Sigh, look at all that beautiful landscape... wasted....(please read)
There are zone specific events like raids in Skyway or the fires in Steel, although I have to admit, they lose their luster after awhile
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
All zones after Mercy/Atlas/Galaxy should have special events, and the enemies spawned by the events should use the invasion code so everyone could join in.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
plus they're no fun if you out level them, i did a couple on my lvl 50 scrapper, not much fun. especially when your the only person doing anything
IMHO they should tag all these events with the GM code and tack on merit rewards for helping to complete them.
Edit: I type way to slow...the Invasion code idea is what I am talking about.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I'd love to see a huge event with a huge spawn-able monster floating somewhere in the Shard for people to start up "raids" for, like they do with Hami....
I think that's a good suggestion, and I still believe the Devs may have something up their sleeve way down the road for additions to the Shard.... We shall see, I guess...
"The One"

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
If you have any ideas and stuff that you think could make the game more exciting and increase the community turn out then post them here |
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
oh and im thrilled with the resposes and ideas, i feel so proud of my little thread baby =P
I really like the idea of leveling the burning buildings thingy,
i personally think the time frame it uses is stupid... WOW! building raging with flames, QUICK lets put out the fire!... (starts putting out fires)... hey this is sure taking it's time... wait, wha!? the fire just dissapeared.
If the fire stayed there and got worse maybe infecting other buildings or something untill it was delt with by whatever means that isn't just some wierd hose generator back pack. =D
How the heck do you get to the shard from redside anyway or is it even possible?
IMHO they should tag all these events with the GM code and tack on merit rewards for helping to complete them.
Edit: I type way to slow...the Invasion code idea is what I am talking about. |
That, and I refuse to be killed by a bunch of level 10 Hellions on a high-level character.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
anyhow, yes, invasion code for those events should definitely be the standard. i agree entirely with it, more events would , in my opinion, make the game feel more "heroic" and redside should have targets of opportunity that would also be raid-coded.
They should make them more complex, like needing more than one player to complete them, and make the mobs scale like invasion mobs.
Back to the OP's original suggestion, I do think a lot of virtual real-estate is wasted. It'd be a little better if there was SOMETHING there to see or do, even if it was something as trivial as just talking to someone about the place. But again, it'd lose it's shiny power after about a week or so. CoV players honestly devour content pretty quickly.
To help others, first you must be able to help yourself.
You aren't missing much. CAve, cave, cave, cave, hey look! It's a CAVE! |
And yeah I know his name starts with a R but I can't be arsed to remember the spelling. Saved his butt from the CoT in some random mission I can't remember either o_O
Honestly I think its a tad unfair that redside is missing ALOT of content... I mean seriously. Ever seen a blueside base with full teleporters? It needs a rather huge room to fit them all.
Seen a redside one? 7, 7 is all you freakin need for the entirety of redside. (including RWZ and Pocket D)
The red-side definately needs some content love, and if we/they don't get some soon then going rogue is going to make at least 33% of red-side go blue-side even if the characters back story is supposed to be extremely super villainouse like squashing babies heads for fun (sick example i know, but it proves a point...)
Hey, i wanted to post this where a lot of people and hopefully the devs would see it.
When you think of the CoH/V universe as you see it when you are traveling arround it doesn't seem all that big (especially with a caped Super Speed char) each level range has 1 maybe 2 zones for them to play in and when you get to 50 you either go to the rikti war zone, Cimerora for the ITF, or paregrine isles/grandville to do loads of missions to build up influence/infamy to improve your build.
Now i know there is so much more in the CoH/V universe than that, what about the Shadow Shard, that place is amazing but soo soo empty, i mean the fact that it is HUGE and onyl really useful for 8 man task forces is probally why it was soo empty but still this is my point.
I myself am an environmental fenatic i may say, i love thinks in nature that look original, breathtaking, beautiful, amazing, and if i could i would spend my life designing and creating islands, archipelagos, planets if that were even possible becasue it is my biggest passion so you can understand why i don't like to see fresh original content wasted, even if it doesn't seem so fresh when playing through it.
I want to see more of a community presence in places like this. We as players need thrills, we need HUGE Content and i mean that in terms of size. Rikti ship raids and Hamidon raids are great examples of stuff that would be great to have more of, more easily accessible constant action that any solo player could join into and enjoy when their fed up of grinding on their level 50.
I have a few idea's that i would like to add in here, so here they are.
A Constant Raid: this could be like a zone that has a constant battle going on. This would be like a hamidon raid that had Infinite regiments of custom critters, like venguard and longbow, all fighting one Giant War in a huge place, as if every time you went into the Hamidon Zones the Hamidon was always active with fleets trying to destroy it. This would be the ideal place for level 50 characters to team and farm for infany/influence and im sure the devs don't have anything against 50's farming for monez as they can't out level and content at their level and will always need something new to amuse themselves. This idea could be added in on something already existant, or it could be something totally new, I am only using the hamidon as an example becasue i can visualise the idea well on the hamidon landscape.
Repeatable missions, as well as mission arch's in a zone that had frequent small zone events. This would be kinda like the rikti war zone just exagerated more for the purpose of it being a purely out of instance Zone. It could have missions such as defeat a specific enemy that spawn on the map somewhere every so often after it has been defeated, kinda like how the GM's are at specific places. I could see problems with people farming these enemies and stopping people from completing the missions, unless some perameters or something were met. But if there were these as well as the enemiy groups Raiding a base and fighting for supremacy over it, kinda like having a place where longbow and Arachnos fought over a specific base with waves of each faction coming every 30 mins or so with minions Lt's bosses EB's and AV's in them like a full scale battle, like the croatoa battle that iv'e personally never seen but would definately like to some time.
Now I doubt there is anyone out there thinking that having exciting Content that brings a zone to life with high community turn out is a bad idea, ecpecially somewhere that the devs have put a lot of heart into designing.
If you have any ideas and stuff that you think could make the game more exciting and increase the community turn out then post them here, im sure there are loads of people how think the same way i do when it comes to wasted content.