So anyone give into temptation about CO?




My 2 cents, I love City, but i did leave for WOW until my schedule made it so I could not Raid anymore. I did get the lifetime sub for CO, and for the time being I will play the crap out of that game since I spent $250 for it.

With this said I shall always play City of heroes, not for the game play, not for the graphics both of which have never really impressed me. It is the easy pace of city and the social environment that keeps me coming back.

Basically the Role playing in city of heroes is the best out of any MMO i have ever played, and I have played a lot of them.

So this Buds for the Best RP/MRP/ERP/Catgirl MMO ever made.



What temptation?

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Most of my IRL friends have bought lifetime subs, so Hubby and i did, too. i've played it a little, but my computer can't really handle it right now. Hubby and i are working on upgrading my computer, but that will take some time. (Not an issue when you've already paid up for life.) If nothing else, CO gets my gratitude for finally forcing Hubby to look into getting me a better system.

What little i've played (mostly on my Husband's computer) was okay. i still prefer CoH, though. Honestly, if my IRL friends were still in CoH, i'd never even check out any other games. But, i do like teaming with my friends, no matter in which games, so most likely i'll play CO on the nights (in other games it's been once a week) where we have a scheduled game night, and play CoH the rest of the time.



I bought it.

I liked it. It's not like some wrath will come upon me. I have two games, now.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
My 2 cents, I love City, but i did leave for WOW until my schedule made it so I could not Raid anymore. I did get the lifetime sub for CO, and for the time being I will play the crap out of that game since I spent $250 for it.
You should find us Mariel!!!

That being said, I did purchase the game, played beta, playing live, bought a subscription, still have CoX. It has it's pluses and minuses, just like CoX. I personally like all the personalization and other neat perks that are included in the game. It has it's bugs to work out but it JUST CAME OUT! In my opinion, you cannot expect a game that just came out to be perfect in balance or fairness to all powers... heck, even CoX isn't and it's been out for 5+ years now.

I think before deciding and any reading the forums over there, which P.S. does NOT make up the whole of the player base, just those who like to use the forums, just like this game, you should play for yourself.

I think it's worth buying.



I gotta wonder for every person that posted here, that obviously hadn't left CoH, and didn't really get into CO because... well, they're here... how many folks absolutely loved the game so much they couldn't spare the time to forum surf? Personally I haven't played it. I'm a little curious, as several friends have jumped for it and quit here, but I know better than to hop games and quit old ones just because a few cooler friends did the same >.>. It seems the better option to wait it out while I'm comfortable here and see how CO pans out in the future. I agree that you can't really judge a game on what it is the second it goes live, it's usually not all that much.



I play City of Heroes like an MMO and have fun. I'm sticking with this game until it ends.

I play Champions Online like a giant game of Final Fight and have fun. I'm also sticking with this game until it ends.

Also, there's not enough ERP over there darn it!

Wait. That wasn't my internal monologue... oh dear.

Back Yard Boom - Emo Catgirl - Cobalt Claymore - Hephaestus 1

Avatar by Scarf_Girl!



Originally Posted by BreakneckBecky View Post
I played the open beta. There were some neat things, but didn't really enjoy actually playing the game. Maybe I'll check it out again at some point in the future and see how it has evolved, but for now it's not my particular cup of tea.
^^^ This. Exactly.



Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post
I bought it.

I liked it. It's not like some wrath will come upon me. I have two games, now.

In its entirety, CO isn't as good of a game as CoH is now, but it has the potential to be better given time. More importantly, it's something different when you've been playing CoH for over five years constantly and need a break to help fight off the burn-out.

I enjoy CO. I got my lifetime sub. I can't wait to see what else they can do with it.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
*cues Xanatos*
I like Champions. But the nerf on release day has me worried about the life of this game. (They nerfed all resists & defenses by ~50% overall. They also nerfed XP in missions. They also buffed the badguys to do 3x more damage. And for no real reason they slowed all travel powers by 15%.)

And despite the whining ALL OVER THE FORUMS...the devs did an interview with eurogamer saying "the majority of gamers are happy with the changes."

Oh and the best thing about all this? You could buy a lifetime/6 month subscription but only if you bought them before September 1st. Guess what day this massive nerfage happened on? September 1st. Gamestop have started refunding people who bought the lifetime / 6 month deals. Cryptic are deleting any posts about getting refunds.

The game has gone from a genuinely enjoyable and brillaintly superheroic videogame that would have taken me away from a boring grindfest for most people. I'm still majorly overpowered with my Champions version of Xanatos...but that's just because I know how to min/max toons well. I'm sure the devs will catch up and nerf me eventually. (Like they have done to everyone else.) I'm still having the time of my life though...and I hope it lasts



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
And despite the whining ALL OVER THE FORUMS...the devs did an interview with eurogamer saying "the majority of gamers are happy with the changes.
I call the biggest load of BS I have ever heard from a gaming company.

Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
The game has gone from a genuinely enjoyable and brillaintly superheroic videogame that would have taken me away from a boring grindfest for most people.
So sadly true..



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
And despite the whining ALL OVER THE FORUMS...the devs did an interview with eurogamer saying "the majority of gamers are happy with the changes."
They must subscribe to the philosophy that no post = happy post.



Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post

In its entirety, CO isn't as good of a game as CoH is now, but it has the potential to be better given time. More importantly, it's something different when you've been playing CoH for over five years constantly and need a break to help fight off the burn-out.
I agree! This is why I'm playing CO for now. Just to fight the 5 year burn out I'm experiencing. CO is definitely not as good as COH but it's something different to play while I kill time for Going Rogue. Playing different games and taking a break from COH keeps the game interesting for me when I eventually come back (which I always do)




Xan showed me a screenie...

Dudes were ugly, chicks were fat. Not my cup of tea. ROFL I like my characters to be spanky. Sorry. I want superhero bods, and sexy faces. If I wanted to see ugly people I'd move back to Tampa, FL *ZING!*


Back to your business.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Xan showed me a screenie...

Dudes were ugly, chicks were fat. Not my cup of tea. ROFL I like my characters to be spanky. Sorry. I want superhero bods, and sexy faces. If I wanted to see ugly people I'd move back to Tampa, FL *ZING!*


Back to your business.
((This is the main beef I have. It IS ugly. The colors are great, but the characters are ill-defined and murky looking, with or without the black lines around them. Also, the thing CoH did right was that they knew some of us would want spandex and hip-boots, while others would want tee-shirts and jeans. They made the costume designer so that you could do either, and do it well. The designers of CO seem to feel that comic book heroes should look goofy. The faces are goofy-looking. The costume pieces are goofy looking. I know they were going for a more "comic-book" look than CoH, but they missed the mark and came up with a "funny-book" look instead. That, combined with the crazy control issues and the way it all felt pointless and not superheroic, is enough to keep me from considering going back to try it again.

I did love the underwater zone though. And the volcano island. Both zones were beautiful. But my character uglied up the screen so much I just wanted him to get out of the way. ))



CO has got to go a long way to catch up with CoX. I have been pretty much playing it all along.

The ONE thing it has over CoX is the ability to mix your powers. You can have a tank like character with mental powers. I think that is very cool.

The look is just...different. I think the spandexy look is about the same as CoX but CoX has WAY more options.

I don't buy in to all the whining over there...and I have made that point ABUNDANTLY clear on those forum boards

People are just pissed because the change was made and there is nothing they can do about it.

The SECOND best thing....maybe it's the FIRST BESTEST thing is that I can have any damn name that I want. People can't camp kewl names. I really enjoyed making Kilroy. Not KilroyX or Killroy or Killroy with a silent Q...but just plain ol' Kilroy.

As far as the content goes?? it's MMORPG content. it's just as boring as CoX's as boring as EQs as boring as SWG...same old stuff. Go kill X amount of this and bring it back.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((This is the main beef I have. It IS ugly. The colors are great, but the characters are ill-defined and murky looking, with or without the black lines around them. Also, the thing CoH did right was that they knew some of us would want spandex and hip-boots, while others would want tee-shirts and jeans. They made the costume designer so that you could do either, and do it well. The designers of CO seem to feel that comic book heroes should look goofy. The faces are goofy-looking. The costume pieces are goofy looking. I know they were going for a more "comic-book" look than CoH, but they missed the mark and came up with a "funny-book" look instead. That, combined with the crazy control issues and the way it all felt pointless and not superheroic, is enough to keep me from considering going back to try it again.

I did love the underwater zone though. And the volcano island. Both zones were beautiful. But my character uglied up the screen so much I just wanted him to get out of the way. ))
CoX is WAY more comic-book than CO is, I think. I mean, unless you're going towards the "lumpy" John Byrne look. I know, I know, some people love his stuff, but look at the difference:

Softer look...(Champions Online):

(Byrne...and Dickie, but I don't blame Dickie for this LOL)

Refined look...(CoX):

(Jim Lee)

I dunno, I like hard lines, I like to know the definitive planes of a figure. I think graphics wise, CoX has CO beat by a mile. And it's not the "colors" that differentiate these two pieces of art either. Cause even when Jim was working with the old coloring system, his stuff was still polished.

What CoX SHOULD do? Bring in the face editor they have (had?) in SWG. THAT thing was awesome. I could literally make a completely unique looking character with that.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
What CoX SHOULD do? Bring in the face editor they have (had?) in SWG. THAT thing was awesome. I could literally make a completely unique looking character with that.
imma guy, and not a particuarily fashion conscious guy...and I spent 1/2 my time farming wind so that I could buy cool looking clothes for SWG lol

the character generation of that game has no rival.

The only game where, like you said, you could be COMPLETELY unique when you walked in to a cantina.



Originally Posted by kilroy64 View Post
imma guy, and not a particuarily fashion conscious guy...and I spent 1/2 my time farming wind so that I could buy cool looking clothes for SWG lol

the character generation of that game has no rival.

The only game where, like you said, you could be COMPLETELY unique when you walked in to a cantina.
I loved that game. I quit CoH when I4 happened as a "SCREW YOU!" to Cryptic....they completely nerfed my main

Was on SWG for about 3 months...had a business that was actually making me money IRL...became a pretty recognizable roleplayer....

Eventually quit...cause it was taking over my life. I mean...I always played MMOs pretty intensely, but this thing was taking over my LIFE. Quit. Came back to into CoV

I loved it. My Twi'lek was freaking awesome. UGH. Don't get me started....

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I loved that game. I quit CoH when I4 happened as a "SCREW YOU!" to Cryptic....they completely nerfed my main

Was on SWG for about 3 months...had a business that was actually making me money IRL...became a pretty recognizable roleplayer....

Eventually quit...cause it was taking over my life. I mean...I always played MMOs pretty intensely, but this thing was taking over my LIFE. Quit. Came back to into CoV

I loved it. My Twi'lek was freaking awesome. UGH. Don't get me started....
I knew a player over at LOTRO that did the same thing.

They had quit playing SWG some time before LOTRO launched. When LOTRO did launch all they did was talk about SWG and how it had captured her....and the rp was so awesome and all that.

Sure enough..she talked herself right back out of LOTRO and right back in to SWG.

She was in a PA of force witches...can't remember their in-game NPC names...but she was bragging and bragging about that PA and how ruthless and horrible they were and that how none of us on LOTRO would stand a chance in that RP.

I flat told her that I could infiltrate her PA and get right next to her if I wanted to. Naturally she scoffed.

I couldn't help myself. I activated my account again, waited some days and took my male Zabrak up there and waltzed right in to their FEMALE ONLY city.

Let's just say that the next few hours of RP WERE very, very strange, very, very intense, diabolical, past kinky and very domanatrix like...nothing I am in to by the way.

But in the end.....I was sitting right next to her in her bunker in the city...having tea or something when I looked over at her...smiled and said OOCLy..guess who I am :P

Oh, but the point of all this as I ramble that game WAS immersion, it was addictive. It was kinda special.




Originally Posted by kilroy64 View Post
I knew a player over at LOTRO that did the same thing.

They had quit playing SWG some time before LOTRO launched. When LOTRO did launch all they did was talk about SWG and how it had captured her....and the rp was so awesome and all that.

Sure enough..she talked herself right back out of LOTRO and right back in to SWG.

She was in a PA of force witches...can't remember their in-game NPC names...but she was bragging and bragging about that PA and how ruthless and horrible they were and that how none of us on LOTRO would stand a chance in that RP.

I flat told her that I could infiltrate her PA and get right next to her if I wanted to. Naturally she scoffed.

I couldn't help myself. I activated my account again, waited some days and took my male Zabrak up there and waltzed right in to their FEMALE ONLY city.

Let's just say that the next few hours of RP WERE very, very strange, very, very intense, diabolical, past kinky and very domanatrix like...nothing I am in to by the way.

But in the end.....I was sitting right next to her in her bunker in the city...having tea or something when I looked over at her...smiled and said OOCLy..guess who I am :P

Oh, but the point of all this as I ramble that game WAS immersion, it was addictive. It was kinda special.

ROFLMAO! That's awesome! However, SWG RP was pretty freaking Epic. I mean...honestly....

They had over 200 separate ACTED OUT emotes...but then multiply that by 3...because depending on what you were selected on, a single emote had 3 actions! It was soooo good.

And this, for me, as I was a dancer originally, made the game totally worth it and I wish they had this crap here in CoV instead of monkey dancing:

Crap was AWESOME!

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Now you go tme curious...what happen to it?

I downloaded the client for it about a year ago but just never did try it.

@Animorph 2

Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
ROFLMAO! That's awesome! However, SWG RP was pretty freaking Epic. I mean...honestly....

They had over 200 separate ACTED OUT emotes...but then multiply that by 3...because depending on what you were selected on, a single emote had 3 actions! It was soooo good.

And this, for me, as I was a dancer originally, made the game totally worth it and I wish they had this crap here in CoV instead of monkey dancing:

Crap was AWESOME!
See that? Aww, man. I should probably message you to keep from hijacking the poor OPs post anymore.

But I can remember dragging my *** in from doing a bunch of missions, had a bunch of battle fatigue so you HAD to sit in the cantina to get rid of it. It made dancing something very necessary. Awesome RP there. I HATED it when they nerfed battle fatigue.

And yeah, there were always little acts like this going on...

never forget when my buddies and i realized that you could all do the same move at the same time.

oh man, dang you Sorah lol


I used to hear that somebody was going to put out an SWG game that was just like the original...somehow. I don't know enough about that kind of stuff, but I was always hoping.

Sorry OP hehe