What happened to COH?

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Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
1-4 are just some dude's opinion. One shared by many I'm sure, just as I'm sure many would enjoy a more populated experience.
I have a problem with this part.

As it stands now, people who 'would enjoy a more populated experience' have available options to make that happen. Your proposed method of merging servers removes the options available to those who don't enjoy 'a more populated experience'. I also have to admit that reading your posts, I couldn't help but hum 'Imagine' since it's just about as pie in the sky as that song is.

The problem is manhours. While you seem to think that the solution you thought of in a few minutes somehow means the folks who actually make the decisions must have better ones, it's one thing you haven't considered. Coming up with a feasible solution to merge servers isn't worth the manhour investment it would take to make it happen. Period. You can't market server mergers, unless you're moving to a serverless environment. EVE promotes theirs. Champions does too. But you can't say 'We're going to merge Pinnacle and Liberty. Send that to Marketing'. Those manhours could (and probably are) be invested in producing "stuff" that'll actually generate revenue somehow. Merging servers because some dude can't be arsed to start his own teams, isn't something a lot of people are going to pay for. I can't see too much positive buzz occurring because CoX announced it's merging low pop servers.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the market (read: a lot more people than you) sees server merges by older games as a negative indicator. You're right in that if they wanted to or felt it would be advantageous, they could find a way to make mergers work within one fiscal quarter, I'd wager. But.....

Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Actually, not vital at all, since servers do not need to be merged, which renders the whole thing moot.
Yeah, that.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



I'd like a system that keeps our servers, but allows to play on any of those servers at any time with any of your characters. Basically, you'd have all your character slots on one page when you log in. After selecting what character you want to play, or creating a new character, you's move on to the server selection page. You would see the total number of people logged in to each server, and could choose accordingly. People who want to always choose their "home" server could do so with no real change to them, while those who want to choose a server with high population could choose whichever server was most populated at that point in time.

We would still have our servers, we'd just use them a bit differently.



Originally Posted by JDub View Post
I'd like a system that keeps our servers, but allows to play on any of those servers at any time with any of your characters. Basically, you'd have all your character slots on one page when you log in. After selecting what character you want to play, or creating a new character, you's move on to the server selection page. You would see the total number of people logged in to each server, and could choose accordingly. People who want to always choose their "home" server could do so with no real change to them, while those who want to choose a server with high population could choose whichever server was most populated at that point in time.

We would still have our servers, we'd just use them a bit differently.
Yep, this would be excellent (especially if it allowed us EU types to visit US Servers)

Of course it would basically dry up NCSofts Server Transfer income so I wonder how attractive it would be to NCSoft to implement.



Originally Posted by JDub View Post
I'd like a system that keeps our servers, but allows to play on any of those servers at any time with any of your characters. Basically, you'd have all your character slots on one page when you log in. After selecting what character you want to play, or creating a new character, you's move on to the server selection page. You would see the total number of people logged in to each server, and could choose accordingly. People who want to always choose their "home" server could do so with no real change to them, while those who want to choose a server with high population could choose whichever server was most populated at that point in time.

We would still have our servers, we'd just use them a bit differently.
and this raises the question of what happens when you have toon names that are the same? whether it be your own toons or someone elses toon on another server. i really don't want to have to change my name or have a number added to the end.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
The most important thing you guys need to remember above all else is that Paragon is running a business. They aren't hosting a game to cater to your personal wants and needs.
Yet every thread asking to merge the servers is because the person posting wants more people on their server. It is never a business driven post by the company.

People on the low pop servers will not happily join the large pop servers if it occurs. Some will quit. And it is a signal that a game is dying so it will deter some people from trying or buying the game which is another cost.

It isn't the rainbows and ponies the pro-merger people think it will be.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
and this raises the question of what happens when you have toon names that are the same? whether it be your own toons or someone elses toon on another server. i really don't want to have to change my name or have a number added to the end.
Since it's only a "visit" to another server with that character (you could easily handwave it as each shard being a different Portal Dimension) the chances of the two names being actually online at the same time would be much less than a true transfer.

Either the visitor or the last of the clashing toons to log on would need a .something at the end of their name to differenate from the first on, but it would only last for the play session. If you didn't like the system you'd be free not to use it and just stick to your own shard.



Just pitching in with others, broadcast chatter and even search are both essentially bygone ways for people to look for teams and trade info.

First, various global channels have absorbed a lot of the chatter. They're not only cross-zone/instance, but also cross server, letting many more people chat. About the only thing I ever do in /broadcast any more is answer the occasional question by a new player.

Second, lots of people do indeed hide from /search. Established players who have active SGs or lots of global friends sometimes prefer to only be visible to those folks. This is now a long-established habit now unfortunately fueled in part by things like Real Money Trader spam and tells from people looking for mission fillers (now both reduced by other changes).

Ask around on the server you play on or here on the forums. Every server I know of has one or two global channels for people on that server to look for teams, form TFs, hunt badges, or other server activities like Hamidon raids. From there you might find your way into other, less general channels with people who share your gameplay interests.

Good luck.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
and this raises the question of what happens when you have toon names that are the same? whether it be your own toons or someone elses toon on another server. i really don't want to have to change my name or have a number added to the end.
There are several ways to go about this. I think the easiest is to give anyone who has multiple name issues at the time the new system is initiated, a server tag. Basicly, if someone else has the same name, you'll each get the name of your original server tagged above your head. Kinda like your title or selected badge title. No new people would be aloud to use this name, but it would allow people to keep the names they have, with very minor inconvenience.

Also, people say this is a bad business decision and would kill the transfer income, but this isn't really just about people wanting to be on more populated servers anymore. This game has lost ridiculous amounts of players over the last few months. In my 4 years I've never seen it this dead. Hopefully GR will breath new life into the game, but if not....well older games have to adapt. If our new population is half of what it once was, then it is a smart decision to do something new with the server situation.



The only loss of people I saw was when accounts were banned over the initial Mission Architect fiasco. Some of those I knew left at the time have since returned.

I don't see what you're saying you see. In contrast, I see new players in the game. A lot of those questions asked or builds made or things done that people laid at the feet of the MA ruining the game? A lot of them were just things that n00bs do, and that a lot of us did when we started playing here. Those people doing n00b things? They came from somewhere. I seriously doubt that they all left when the more egregious MA farms were locked down.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by JDub View Post
This game has lost ridiculous amounts of players over the last few months.
ROFL. Yeah right. We lost all those players but they're still paying their subscription fees. Oh wait subs are up that must mean we are getting an influx of new people that want to give the company money but don't want to play. The devs must be doing something right since they have managed to convince people to subscribe that aren't going to play.

Our devs are intelligent and learn from others mistakes so they aren't going to destroy this game by implementing bad ideas from Champions.



Originally Posted by JDub View Post
There are several ways to go about this. I think the easiest is to give anyone who has multiple name issues at the time the new system is initiated, a server tag. Basicly, if someone else has the same name, you'll each get the name of your original server tagged above your head. Kinda like your title or selected badge title. No new people would be aloud to use this name, but it would allow people to keep the names they have, with very minor inconvenience.

Also, people say this is a bad business decision and would kill the transfer income, but this isn't really just about people wanting to be on more populated servers anymore. This game has lost ridiculous amounts of players over the last few months. In my 4 years I've never seen it this dead. Hopefully GR will breath new life into the game, but if not....well older games have to adapt. If our new population is half of what it once was, then it is a smart decision to do something new with the server situation.
the devs have never said that subscriptions were down. they did say that they were up. eveyone feeding into this, "the servers need to be merged" ideal have all forgotten what the servers look like at this time of yr. this is a dead horse that should be left alone and not beaten anymore as it really is starting to make the place stink up from the rotting flesh. if you would like to see explanations as to why it would seem server population is down then go to one of the other umpteen threads like this one and read them. i see no real change in server pops from the same time as last yr. come the halloween event the servers will look like they used to again.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A while ago one of the devs mentioned the idea of a serverless environment - similar to CO, I think - but I seem tor ememebr he was taking about it more as a "what if we could find a way to do this" rater than a "we're seriously looking at this idea".
The post I remember was made just after server transfers was introduced as a micrtransaction. What I rememebr being said was if at some point in the distant future they were to decide to implement a serverless enviroment the fees paid for prior server transfers would not be refunded.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The post I remember was made just after server transfers was introduced as a microtransaction. What I remember being said was if at some point in the distant future they were to decide to implement a server-less environment the fees paid for prior server transfers would not be refunded.
Oh yeah, good catch. I'd forgotten about that disclaimer alright.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I was getting on him because I was lonely.... and I like to 'get on' people when I'm lonely.... *wink wink, nudge nudge, say-no-more*
A wink's as good as a nod to a blind bat.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The post I remember was made just after server transfers was introduced as a micrtransaction.
Just for the record, I don't think 10 bucks is particularly "micro".



The four types of CoH Personalities:

A) This CoH is half full!

B) This CoH is half empty!

C) Half full! No, half empty! Half... wait, what was the question?

D) Hey! I ordered a cheesburger!

Ah, good old Gary Larson



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
The four types of CoH Personalities:

A) This CoH is half full!

B) This CoH is half empty!

C) Half full! No, half empty! Half... wait, what was the question?

D) Hey! I ordered a cheesburger!

Ah, good old Gary Larson
You missed;

E) Hey! Excuse me? Excuse me! This is my glass? I dont THINK so. My glass was full. AND it was a bigger glass!

Courtesy of Terry Pratchett =P

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Just for the record, I don't think 10 bucks is particularly "micro".
It is when you consider the cost for server transfer in other games.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Just for the record, I don't think 10 bucks is particularly "micro".
Lol. I'm sure we could find people that can verify other MMO's have charged more than $10 for a similar service. I think WoW charges $25 - $30, and EverQuest is $50.

SWG is closing 12 of their servers and has told the players on those servers they have until October 15, 2009 to move their characters or:

"Beginning October 16th, 2009 at 12:01 AM PT you will be able to contact Customer Support and for the standard Character Transfer fee of $50.00 you will be able to schedule a transfer for your character, eligible structures and inventory."

So I think we got a pretty good deal. It's not cheap, but it isn't outrageous compared to others.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Lol. I'm sure we could find people that can verify other MMO's have charged more than $10 for a similar service.
Probably, but that's not really relevant to whether I think $10 constitutes a "micro" amount of money. I mean, you can get a Cadillac for a lot less money than a similarly-equipped Jaguar, but they're both bloody expensive compared to a can of Coke.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Probably, but that's not really relevant to whether I think $10 constitutes a "micro" amount of money. I mean, you can get a Cadillac for a lot less money than a similarly-equipped Jaguar, but they're both bloody expensive compared to a can of Coke.
That maybe true but how many cans of coke come with:

Supercharged 4.4L Northstar V8 SC with 469 hp High-performance Brembo disk brakes; Limited slip differential; Premium ZF Servotronic II steering; Performance-tuned suspension 18" (Front) and 19" (Rear) aluminum alloy wheels; Polished stainless steel wire mesh grille; Deck-lid spoiler; Xenon High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Headlamps with IntelliBeam automatic switching and headlamp washers 15-speaker BoseĀ® 5.1 Studio SurroundĀ® Sound System with in-dash 6-disc CD change, RDS** and touch-screen DVD-navigationĀ„; Side Blind Zone Alert; Lane Departure Warning; Hand-wrapped leather interior; Exotic Olive Ash wood appointments; and more



"Side Blind Zone Alert; Lane Departure Warning"

Bah. Just learn how to drive.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Lol. I'm sure we could find people that can verify other MMO's have charged more than $10 for a similar service. I think WoW charges $25 - $30, and EverQuest is $50.

SWG is closing 12 of their servers and has told the players on those servers they have until October 15, 2009 to move their characters or:

"Beginning October 16th, 2009 at 12:01 AM PT you will be able to contact Customer Support and for the standard Character Transfer fee of $50.00 you will be able to schedule a transfer for your character, eligible structures and inventory."

So I think we got a pretty good deal. It's not cheap, but it isn't outrageous compared to others.
I felt like I saw doublespeak on the SWG server closure.

Due to the overwhelming success of the recent Free Character Transfer Service, we want to inform you that on October 15, 2009, at 5:00 PM PT, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) will close the following 12 Star Wars Galaxies servers:
I imagine The Old Republic will force them to close 6 or 7 of the remaining 13 then too.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



For the record, I highly recommend using globals instead of broadcast and joining or forming supergroups of like minded individuals with similar play times.

Also population does not equal ease of finding teams. One of my best buddies refers to Victory as his teaming server, even though he is part of strong super groups on Freedom. Victory has an unbelievable amount of TF's being run and they are always looking to bring new people aboard. I've had good luck on most of the servers, but tactics vary from server to server and population is not necessarily what determines how easy it is. Now for PvP I imagine that raw numbers is fairly important.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
For the record, I highly recommend using globals instead of broadcast and joining or forming supergroups of like minded individuals with similar play times.

Also population does not equal ease of finding teams. One of my best buddies refers to Victory as his teaming server, even though he is part of strong super groups on Freedom. Victory has an unbelievable amount of TF's being run and they are always looking to bring new people aboard. I've had good luck on most of the servers, but tactics vary from server to server and population is not necessarily what determines how easy it is. Now for PvP I imagine that raw numbers is fairly important.
It's nice to be reminded that we have community mods who actually play the game instead of just observing.