Sooo...Next proliferation set(s)?




Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I'd like to see Martial Arts or Spines for Primaries and Ninjitsu or Regeneration for Secondaries.

And to be off-topic, I'd rather have some new sets all together.
I saw Martial Arts in that post!






If there is one thing I wouldn't want, it'd be MA! I don't think Brutes fit the balance MA gives. I will agree with Spines and BS. My feelings for Katana are the same as for MA, it doesn't fit brutes. Simply, Brutes are brutal force, where Scrappers and Stalkers are more balanced and wise in fighting capabilities.

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Psychic Melee.

Soon, the brain Brutes will rule.



Originally Posted by JanusFrs View Post
If there is one thing I wouldn't want, it'd be MA! I don't think Brutes fit the balance MA gives. I will agree with Spines and BS. My feelings for Katana are the same as for MA, it doesn't fit brutes. Simply, Brutes are brutal force, where Scrappers and Stalkers are more balanced and wise in fighting capabilities.
I get what you are saying but kicking someone in the face is pretty brutal my friend.



A big freaking sword already !!!!!!!!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
A big freaking sword already !!!!!!!!
This. The fact that stalkers get it first is still funny to me.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
And to be off-topic, I'd rather have some new sets all together.
Radiation melee!



Originally Posted by Cyclos View Post
Radiation melee!
How about Radiation Melee AND Radiation Armor.

Nuclear Supercharge for the Tier 9 anyone?



Random Melee. Different attacks taken from different sets, lol.



dont spines have a slow effect like ice ? i would love to have Ma for a brute! an be an awsome iron monk! herding large mobs of baddies an leg sweep em all FTW also it would be nice to have a patron that gives out some sort of fire based powers melt armor ,fireball, things like that



Originally Posted by Vojin View Post

This, right here, is why MA should be a brute set.

Freaking Brutal.
Cleats, man, cleats.

I agree, brutal. Makes me now want to make a MA/SR Soccer playing Brute...



Originally Posted by JanusFrs View Post
If there is one thing I wouldn't want, it'd be MA! I don't think Brutes fit the balance MA gives. I will agree with Spines and BS. My feelings for Katana are the same as for MA, it doesn't fit brutes. Simply, Brutes are brutal force, where Scrappers and Stalkers are more balanced and wise in fighting capabilities.
i think you are too caught up with names a toon can be what ever you want it to be you can be a brutal scrapper or blaster if you want its all an you a ma brute would just be a ninja that dont hide would nt u call Akuma from Street fighter a brute ? or M.bison a brute dont have to be a big idiot swinging wildly wit no skill in the anime Ninja Scroll the main villain "Gamma " could be imagined as a Ma /Wp Brute his power was like a regen or mebe Rau From fist of the northstar he is another big hulking villain wit extreme martial arts skills just like i belive scrappers an stalkers should have SS my point being spiderman he is super strong /SR scrapper



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
dont spines have a slow effect like ice ?
Yes, also Castle said the next time he has to look at spines to expect a nerf so he has turned a blind eye to it. For that reason I wish for him not to look at it. He said people will not be happy. (This was in i12 just before i13 hit on these forums)

If I remember correctly he said something to the effect that he would expect the cry for the spine nerf to be much like how engery transfer nerf was.

I would seriously NOT want to ask him to take a look at spines based on that alone. Why have a gimp version for brutes? thus gimping it for scrappers too.. Not a good investment IMO.

I would be happy with Broad Sword, Katana, Martial arts.

The issue with ice was the slows hamper fury since they slow them down, hence why we got energy aura. However if/when they give tanks energy aura they might give brutes ice armor.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute



Can we PLEASE Get a Brute with a SWORD ???!!!!!! Broadsword already !!!!!!!!!!! I mean come on.. Shield and a Broadsword already !!!!!!!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I would Voice MA as my next choice...but the devs would take away the Combo of MA/Stone like they did with claws, therefore taking away the coolest reason to do it in the first place.



Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post

The issue with ice was the slows hamper fury since they slow them down, hence why we got energy aura. However if/when they give tanks energy aura they might give brutes ice armor.
Looks at Dark Armor...heck slowing fury generation has got to be better than halting it all together aside from what you generate from your own attacks.



Broadsword has always seemed very brutish to me



Broadsword and Regeneration

and they make all click heals in regen give fury. *cough*





I will take a large order of spines with a side of regeneration.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Really, Brutes already got the 'good stuff'. The only thing left is the 'other stuff' so it's a toss up really...except Ninjutsu



I would vote for Spines or Broad Sword. With the changes that have been made to Fury generation, Spines wouldn't be too bad with the slows. It's like Dark Armor with a different secondary effect, and my Dark/Dark Brute doesn't have any problem generating fury. The secondary effects work mostly toward damage mitigation anyways.

As for Ninjutsu, let's leave Stalkers with ony unique secondary...too bad Brutes lost theirs with Tankers and Scrappers getting electric armor



I'd play a spines/ice brute.

Be well, people of CoH.