So anyone give into temptation about CO?




I really think the only thing keeping Champions Online a float is that you can really make just about anything. Of course the issue there is that somethings look great on paper but fail at practice; the freedom is still there when it comes to choosing your character's traits and abilities.

Never will Seraph be Seraph in CoX like he can be in CO at this rate. But there's the problem, there's just nothing too exciting to do. Maybe it's the shards but there's hardly a RP community and it's hard to come across folks. The content just doesn't hold me enough.

It sucks because Seraph is a gun toke'n (yes I know it's totting) swordmaster-slashing demon slayer just trying to have a good time... there's just nowhere I can take him that I feel he would fit properly. Most of the time I'm either fighting Viper (think Malta more or less) or aliens (Quularr) or even giant veloceraptors.... there's mysticism here and there, dealings with occults but compared to the rest, feels to me there's just not enough.

I think DCUO is going to beat it. If there's one thing SoE does right, it's the faction system some of their games hold. And since, according to the E3 showing, we'll be able to make Villains and have stuff to run them through; this already puts DCUO as a challenging competitor. Cryptic is pretty much repeating similar mistakes they've done here. One moment they give us something good and the next... take it away.

At this point it's clear to assume that CO is just a resource to funnel money into their STO project. They've known the IP long enough to incorporate some of their own ideas, making development that much faster and in doing so created a half game in hopes that people paying will get the lifetub sub so they can retrofit it to their STO IP.

Originally Posted by Apogee View Post
They way I see SOE is along the lines of 'fool me once (EQ) shame on you, fool me twice (SW:G) shame on me.' Whether they produce or run a game, I will not be fooled again.
To be honest, the NGE version for EQ2 actually did the game more justice. SoE can create some fun games but it just depends how focused they are on the project. I enjoyed EQ until it became expansion quest where every month, so it felt, we're on a new adventure trying to beat the next learning curve.

Of course what ticked me off about EQ2 was how they butchered the world itself Lore wise, transforming everything I used to know into islands or how they completely destroyed Kunark (level 50+ expansion pack now) when I remember starting at level 1 on my Iksar and venturing through Field of Bone. Then of course Estate of Unrest used to be a famous level 20-30 haunted mansion which in EQ2 you couldn't enjoy until after you were level 70.

And then the faction system changed. Because they were trying too hard to compete against WoW's alliance vs horde, so the good / evil became the new theme where as in EQ there was always two sides to each coin, the Iksars were hated by everyone for example so it felt accomplishing to go out and end up being welcomed in Qeynos (human, elves, half elves goody city).

Anyways SoE does do a good job as long as they're focused. The issue I always had with them is they wouldn't actually change something unless they saw their player base leaving, which meant they wouldn't really change anything unless they had to; so if they had the players they wouldn't care what needed to be nerfed/buffed.



Well for those who don't know....

1) All 1 year and 6 months subs were RE-activated through the day that they first stated after the public out cry. Did I like that they changed it to quantites limited? No. But they still righted a wrong and that gives me hope.

2) They just announced that ALL pre-launch toons that were made BEFORE LIVE on 9/1/09 are now getting a FULL, FREE retcon (respec). So they are listening to the community and trying to do right by them.

3) The 'lines and cell shading' in the game can be turned down and tweaked so that you barely even notice them. I personally think the graphics and the costume editor are amazing.

4) The "goofiness" of facial expressions can actually be changed. There are at least 4 options you can choose for both facial expression AND character stance so you can costumize how they look. PLUS the characters actually blink, react to emotes such as '' and they'll smile or '' and they frown.

5) Full toon costumization. Sliders for EVERY part of your toons body and face. Costume parts for every part of your toons body and face. Capes at creation. Girls can actually wear nailpolish. They guys might be able to as well, but who wants to play an icky boy??

6) Travel powers at level 5.

7) In game vanity pets that you don't have to wait HOW many vet months to get? You can earn them in-game and some were even offered with the purchase of the game or by using Cryptic Points.

8) Even more costume parts and in-game items that can be opened via perks (badges) and cost the player NOTHING to unlock except the time in earning the perk.

9) Comical villians that make you feel like a REAL super-hero.

We have screenies posted on our CO forums... you can find it by going to our CoH forums if you are interested.

I personally find the story line fun and fresh and the character creation as well as the world beautiful.

I have dual subs, as you can tell or I wouldn't be posting here. I plan on playing both for each has it's own likes and dislikes for me.

Though I am all for everyone having their opinion I know there has been a LOT of bashing from CoHers towards people trying out CO and even liking it. (I didn't see any of that in this thread btw but I know of it happening to friends.) They talk about "loyalty" to the game. And I ask you, WHY? It's a game! I owe CoH nothing. I paid my subscription, they gave me game access and content... it's a business transaction. Gamers, true gamers, try all types of games and systems be it on the PC, PS, PS3, Wii, X-box, etc. I would never give anyone a hard time for trying out a PS3 game just because I LOVED the PS2. ALL technology is about progression and in my humble opinion, CO is a part of that progression that I intend to play.

*Now waiting for the mod slap and bashing.*



Another poor point on Cryptics behalf... PVP, it's not necessary. The game has no PVP incentive and face it, if you're looking for something competitive; you'd get more out of Guild Wars. Game shouldn't of had it because for the simple reason that it wasn't made for it. If they were, are, going to make villains an expansion... they should of added PVP in then.



I bought into CO, and I enjoy it for the most part. It's not perfect, but what MMO is? The player population is, unfortunately, not quite as good as it is in CoH. It's amazing how many people figure out how to get to Millennium City from the starter zones, but can't figure out how to get back. There are also a number of idiots who bash CoH at every opportunity, and treat CO as the god of superhero MMOs, which gets tiresome. That's probably why I've spent almost all of my time soloing, although it would be nice to find an SG that isn't full of total idiots and motards.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



I tried CO, didn't care for it. Cell-shading gives me massive migraines. I've heard the arguements "It's a new game, give it time." "They just need to polish it a bit." "Wait and see, it'll get better."

I'm sorry but, time isn't something CO has. There are too many better MMOs coming out on the market for me to throw my money at. By the time CO puts that "final polish" on their game, I have a feeling those other MMOs would have already hit the market. I'm looking at Swtor, Final Fantasy, etc.

So, no. There was no temptation.

Besides, Cryptic wants to compete with Swtor once it comes out. I have a strong feeling they'll be using CO subscription money to launch their other MMO campaigns..I'm looking at Star Trek.

I like to know my money is going towards the improvement of the franchise I am paying for. Not to fuel another project.



Originally Posted by Madisen View Post

6) Travel powers at level 5.
I thought those came at level 6?

At any rate, I get my full travel power in CoH/V at level 6, too. ;D
But yeah, there's some nifty things in CO. One thing I did like is that on their webpage, you can see before you log in which of your friends are on.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



Basically I have both games, one I do yearly one I never have to pay a cent for again.

I can do most looks in both games.

RP happens in CO, just trickier to get around non-rp'ers.

Honestly I was playing WOW and COH at the same time and I heard no complaints from folks about WOW.

I am not going to play WOW anymore, I will However play COH and CO, but please folks who don't play both stop the bashing its getting annoying.



Well, as someone who is subscribed to both games, and beta tested CO, have had contact with its Dev's and has actually made suggestions that have made it into the game, I find I cannot help but feel infuriated with the bait and switch at release.

The game was a lot of fun, I felt like hero in it.

Now.. its a shallow shell of its former self that is no longer fun.

Frankly, those of us who have shelled out a LOT of money in the current economy for the game and one of the subscription plans have a right to vent our frustrations.

This is real money, that some of us have been saving up for a long time. We paid it out and got the product we paid for changed to something we did not want.



Nuke the bastards in my opinion.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
Basically I have both games, one I do yearly one I never have to pay a cent for again.

I can do most looks in both games.

RP happens in CO, just trickier to get around non-rp'ers.

Honestly I was playing WOW and COH at the same time and I heard no complaints from folks about WOW.

I am not going to play WOW anymore, I will However play COH and CO, but please folks who don't play both stop the bashing its getting annoying.
Agreed. You don't have to like CO, and CO players don't have to like CoH, but both should just stop with the mindless bashing.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



(("So anyone give into temptation about CO?"

That's the OP's question. So either we can give our opinions and reasons as to why we are/are not tempted to play CO, or we can give this thread a quick death by restricting our answers to "yes" or "no".

A lot of my friends are playing CO now, and I'm getting lots of invitations to go over there. So in that respect, yes there is a bit of temptation, but the game is so unenjoyable for me, and I find the characters so unattractive, that the game itself kills any sort of incentive for me to go there again.

I think all of that falls within being a reasonable answer to the OP's question. And I'm not bashing CO. I'm just saying that my own experience with it has not been at all satisfying.

But for those of my friends who enjoy it, I do wish them well and I hope they have fun there. ))



I tried it for a while.

It became immediately clear that the game was still nowhere near ready for release, even after delaying the release multiple times. It wasn't just a "lack of polish" - it was glaring bugs and problems everywhere, some dating back to closed beta still without resolution. Simple bugs - like too low spawn rates for mobs - were acknowledged and not fixed. Major bugs, like quests that couldn't be completed, left to sit and rot. Claiming it's an MMO and "they'll patch it" isn't an excuse for releasing something with that many glaring bugs. It never has been and never will be.

They shot themselves in the foot again with the repeated bait and switch from closed to open and through release. Plus a complete and total lack of focus or organization with the developers. I met a good number of closed beta people who said that open beta "wasn't what they tested." I rolled two characters to test; one could take hits from +5's with impunity, while the other was a glass cannon that could one-shot just about anything near the end of the tutorial. Then they started playing games with the XP, less than a day before effectively eliminating XP testing. (I had the luxury of chatting with several developers and CMs, who stated in no uncertain terms that they had no notice or idea that change was coming.) I also know that despite the ridiculously heavy nerf they delivered with release, both are pretty much still able to do the same as before. Other people with similar/same builds who play have told me as much.

Though I suppose ultimately their attitude toward players is what really sealed the deal. They still haven't said how to get a full retcon, other than "when we decide it's warranted." (Which we've already seen, is only when a large number of players scream about a wholesale change. And then they strictly limit it to a relatively small number.) And thousands of customers are finding out too late that the only way to get their 30 days "free" is to either have already bought a time card, or to let Cryptic put their credit card on file and sign up for a subscription and cancel it before first billing. To say nothing of the lifetime fiasco. Forget reaching anyone in billing support - they've been understaffed and backed up for days since before launch.

It's blatantly apparent that certain people at Atari and Cryptic think their playerbase is a bunch of idiots. And I'm just not interested in paying $15/mo to be jerked around while playing something I wouldn't dare call release if it had my name on it. It's just not anywhere near ready, and the people working on it seem to have no plan to actually make it a release quality game.



I preordered the game so I got to play in open beta and head start. And they said you had a limited time to buy the lifetime subscription. Sadly, that's all it takes to tempt me to spend money; Limited Time. I figured the game would just have to last 14 months or more for me to save money, plus I'm in beta for Star Trek and get the Mirror Mirror uniforms, which I really wanted. And I get an additional 8 character slots. So I got that while the download was still crashing and starting over from the beginning...

So I play both, Mariel, so I guess I get to rant.

I don't like the graphics. It's weird. Your characters looked like rotoscoped claymation, with a bit of 3-d cgi objects that don't fit. Like 2 styles of art in the same universe.

I love the character creator with twitchy tails and tenticled feet. Plus you can loap like a critter or waddle like a hulk or strut or stroll. And 4 basic attitudes if you don't have a critter head. If you do have a critter head, it has only 1 emotion. I just wish they had someone like Sexy Jay to do the art.

I'm an altoholic and have 7 characters so far and I am really beginning to hate the tutorial which will take you to level 4-6 with only your first level powers and 20 minutes to an hour depending on if there is kill-stealing (well, rescue stealing in the tutorial actually).

You can really pick what ever combo you want, even if that gimps you completely. However your first 2 powers make you like a ranged or meelee scrapper, with an energy building attack, so you have something to do while out of blue and a good attack.

Teaming is horrible. Teams are hard to find, they accidently disband. Half of the missions can't be team shared (which means only the owner gets the bonus) and you don't know where the heck you are going if it's not your mission.

Soloing can be from too easy to impossible not based on difficulty, but based on your build.

They are using the graphical sounds Coh said they were using 2 April firsts ago. Including Freem! I don't know if this is legal, but it looks cool.

The cut scenes and sounds are much better than the graphics. I like the sounds. In the snow there is one catgirl villain you need to defeat and convert, and she says some random funny stuff, like cat girl surgery is expensive, so she had to steal to pay for it. Or she's not really a villain, just a furry who fell in with the wrong crowd.

The end of beta was sort of fun. They leveled you to 40 and had giant robots invade everywhere to defeat and get killed by. Head Start was horrible. they had 1 invasion every 45 minutes that lasted less than 3 minutes each time. First day they buffed villains, nerfed all powers, expecially defense and the few healing powers, and all the travel powers. But your missions send you across maps longer than IP, and they slow you down!! Jack at his most famous.

As an altoholic, the game is VERY repetitive. Here I can start off doing my contact chain or a sewer run, or level up quickly in AE. In CO, I have to spend up to an hour on the dang tutorial then I have one of 2 environments I am stuck in until level 10 and should proably remain in until level 15. And you can use up all your missions in your environment and be stuck with nothing to do in your level range.

So I piddle with CO when I get up very early and can't find anyone on line here. But CoH has better players, better teaming, more consistant graphics and I find it more fun. I'm subscribed to both, but I'm onlyh going to continue to pay for one. (And I'm not talking about the numerous micro transactions that CO has announced, like a way to get the vanity pets)



Originally Posted by AreEss View Post
They shot themselves in the foot again with the repeated bait and switch from closed to open and through release.
I think you're giving the devs too much credit here. I don't think they, or anyone else at Cryptic, has either the intelligence or deviousness to cook up that sort of scheme. Are they naive? Clueless? You bet. But devious? Those guys probably couldn't sell storm windows to Floridians in the middle of hurricane season.

Plus, keep in mind that good ol' Jack is running Cryptic. He has a vision of how MMOs should play and he sticks to it, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that it's not working. Remember that the best thing he did for CoH was leave.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
We've tried it here. Our verdict... it could be worse, it could be better.

There are some good ideas in the game. If the new bugs are ironed out quickly and the whole thing is managed properly, it could do well.

Will it replace City? Probably not. An analogy I've used elsewhere on the forums is "Coke and Pepsi" two fairly similar products which both have their fans (and detractors) yet have managed to survive in the marketplace. Despite what some folks are saying, there is room for both.

In playstyle, CO more resembles WoW that City in any case. WoW players will find the crafting, drops, UI and combat systems very familiar. It almost seems to me that Cryptic designed a competitor for the 800 lb. gorilla and not for City. If they manage to pull some players away from Warcraft, then good for them. WoW can take the loss.

I'd advocate wait and see. Those who feel like trying it out, go ahead. It cannot hurt anything. Just don't storm off of City with a cliche'd "I'm leaving" message. It makes you look a bit of a fool when you come back. Besides, we're not giving back your stuff.
This. I had some fun while playing CO but not enough to earn my money. I simply canceled my pre-order and moved on.

But I agree 100% that Co is more like a standard MMO then CoX. By a long shot.



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I think you're giving the devs too much credit here. I don't think they, or anyone else at Cryptic, has either the intelligence or deviousness to cook up that sort of scheme. Are they naive? Clueless? You bet. But devious? Those guys probably couldn't sell storm windows to Floridians in the middle of hurricane season.
You can rest assured some of the stunts are marketing, and not Jack. For example, the lifetime subscriptions suddenly "selling out"? Marketing. The "partnering" with IGN to lure thousands of people into paying for unnecessary subscriptions to a garbage download service? Marketing. And it was stated in no uncertain terms that that particular department is pretty much reviled by everyone outside and inside Cryptic.

Plus, keep in mind that good ol' Jack is running Cryptic. He has a vision of how MMOs should play and he sticks to it, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that it's not working. Remember that the best thing he did for CoH was leave.
No, no. See, you have Jack and Bill. Emmert and Roper. It's like a bad movie review show. These are two people who literally jumped at the chance to bail on their last projects, and as soon as they were out the door, started crowing from the rooftops that those projects were total failures and only an idiot would stick by them. (In the case of Hellgate, they actually managed to be right.)

Jack has a vision as to how things should play - for him. Based on his play, and his idea of how to do data mining. Any feedback he doesn't give himself or "derive" from "data mining" is garbage and a bunch of whiners. But if you're here, you probably already know that.

Bill Roper just has absolutely no idea what he's doing, but demands you worship him as the man to tell you how to do it. He was basically shown the door at Blizzard; if you review his work there, after Diablo II he has no significant credits till he founded Flagship. He loves to latch onto the latest shiny new thing and act like he's the arbiter of all that is good, and the greatest innovater with the most new ideas. (See also; Microtransactions and the ever changing "$5 in Champions Bucks.")
He's also a notoriously bad micromanager on the technical side - especially with his ego. At Flagship, he hand picked every single employee there himself. He pretty much dictated to the letter what Hellgate would be written for and how he wanted it done. And lots of the gameplay elements. You can see things pretty obviously stolen from Hellgate in Champions.

So yeah. You have one guy trying to recreate something he already did and treat it like he made no mistakes, and a guy hellbent on making the same mistakes that ruined his company. And they both have an attitude of "eh, who cares, we'll fix it in a later patch! It's us, so they have to love our work!"
I think the last comment on this article is pretty accurate if you replace "Hellgate" with "Champions," no?



Originally Posted by AreEss View Post
(In the case of Hellgate, they actually managed to be right.)
Hellgate was actually a good game...until...THE PATCH.

Notice a pattern where either of those two is involved?

A game is good. A game is great. THE PATCH is applied. The game nosedives. City of survived that but just and it resulted in Jack jumping ship. Notice we've never had THE PATCH applied again?

A single patch killed Hellgate. A single damn patch where they happily gutted the entire game and nerfed a lot of the things that were genuinely fun.

I'm not bitter. Honest.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Originally Posted by Animorph View Post
Just curious, did anyone give in and try it out? I have my paid off pre-order waiting for me, but I can't decide if I want to pick it up or cancel it.
Lifetime subscriber. Was worried at first when I couldn't download from Fileplanet due to problems with their download manager.

Right now I am loving it.

Even with all the new things coming down the pike with Issue 16 I am bored with running the same missions over and over. It doesn't matter how they proliferate the powersets if you have to complete the same missions over and over. There is nothing wrong with CoX, I am just bored after almost 5 years of playing.

Whether or not CO holds my attention enough to make the lifetime subscription worth it remains to be seen. If I play it for 5 years then I have had fun and come out ahead $ wise.



I was in Open Beta, pre-ordered, weaseled into Headstart, then canceled my pre-order.

So I guess yeah, I fell to temptation.

I can safely say CO caused me more frustration and MMO burnout than any MMO I've EVER played, and I played a few. Including Korean grinders.

Emmert and Roper are like a bad comedy act, because they repeat the same jokes they got booed for in the last show. It's shocking to me, because if I made the same mistakes over and over doing my job, I'd be fired by now. These two bastards are still employed and getting paid more than I do, probably.

I could harp on about 9/1 nerf, but others have done that already. Instead, I would ask of the Dynamic Duo why is it that they still live in 2003.

There's been a lot of activity in the MMO world in the recent years. There are highly publicized stories of success and failure (their own included). All it takes is reading, and then not repeating the same mistakes made by others.

Players don't like nerfs.
Players hate lengthy tutorials.
Players will solo if they can, but they will team if it pays and it is fun.
Camping, ninja-ing and kill-stealing are infuriating.
Grinding of any kind (collect me 9000 boar livers) sucks if you are catering to Westerners.
Bugs happen, but you have to be very generous with the people who are paying YOU 15 bucks a month to beta-test your unfinished product.

CO commits all of those sins and then some.

That's why my temptation was just that: a fleeting temptation.



Cryptic clearly never learned their lessons from CoX.

Just sayin'.

Click for Deviant Art Site - Commission List: OPEN



I was never tempted by CO, because Jack Emmert was working on it. If you notice my joined date, I played Emmert's CoX. However, I'm only a 15-month veteran, because I only stayed after Emmert left. I think it is a much better game now than it was then.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I was never tempted by CO, because Jack Emmert was working on it. If you notice my joined date, I played Emmert's CoX. However, I'm only a 15-month veteran, because I only stayed after Emmert left. I think it is a much better game now than it was then.
I played it, and would have considered giving up one of my CoX accounts if the game had been truely amazing, but it wasn't. NOT putting it down or anything, I don't think that CoX was the game it is today in the first year or so. I actually started playing a little after the first year, Jun '05 and it has really grown and changed since then.

I'll try CO again, 6mo-1 year down the line, if there's a free trial available, and I'll be interested to see if it captures my attention like CoH (then) did in it's first year.

As far as all the Jack-bashing, I don't really get into all that, when he was here and I was playing the game, I didn't know what he was planning, or what he was saying, or if he *kept* the game from being all it could be, it was what it was, I liked the game and if something new came along, I enjoyed it, if things were missing that I wanted I just kept hoping for them, I didn't really consider that there was someone, an "evil force" that kept things from happening.

What I *didn't* liek about Jack was that when CO was announced every interview was a comparison to CoX and putting it down, like he'd fathered a mentally challenged child, and he was going to have another one but this one would be a super-genius. That Jack I didn't like. I can understand there would be SOME comparisons, they're both the same genre, but the constant putting down of his first "creation" just to make the newest creation seem "shinier" left a bad taste in my mouth.

Neverless I gave the game a shot, honest opinion, it wasn't bad, but I'm going to give it some time to see if it grows into some serious competition for CoX.



Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
[...]I didn't really consider that there was someone, an "evil force" that kept things from happening.
There's a fair amount of evidence that Emmert was an "evil force" keeping things from happening. Real Numbers, for instance, never happened until after Emmert had no say whatsoever over CoX's development.

Here's a fairly good list of the things that makes most people hate Emmert (I have no opinion on ED, because I only played after CoV came out, but the lack of numbers and the basic "idea of fun" are foremost among my reasons for not liking the man's vision, and CO's first-day nerf sounds like Emmert's "idea of fun" rearing its head again.)



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
and CO's first-day nerf sounds like Emmert's "idea of fun" rearing its head again.)

This strikes me as kinda true, instance lairs feel like not trying to survive, but keep dying and coming back and bash your head into a wall until it falls over.



Originally Posted by hypocratic_oath View Post
This strikes me as kinda true, instance lairs feel like not trying to survive, but keep dying and coming back and bash your head into a wall until it falls over.
"Everyone will be nerfed until IT IS FUN!"

Don't forget smashing your head into the wall repeatedly trying to get the low spawn rate quest mobs, while surrounded by griefers and other campers. I loved a developer's response to the issue of a very early quest that was impossible to complete because of this: "go to another instance or go do another quest." People harassing your quest mobs? "Go to another instance or go do another quest." Actually able to complete your quest? "Well that's no fun!"