What happened to COH?

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
Weeeee,,, this is fun.

I stated what I am seeing on Freedom, it's obvious the long term vets and those alike who are pleased with the AE changes are going to jump with glee showing how many people are on looking for teams other than AE farms now. I just have not seen >>> inserting edit here. Thank you Westley for pointing it out! You're awesome and deserve a gold star.<<<<< a lot of it or as much as those stating they are seeing it.

As far as "people are in missions" and inferring their numbers are staggering......really? So, when I pull up the box that says Find Members and choose All and the total number of people show up at the bottom, this does not represent the total population on the server? Hmmmmm.......it also shows people "On Mission Map" so I guess that would include those too.

My apologies to OP for continuing this in their thread. I will conclude my point made with this post. These are my observations and I had to post stating I was tired of others making those who feel the server populations were dwindling as if they were imagining it. And in response to those who are constantly stating the reason is school, time of day, tis the season --- they may have an effect but not this much and certainly not to the degree RIGHT after such a patch as i16, it's just too coincidental.

>>>>>Disclaimer added for Ad Astra<<<<<< The above picture representation does not reflect my current view of how low the population of the Freedom server is during peak playing times since Issue 16 was released. It was taken to illustrate a point of how you could see the total amount of people online and to rebut the point in a previous post about "hidden" people on mission maps. I am still uncertain about completely hiding yourself from the game so far as not to be counted in the number listed above.
In answer to your rebuttal - You appear to not understand what the "Hide" function is or how it works.

When people say there are "hidden" players on, they mean that there are players who have set their settings to not even appear on the Search window your screenie displays. Yes, there are some players who aren't on the streets because they are in missions - but there are also players who aren't even on your list. And you have no way of knowing how many there are.

And as Forbin pointed out - your screenie only displays the first couple dozen names on the list captured by your search - there are others not displayed.

So your screenie is still not a good representation of how many players are on at any given time.

And I don't really think that 184 players who choose to be displayed as on-line Redside on a Sunday morning at 11 a.m. (8 a.m. on the West Coast) is really that low a number. That was *my* point. Anecdotal evidence like your screenie do not illustrate much at all because they are a very limited single data point that can easily be "opted out of".

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
I will conclude my point made with this post.
If you like. We can't control people drawing unjustified conclusions. Multiple people have already pointed out your error based on the information in the screenshot that you yourself posted.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by minago View Post
there just wasn't many people on....and haven't been compared to the way it use to be .

i don't know why people are giving you a hard time with this,it's obvious player number are down.
There are really two factors here and you're mixing them up a bit.

Absolutely there used to be more players outdoors. So much so that the population was 'in your face' wherever you want. Over time, there have been a number of factors, including deliberate steps by the devs, to move the crowds off the streets and into instanced missions.

Also, we get these threads every year at this time. The server populations always drop dramatically in September. Please note the phrase I used; 'server populations', not 'players' as you said.

The SERVER POPULATIONS are currently down, but the PLAYER NUMBERS are not. This is a *KEY* distinction. The subscriptions numbers are UP, but people are playing less AT THE CURRENT TIME. Big difference.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
And I don't really think that 184 players who choose to be displayed as on-line Redside on a Sunday morning at 11 a.m. (8 a.m. on the West Coast) is really that low a number. .
We're lucky to get to 100 on Defiant Redside. Count your blessings US doomcriers.

Also, who the hell still uses /b as a reliable teaming method? :S



The list was truncated --- which means that the >>>>insert disclaimer here for Captain_Photon<<< The following increase in font size and color/bold was in response to "Forbin Project" increasing their font and change of color ----- geez, why no flaming to them?
There were 54 people showing in the list when scrolled down and counted so it was truncated.

Why don't you people go try it yourself before condemning me.

It continues to amaze me how some just can't believe or even come close to saying MAYBE some are correct with the fact that populations are down. Geez, those who are blaming it on school being in session are not getting this much flamage...why aren't you criticizing them? Tell them it's all in their heads, people are "hiding" not in school or playing another game. So, in essence, we would be correct if the assumption of school and another launch of a game may be the cause........cause to what? Lower server populations? Then I'll jump on that bandwagon if it helps explain.

>>>Added edit below just because Ironblade made me laugh =)<<<<<

And....I'm done (again)



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
And.... I'm done.
Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
It continues to amaze me
I knew you'd be back. They always come back. It used to amaze me when someone said they were done with a thread but then waffled. Not any more, though.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by cyberdude View Post
Thanks for all the advice. What is this AE farming thing all about? Sorry guys been away for a while. Please bear with me. Like I said the great thing about this game is the helpfulness of the players.
while ithe major farming is mostly gone now, ae is a tool where players can make their own missions and put them up for people to play. people found ways to manipulate the spawns to get significantly higher rewards for significantly lower risks, people hitting 50 from 1 in a day was not unheard of, methods were put in place to prevent the most egregious abuses. A side effect was that there were people with multiple 50s who didnt know what enhancements were. Ae still is a good place to find some clever player-made stories and i suggest you give it a shot if you havent yet.



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
Your logic doesn't work, so you raise your voice? You really have been on Earth too long.



You guys are getting on Prez1 for no reason. Pick a well-populated zone, say Atlas. Do a search for all in that zone. You will get back "## matches found (This list was truncated)".

Now go and count the names on the list.

Yes, /hidesearch DOES hide your name from that list, but it doesn't hide you from the total number.

FYI I just did this and got 84 matches and 50 names.

You guys are thinking the truncated part is referring to the total number, it's not. It's referring to the actual list of names. That's why the disclaimer is on there that even though search found X number of people, it can only list Y, therefore the list [of names] is truncated.



Originally Posted by captain_photon View Post
your logic doesn't work, so you raise your voice? you really have been on earth too long.





I was getting on him because I was lonely.... and I like to 'get on' people when I'm lonely.... *wink wink, nudge nudge, say-no-more*



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I was getting on him because I was lonely.... and I like to 'get on' people when I'm lonely.... *wink wink, nudge nudge, say-no-more*
bow bow chicka bow!, as the young people say nowadays.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I was getting on him because I was lonely.... and I like to 'get on' people when I'm lonely.... *wink wink, nudge nudge, say-no-more*
As you wish

And Photon, I'm certainly not questioning the reaction to the reaction, so to speak. Giant red text isn't the best way to present your side of an argument. He could have been more clear in the screenshot but it seemed like folks were digging a little too deep in their responses.

*edit* Darnit, I can't give you rep again yet for making me laugh, Westley.



I was getting on him because his evidence is grossly inaccurate. Players don't have access to the tools that show the actual number of people online at any given time.



Also, Captain_Photon, I did edit my post and place a disclaimer in there just for you. It explains why I placed the text in bold, large red color. Nice to see the person who did it before me to discredit me not get flamed though. Allow me to clarify that statement too since it may be misunderstood, I am not condoning flaming of anyone who uses a different style, size, color etc. font to get their point across. I was fine when Forbin_Project used it, why can't you?

Originally Posted by Captain_Photon
Post Deleted by Moderator_08
And thank you for continuing to prove how to insult those who question those who may be wrong. I have not attacked you or anyone personally-- ok, maybe the "shut up" in my previous post but that's stretching it as a personal insult.

Nice to see you all have a need to "get on" people to get your point across.

I'm only pointing out my observations, I don't understand why if I believe I am correct others have to bash me.

Someone stated previously (paraphrasing):

people are hidden because they are in missions >> I rebut with you can see them in the search box
people can hide themselves>> I rebut, not from the total on the search list
truncated list info>> I said it was the list showing names that is truncated not the total players

Then I stated my own view from being in game over the weekend at varying times in varying zones watching the broadcast text and flying around just looking and reporting my finds. Then I get slammed. Then I get a bit angered with how others are being treated with the standard response so I reply with some resentment in my post in the beginning challenging someone to prove themselves with me in game.

I can't believe some people can be so hateful and start attacking someone personally.



Originally Posted by SunGryphon View Post
You guys are getting on Prez1 for no reason.
Actually, I think the reason is this:
And give me a break with the "players can hide" bit and calling everyone who says the server populations are down doomsayers. If you're man/woman enough I invite to to come ingame with me RIGHT now or at a time specified and we can both tour the zones and then YOU tell me if we making it up, otherwise, shut up.
Up until that paragraph, his first post in this thread seemed calm and well-reasoned. Then he decided to get in peoples faces with the 'put up or shut up' bit.

Expressing an opinion that is unpopular or not widely held certainly CAN prompt an unfavorable response. Concluding with "Prove me wrong or shut up." pretty much guarantees an unpleasant response.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
I am still uncertain about completely hiding yourself from the game so far as not to be counted in the number listed above.[/i]
That number at the bottom of the Search list shows you how many MATCHES to your search results that were found. When you /hide from searches, you can not be a match because you are not included in the search.

Your results are truncated to 50 names when there are more than 50 results to your search. People who use /hide from searches will NOT show up on that list, will NOT count as a match and will NOT count in that number at the bottom. To test this, simply narrow your search results to a specific zone or lvl range instead. You'll see that number match exactly how many people are shown, once your search results are less than 50.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
That number at the bottom of the Search list shows you how many MATCHES to your search results that were found. When you /hide from searches, you can not be a match because you are not included in the search.

Your results are truncated to 50 names when there are more than 50 results to your search. People who use /hide from searches will NOT show up on that list, will NOT count as a match and will NOT count in that number at the bottom. To test this, simply narrow your search results to a specific zone or lvl range instead. You'll see that number match exactly how many people are shown, once your search results are less than 50.
Slash Command

Brings up a window that asks the user what they would like to hide from.
Hide Options
  1. Hide and block all Invite Options
  2. Hide from Tells (Private Messages)
  3. Hide from Global Chat Channels
  4. Hide from Global Friends
  5. Hide from Server Friends
  6. Hide from Supergroup
  7. Hide from Searches
Most players use #7 and #2 to hide from people like Spammers, Powerlevelers, AE babies, Inf beggers, and PuG's.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Slash Command

Brings up a window that asks the user what they would like to hide from.
Hide Options
  1. Hide and block all Invite Options
  2. Hide from Tells (Private Messages)
  3. Hide from Global Chat Channels
  4. Hide from Global Friends
  5. Hide from Server Friends
  6. Hide from Supergroup
  7. Hide from Searches
Most players use #7 and #2 to hide from people like Spammers, Powerlevelers, AE babies, Inf beggers, and PuG's.
Ding! Ding! Ding! And this is why I tell my students to use ACCURATE and SPECIFIC evidence in their papers.

I have to say yet again that you can find teams easily in CoX. Maybe you won't get an 8-man team begging you to join them right away, but the people ARE out there. Most of them are just not wanting to lead a team for whatever reason, or are waiting as well. Be smart and snatch them up. Make friends, join an SG, use your server's chat channels. You WILL find people, and you WILL be able to be on and/or form teams. Easy: just takes you being a little proactive.

And that doesn't even count the many times I just want to solo for a bit and get tells from more than one team. You still can and will get asked to join teams.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post

It continues to amaze me how some just can't believe or even come close to saying MAYBE some are correct with the fact that populations are down
Player (with no other info other than "I think" and "Maybe") : "Populations are down."

Developers (with actual data from billing, server info, etc.) - "Subscriptions are up."

Which should I believe? Hint, it doesn't start with a "P."



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Ding! Ding! Ding! And this is why I tell my students to use ACCURATE and SPECIFIC evidence in their papers.

I have to say yet again that you can find teams easily in CoX. Maybe you won't get an 8-man team begging you to join them right away, but the people ARE out there. Most of them are just not wanting to lead a team for whatever reason, or are waiting as well. Be smart and snatch them up. Make friends, join an SG, use your server's chat channels. You WILL find people, and you WILL be able to be on and/or form teams. Easy: just takes you being a little proactive.

And that doesn't even count the many times I just want to solo for a bit and get tells from more than one team. You still can and will get asked to join teams.
Thanks Grey.

And for the record I didn't flame anyone. I merely pointed out that the /search feature is truncated, and advised that Prez will get more postive responses if he doesn't base his arguments on innacurate information.

Yes one of the truncations in the search feature is that it doesn't list more than "X" names, however it also doesn't list the names of people using /hide, nor the people that are on the other faction on the same server. At best the /search feature only gives us a partial list.



I'm just glad you showed the list that the game shows you when you go into hide. There are official things about it as well, but that's the hard evidence right there. When you're in /hide, you just don't show up.

This whole thread is the same thing you see from time to time: it's variations on a theme. "Seems like there are a lot of Tanks lately" (or insert whatever archetype). "Seems like there are no Archery blasters, is it a good set?" etc. All such observations are anecdotal, and just do NOT work. People invariably post to such threads that they don't run a tank themselves, ever, or that they play an Archery character and just teamed with four other such characters the other night. Neither experience is WRONG, it's just anecdotal and based on limited knowledge. It is a logical fallacy to make an argument based on such observations... you'll be making a hasty generalization if you try to deduce something from anecdotal evidence.

This is no different than a comment I saw in some forums after 9/11. "I don't get why people say the economy has slowed down: my local Target and Best Buy are always crowded." Their anecdotal evidence for two local stores has no bearing on whether people are actually spending a lot in those stores, and it certainly doesn't show how the entire economy of their city, state, and especially country is doing.

We players just do not have much evidence to show that populations are up or down. We can really only tell if it gets REALLY crowded on a 2XP weekend, etc. We don't have the tools to get beyond anecdotal evidence.

So, if anyone thinks it's too hard to find a team, I have to emphasize again: take the advice I tossed out in this thread (along with others). There are people out there wanting to team, just like you. Use the tools given to you to do so, and you'll do fine. And it's not all about the search function (though you can and should use that).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



i don't know why people are giving you a hard time with this,it's obvious player number are down.
I've been seeing more people in my global channels than for a long time before that. I've had some friends who went to play Aion, but they will be back for Going Rogue. I've been able to get a team when I want one.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I've been seeing more people in my global channels than for a long time before that. ...... I've been able to get a team when I want one.
This is really the key for lower population servers. Global Channels. Pretty much everything I do that is not solo starts from one of the server channels I'm in. TF's, Badge hunts, GM hunts, Mission teams, whatever. If all I went by was Broadcast, then I too would think there was nobody home and I'd get bored quick.



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
And thank you for continuing to prove how to insult those who question those who may be wrong. I have not attacked you or anyone personally-- ok, maybe the "shut up" in my previous post but that's stretching it as a personal insult.
Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post

And give me a break with the "players can hide" bit and calling everyone who says the server populations are down doomsayers. If you're man/woman enough I invite to to come ingame with me RIGHT now or at a time specified and we can both tour the zones and then YOU tell me if we making it up, otherwise, shut up.
Considering you were talking to me, I will tell you that I did indeed take it as an insult/flame, so therefore, you HAVE insulted and flamed people in this thread.


Guardian server is Life!

Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.