COH Mythbusters




When Grant Invisibility is applied to a Tanker his ability to hold agro after he throws the first punch is decreased for the duration of that fight.

Fact: The Grant Invisibility buff bonuses still apply but after he throws the first punch he is just as visible to the mobs as he would be if he had no Grant Invisibility buff on him to begin with.



"Exit the mish to reset for new team members plz!"

@Portland Underground



Using a Yellow insp then hitting Aim & Buildup sets your Acc so high that it resets to zero. just feels true sometimes .

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



Originally Posted by Celidya View Post
IOs are not necessary.
Not a myth. I've got several characters without a single IO, and the only way people notice is if they look at my powers tab.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Not a myth. I've got several characters without a single IO, and the only way people notice is if they look at my powers tab.
That depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I've been on teams with fully IO'ed out Shield scrappers who outperformed and were far more survivable then my Shield scrapper until I spent a few weeks IOing myself out. Now I outperform and am far more survivable then regular SO/Generic IO shield scrappers by far.

So in my case in order to get my character to be fun and not dirtnap all the time on large teams I had to hit the defense softcap, which was only doable through IO's, or relying on having a bubbler with me at all times.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
I outperform and am far more survivable then regular SO/Generic IO shield scrappers by far.
No argument that IOs can make you better. I'm just saying they're not needed.

Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
...not dirtnap all the time on large teams I had to hit the defense softcap, which was only doable through IO's, or relying on having a bubbler with me at all times.
Deflection, Battle Agility, Combat Jumping, Maneuvers, Stealth, Phalanx Fighting, Weave, 3 +0 Defense SOs each, 0 teammates in range of Phalanx Fighting: 39.5% Melee/AoE, 35.7% Ranged, 18.2% everything else
1 teammate in range of Phalanx Fighting: 43%, 39.2%, 18.2%
2 teammates in range of Phalanx Fighting: 46.5% (softcapped), 42.7%, 18.2%
3 teammates in range of Phalanx Fighting: 50% (softcapped), 46.3% (softcapped), 18.2%

Make your primary be Broad Sword or Katana, take Parry/Divine Avalanche, slot with Defense SOs, and your Melee will be capped with a single Parry and 0 in range of Phalanx. Triple-stacked Parry and Phalanx puts your Melee Defense at 120.2% (80.18% short of the hard cap on Defense)

So no, IOs aren't even required to softcap your defenses on a Shield Scrapper on large teams

Edit: You can replace CJ with Hover if you want to be a hoverscrapper, and not change the values.



So you're using four pool powers, no Fitness. Bring blues. I think it'd just be easier to IO up.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Make your primary be Broad Sword orKatana
Remind me to do this once they port Katana over to Brutes.

Myth: Corruptors play like Blasters or Defenders.
Fact: Corruptors play like Corruptors.

Myth: Dominators play like Controllers or Blasters.
Fact: Dominators play like Dominators.

Myth: Brutes play like Tankers or Scrappers.
Fact: Brutes play like Brutes.

Myth: Stalkers play like Scrappers.
Fact: Stalkers play like Stalkers.

Myth: Paragon City exists.
Fact: It's a bed time story warning villains of how boring and stale their city could really be.



Myth: When you unlock a costume slot, you also get a free costume token.
Fact: You have a new costume slot, but you still have to pay for any changes you make to it.

Myth: If you retrieve an item you had up for sale, you get your listing fee back.
Fact: You don't get your listing fee back unless the item actually sells.



Two that I can think of:

  • That Feature X will lead to the numer of subscribers reaching WoW levels.
  • That Change Y will lead to a mass exodus days after it goes live.



Myth: That it is physically impossible to build a grav/kin troller without Speed Boost, Inertial Reduction, or Increase Density. The game will either lock up, force you to choose the power, or teleport Castle to your side to beat you over the head with a nerf bat.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



One I saw right here.

Myth you have to have soft capped defense to handled level 50 content.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Two that I can think of:
  • That Feature X will lead to the numer of subscribers reaching WoW levels.
  • That Change Y will lead to a mass exodus days after it goes live.
#%&@, I was about to say that myself.



Myth: You can ignore Hellions during Steel Canyon fires.
Fact: Leaving them around causes more fires to start on the building.

Myth: As soon as the building reaches critical state, it's time to RUN!
Fact: The building will blow up only after a certain number of fires are reached and maintained for some time, or after about 10 minutes. Keep at it, damn you!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I don't think you get your listing fee back even if it sells.
Listing fee: 5% of asking price, lost if item is taken down before sale, refunded (and applied to selling fee) if item sells.

Selling fee: 10% of final selling price, only taken if the item item sells.




And a new-ish one, though I saw variants before i16, thanks to a thread in the badges forum:

If you're farming a defeat <boss> badge, you need to set your difficulty to spawn bosses!

Uh, no. Just like soloing on Heroic, if you're set to "I don't want to fight bosses", the bosses still spawn in according to the regular rules, but they scale down to Lieutenants. And the Lieutenant versions still count for badge credit.




Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Two that I can think of:
  • That Feature X will lead to the numer of subscribers reaching WoW levels.
  • That Change Y will lead to a mass exodus days after it goes live.
Bonus points if it's the same change/feature.



One common myth (which I see repeated all over the Tanker forums) is that smashing/lethal defense will work against any attack with a smashing/lethal damage component. Whether or not a defense type works against an attack has nothing to do with what damage the attack does, but how it is typed. Fireball, for example, does fire/smashing damage but only checks fire defense because it is typed fire attack, AoE attack.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
One common myth (which I see repeated all over the Tanker forums) is that smashing/lethal defense will work against any attack with a smashing/lethal damage component. Whether or not a defense type works against an attack has nothing to do with what damage the attack does, but how it is typed. Fireball, for example, does fire/smashing damage but only checks fire defense because it is typed fire attack, AoE attack.
Well, like several others, that's a myth with a grain of truth. Many of those fire/lethal, energy/smashing, etc attacks do have a smashing or lethal attack vector, and for those that do, the S/L defense will help.

Of course, the typed attack vectors do not always match damage types, resulting in cases like your Fire Ball.




When running toward a gravity geyser in Shadow Shard, you have to yell "Yeee-haaa!" and floor it.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



One I haven't seen in a while but which used to be big around launch:

Smaller characters run faster.

Apparently this is caused due to the fact that smaller characters have to move their legs faster to cover the same distance as bigger characters who take wider steps.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Myth: All defender power sets have a heal
Fact: I'll shoot you with my "Healing Arrow" if you reeeeealy want to, but I doubt it would make you feel any better