What happened to COH?

Ad Astra



I still don't know what any of "the game is slow" crowd are seeing. Victory is my main server, which is not close to Freedom or Virtue in terms of population, though it has a decent amount.

I was on for 2.5 hours tonight, and at the start, I had a hard time finding people for my specific team for a little bit, because so much STUFF WAS GOING ON. In the channels Victory uses, there were 3-4 story arc teams being broadcasted, and 3-4 Task Force teams. And that does not cover all the people playing.

But I started up a four man team, and was soon up to eight. Had a few people leave toward the end, but found replacements. And during all this, people were shouting out for teams heroside AND villainside. That isn't dead, that's alive and kicking. Be proactive and take the advice I posted earlier, and you'll be fine.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by cyberdude View Post
After a long break, I decided to sign back up and get back in to playing. I signed on it the server is empty and no chat going on at all! I can't find teams and it just seems deserted. I use Freedom which is normally full and active and for the last week nobody around. Is COH dying? I know Champions online just launched. Did COH loose most of it's base to Champions or are they just dying slowly?

This is wierd cause COH has always been active in the 5 years I've been playing....Now it's like empty!
Don't know what to tell you.. I logged on to Protector earlier tonight for just a few minutes to check on a couple things and saw a villain SF forming, a Synapse TF and a Master of Statesman TF forming. All in a span of about 20 minutes or so. Doesn't seem to be a lack of activity going on to me.



Sometimes I wish I had your problem, lol.

Everytime I log on, it ain't a minute before I'm getting a Tell from a Global, or SG Mate wanting me to team.

It makes it hard to maintain the Base, and my toons, lol.

Really, you should give it time. Make some friends, and get some Globals. Before you know it, you will wish they'd leave you alone for a few minutes.

Join a SG. That should solve the whole problem if it is an active SG.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



And give me a break with the "players can hide" bit and calling everyone who says the server populations are down doomsayers. If you're man/woman enough I invite to to come ingame with me RIGHT now or at a time specified and we can both tour the zones and then YOU tell me if we making it up, otherwise, shut up.
Interestingly enough, whenever people say that the servers are dead and they can't get a team, I always offer to meet them in game "RIGHT NOW or at a time specified" to PROVE to them that I can get a full team together in a very short time.

After that, they usually shut up. I've YET to have someone take me up on the offer. Hmmm....



Originally Posted by CharybdisClan View Post
I fear you'll have to forgive us on this; since Issue 14 and the mass AE Farming, Issue 15 and its lack of major content, and Issue 16 with people upset the AE farming has been nerfed, we've seen an awful lot of "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" posts, mostly having to do with seemingly low server populations.
My favorite was the guy who definitively declared COH dead because he couldn't find easy Architect teams the second night after the new issue with its emphasis on changing the look of your powers. Since most people only get to play in the evenings, we're talking only a few prime-time hours elapsed since the changes. I was in Icon, which was slammed with players changing stuff.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
Why haven't you quoted what CharybdisClan stated to the OP and told them they were insulting?
Because your post called out anyone who read it thereby insulting me, the reader while CharbydisClan only insulted the OP.



I did?

Guardian server is Life!

Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.



Weeeee,,, this is fun.

I stated what I am seeing on Freedom, it's obvious the long term vets and those alike who are pleased with the AE changes are going to jump with glee showing how many people are on looking for teams other than AE farms now. I just have not seen >>> inserting edit here. Thank you Westley for pointing it out! You're awesome and deserve a gold star.<<<<< a lot of it or as much as those stating they are seeing it.

As far as "people are in missions" and inferring their numbers are staggering......really? So, when I pull up the box that says Find Members and choose All and the total number of people show up at the bottom, this does not represent the total population on the server? Hmmmmm.......it also shows people "On Mission Map" so I guess that would include those too.

My apologies to OP for continuing this in their thread. I will conclude my point made with this post. These are my observations and I had to post stating I was tired of others making those who feel the server populations were dwindling as if they were imagining it. And in response to those who are constantly stating the reason is school, time of day, tis the season --- they may have an effect but not this much and certainly not to the degree RIGHT after such a patch as i16, it's just too coincidental.

>>>>>Disclaimer added for Ad Astra<<<<<< The above picture representation does not reflect my current view of how low the population of the Freedom server is during peak playing times since Issue 16 was released. It was taken to illustrate a point of how you could see the total amount of people online and to rebut the point in a previous post about "hidden" people on mission maps. I am still uncertain about completely hiding yourself from the game so far as not to be counted in the number listed above.



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post

...showing how many people are on looking for teams other than AE farms now. I just have not seen any of it.


And I see at least 8 people on your screenshot that DON'T HAVE A TEAM. Three of them that are ACTIVELY FLAGGED as wanting a team. That could be one full team right there. Way to defeat your own argument, buddy.



Thanks buddy!



OMG! So few people on and unhidden at 11 in the morning on a Sunday! Oh, wait, that's 8 in the morning for those on the West Coast, isn't it?

Do ya think that maybe we should go wake some other players up from sleeping in after a late Saturday night or pull some out of church or something so Prez can have team mates at his beck & call?

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Thank you Westley for pointing it out! You're awesome and deserve a gold star.
Add it to the pile back there. Or if you have one of them, you can add another to my pile of cold pricklies in the back:



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
OMG! So few people on and unhidden at 11 in the morning on a Sunday! Oh, wait, that's 8 in the morning for those on the West Coast, isn't it?

Do ya think that maybe we should go wake some other players up from sleeping in after a late Saturday night or pull some out of church or something so Prez can have team mates at his beck & call?

And.... I'm done.

Thank you so so so very much for proving my point Ad Astra about how people insult others who point out what they believe. Just so you know, I took the screen shot to prove a completely different point if you had been reading. It was not meant to complain about the population as of right now, at this time. I NEVER stated anywhere about TODAY. Thanks again!

To cyberdude, I hope you find some to team with and the populations come back to pre i16 levels. It certainly may after the next patch.

To Westley, thank you for taking it such good humor as that is how I meant it =)

Take care all, enjoy the rest of the post.



I Deleted my MA Babies 09-27-2009 09:37 AM Way to miss the point
I Deleted my MA Babies 09-27-2009 09:37 AM Way to miss the point

Hmm.... looks like either someone has two accounts, or the rep system hates me enough to double neg me.



Originally Posted by cyberdude View Post

I'm not putting the game down. Just noticed server load was different.

Also as far as people congregating, I was not referring to that. I was referring to the fact that when I used to log on or put a broadcast out that I was looking for a team, I would get like 10 to 20 tells or invites. Even when I search it seems like before there were 10-15 people looking for something, now search comes up with hardly anybody. Also, I used to notice a constant chat stream in the broadcast chat window and now nobody and I mean nobody is chatting. Just seemed dead to me, that's all. Another example is that I logged on tonight and got a tell asking for a team so I said yes. Then the guy comes back on and says couldn't find more. Then I asked him what was going on and that it seems like the place was empty and even he said and I quote, "Tell me about it".

I didn't post this thread to bash the game or say COH was dying. Just asking since I had been away for a little bit. Also, as far as catching up on patches, I never had to before because the player community was so awesome in helping. I hope COH community isn't getting like the WOW community (Rude). COH was a game you could just jump in to and everybody helped everybody even on getting up to date. As a matter of fact it I ranked it the best as far as a social MMO. Now the environment seems to be getting less social.

Look, I'm just stating my experience in coming back and honestly, it is not turning out to be a good one.
There's the gist of your problem. If you're relying on Broadcast and Search to find people, you're not going to get the best results. People hide from search now that we can, because they don't like Blind Invites, or don't want spammers to have access to their name for their emails or tells.

Broadcast may have been busy in certain zones the last time you played, but that only ever happens in a few zones at a time, and even then, not often. This game has always been about being inside missions (where zone broadcast isn't seen) and now with the enhanced difficulty settings, people don't have to search for pads, and can spend a lot more time in missions instead of transiting.

No one is trying to be rude to you, they're just explaining how life ingame works. It's best to find an active Global Channel because people use them no matter where they are. From there, it's a good idea to find an active supergroup. For this kind of information, a good first stop would be the section of the forums devoted to your server.

Last piece of advice, when you do find people you like, global friend them. I've found that people are often very willing to character hop to hang out even if they're on the other side or at a different level.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Thanks for all the advice. What is this AE farming thing all about? Sorry guys been away for a while. Please bear with me. Like I said the great thing about this game is the helpfulness of the players.



What is this AE farming thing all about?
*waves his hand*

You have never heard of AE farming, you wish to reconsider your life.

*waves hand again*

Did it work?



Ya know what happened to CoX? Jon Lajoie happen...cause you know he kills people



Originally Posted by cyberdude View Post
After a long break, I decided to sign back up and get back in to playing. I signed on it the server is empty and no chat going on at all! I can't find teams and it just seems deserted. I use Freedom which is normally full and active and for the last week nobody around. Is COH dying? I know Champions online just launched. Did COH loose most of it's base to Champions or are they just dying slowly?

This is wierd cause COH has always been active in the 5 years I've been playing....Now it's like empty!
We're doing fine. Come to Virtue!

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by cyberdude View Post
Thanks for all the advice. What is this AE farming thing all about? Sorry guys been away for a while. Please bear with me. Like I said the great thing about this game is the helpfulness of the players.
Forgive the double post.

AE farming is dead. It was a shameless, annoying exploit by players who didn't want to leave Atlas Park to level. In all seriousness (no sarcasm or hatred in what I'm about to say, I want to help you) forget you ever heard about it. It's dead and gone, and the less it's brought up, the better.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
And.... I'm done.
i resubbed a couple days before i16 was released and noticed the zones that less people where in it.

.....and when i16 was release a time when the zones are usually packed when a issue is released, i didn't notice much if any changes in player numbers .

there just wasn't many people on....and haven't been compared to the way it use to be .

i don't know why people are giving you a hard time with this,it's obvious player number are down.



Originally Posted by minago View Post
i don't know why people are giving you a hard time with this,it's obvious player number are down.
Also, keep in mind that the school season just fired up again. If you're a mid-day player, the college/high school/junior high players are probably not going to be on. Check around primetime, 5PM-9PM!

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
My favorite was the guy who definitively declared COH dead because he couldn't find easy Architect teams the second night after the new issue with its emphasis on changing the look of your powers. Since most people only get to play in the evenings, we're talking only a few prime-time hours elapsed since the changes. I was in Icon, which was slammed with players changing stuff.
Sail, sorry for throwing some colors on your words... its just to share something...

With 3 accounts, one with 36 slots full, the others growing (and that only counting my server, Guardian), and a loooot of work those days... I am still changing the look of my powers... Actually... there is still a lot to do... i am dazzled with all the options (not that it takes too much to get me dazzled)

I am also heavy on study (getting those pesky investment certifications, that can give me some chances for a career advance)... And I have a new BF - and that also demands time...

My projections estimate that i will be fully back into playing the game in 1 month (when its vacation time!).

The thing is... people are doing stuff... but we still love COH!

(maybe i can kick my BF away and get me some time to play...)

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Originally Posted by Prez1 View Post
Just so you know, I took the screen shot to prove a completely different point if you had been reading.
And just what was the point you were trying to prove Prez? That you don't know what the term "truncated" means. Because you seem to keep overlooking that vital piece of information on the screenie you took.

184 matches found (This list was truncated)

The next time you want to try to prove a point it might be best if you first take the time and make sure you understand what the evidence you are using actually means.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And just what was the point you were trying to prove Prez? That you don't know what the term "truncated" means. Because you seem to keep overlooking that vital piece of information on the screenie you took.

184 matches found (This list was truncated)

The next time you want to try to prove a point it might be best if you first take the time and make sure you understand what the evidence you are using actually means.
I was thinking the same thing

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps