The game is NOT dead nor dieing.




That is all. If you want evidence, try trolling me for it on this thread. Learn to use the /search system to find groups and put yourself in the LFT system. yadda yadda. Met new players yesterday.



Hey, your not meant to be here yet! I thought the Storm was Soon(tm)!

Truth comes in no shorter sweeter form.
I think the Doomsayers missed the X off of CoX

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
That is all. If you want evidence, try trolling me for it on this thread. Learn to use the /search system to find groups and put yourself in the LFT system. yadda yadda. Met new players yesterday.
You're doing it wrong. This is not how DOOM threads work! Go research some of the fine examples elswhere in these forums and try again!

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
That is all. If you want evidence, try trolling me for it on this thread. Learn to use the /search system to find groups and put yourself in the LFT system. yadda yadda. Met new players yesterday.
Surely everything is technically dying. Even the universe!

Heat Death is coming. Repent now.

(Although I hear the new, rival universe being created by a competitor is much better than this one anyway)



This thread needs more:


Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Here's some MOOOOOOD Lighting courtesty of Virgin Air:



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
That is all. If you want evidence, try trolling me for it on this thread. Learn to use the /search system to find groups and put yourself in the LFT system. yadda yadda. Met new players yesterday.
*pokes The_Coming_Storm*
i'm not trolling you!
i'm not trolling you!

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Thanks for posting this Storm. I was just thinking that the number of doom/dieing threads have just been ridiculous...even post-new issue. Also, many of them have just been...I don't know...inane.

I have been experiencing a veritable rennaissance playing for the last two months. And really, with this most recent release and the GR expansion on the horizon...I've been finding myself thinking more often about how much I am looking forward to seeing what the future of CoH/V holds.

Anyway, that's the .02 of this 62 month vet.

Thanks again Storm. Your post was refreshing and appreciated!

@Portland Underground



And in a very special episode of NCSoft, CoX finds out it has an advanced stage of cancer.




You know between long time players and the doom Sayers, I'm always reminded of the "I'm not dead yet!" skit in Monty Python.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
And in a very special episode of NCSoft, CoX finds out it has an advanced stage of cancer.

Oddly enough, next week's episode is also a very special one, where CoX gives in to the temptation to inhale carcinogens and hang around nuclear reactors. Leading sitcom scientists are baffled as to this turn of events, especially since there's a wedding episode coming the week after that, but suspects "CO, those dirty farmers, and PvP, probably".



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
That is all. If you want evidence, try trolling me for it on this thread. Learn to use the /search system to find groups and put yourself in the LFT system. yadda yadda. Met new players yesterday.
You mentioned the game! You have lost!



The game is NOT dead nor dieing.
Wait, it is both dead AND dieing:

/em grief
/em rolldice


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Wait, it is both dead AND dieing:

/em grief
/em rolldice

You fool! Open the box!



Originally Posted by clawsandeffect View Post
this thread needs more:




Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post

...TF is apparently bugged in the final mission right now, so it's best to hold off on any MotKTF runs until it's fixed.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I use the /search feature multiple times daily, always did ; in fact, it shows interesting trends over a long enough time period.

From when I joined (nov 2008) to june 2009, heroside population on Freedom at European hours (during the 12h - 22h timeframe, GMT +1) was consistently in the ~700 range.
Since september 2009 (I took a break during july/august so can't pinpoint a specific dropoff), it's down to ~400 at the exact same hours.
Freedom still consistently shows as the most populated server, being last on the list unless my previous played alt was from Freedom (which bumps the server to the top).

I'm certainly not saying the game is dead ; that's a ridiculous argument to make... About as ridiculous as to say everything is fine and the game is stronger than ever.

Commercially, it might be fine for all I know. Less activity doesn't imply less subs, especially with CO on the market some players might share their time between both games ; although with the staffing up Paragon Studios has done, you'd think they'd shoot for a higher number of subs. Here's hoping Going Rogue is a hit.

Still, it doesn't change the fact that I am seeing less people ingame when I play and the pool of players available for teaming is smaller than it used to be for me. Try to argue that and I'll just laugh at your face. I use the search function. I'll believe the numbers the search function is showing over anyone's word on these forums (unless, of course, it's a dev telling me the search function is broken...).



This is game NOT dying, CO is NOT a threat, AE didn't kill the game, PL'ing is still around, you just have to hunt harder for them, Stamina isn't needed all the time, there is no more grind, people are friendly if you aren't a drama queen/diva/griefer, there are plenty of good names out there, there are plenty of people to play with, unless you play on some of the less populated servers, then it's harder to find teams, but folks are having fun.

'DOOM'slingers need to step away from the keyboard for a day or two, see the sun, meet a girl or guy, unlikely, since some are probably pissy at the world because the devs don't listen to them.

This game is fun, and as long as my SG is around, I'll stay here....well, unless 'Old Republic' or 'DCUO' really knocks my socks off.



Originally Posted by Lazarus
Originally Posted by Lazarus





I approve of any thread that gives me a chance to post my Doom pic

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
I use the /search feature multiple times daily, always did ; in fact, it shows interesting trends over a long enough time period.

From when I joined (nov 2008) to june 2009, heroside population on Freedom at European hours (during the 12h - 22h timeframe, GMT +1) was consistently in the ~700 range.
Since september 2009 (I took a break during july/august so can't pinpoint a specific dropoff), it's down to ~400 at the exact same hours.
Freedom still consistently shows as the most populated server, being last on the list unless my previous played alt was from Freedom (which bumps the server to the top).
Nihilii, just curious, is that still an accurate number after Issue 16 release? I took a break about the same time you did, and was initially shocked at the numbers drops upon my return. I play USA east coast time early evenings, and was seeing ~700 on Freedom for a few days, but I've not followed it closely.



OK so... After the Bugbear attack CoX raged and gained strength and con, took a few hits but they were just to the Temporary hit points, then backhanded a couple of whining goblins...

Hang on a second. City of Heroes -gained- HP mid fight?! WTF?! How did that happen? I think they broke the game system when they combined the Vampiric Touch spell weapon channeled and Improved Critical: Goliath Greathammer

This analogy has been brought to you by Dungeons and Dragons. 30 years of making sense to a small portion of the world.
