So anyone give into temptation about CO?




Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
There's a fair amount of evidence that Emmert was an "evil force" keeping things from happening. Real Numbers, for instance, never happened until after Emmert had no say whatsoever over CoX's development.

Here's a fairly good list of the things that makes most people hate Emmert (I have no opinion on ED, because I only played after CoV came out, but the lack of numbers and the basic "idea of fun" are foremost among my reasons for not liking the man's vision, and CO's first-day nerf sounds like Emmert's "idea of fun" rearing its head again.)
Thanks for that, I can now understand the negative opinions a lot better. I always knew there was *somethng* about him that people didn't like, now I have the details.

I started playing right around issue 4, I remember the uproar about ED, but I hadn't been playing long enough, only about 16 months at that point, for it to really, REALLY upset me to the point that it did most of the other folks here. I understood WHY they were upset though.

I see now why he has such a negative rep with some of the folks here, and combining what I've just read with all the negative stuff he said about CoX while promoting CO, I'd have to say that I'm not a real big fan of his at this point either.



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Cryptic clearly never learned their lessons from CoX.

Just sayin'.
Well that much is obvious. I enjoy CO (bought a lifetime sub so I could keep my sub to CoH active) but it's obvious that they've made some of the same mistakes. What I find funny is the people who indignantly left CoH after some of the major nerfs, then went to CO expecting something completely different. Never mind that the man who instituted the CoH nerfs is the same man currently running Cryptic.

All these bait-and-switch accusations after the launch day nerfs. Honestly, who didn't see those coming?

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
I see now why he has such a negative rep with some of the folks here, and combining what I've just read with all the negative stuff he said about CoX while promoting CO, I'd have to say that I'm not a real big fan of his at this point either.
Emmert doesn't seem to know when to shut up. This, coupled with the fact that he'll screw up whatever he's talking about, insures that he'll earn the hatred of the players of every MMO Cryptic publishes.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



As for the original question: There was no temptation, only suck.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by AreEss View Post
"Everyone will be nerfed until IT IS FUN!"

Don't forget smashing your head into the wall repeatedly trying to get the low spawn rate quest mobs, while surrounded by griefers and other campers. I loved a developer's response to the issue of a very early quest that was impossible to complete because of this: "go to another instance or go do another quest." People harassing your quest mobs? "Go to another instance or go do another quest." Actually able to complete your quest? "Well that's no fun!"

Accually that reminds me, about griefers, they. are. everywhere

There is a small rp community and rp in public is a pain due to people spamming /e dance, throwing homoerotic slurs around, etc. Not once have i been able to go into club caprice without Wowtards doing there thing (see: mis-spelling pro-nouns and having an IQ lower than their shoe size). and i've been convinced to break my golden rule on ignore, where only if i know i'll never see the person again...currently half the community is on it. There's a rumor that SG bases and player housing is coming near October which will be nothing short of a godsend for the rp community, as for finding SGs, they're there; but very xenophobic.

What i've seen (and a little i'll admit...) is really less send a tell or post a small bio in tells, but more "go to our fourms and get to know everything pretty well first and we'll evaluate you, expect a mail in a week. I dunno why this is policy, but it's a turn off.

Now as for why i'm still playing? i payed 65 bucks to follow friends, and i'll enjoy what little i can out of it and wait for the game to tank, which at this rate, i'm sure it will.