COH Mythbusters




Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Myth: Detention Field does not work on AVs.
Fact: Yes, it sure does.
Yep! I have saved many teams by emergency Detentioning of AVs. The accuracy on the power is actually really good.

Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Myth: You need multiple teams to spawn Caleb in Nerva Archipelago.
Truth: I've seen it spawned by a single team of 8 players.
I once spawned 7-9 Calebs at the same time by accident, soloing.



Myth: Marketeers/Farmers/Gold-Sellers/Satanists/Bunnies are responsible for stupidly high prices on the BM/WW.
Fact: Impatient players paying stupidly high prices are responsible for stupidly high prices on the BM/WW.

Myth: Bane Spiders are weak.
Fact: Bane Spiders are strong (and pretty!). Bane Spiders are not supposed to be Night Widows with maces instead of claws.

Myth: Click-based mez protection is superior to toggle-based mez protection.
Fact: Toggle-based mez protection is superior to click-based mez protection in almost every way nowadays.

Myth: The second mission of the ITF goes faster if a lone scrapper runs ahead and wipes out all of the cysts.
Fact: The lone scrapper faceplants while his/her teammates drown in multiple ambushes.

Myth: The Devs hate villains.
Fact: The Devs hate all players equally... allegedly



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
Myth: There is such a thing as a "useless power" at all.
Truth: There are powers that don't fit your play style.
Myth: There are no "useless" powers.
Truth: There are powers that are so incredibly redundant that they fail in concept with other powers in the same set, and as such are useless in all manner by anyone with any degree whatsoever of common sense.

Case in point:
  • Time Bomb. 8s interrupt, 360s recharge, 26 end, always explodes in 15 seconds. Available in Traps, level 38.
  • Trip Mine. 4s interrupt, 20s recharge, 13 end, explodes when a mob is on top of it. Available in Traps, level 35.
If you don't think Time Bomb is completely and utterly useless considering there is another power that does the exact same job - much better, more often, for less endurance, within the same powerset, available 3 levels sooner - then I really question your sanity.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Myth: There are no "useless" powers.
Truth: There are powers that are so incredibly redundant that they fail in concept with other powers in the same set, and as such are useless in all manner by anyone with any degree whatsoever of common sense.

Case in point:
  • Time Bomb. 8s interrupt, 360s recharge, 26 end, always explodes in 15 seconds. Available in Traps, level 38.
  • Trip Mine. 4s interrupt, 20s recharge, 13 end, explodes when a mob is on top of it. Available in Traps, level 35.
If you don't think Time Bomb is completely and utterly useless considering there is another power that does the exact same job - much better, more often, for less endurance, within the same powerset, available 3 levels sooner - then I really question your sanity.
No need to question it, I am quite crazy. However, I don't find Time Bomb useless. It's not as good as Trip Mine, to be sure, but it's not useless. It's just an extra explosion in the mass of explosions into which I draw my foes. It's difficult to get the timing right, but not impossible. I love my Arch/Dev blaster as much as I love my Ice/Ice blaster and for the same reason: they both play like high damage pseudo controllers.

Oh, and you forgot a couple of numbers..

Base Damage - Trip Mine 194.6 (unenhanced, per mids) .. with 2 L.45 DMG IOs: 350
Base Damage - Time Bomb 278.1 (unenhanced, per mids) .. with 2 L.45 DMG IOs: 500.2

Also, Trip Mine is available at 28, not 35 - Time Bomb is available at 35.

Great uses for Time Bomb:
- Against AVs, because you can be fairly sure the fight will last longer than 15 seconds
- About 10 seconds before the cyst goes down in the 2nd mish of the ITF - you may put it in totally the wrong spot, but if you guess correctly you can do massive damage to the ambushes
- Any time there are massive amounts of foes, such as a mothership raid, because *someone* is going to be there 15 seconds from now



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Myth: There are no "useless" powers.
Truth: There are powers that are so incredibly redundant that they fail in concept with other powers in the same set, and as such are useless in all manner by anyone with any degree whatsoever of common sense.

Case in point:[LIST][*] Time Bomb. 8s interrupt, 360s recharge, 26 end, always explodes in 15 seconds. Available in Traps, level 38.[*]Trip Mine. 4s interrupt, 20s recharge, 13 end, explodes when a mob is on top of it. Available in Traps, level 35.
Whoa. I'm going to debate this one with you. Time Bomb and Trip Mine are used in completely different and often complementary ways. Time Bomb is a great tool for pulling. Trip mine is for tactical control of the battlefield. The two combine well -- set up a minefield, then plant a time bomb in the middle of the enemy (using your cloaking device, which is also in the same set). The enemies get time bombed, then walk into your trip mines. That's just one scenario; there's a lot of possibilities in these two powers, and they very seldom overlap in methodology of use.

If you want to point out redundant and useless powers, start with Permafrost and work up from there.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
set up a minefield, then plant a time bomb in the middle of the enemy (using your cloaking device, which is also in the same set). The enemies get time bombed, then walk into your trip mines. That's just one scenario; there's a lot of possibilities in these two powers, and they very seldom overlap in methodology of use.
One of my favorite combos is to set up as many trip mines as I can possibly have out at one time (using smoke grenade to make sure none of the foes see me), back up, drop gun drone, hit Aim, then use Rain of Arrows to pull the whole mob into the mine field. Thanks to your advice, I'm going to have to modify that slightly... mine field, smoke grenade, time bomb, back up, and then either rain of arrows or targeting drone.. you can't get both off before time bomb goes off. But between time bomb, rain of arrows and the mine field, there probably won't be anyone left for the gun drone to attack!



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
I sill demand a healing arrow, but the way I want it, I doubt it will ever get in. Minor-to-moderate damage first, then the heal... After all, I did just shoot you with a stick!
Something I've thought of since the powerset was released is that you COULD thematically support a +end power with Trick Arrow: Ever jammed an Epi-pen into your leg?

"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm



Myth: "X" is going to kill the game (where X is another game, a nerf, a buff, an issue, the sun going down, the sun coming up, the phase of the moon...)

Fact: When the City Of... franchise no longer makes enough money to be profitable, directly or indirectly, it'll die. Given the recent (since NC's buyout) investments, I don't think they see it dying anytime soon - and yes, they're fully aware of competition.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Um, no.
Um, yes.

Member Content. Members can upload to and create content on our servers in various forms, such as in selections you make and characters, certain additions to the game world, and items you create for the Game(s), and in bulletin boards and similar user-to-user areas ("Member Content"). By submitting Member Content to or creating Member Content on any area of the Service, you (iii) acknowledge and agree that such Member Content is the sole property of NC Interactive. To the extent that NC Interactive cannot claim exclusive rights in Member Content by operation of law, you hereby grant to NC Interactive a non-exclusive, universal, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicenseable right to exercise all rights of any kind or nature associated with such Member Content, and all ancillary and subsidiary rights thereto, in any languages and media now known or not currently known.
In other words, if the law in your particular area does not allow NCsoft to claim exclusive ownership of intellectual property, then they claim what rights that the law does allow. This is an international game, and some countries don't allow the transfer of intellectual property at all, or it's extremely limited are regulated.

But in places like the U.S. and many other countries that do allow for the transfer of all rights, the section you highlighted does not apply, as denoted by the "to the extent..." clause.

People pulling things like this out of the context of the entire sentence/paragraph/section are exactly why this myth is so persistent.

Or put another way, I'll offer up this agreement to you: To the extent that my name is Robert, I will pay you a million dollars. If you take me to court saying that I agreed to pay you a million dollars, I simply have to show that my name is not Robert and you get nothing. (And sorry to disappoint, but it's not my middle name either, and I have no plans to change my name. And even if I did, I'd probably go with Ben. Or Steve, that's a cool name. And I'd make my middle name Fantasticus.)

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Soooo, it isn't a myth at all then, is it?
You are mything the point.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
In other words, if the law in your particular area does not allow NCsoft to claim exclusive ownership of intellectual property, then they claim what rights that the law does allow. This is an international game, and some countries don't allow the transfer of intellectual property at all, or it's extremely limited are regulated.
Which is entirely irrelevant to my point.

The rights you are granting to them apply to "Member Content", which is "things you put in the game". Which means that if you, say, write a novel about your CoH character, NCSoft doesn't own it, unless you type all of the novel into the Architect.

On the other hand, if NCSoft writes a CoH novel and puts your character in it, you can't demand they give you money or ask them to take your character out, either.

Character index



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Myth: That it is physically impossible to build a grav/kin troller without Speed Boost, Inertial Reduction, or Increase Density. The game will either lock up, force you to choose the power, or teleport Castle to your side to beat you over the head with a nerf bat.

This should be true though...



Another myth from this thread:

Myth: It is possible to choose Katana and Shield together.
Fact: The choice of either of those powersets rules out the other.



Originally Posted by kidengineer View Post
When running toward a gravity geyser in Shadow Shard, you have to yell "Yeee-haaa!" and floor it.
Sorry, that's the honest truth. You get bonus points if you're on vent. Extra bonus points if you're on the phone with somone who does not know you're playing the game.



Oh, oh! I got two more!

Myth: Stalkers are useless. Roll a brute.
Fact: Stalkers take out sappers, and then act like scrappers on a full team. An AS then run and hide then AS again stalker is useless.

Myth: Defenders are useless because controllers can do everything they can do plus control.
Fact: Hmmm... maybe it's not a myth.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Myth: the more Lucky Charms you have the more high level drops you get.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
You are mything the point.
Careful, you might end up M.Y.T.H. INC in Action... ( I need to re-read that series, it was fun. And the fact that the first book's title is the result of a typo is ironic! [Another Fine Myth was originally Another Fine Miss, but the publisher missed that...])
Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Which is entirely irrelevant to my point.

The rights you are granting to them apply to "Member Content", which is "things you put in the game". Which means that if you, say, write a novel about your CoH character, NCSoft doesn't own it, unless you type all of the novel into the Architect.

On the other hand, if NCSoft writes a CoH novel and puts your character in it, you can't demand they give you money or ask them to take your character out, either.
If you create the character there, then make a novel about them... it's a derivative work.

Not totally sure how the EULA works with characters created beforehand and then in City of Heroes - but writing a novel about your City of Heroes/Villains character would definitely invoke the Derivative Works point of IP law, at least in the USA.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Myth: A Stone Armor brute or tank needs a /kin to be useful.
Truth: No Timmy, that's what IOs are for. (Not that they were needed before but now... mmm, mmm, good!)



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
No need to question it, I am quite crazy. However, I don't find Time Bomb useless. It's not as good as Trip Mine, to be sure, but it's not useless. It's just an extra explosion in the mass of explosions into which I draw my foes. It's difficult to get the timing right, but not impossible. I love my Arch/Dev blaster as much as I love my Ice/Ice blaster and for the same reason: they both play like high damage pseudo controllers.

Oh, and you forgot a couple of numbers..

Base Damage - Trip Mine 194.6 (unenhanced, per mids) .. with 2 L.45 DMG IOs: 350
Base Damage - Time Bomb 278.1 (unenhanced, per mids) .. with 2 L.45 DMG IOs: 500.2

Also, Trip Mine is available at 28, not 35 - Time Bomb is available at 35.

Great uses for Time Bomb:
- Against AVs, because you can be fairly sure the fight will last longer than 15 seconds
- About 10 seconds before the cyst goes down in the 2nd mish of the ITF - you may put it in totally the wrong spot, but if you guess correctly you can do massive damage to the ambushes
- Any time there are massive amounts of foes, such as a mothership raid, because *someone* is going to be there 15 seconds from now
Meh... Devices != Traps, and I was looking at the Corruptor sets. In any case, I fail to see where the 8-second interrupt time makes it anywhere remotely useful to using in a toe-bomb situation when you could use Trip Mine instead, and in any case where you want the extra damage, just lay down another mine for the same total cast time and endurance cost and more damage. Yes, that's not the only - or even the first - set that both powers were in, but if you were capable of reading the post enough to reply to it you'd see that Traps was specifically mentioned right before the levels you attempted to correct me about.

For pulling... uhm, yeah. Insert Acid Mortar here. Mobs that don't shoot at me make me happy. Mobs that don't shoot at me and come running through 10+ Trip Mines to die in a massive ball of fire and shrapnel to get to a pet that's debuffing their defense and resistance make me even happier. And none of that has anything to do with Time Bomb and its "will it or won't it hit" nature or ridiculously long interrupt time. In the meantime, it's a complete waste of a power choice and slots to go into it, since there are exactly 0 situations where Time Bomb can be used that Trip Mine can't.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Which is entirely irrelevant to my point.

The rights you are granting to them apply to "Member Content", which is "things you put in the game". Which means that if you, say, write a novel about your CoH character, NCSoft doesn't own it, unless you type all of the novel into the Architect.
/scratches head at the non sequitur...

If you create a character in City of Heroes, it is by definition a "thing you put in the game." Thus, NCsoft owns that character's name, likeness, battlecry, biography, and anything else you put into the game. If you can write a novel about such a character without actually using any of these things associated with the character (especially the name!), then I suppose you're one hell of a writer.

Or put yet another way, if you write a novel about, say, Superman's backstory, you're infringing upon DC Comics's intellectual property rights. They might not own the IP of the exact text or plot of your novel, but that doesn't make you any less guilty of infringing upon their IP rights, and they can sue you, they can get damages, and they can get an injunction to keep you from selling your novel to others. The situation would be no different if you wrote a novel about your CoH character Mr. Foomonkey, which by the terms of the EULA NC Interactive is the sole owner of, even if you originally created him.

If you want to write a novel for noncommercial purposes (e.g. to post on a fansite), that's explicitly allowed by the EULA. That's what allows sites such as the Paragon Wiki to exist. Otherwise, if you don't get written permission from NCsoft, they can come after you if they want, and there's a not insignificant chance that they would win.

Read the EULA again, but this time, stop thinking like a fan and start thinking like a lawyer.

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
On the other hand, if NCSoft writes a CoH novel and puts your character in it, you can't demand they give you money or ask them to take your character out, either.
This is true, but quotes to this effect from devs and reps are commonly cited as to be the only thing that the EULA states. It is not the limit to which the EULA claims ownership. It could have been if they wanted it to; there is no reason whatsoever they had to claim sole ownership of IP created in the game. It would have been trivially easy for them to simply make that "to the extent" clause the guts of that section, so that you still own the IP and they claim an irrevocable license to use it. But, and this is very important, that's not what it says. And again, in court, what it actually says is what counts, not what you think their intention was when they wrote it.

Edit: Actually you can ask, but you have no standing from which to demand it. And I guess this little back-and-forth is indicative to just how pervasive and compelling this myth is!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Myth: That it would be too hard or impossible to implement that new feature.
Truth: Looking at I16 right now.



After reading all these, I was hoping someone would chime in with something I was told was "The Truth" by several different people when I first started.

"The Truth" being that if you got the Isolator Badge you would level up quicker, and get better drops.

Lisa-Smiling at the memory

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Just throwing this out there, but EULA are not always ironclad contracts. Parts have been overturned many times.

I'm not a lawyer, but is transferring all IP rights you own as simple as accepting a click through agreement?

I would love to see NCSoft(or any other company that has similar stuff in their EULA) attempt to enforce this and get sued. The public backlash by itself might be enough to get them to back down.



Ultimate Truth:

All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.

So say we all.

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
