Tragic Character Bios--let's hear them!




Lady Jaguara

She was an elf hero, protector of the weak, defender of justice, and a paragon of virtues. Though she was weak and new to this world, she tried her hardest to help others. She slowly but diligently made her new life here, she met a new love who was a fellow hero. One night they took to the streets of Paragon City like usual. They had been contacted psychically and they had been asked for help. Little did they know that the Circle of Thorns had been studying Jaguara and her mystical prowess.

They trapped both heroes, bound Jaguara and tortured her love in front of her until his death. But they had a fate worse than that for her. They kept her spirit alive despite tearing her body to pieces. They extended how she felt time, and the week they had her felt like an eternity to her. They broke her spirit, rebuilt her body simply to destroy it again. After some heroes had been gaining in on this cell of the Circle, they moved to the Rogue Isles.

There, they didn't last long. Ghost Widow felt the pain, the despair in Jaguara. She sent her Widows on a hunt that she personally assisted in. Having freed Jaguara from her captors, Jaguara vowed her allegiance to her phantasmal savior. While Jaguara was a capable and honorable fighter with the ability to heal the wounded, she became a knight with twisted ideals. She fights to spread the despair she felt, to keep the weak from uprising, and to serve her dark Lady in all that she can. Her healing powers withered and Ghost Widow was more than willing to teach her new grave knight some of her soul mastery. One thing that Lady Jaguara knows is that she will bring vengeance upon the heroes that she feels abandoned her and let her love die.



Originally Posted by Solicio View Post
Do you have a hero who was motivated to fight because of a personal crisis? How about a villain who fell from grace through a cruel twist of fate? Let me hear your sad stories! If your character's sob story is so sad that you make me cry, you win! What do you win? I don't know...umm...*rummages around in the back* You win a chocolate chip cookie from the Salerno Dining Hall! Let's hear your sad stories!
My sad story got my old mains Bio erased.
and a nice sweet letter from NC soft in my email box.

Ever since then... I pretty much just list my lvl 50s in the bio box





Where do you get such talent...?

Those stories are soooo twisted...

Wow... just, wow...

That being said, I don't have any current characters with tragic bios. The only one I had that came close was one about a scientist who was working on a gene-altering drug that was supposed to give ordinary people psychic powers.

It went well at first. The animal subjects all showed signs of extra-sensory perception (ie. put them in a room with a maze and someone who knows how to get through it and they could solve it by reading the person's mind). There was a slight problem with some of the animal subjects however; those without a specific gene sequence would go insane and destroy others of their species. When there weren't any others around, they would destroy themselves.

Once the head scientist had ironed out (read, covered up) this wrinkle, he set out to look for human subjects to test the drug on. There was only one problem: the more complex the species, the more specific the gene sequence had to be. He and his subordinates took sample after sample from volunteers, but to no avail. He even went so far as to pay criminals to abduct people, but none of them were right either.

Then he had a brilliant idea. The lab where the drug was being tested was locked with a DNA identifier providing access or denial. It just happened that this system was looking at the particular chromosome that he needed to see. Good luck for him; bad luck for the youngest (and brightest) scientist on his staff. She just happened to have the right sequence, and had just signed a non-disclosure agreement with the company overseeing their work. She was quickly detained by the lab's security guards and, despite much protesting, forcibly injected with the drug.

She threatened to go public once she was released, and no agreement she'd ever made would stop her. So the head scientist had another one of his staff (a psychic who had been monitoring the animals and their progress) make her forget everything. The psychic took things a little too far though, so instead of making her forget the incident, she forgot everything she'd ever remembered. She still knew some basic things, like how to speak and write, but all her personal information had been erased. She didn't even know her own name.

The head scientist, who was becoming increasingly deranged, ordered her to be released. His reasoning in this was that, if the formula had failed due to misinterpreting the required gene sequence then she would go insane and destroy everyone at the lab before killing herself.

They let her loose in the Rogue Isles, where she has been trying to figure out who she is ever since. She uses any means necessary to achieve her ends, and will stop at nothing until she finds an answer. At her disposal, she has her new psychic abilities, her powers of reasoning, and an environment where no one will help anyone if there isn't something in it for them. She also has trace bits of information about herself, which she had deduced by comparing her knowledge to the knowledge of others. She has already figured out that she is about 22 years old, attended a university (she sees familiar faces whenever she visits her old campus), and had been studying genetics and anatomy (based on her knowledge of these things being much more detailed than anyone else's).

What's not clear to her is who erased her memory, or why. She has sworn to find them, make them talk, and kill anyone who gets in her way.

*Okay, I don't need to tell you that this won't fit in the standard bio space, so I had a kind-of diary thing going, chronicling her attempts to learn her own identity (I added an entry every few levels, but I never got very far). It was quite interesting to write, and I wish that I had saved the character. Perhaps I'll restart her. Mind/Psy dom, anyone?*

*Oh, the best part I like is that even I don't know if the drug worked or not, since her desire to kill could be revenge or insanity. I guess I'll just have to see how it goes like everyone else! *



Originally Posted by Solicio View Post
Heck, that's a sad story in and of itself.
Well it wasn't my main. I actually got nothing but compliments on my bio. Though a few did mention it was quite dark.

Hmmm...might of actually got one person saying "It was to dark"

My main however (and namesake) was created in a lab as a mixture of science & magic to be a living loss of parents, even if she thought she did for awhile.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Wow, lot's of great stories here. (Steelclaw's especially. Well done.)

Like many, I have more than a few characters with tragic bios. I'll post a couple of the older ones I have. Unfortunately, I can't access the game at the moment, so I'm pulling these from my shoddy memory.


Alone in the darkness, a young lady did cry
"I can take this no longer, I just want to die."
Atop an old bridge, while humming a tune,
she bid her farewells under light of the moon.

With one deepened breath, she let go of it all,
preparing herself for her one final fall.
As she decended, she head toward the light,
but something about it just didn't seem right...

The light would soon form to the shape of a dove
and ramble a message of hope and of love.
"Despite what you think, your time's not yet through.
You may not need the world, but the world still needs you."

"Leave me alone, I'm just useless and frail.
My mom is deceased and my dad is in jail-"
Before she could finish, the dove intervened.
"Your hidden potential's the greatest I've seen."

After a moment, the dove's light grew dim.
It's true form revealed the Reaper of Grim.
"Aid me in a task and I shall help you
to unlock your soul and become born anew."

Despite her gut feeling, the girl soon agreed
to capture the cruel so her soul could be freed.


Once a protector of Crey Industries
their science had help her to cure her disease.
The procedure helped put her back in the fight
despite the unfortunate loss of her sight.

In return she remained in their perma-employ,
but as time came to pass, the job lost all it's joy.
The day would soon come when she told Crey "I'm done!"
But no one stiffs Crey, so they killed off her son.

The girl launced an all out attack onto Crey,
slaughtering all who dare get in her way.
She wasted opponents, no matter how big.
Her solo assault earned a trip to the Zig.

Alone in a cell her mind faded away
until Arachnos broke her out one dark day.
After the breakout, she shared a bleak toast
with her new found employer, the Widow of Ghosts.

Master of stealth and with weapons obscure
she stalks her opponents until they're no more.
With her sanity gone, she now hunts for the thrill.
To maim and to murder. To slay and to kill.



Here's some of mine :

Lady Skinless ( DM/Regen scrapper ) : Clarissa Saunders was an ordinary lab assistant, until some thugs sent in search of exotic technology threw her into a vat of mutagenic corrosives. Her skin and face were burned away, but she survived when the mutagen granted her regeneration capabilities. Unfortunately, she can only heal to the point where she gained her powers - which means her own power keeps her from growing new skin, or having some grafted on. The doctors implanted artifical eyes and a artificial voice, but could do nothing else for her. In constant agony, more than half insane from her pain and disfigurement, she set out to find revenge, aided by her new ability to draw upon negative energy as a weapon.

Pale Revenant ( Sonic/Dark Corr ) : This spirit is believed to be the ghost of a murdered woman, whose rage and strength of will allowed her to transcend death itself. She avenged herself upon her killers, her screams of rage and anguish tearing at their flesh and crushing their bones, even as the dark energies of the netherworld drained their strength. Unfortunately, as Ghost Widow often points out, the dead cannot change. Her last thoughts were of rage and hate and suffering; now, those are her only thoughts. She is bound to this world by her rage, and she takes out that rage on all the world.

Winterqueen ( Ice/Storm Corr ) : This foolish young woman, like other fools before her has sold her soul for power; in her case, to a demoness of ice. And as such people usually discover, the price was enough to make the prize worthless. Cold in flesh and soulless in spirit, she finds pleasure only in cold things; malice, cruelty, power; and even then, her pleasure is cool and fleeting, needing ever more extremes for her to feel anything at all. Good food, good drink, love and sex and other warm pleasures are denied her; she can indulge, but she feels nothing. As time goes by, she has sunk further and further into decadance, seeking some debauchery that can make her feel again - not realizing that not only is her quest useless, but every sin she commits seals the bargain she made with evil ever more firmly . . .

Dark Mechanix ( Bots/Dark MM ) : Dark Mechanix once, long ago, in a far off dimension was a hero of a nonhuman race. He and others fought relentlessly against a dark force that threatened to consume their world, but in the end were overwhelmed and consumed by the Darkness. He was one of the unfortunates who lived. His flesh was carved away and replaced with cold machinery, leaving only a few remnants; the flesh left to him feeling nothing but cold and pain. His brain was coldly, agonizingly cut and warped into total submission to the Darkness, with just enough of the old him left to know what had happened to him, and suffer. His soul was infused with a fragment of the Darkness itself, so that he would be dominated by it forever.Now, he has been sent to Earth, a drone who commands drones of his own. His purpose, to weaken and divide Earth, in preparation for it's own consumption. To that end, he intends to encourage and aid Arachnos in it's quest for power; the more fighting, the easier to digest Earth will become.

Blade of Woe ( BS/Fire scrapper ) : The latest wielder - and victim - of the Blade of Woe, an ancient accursed blade. The Blade was forged millennia ago, and infused with a mighty demon. Wielding the Blade allows the user to draw upon the demon's infernal powers, such as ageless life and shielding himself with hellfire, but at a price. Once drawn, the demon within grasps hold of the wielder's soul, and will not relinquish it's grip until the wielder dies or allow the wielder to give up the Blade. Worse, the demon never ceases in it's attempt to corrupt and dominate the wielder, and when - not if - it succeeds in doing so the wielder's soul is drawn into the Blade and consumed by the demon. If it ever manages to consume 666 souls, it will be strong enough to break the Blade and escape into the mortal world. All of it's previous wielders have either died violently or been corrupted.

The present wielder of the Blade found it by the side of the drained corpse of the 665th previous corrupted wielder . . .

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Where do I begin?

Bluedarky (Nat Invun/SS Tank)

Stephan Browns Grandfather was killed attempting to stop the hollowing, the timing and means of his death meant that there was no body, so the burial consisted of a coffin filled with mementos of his grandfather's days a as a hero and a pro wrestler. At the funeral an old friend of Stephan's grandfather offered to continue the training his grandfather had started, but he refused, not wanting to die the same way as his grandfather.

When Stephan grew older he took control of a small gang in Atlas Park, as this was before heroes were as commonplace as they are now, they dedicated themselves to helping to clean up the neighbourhood, until a group of hellions put Stephan and his two best friends in the hospitial.

Stephan's best friends were Meta-humans, Jessica was born with a magical ability to perfectly replicate any fighting move she saw, and Michael had been born with incredible psychic powers. But both admitted that due to Stephan's training by his grandfather as a child, that he was the best fighter of the three. This is why Stephan suffered the most, and why his friends felt it best to turn to other ways of becoming powerful.

To this day he doesn't know where they found the supradyne, but when he returned he found his neighbourhood overrun with Trolls, led by his two best friends. When he refused to take the Supradyne, they captured him and tortured him. When he stopped feeling pain, Jessica showed him a news video, showing his grandfather's grave dug up and the mementos buried within smashed and torn.

Fueled by his rage at the desecration of his grandfather's grave, he broke out of the cell and fought his way from the Troll hideout. His body almost collapsing from the stress, he made his way to his grandfather's grave where his grandfather's old friend was waiting for him, the offer was repeated and this time Stephan accepted, taking the remenants of his grandfathers coat from the graveside he set out on the path to be a hero.

Amanda Johnson (Mut Psy/Psy Blaster)

Amanda had never been normal, unlike most mutants her powers had been active the day she was born, and through her young life she had been forced to wear an inhibitor to prevent her powers giving her an advantage over normal kids.

Baring the teasing for the massive electronic device she was forced to wear, Amanda actually managed to live a relatively normal life, she was selected for training by Sister Psyche at a young age and was simply waiting until that training could begin.

It wasn't to be however, one day whilst she was off sick, the Carnival of Shadows attacked the school hoping to add her powers to their own. Although the worst of the attack was fought off by the heroes, Amanda's classmates were rendered mindless or insane by the attack. In her anger Amanda removed the inhibitor and unleashed her rage on the Carnival of Shadows.

The psychic backlash from the assault was incredible, Amanda's untapped potential was unleashed in a maelstrom of anger and passion. In an unprecidented moment, the heroes of Paragon City were forced to join forces with the psychic villains of the city to track down this threat to the psychic balance.

When they attempted to locate the source of the power they discovered it had split into two, Amanda's rage taking physical form as it rampaged through the Carnival of Shadows's forces.

When they finally discovered the location of the real Amanda, a young training hero was the first to arrive, remembering his orders he quickly grabbed the inhibitor and placed it around her head and activated it. The two Amanda's fell to the floor unconcious.

Realising it would be foolish to leave her untrained now she had tapped into her potential, Sister Psyche took up the training of Amanda immediately. For three young years she trained her powers, teaching her to control and manipulate the psychic threads around her. But even with this knowledge she knew that Amanda was not going to last as a hero.

Sister Psyche was at a loss at how to continue the young girls training, Amanda needed to learn to survive, rather than to grab information from anothers head. When she found Bluedarky at a party and realised that he could block psychic intrusions subconciously, she felt her prayers were answered. She requested the young heroes assistance, and a week later he found himself training the young psychic. A task he continues to this day.



Well... this is the background of my Warshade; it's quoted from an RP thread from a while back (he's talking to Acid Zero, one of DeviousMe's characters, if anybody cares). Pretty sure it qualifies as tragic. Also long. Very, very long >.>

"I mean, heaven forbid that the end result of more than five hundred years of the combined efforts of all of humanity's galaxies-spanning civilization sixty thousand years from now, along with every race like enough to humanity to be able to communicate with it, be able to do something that a couple of your friends could not." A short bark of laughter, bitter to the very soul, escaped.

"You asked if a Cascade Failure was bad, Peacebringer?" Tempus asked, the strange choral echo back in his voice, although the dramatic spike in power didn't return. "Listen well, pup. You claim horrors I can't possibly imagine?" he told Acid. "I don't need to imagine, Khelari. I've seen them. All. Of. Them." A deep, shuddering breath- probably an artifact of his human side, given that the Dwarf lacked lungs- and he began.

"I have said I remembered little of my life prior to being found in Paragon City in the 1920s; this is true as far as it goes, but I am in contact with all my other selves throughout all timelines, and we have managed to piece together from the different fragments we each posess what we believe to be a true picture of what happened before." A faint tinge of sick horror coloured the rumbling voice, and it was obvious that the Warshade didn't even want to think about the 'happened' part.

"Sixty thousand years from now, this corner of the universe was largely at peace. Humanity had joined the great galactic civilizations and spread amongst the stars. The unknown, as always, held great fascination, and thus experimentation with time travel, one of the last great frontiers, began. Of course, it had existed for millennia before that, but this was the first true push into studying it- many of the great research houses embarked simultaneously, and whatever cross-time authorities existed to prevent such things... and there are a few, I have met some of them... were simply overwhelmed." Tempus Fugitive sighed, shaking his head tiredly.

"If only they'd known..." he trailed off for a moment, then resumed. "Within less than a decade, they had cracked the problem of fully reliable, economical, and passenger-safe time travel. Soon, people were flitting up and down through the ages as casuallly as they stepped from Earth to the Moon on a matter transmitter." A pause, and a wave of his arm at Acid. "Incidentally, your Nulltime Deformer sounds like it runs on the same basic principle- you are somewhat ahead of your time. Anyways... history rapidly came to be regarded as mutable when the initially predicted disasters didn't happen, and people of many races soon came to regard altering history as something to be done casually- any choice people were not satisfied with could be edited out of the past as easily as talking themselves out of it, or simply interfering so that the outcome was different."

"In hindsight, it's easy to say they should have seen it coming; they even had warning from up the line, scientists and explorers who warned them of the coming problems, but they scoffed- after all, they had already seen that no disaster was coming, so who were these crackpots? Then the walls came. At least, that's what the historical records called them. They started losing contact with neighbouring dimensions. One by one they were cut off, sometimes terribly abruptly, and they could find no cause- it was as if they had simply ceased to exist. Going up the line became more difficult, the future pressing in on us."

Tempus' voice had become a monotone as he recited the litany of horror, an inescapable doom crashing down with all the inexorable certainty of history. "Eventually, the truth came out, and the entire universe-that-was came together in a mighty concordat, unified in a desperate fight to survive. It was decided that every resource that could be mustered, every erg of available brainpower, would be devoted to escaping the doom that hung over us." Tempus sighed. "It was also decided that since our fate came from time travel, so too would our salvation. A stable time-loop was set up on a thousand thousand thousand worlds, the most brilliant minds of nine septillion planets sequestered in an eternally-repeating perfect day. Countless souls laboured on the monolithic computing engines, entire solar systems converted into raw computing power for the abtruse calculations- entire new branches of mathematics formulated and outgrown all-but-overnight as the very workings of time were dissected by the concerted efforts of half the universe."

There was bitterness in his tone, now. "Of course, as with any dissection, it proved hard on the 'patient', and the decay was accelerated as the very fabric of the universe was put under the most torturous tests in a futile attempt to understand it well enough to save it. When contact with the last neighbouring dimension was lost, they knew they had little time left. They were alone, now; for whatever reason, a Cascade Failure always hits the universe that originated it... last. At last, too late... too late... they discovered a sequence of genes that would grant the power to break out of their isolated corner of the timestream, and make a jump far enough over and back to get out of the dead zone they had created. Among those that could carry those genes were humans, who were chosen because they were, rightly or wrongly, widely considered to be the ones that bore the most responsibility for the oncoming disaster."

"If the sentient races had been hard-pressed before, they were now destitute; quintillions died daily as even those resources needed to live were funnelled into a final, horrific project... my creation." Tempus sounded faraway now, as if reciting this by rote would somehow dull the pain. "Every variable was checked, rechecked, and checked again, probability engines built from the corpses of dead galaxies calculating every possibility, and the creches were built, each one within its own, very special time loop- my mother... donor... whoever she was... were stuck in that loop, giving birth over and over and over again, thousands upon thousands of times as they created as many redundant 'mes' as they could. I was the very first, the eldest of the first creche, or so they told me."

The Warshade's voice was very small now, remembered pain making it harsh. "It wasn't enough. They had put my creche at the heart of the universe, the most stable place they could find and what their projections showed would be the last place to go in the collapse... and then put a loop of accelerated time there, trying to make me/us grow up faster... fast enough to save them. So, with a cancer eating it from without, and a bullet through its heart, the universe ended."

Tempus glared around at the rest of the group, his eyes unseeing. "When time dies, the first thing to go is causality. Things no longer happen in order, any order, and everything that ever was, or ever could be, or never could be, can sense the end approaching. Some rare few go gracefully, sliding into the infinite dark without even a whimper. And the others... claw at one another, trying to climb out of the pit on the tumbling bodies of their brothers, madness stripping them to the bone, as every horror of the imagining of every race in the entire universe claws at them, freed from the realms of the mind by the collapse of reality. And it never ends, because time is gone."

Tempus' voice was raw now. "It was the morning of my eighth birthday." He stopped, fighting for breath. "I had been scheduled for my first time-jump later that day, and it may be that that being on my mind was the only thing that saved me. I hurled myself into the timestream in terror as everything crumbled around me, everything I had ever known shattering like glass. I can still hear my 'brothers' screaming on bad nights, my own voice shrieking in a concert of disembodied agony as our senses tell us that we are dying, we are dead, everything is gone, and we are alone."

Another harsh bark of laughter. "It is a wonder that I am even as sane as I am now. The rest of my tale you know- I was found in Paragon City in the 1920s, catatonic, and nursed back to health by a young couple whose names I never knew- I fell back into the timestream, uncontrolled, as soon as my body was able to handle the strain, and I haven't been able to find them on any of my return visits." Tempus stomped over to Acid and waved a finger-claw at him. "I've devoted my life to making sure that never happens again. You have no room to talk to me about facing terrors, pup. I've seen them. Every single last one that this universe has to offer." With that, Tempus stalked off to sit by the shattered tree in brooding silence.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Black on dark blue. You trying to make people go blind?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Black on dark blue. You trying to make people go blind?
Shh... you'll give away my sinister plot!

(in all seriousness, though, I went back and edited- the background colour wasn't this dark when I originally wrote the post)

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Originally Posted by TeChameleon View Post
Shh... you'll give away my sinister plot!

(in all seriousness, though, I went back and edited- the background colour wasn't this dark when I originally wrote the post)
Well, it's still too dark to read without highlighting it. Why mess with the colours at all? Just paragraph it properly and it'll be easier to read.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



... actually, I said I went back and edited it before I actually did- the text is all just white now.

And I 'messed' with the colours since it's a fairly standard RP technique that I use to indicate that a character has a voice that's unusual in some fashion- one speaks in light purple, another in Orange-Red, that sort of thing.

EDIT- Oh, wait- think I missed something; the bio was just a straight copy-paste from the old NA Roleplaying board, where the background wasn't nearly so dark, so the black text didn't matter- I quoted it so I could keep my formatting, and the colour kind of came with.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
this one's pretty tragic too:
About time the Rogue Isles got a Hungarian villain who really loves their food.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I very, very rarely make characters with tragic backstories/bios. Most of mine have parents that are alive and well and all that and took up heroism to help people instead of revenge or anything (except for my villains, who just want lots of money or to rule the world.) That said, the two I do have...

Aurie - A world-renowned dollmaker was, way long ago, commissioned to make a wind-up doll that could think and talk for the king's daughter. He worked at it for months, but despite his skill, he just couldn't find any way to make the thing intelligent, even as his deadline drew near. Fearing for his life, the man turned to mystics to help him, which they did--by binding a young girl's soul to the doll to give it intelligence. This, thankfully, was hard enough on her mind that she didn't remember ever being human, and the dollmaker groomed her in preparation for being presented to the king.

... and then he died before finishing her. The king didn't want to present the not-entirely-finished doll to the princess, so she was stuck in a cellar and ignored for hundreds of years, until she was found in the present day by an archaeologist, the first person to wind her up since then. She's not in very good shape, thanks to centuries of corrosion, leading to her having occasional huge memory problems or body part failures. And the best engineers can't figure out just how to fix her, because they can't figure out how she works in the first place... mostly because the only reason she's still operational at all is that her bound spirit is animating some parts now. So, every day, she's a little less reliable and has a little harder time putting her thoughts together, with a strong implication that it couldn't be more than a few months before she finally grinds to a stop altogether...

Silead the Lament - Silead's a reverse empath--whatever emotions people around her feel, she feels the opposite. This was just a minor quirk when she was young, since her parents could shelter her, but that was before they died. She was put up for adoption and ended up in the hands of a mercenary company, who thought that her mutation would make her a compliant assassin. It sort of did, except for the fact that killing people gave her such a rush of pleasure that it completely threw her hormonal balance out of whack. As such, it essentially acts as an opiate for her, so when she goes too long without hurting somebody too badly, she goes into withdrawl, her body getting super-sensitive to pain and making her pretty thoroughly miserable. And, of course, the reverse empathy thing makes it a bit hard to be around people who are in a good mood, which basically precludes any chance of her getting to socialize with people. She actually wants to be nice and all of that, but it's a bit hard when you have to stab people on a daily basis just to keep from going into mind-numbing pain and being around happy people puts you in the foulest mood ever.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Solicio View Post
Do you have a hero who was motivated to fight because of a personal crisis? How about a villain who fell from grace through a cruel twist of fate? Let me hear your sad stories! If your character's sob story is so sad that you make me cry, you win! What do you win? I don't know...umm...*rummages around in the back* You win a chocolate chip cookie from the Salerno Dining Hall! Let's hear your sad stories!
My Kat/Regen Scrapper, Spirit of Kings Row.

Grew up in the Gish neighbourhood and a wandering Clockwork Paladin and associated Clockwork rampaged through the neighbourhood, killing her parents. In his dying breath, her father told her that one day, she would feel the pull to be a hero and when that day came, the ornate Katana he had kept from his younger days would be hers.

Since then, she can be seen wandering the streets of Kings Row on Pinnacle server, waylaying Clockwork, Lost, Skulls and Circle of Thorns even though she is a Hero of the City. She also helps out lowbies in the area whenever she can.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



This is the gist of Ultionis's bio. He's a Dark/Dark/Dark Defender. He was born with the ability to manifest and control negative energy, so the Council kidnapped him (and yes, killed his parents... I like cliches) and for years used him as a generator to help fuel their Vampyri experiments. The pain was excruciating and basically destroyed him physically and mentally. Some time later, the Council had plans to create a new kind of super-soldier with immense power, and decided he would be the perfect candidate. He could already control negative energy, strike fear in his opponents, and had a mind that was utterly broken and easy to bend to their whims. So they genetically modified him, practically re-engineering him from the ground up. As his body grew stronger, so did his mind, and he slowly remembered his past. He escaped and vowed vengeance against his captors (naturally). For months he prowled the night in Striga, until a group of heroes came to investigate what had been lurking there. They were The NightShift (our SG on Victory), and for Ultionis, things would never be the same after that night.

That's really about my only tragic bio.

Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.



Doubt they're tragic enough to win a cookie, but here goes.



If I keep reading this thread, I'll probably go insane. And not in a good way, either.

At the same time, the stories are so good that I just... can't... stop....



Bio for my Rad/Rad Defender, "The Polish Princess"

Anja Holownia's mother Sophia was a graduate student of physics at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 1976 when they received Nazi equipment from their experimental supersoldier programs and abandoned after the war. While examining the equipment, its decayed shielding broke apart, exposing the scientists and students to high levels of radiation from its core. Of those in the room Sophia was the only survivor, living another eight months before her weakened body gave out during the birth of Anja.

Anja, imbuded with the radiation which killed her mother, learned to control its flow and release throughout the years. After obtaining mastery over the deadly forces within her, she traveled to Paragon City to seek retribution upon the living Nazi legacy in the 5th Column and the Council which has taken control.

(Last part had to be tacked on since PP's origins predate the whole Council thing).



I'm part of an RP group so what's tragic about my characters can fill a book, or three, so I'll keep it short and simple.

Akuma Ryu: Time displaced samurai of fail.
Tenshi Ryu: Time Displaced miko and childhood first love of fail
Sakura Tenshi: Magical girl who's been "fighting the good fight" for way too long now and has lost quite a few in the process.
Atomic Red: Soviet robot who was promised that he would always have purpose as long as the Soviet Union stood, woke up years later being salvaged for parts by Crey.
Revi: Spec ops catgirl, created by Crey, trained by Malta, one of many others and failed to protect her sisters because she caved.

Redcoat: A man who loved his family more than anything and because of this, was driven to despair.
Operative Roosevelt: Well not a tragic chracter himself, he's an African American who grew up in the South during the Great Depression. I think you can figure out what went wrong from there.
Negi: Part of a secluded race of people, he was tricked and banished from his home.
Kadin: Always a big, tough looking guy, ended up orphaned at a young age and everyone assumed he was three kinds of mean with a side order of nasty.
Midnight Frosts: Part of a demonic(?) race of people who are currently enslaved by a terrible overlord, seeks to find his sister and a champion to save his kind.

Tawrich Atarxia: Sister of Midnight Frosts, so same problem, also, so morbidly obese villain groups try to kidnap her to practice cow tipping and complain that she's harder than the real thing.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Mr. Piddles and Kelly

Mr. Piddles is a kitten who was born as a stray behind the number two reactor at TMI. He was found by John Vincent who took the kitten home as his daughter's 22nd birthday present. Despite possessing human-level intelligence and mutant psi-blast powers, the poor little kitten couldn't get the hang of using a litter box, which is what lead to his unfortunate, and embarrasing name.

When Kelly was 24, she took a trip to Paragon City with her parents, leaving Mr. Piddles in the care of a neighbor. Tragically, Kelly and her parents were killed when Babbage rampaged through Skyway City and knocked the tour bus they were in off one of the overpasses. Mr. Piddles was so heartbroken by Kelly's death, he ran away from home the first chance he got. He found Kelly's grave, and used his prodigious mental powers to resurrect her corpse.

Reunited with his beloved Kelly, Mr. Piddles has returned to Paragon City where the creepy duo patrol the streets, protecting its citizens from Clockwork attacks and other supernormal threats.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Marshall Stack was born a mutant. Unlike most mutated children, his powers did not develop at puberty, he has had his since birth. His first cry deafened everyone in the room and destroyed half a million dollars worth of medical equipment.

Unfortunately, Marshall also had a genetic defect that resulted in a complete inability to control his powers. Any time he used his voice it was accompanied by a destructive sound wave that could destroy anything not heavily armored against it. So, he grew up isolated from other children out of fear for their safety, as even an involuntary noise could kill his playmates. it wasn't until a special school for kids like him opened that he got to socialize with children his own age. Sadly, with children being as cruel as they are, he was cast as being a freak among freaks and picked on daily. The only exception was a young girl named Lora Hennstridge. She was a powerful telepath who was placed at the school because she was having difficulty controlling her powers. Finally, Marshall had met someone he could communicate with without hurting them.

Marshall and Lora began dating shortly before their junior year and it seemed like everything was finally starting to normalize for him. Fate would not be that kind.

After seeing a movie in King's Row, Marshall and Lora were walking back to the train to return home when they were accosted by a group of Skulls. Brandishing guns they demanded all of their money. After discovering they had none, the Skulls decided to take Lora instead. Marshall grew enraged, but since he had been working on restraining his powers for years he never thought to use them, lashing out with a fist instead. One of the Skulls, already nervous, squeezed the trigger of his submachine gun and sprayed the area in front of him with lead. Miraculously, none of the stray shots hit Marshall. Lora was not so lucky. She was hit with several rounds and crumpled to the ground bleeding. Ignoring their assailants, Marshall rushed to her side just in time for her to die in his arms.

With tears running down his face, Marshall did something he had never consciously done in his life.....he tilted his head back and screamed.

When the police arrived minutes later, they discovered a sobbing, nearly catatonic Marshall cradling Lora's lifeless body. They asked him what happened and he could only pantomime the events, as his one link to the world was lying in his arms staring emptily at the sky. The police discovered the corpses of several gang members with ruptured eardrums and evidence of blunt trauma over their entire bodies lying several hundred feet away, having been smashed through a brick wall.

At his trial Marshall was given an ultimatum...either spend the rest of his life in prison or register as a hero and learn to use his powers for the benefit of others. The choice was simple, but Marshall's reason was simpler still....he registered as a hero and vowed to spend the rest of his days in penance for the girl he allowed to be killed.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
One day Minorin was dipping her cookies in milk when the bottom half broke away and drifted endlessly to the bottom of that milky sea never to be seen again. She swore to bring the forces at work to justice. Years and years of intense magical training led her to realize that's how the cookie crumbles.

oddly enough, twas milk that burst forth from my nose upon reading this

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Nearly all of my characters have had tragic events happen in their lives, but for the most part, they've all come out on top. Heck, for two of them, their major tragic event is that THEY DIED... but they pulled themselves up and cling to what they can do for others now.

But not for one of them... Not for Fullblade. Bear with me, long story will be long.

Justice Reaper, and his younger sister Fullblade, are the current Siblings of Destiny, children born whose lives prophesize a time of tumultuous change in mankind. Though born of human parents, SoD are not quite fully human. They are much more resilient and durable than a normal person, but are not considered Mutant, because all SoD during the course of history have been born like such. The clincher in being found a SoD is, well... twins born without lower jaws.

Almost immediately following their births they were taken in by the Order of the Four Winds. The Order raised and taught them their purpose of existence. The SoD are "entwined with fate" as some say. Around their coming of age (16 years old) is when the events that rock the very foundations of humanity start. And like clockwork, the day after their 16th birthday was May 23, 2002... the start of the first Rikti War. It however, was not their time, and they continued training with the monks for a few more years.

Most people make their fate, their destiny, through their own actions, or the actions of others, but it is different for the SoD. From childhood they knew the ending to their stories. Justice Reaper would be killed uncovering an unseen plot, and Fullblade would lead the charge in avenging his death, and ultimately stopping the world shattering plot, but dying herself. This was fact, was how it was going to happen.

Justice Reaper came to Paragon City in late '05, and started helping anyway he could, making friends, and even joined a supergroup, The Justice Strike Force (which, now that I think about it, nearly all our characters are tragic past central). He foiled villains, saved lives, and was... happy.

Fullblade followed him a few months later, and did her part to keep the city, and the world, safe. But she was always searching for inklings of what may be the unknown threat. She lived to find her "Moment of Glory". And it came and went without her realizing it...

July 23, 2007 was a slow crime day, and JR was helping the caseload of some newer heroes by investigating a suspected Vahzilok base in the sewers. He cleared it out easily, but the auto-port badge things they give out to transport criminals to the Zig weren't working, and he could feel a slight pulsating vibration coming from nearby. He trekked deeper, and came across Rikti scientists attempting to break back through to their dimension. He watched for awhile, having been to other dimensions through Portal Corp. before, and it always awed him that such acts were possible. After observing for a little more than an hour, his blood ran cold... they had broken through.

He was trapped in a Rikti base, out of communication range, and his medical transporter badge was being jammed. He panicked, for a moment. He was up against insurmountable odds with no way out. But he calmed... this was it. This was his time. He attacked, and took down countless Rikti before falling himself. His world went white...

But he never felt Death's cold hands, he had been saved, by his guardian angel no less (or at least a servant of something that calls itself god). Alexis was the most pitiful angel in heaven. She lost all her wards within weeks of getting them, so she was determined to make sure JR lived. The problem is he was right, it was his time. If he had died there, Fullblade would have led an onslaught with a multitude of heroes to wipe out the portal and all the work done there, the Second Rikti Invasion would have never happened, and the Rikti on Earth would have probably signed a peace agreement.

Alexis was kicked from heaven, and missing their time to die, Justice Reaper and Fullblade are essentially immortal, stuck in time, forever young. JR and Alexis, who has taken the name "Feathered Reaper", are married, and spend their days helping new heroes and running the JSF. But Fullblade resents how the events played out. Her purpose in life was to die, to go out honorably... she missed her moment of glory. She's been drifting between depression and taking her rage out on the criminal elements of Paragon.

*Took me 5 or so hours to type this...*

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....

I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!