dislike and fear change, that is why utilizing a fear mongering tactic is so effective in situations like this.

Of course you don't want to lose your name, or your sg name or have to merge with another supergroup, no one does. So if someone tells you that will happen of course you'll latch onto that because it supports your basic fears. It really doesn't matter if it isn't true, they've got you locked in. Like I said earlier, it is an extremely effective tactic used in a wide variety of scenarios. It is pretty cheap and is one of the more common tools used in scam marketing. All we need now is someone creating a high pressure situation where you need to sign away your life in the next 30 mins or the deal is gone forever

I realize the addition of another title under your name is scary for some people, but I think that one is going to happen relatively soon regardless of server merges. Castle has stated he is no where near finished with the pvp revamp and despite the horrid job done so far I'm confident he realizes how important cross-server pvp will be if that area of the game ever hopes to grow.

The question is: if I told you that you don't have to lose your name, your sg name, or anything else that you've grown accustom to would you still be afraid? It is just as true as saying you would because neither is known with absolute certainty and that is why putting those things on the list is imo in pretty poor taste.

They are absolutely valid concerns that I think everyone shares, but stating them like they would actually happen is a scare tactic and cheapens the whole server merger rebuttal. That's why it should really just stick to number 7 on the list:
7. Remember all those slots? Well, you start with 1/3 of the available ones. You can buy up to 36 total (24 on top of the ones you get initially.) Now, what do you suppose would happen if you merged two servers, and someone has, say, 20 characters on each? Not unusual. In fact, before those extra slots, I had *filled up* several servers. Do those characters just disappear? Do they move? Free move to another server sounds great, right... well, except you now kick them from their supergroup, remove them from their friends lists and more. This makes for angry and unhappy customers. Or rather, ex customers.
The rest is just smoke, but maybe that is the point of it.

Anyway, server merges are not happening any time soon, not with GR on the horizon. So lets think positive and hope for the necessity of server enlargments due to the influx of new players it and CO sends our way!

Take care guys.



Starting to go in circles here, so I won't belabor this too much, but I wanted to respond to this bit:

Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I realize the addition of another title under your name is scary for some people, but I think that one is going to happen relatively soon regardless of server merges. Castle has stated he is no where near finished with the pvp revamp and despite the horrid job done so far I'm confident he realizes how important cross-server pvp will be if that area of the game ever hopes to grow.

The question is: if I told you that you don't have to lose your name, your sg name, or anything else that you've grown accustom to would you still be afraid? It is just as true as saying you would because neither is known with absolute certainty and that is why putting those things on the list is imo in pretty poor taste.
While I recognize that this is an area where fearmongering tactics and DOOMcrying are common on both sides, I think you're being unfair in your characterization here. Yes, we don't know how they'd do a server merger, if they did a server merger, but these name concerns aren't conjured out of thin air as a fearmongering tactic. Perhaps it could be phrased better in Bill's canned speech, but I think the point is that as it currently exists, the naming system for both characters and SGs presents serious impediments to a server merge.

If a poster were to say "merge the servers now!", those would be perfectly valid counterarguments as to why the Devs should not do so (even if it were in all other respects advisable, which is an issue in itself). Stating these things as though they would happen is perfectly acceptable in that context, because without further Dev changes to the way names work (such as the title you mention, for one), that is just what would happen. I really don't see it as a fearmongering tactic but more as a way of making very clear what the realities of the situation are as of now, albeit a somewhat dramatic one, so as to make it obvious how complex the situation is (rather than being a 'simple' matter of collapsing the servers, BAM! and done).

This is a natural concern based on the way names are known to work in the game as it stands now. Names are saved by server, as are SG names. Most seasoned players know this. It's only natural to be concerned as to what happens if two servers collapse into one or if a server gets absorbed into another. And this isn't even getting into character slots - some people already have a full 36 on multiple servers. Granted, that's probably an easier fix (you just allow more total slots per server as part of the same package as the merge), but that doesn't make it a specious or hyped-up point.

To put it another way: of course no one knows for sure that people would lose names / SG names / characters in a server merge, but people do know how things are now and voicing issues like these can only help to ensure that they are addressed if such a merger ever occurs. Personally, I hope it's a very long time coming, if it ever does.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



To the OP

There are alot of good games that recently came out also. I know I been playing Batman and RE5.



Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
While I recognize that this is an area where fearmongering tactics and DOOMcrying are common on both sides, I think you're being unfair in your characterization here. Yes, we don't know how they'd do a server merger, if they did a server merger, but these name concerns aren't conjured out of thin air as a fearmongering tactic. Perhaps it could be phrased better in Bill's canned speech, but I think the point is that as it currently exists, the naming system for both characters and SGs presents serious impediments to a server merge.

If a poster were to say "merge the servers now!", those would be perfectly valid counterarguments as to why the Devs should not do so (even if it were in all other respects advisable, which is an issue in itself). Stating these things as though they would happen is perfectly acceptable in that context, because without further Dev changes to the way names work (such as the title you mention, for one), that is just what would happen. I really don't see it as a fearmongering tactic but more as a way of making very clear what the realities of the situation are as of now, albeit a somewhat dramatic one, so as to make it obvious how complex the situation is (rather than being a 'simple' matter of collapsing the servers, BAM! and done).

This is a natural concern based on the way names are known to work in the game as it stands now. Names are saved by server, as are SG names. Most seasoned players know this. It's only natural to be concerned as to what happens if two servers collapse into one or if a server gets absorbed into another. And this isn't even getting into character slots - some people already have a full 36 on multiple servers. Granted, that's probably an easier fix (you just allow more total slots per server as part of the same package as the merge), but that doesn't make it a specious or hyped-up point.

To put it another way: of course no one knows for sure that people would lose names / SG names / characters in a server merge, but people do know how things are now and voicing issues like these can only help to ensure that they are addressed if such a merger ever occurs. Personally, I hope it's a very long time coming, if it ever does.
Valid concern over names, absolutely. Which I've said repeatedly. Very vital that it be addressed. Saying no solution has ever been presented and sticking your head in the sand and also saying kiss your name goodbye is a scare tactic. I'm pretty sure that canned response has been worded with that intent. It is designed to overwhelm any opposition and to make anyone remotely concerned over such issues jump on board immediately because it plucks the strings close to our hearts.

All I'm saying is that it takes a lot of weight out of the argument when it is reduced to what it actually is. There are enough valid reasons that you shouldn't need to resort to that particular underhanded sales strategy.

This is the first time I've responded to said canned response as I usually just chuckle to myself each time I see that propaganda spread around, but I've been feeling the server blues for a few issues now so it bugged me enough this time to point out just what it is.



A while ago one of the devs mentioned the idea of a serverless environment - similar to CO, I think - but I seem tor ememebr he was taking about it more as a "what if we could find a way to do this" rater than a "we're seriously looking at this idea".

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Valid concern over names, absolutely. Which I've said repeatedly. Very vital that it be addressed.
Actually, not vital at all, since servers do not need to be merged, which renders the whole thing moot.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Actually, not vital at all, since servers do not need to be merged, which renders the whole thing moot.
Oh jeez, you went and said it.


Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A while ago one of the devs mentioned the idea of a serverless environment - similar to CO, I think - but I seem tor ememebr he was taking about it more as a "what if we could find a way to do this" rater than a "we're seriously looking at this idea".
The only person I heard of mentioning that was Bridger, when he was a Moderator EU side. Never heard anything from a Dev backing it up, myself. It was a "What if..." rather than anything concrete though. He did go on to do some Dev work, before being downsized along with the rest of the EU side support team.