So anyone give into temptation about CO?




Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Btw, kilroy....

I watch this as a "Ahhh good times" for SWG nostalgia:

It should help ya
That was full of awesome. And my home server too!! woot 4 Kett!!



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Xan showed me a screenie...

Dudes were ugly, chicks were fat. Not my cup of tea. ROFL I like my characters to be spanky. Sorry. I want superhero bods, and sexy faces. If I wanted to see ugly people I'd move back to Tampa, FL *ZING!*


Back to your business.
this is one area I actually agree and disagree, in most cases You can create a good looking hero, but I have one alt I couldn't make as a male just couldn't get the look right so I made Him a Her and the look worked
flip though my Pictures

I had a Dancer on SWG, I loved the Idea you could play a game and focus on things other then battle, of course JTL came out and ruined the first there was like 1 or 2 jedi's per server, then, all of a sudden thousands of jedi's everywhere.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
this is one area I actually agree and disagree, in most cases You can create a good looking hero, but I have one alt I couldn't make as a male just couldn't get the look right so I made Him a Her and the look worked
flip though my Pictures
Meh, I still find it unimpressive I mean, it looks no better THAN Swg graphics which came out..HOW long ago? :S

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post

And this, for me, as I was a dancer originally, made the game totally worth it and I wish they had this crap here in CoV instead of monkey dancing:

Crap was AWESOME!
better choreography, even if the remix is terrible.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
CoX is WAY more comic-book than CO is, I think. I mean, unless you're going towards the "lumpy" John Byrne look. I know, I know, some people love his stuff, but look at the difference:

Softer look...(Champions Online):

(Byrne...and Dickie, but I don't blame Dickie for this LOL)
((Dick Giordano invented polish and shine in comic books. Before him, and Tom Palmer with Marvel, almost all the inkers used a flat, heavy style (though some of them, like Joe Sinnott and Murphy Anderson still turned out some beautiful work). And Byrne... I thought he was brilliant when he followed Dave Cockrum on X-Men (a tough act to follow), but everything that came after just hasn't grabbed me as much. It's not so much his drawing style that I don't like, as much as his storytelling technique. It's a little... formulaic?))

Refined look...(CoX):

(Jim Lee)

I dunno, I like hard lines, I like to know the definitive planes of a figure. I think graphics wise, CoX has CO beat by a mile. And it's not the "colors" that differentiate these two pieces of art either. Cause even when Jim was working with the old coloring system, his stuff was still polished.
((I like Jim Lee's art, but I wish his figures were a little bit more streamlined, less muscle-bound. But then, he'd get compared to Neal Adams, so maybe his muscley characters serve a purpose. But I like a very wide range of artists from John Cassady to Michael Avon Oeming. I like clear storytelling (something I have a problem with with artists like Chris Bachalo), clean lines (whether they are slick and shiney, or dark and heavy, I like to be able to tell a character's leg from the gloppiter gloppiter machine they're standing in front of), and dynamic figures (Gil Kane ftw! ).))

What CoX SHOULD do? Bring in the face editor they have (had?) in SWG. THAT thing was awesome. I could literally make a completely unique looking character with that.
((That does sound awesome, and while the average player on Champion might not care for a feature like that, it would be awesome for us RP'ers! ))



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I was discussing artistic aesthetics, not storytelling silly
((Gotcha. But there is a connection between the two, even in video games. Something that looks great as a stand-alone 3-D model might not look so good when moving through a game environment, part of my beef with CO. The characters don't look like they're really interacting with the environment, even when they lift a heavy object and throw it (which all of them can do -- super-strength not required, which sucks ). In a comic book, it is the way the artist tells the story that pulls me in more than the way he draws his figures. CO could have had a cartoony look, and still had awesome, immersive graphics, but they didn't succeed (at least in my opinion).

So, though I probably failed to make my point clear earlier (it was as unclear as my CO character's face), what I said about the things I like in a comic book artist applies to my CO experience.

And all of this is my opinion. I'm no expert. If you like to play CO, then I hope it only gets better for you. But it's not for me. ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Gotcha. But there is a connection between the two, even in video games. Something that looks great as a stand-alone 3-D model might not look so good when moving through a game environment, part of my beef with CO.

The characters don't look like they're really interacting with the environment, even when they lift a heavy object and throw it (which all of them can do -- super-strength not required, which sucks ). In a comic book, it is the way the artist tells the story that pulls me in more than the way he draws his figures. CO could have had a cartoony look, and still had awesome, immersive graphics, but they didn't succeed (at least in my opinion).
See I completely disagree with this. I don't think that something's aesthetic appeal has anything to DO with storytelling. I can look at a freaking model posing for a pin up and go, "Damn she's hot." Doesn't mean I wanna see her in a movie :S or care about her story...

We were talking about the sheer ugliness of the game :P Not the interactive bits

So, though I probably failed to make my point clear earlier (it was as unclear as my CO character's face), what I said about the things I like in a comic book artist applies to my CO experience.
I understand liking someone's artistic ability and not liking their STORYtelling ability, but again, I don't see ANY connection about what we were discussing. I literally was just saying the the characters in the game are lumpy and ugly.

And all of this is my opinion. I'm no expert. If you like to play CO, then I hope it only gets better for you. But it's not for me. ))
Only ugly people like CO.....



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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
See I completely disagree with this. I don't think that something's aesthetic appeal has anything to DO with storytelling. I can look at a freaking model posing for a pin up and go, "Damn she's hot." Doesn't mean I wanna see her in a movie :S or care about her story...

We were talking about the sheer ugliness of the game :P Not the interactive bits

I understand liking someone's artistic ability and not liking their STORYtelling ability, but again, I don't see ANY connection about what we were discussing. I literally was just saying the the characters in the game are lumpy and ugly.
((One more try. Forgive me, but I was watching the end of the Magnificent Seven as I was typing that first post about artistic aesthetic and storytelling/immersiveness.

What I'm saying is that I need both. There are different aesthetics to comic book art (or any art, for that matter -- remember our Jackson Pollock discussion?) and I like a variety of them, but if the storytelling is not there, I'm not going to read the comic, no matter how pretty the artist draws. And if the graphics in CoH didn't pull me into the game like they do, then it wouldn't matter how pretty a character I can design, I wouldn't play. I think CoH succeeds on both counts. CO failed at both for me.))



I know what you were saying, but I was simply pointing out the sheer ugliness of the game by pointing to Byrne/Lee comparison. But you invoked storytelling by it XD

However, I don't care much about storytelling/immersion comparison in terms of the game cause...

1) I usually hate the content the devs put out in terms of "story"
2) I started my PC gaming with text-based RPGs...LOL I didn't have pictures of character to look at XD

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So, back to the topic:

I only need one Hero game. This one is it. I'm really waiting to see how Bioware delivers their Star Wars MMO.



Originally Posted by DestineeFable View Post
So, back to the topic:

I only need one Hero game. This one is it. I'm really waiting to see how Bioware delivers their Star Wars MMO.

I'm with you there. SW:TOR is the only upcoming MMO I am looking at playing. Even then I will likely keep my CoH accounts going (gotta rack up the Vet rewards!) for a change of pace. Admittedly, I didn't even take a look at CO, nor will I ever look at another SOE product (so DC Online is right out). CoX is the only worthwhile superhero MMO as far as I am concerned.

Heroes: Apogee | Bad Karma | Havocbolt | Novastar | Ranger | Wyvern |
Villains: Relic | Mad Havoc | Wreak Havoc |

... lurking since the beginning.



I have tried to explain to some people out here in LaLa Land about the gaming-community stigma against SOE. At one point, I had to get out of my seat about it to nail the point home.

They finally got it after I did that :S

SOE = suckfail if they are running something

FUNDING something? Dunno, we shall see....

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They way I see SOE is along the lines of 'fool me once (EQ) shame on you, fool me twice (SW:G) shame on me.' Whether they produce or run a game, I will not be fooled again.

Heroes: Apogee | Bad Karma | Havocbolt | Novastar | Ranger | Wyvern |
Villains: Relic | Mad Havoc | Wreak Havoc |

... lurking since the beginning.



I think the slightly goofy aesthetic of Champions enhances the slightly goofy plot the game has. It's awesome and the two compliment each other well. The aesthetic is a definite contributory factor towards the story, setting, and theme of Champions Online. To say otherwise would be like saying that artists in comics don't contribute towards the story at all.

Anyone here played Freedom Force? The game feels a LOT like that. (Which is a good thing in my book!)

When I want serious Grant Morrison/Geoff Johns superheroes I head to COH. When I want ******* crazy golden age tomfooley I head to Champions Online. It's great to play a game where everyone isn't "a hero who gets the job done no matter what the cost."

Anti-heroes FTL.



I still say it depends on how you DO antiheroes that decides whether they're FTL (Not faster than light, of course) in any given case.

What you really want, in my opinion, is an antihero with consequences. If you're going to play a character that acts like a jerk for no reason, expect for said character to be generally disliked. If you play a character that kills rather than arrests, expect more squeaky-clean characters to react negatively to your character. From avoiding teaming with you to perhaps trying to arrest with you.

Bed made. Sleep in it.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Anyone here played Freedom Force? The game feels a LOT like that. (Which is a good thing in my book!)
Yup! Loved that game! i agree that CO feels a LOT like it, in artwork especially.

If only my computer could handle playing CO. *sigh* my Husband took this entire week off for vacation to play CO (He had to spend the vacation time, so might as well spend it here.) Originally, we were planning on duoing ourselves into a coma all week, but my computer just wouldn't allow that. So the duo partner for my first character is now her "reason for being" and will probably be 40 before i get a chance to really play my girl. Hubby already created a new duo partner (also someone "related" to His first hero), so once we get my new motherboard, memory, video card, etc. we'll be good to go!



Sadly, CO gives me monstrous migraines. I haven't been able to find a graphics setting to fix it. I was playing with the settings on my husband's account for about half an hour last night and ended up with a headache that lasted most of today.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I think the slightly goofy aesthetic of Champions enhances the slightly goofy plot the game has. It's awesome and the two compliment each other well. The aesthetic is a definite contributory factor towards the story, setting, and theme of Champions Online. To say otherwise would be like saying that artists in comics don't contribute towards the story at all.

Anyone here played Freedom Force? The game feels a LOT like that. (Which is a good thing in my book!)

When I want serious Grant Morrison/Geoff Johns superheroes I head to COH. When I want ******* crazy golden age tomfooley I head to Champions Online. It's great to play a game where everyone isn't "a hero who gets the job done no matter what the cost."

Anti-heroes FTL.

Honestly, the silliness does a fairly decent job of reflecting the default world of the old Champions P&P game. Of course most of the people I know who played the game tossed that world and came up with their own, but at least it's true to it's origins.

I haz 87 Clouded Points



I have not, and will not, be spending any money on Champions Online. It has nothing to do with the graphics. It has nothing to do with similarity to WoW. It has nothing to do with the game itself at all. It has do with Cryptic, a company which has shown multiple times that they are not worthy of trusting enough to give them my money.

The first example, which I have detailed in other posts and will not repeat here, is their use of questionable methods in recruiting for the beta. Specifically, using the CoH forums and In Game Mail systems for recruitment.

Example two, which has been detailed nicely by DJ Jester of Woot Radio in this article was when they suddenly announced that Lifetime Subs and 6 Month subs were almost sold out. This, despite the fact that they had never mentioned limited quantities up until that point. This brings to mind commercials and infomercials which runs 100 times a day, and every time they urge to "Call NOW! Only a few are remaining!" Add to this the fact they continued to take orders even after subsequently announcing that the subs were completely sold out.

Finally, there are the massive changes made on patch day. Yes, it is always necessary to make adjustments in the interest of game balance, but doing them on launch day with no testing at all is not the way to go about it. It shows a deliberate bait and switch or complete incompetence on the part of the people making the calls. Either way, it's not a good thing. This one caused such a ruckus that Cryptic found it necessary to offer refunds on both the Lifetime Subs and the 6 Month subs.

Combine all this with the fact that Jack has already been moved to the Star Trek Online project, and it pretty much ensures I won't be looking at that one either.

Good luck Cryptic. You won't be seeing my money any time in the foreseeable future.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
Example two, which has been detailed nicely by DJ Jester of Woot Radio in this article was when they suddenly announced that Lifetime Subs and 6 Month subs were almost sold out. This, despite the fact that they had never mentioned limited quantities up until that point. This brings to mind commercials and infomercials which runs 100 times a day, and every time they urge to "Call NOW! Only a few are remaining!" Add to this the fact they continued to take orders even after subsequently announcing that the subs were completely sold out.
I totally agree on this point. If it the "limited quantities" had been based on STO closed beta slots, any decent company would have had one extra line in that Lifetime and 6-month ad about "The first 5000 to get a Lifetime Sub will also get STO Beta access". What it feels like, to me, is the opposite.. it was like, with one week left to go to launch, Cryptic did not sell as many as they expected, so they opted to force a run on them. When they announced the "limited supplies" of a digital product, I told a few friends not to panic; I said they'd re-start them after creating fervor.. which is what happened.

Even with all this, CO simply lacks things I need. A good chat system for RP and chatting with friends.. a way to find my friends.. a way to make new friends.. easy teaming.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



"opted to force a run on them." I think that's the best assessment.

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