What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Why? Because I don't need hitpoints. I have Personal Force Field, Repulsion Field, Dispersion Bubbles, AND the epic armors, so I'm just fine.
Of course, I only speak for myself though.
You know what WOULD be a fun and wild and crazy idea? You know how only the "stupid" or "crazy" defenders (like me) take their nukes? I say we make their damage equal to Blaster nukes. But JUST the nukes, all other Defender damage stays the same.... wouldn't that make things more.... interesting? Hehehe.
Hello StratoNexus,
This thread you started really surprises me. I did not know you felt so strongly about improving Defenders.
One thing I would say (just my opinion) is that I would hate to see Defenders get the same treatment Controllers got. When containment was introduced, my main was a Controller, and I was very happy with how the change helped the AT, but I will also admit that I was shocked at the magnitude of the damage. And judging by other folks reactions (Like PK), could be that it was over-done a little.
I guess what I am saying is, I hope they (Devs) can find some other unique way to help defenders, rather than just more dmg.
I do like the idea of more HPs. Goes right along with what I have been saying about Defenders being the flip-side of Blasters, much as the Scrappers are the flip-side of Tankers. More HPS Please !! Cheaper endurance costs too while their at it.
As an aside, how do you think GR is going to effect Defenders ?
I can tell you're most likely being sarcastic with this thread, but I'll answer suggestion seriously.
Increase defender base HPs to scrapper level and change their ranged damage mod to 0.8; Increase corruptor base HPs to blaster level and change their ranged damage mod to 0.9. |
Current damage mods for corruptors and defenders are 0.75 and 0.65 respectively. With scourge the corruptor damage modifier might as well be 0.84 against standard foes (minion/Lt/boss) using Starman's quantified data. This is a 30% damage advantage for Corruptors versus about a 25% defender support advantage. A defender modifier of 0.67 would balance it at 25% to 25%, but defender damage would still be too low compared to other ATs. Controller damage modifier is 0.55 but since containment is easily achieved and doubles, it's actually 1.10. Let's assume corruptor damage should equal 1.10 after scourge, we would need to increase both defender and corruptor modifiers by 31%. That would come out to be 0.98 for corruptors and 0.87 for defenders. If controller mod was lowered to 1.00 you would have corr/def mods of 0.9/0.8. So it should really be lower controller mod from 0.55 to 0.5 in addition to increasing corr from 0.75 to 0.9 and defender from 0.65 to 0.8.
More damage would be alright by me. Though I'd like to see Vigilance reworked above all.
I'm of the opinion that tankers should deal more damage than defenders.
I'm of the opinion that tankers should deal more damage than defenders.
Any dramatic shift such as to 1204 (blaster hp) or 1338 (scrapper hp) would severely hurt this balance.
I am fond of the HP increase, because it helps differentiate the two buff/blast sets from controllers and MM, both of whom get extra HPs in the form of pets. It is a subtle difference, but one I think would be felt, as most people don't count pets into how squishy they feel. The increased HPs might add about the same benefit as a pet or two mitigation wise, but it will have more a feeling of personal power.
If controller mod was lowered to 1.00 you would have corr/def mods of 0.9/0.8. So it should really be lower controller mod from 0.55 to 0.5 in addition to increasing corr from 0.75 to 0.9 and defender from 0.65 to 0.8.
I can tell you're most likely being sarcastic with this thread
Let's ask /Ice defenders, since they already have this.

Fine. Others do. Fortunately, more hitpoints will not hurt you. The extra survivability will still require you to play well in order to leverage it, but it will allow for an extra mistake here and there and will allow for people with a bit slower reactions a greater chance to feel the rush without feeling overwhelmed and helpless.
You will probably move through missions at a faster clip, but will still face danger, because you will go one more spawn before taking that green or resting. You will still get the same rush, although perhaps slightly less often, but not significantly less often.
Here is the thing. I disagree with people who do not like to play defenders, or rather I should say I can't fully understand why the hell they do not love defenders, since I do love them very much. That being said, I have heard people in my SG, heard people in PuGs, and seen many people on the forums talk about why they do not like them. It generally boils down to this: "I like playing on a team, but in between teams, when I want to clear out my own arc, or finish up a contact, or I just want to run a mission quick, or I am know I am going to be AFK unpredictably, I'd like to be able to solo faster than when I currently try." I have also seen far too many defenders not bother with their attacks, feeling they are so weak and not worthwhile to a team. While I disagree even at the 0.65 mod, far fewer would doubt their worth at 0.80.
Most of my defenders solo slower than most of my other characters. It is plenty fast for my comfort usually, but sometimes it gets a bit long even for me. I can only imagine that for others it can be intolerable. So, I figured why not improve defender damage. Its not going to hurt the game, defender population is not out of whack on the high side, so adding some defender pop isn't a bad thing. People soloing defenders from time to time is already done, and if a few more can, its not going to kill teaming or have a major impact on the "solo-friendly" ATs, since the playstyle and visual impact are way different. Heck, more people who decide to continue defenders because they can solo them, is probably only going to add to the potential pool of defender teammates.
Too many people fear overpowering the defender AT, because of how great they are on teams. Back during I10, I got a lot of heat from some people who thought that even a modicum of extra mitigation would make blasters ridiculously overpowered (heck even 12% range and AoE defense was poo-pooed by some). Then VEATS came out with TONS more mitigation than even the most ridiculous blaster suggestions, while having damage that is similar to pre-I11 blasters, and great team buff, minor debuff and also great synergy. A lot of my illusions were shattered.
There should be a realization that there is a lot more leeway in these damage numbers and in the balance range of the various ATs.
Did scrappers need their damage mod increased to 1.125? Did they need their animation times sped up? Dominators were already a decently working AT mechanically, yet they were changed in such a way as to make their power curve feel smoother. That is really all that this suggestion is for, to make defenders more interesting to more people in more circumstances.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
*Start crying*
too many people fear overpowering the defender at, because of how great they are on teams. Back during i10, i got a lot of heat from some people who thought that even a modicum of extra mitigation would make blasters ridiculously overpowered (heck even 12% range and aoe defense was poo-pooed by some). Then veats came out with tons more mitigation than even the most ridiculous blaster suggestions, while having damage that is similar to pre-i11 blasters, and great team buff, minor debuff and also great synergy. A lot of my illusions were shattered.
There should be a realization that there is a lot more leeway in these damage numbers and in the balance range of the various ats. Did scrappers need their damage mod increased to 1.125? Did they need their animation times sped up? Dominators were already a decently working at mechanically, yet they were changed in such a way as to make their power curve feel smoother. That is really all that this suggestion is for, to make defenders more interesting to more people in more circumstances. |
100% agree with you
I was part of the CoH US beta way back when and realized the balance issues between Defenders and Controllers even then. Since then, Controllers have been blessed with an inherent power which nearly double their damage output and have gained access to awesome epic sets. Defenders were given a truly bad inherent and decent epics.
Below is a simple comparison I believe illustrate the imbalance quite aptly:
Defender/Total Focus: cast: 3.3, dam: 108, rech: 40, mag 3 stun
Controller/Seismic Smash: cast: 1.5, dam 159 (318 with inherent), rech: 28, mag 4 hold
I'm no numbers man, but that speaks for it self. Controllers so outclass Defenders its ridiculous. How can the developers allow this and other imbalances go on for so long?
A Controller significantly outdamages a Defender solo and on teams. Also, my defender builds end up with a LOT less to offer a team than my controllers. Defenders need dip deeply into their secondaries to be able to solo and are rewarded with the worst damage in the game. Controllers can save powers and slots and to dip into pool powers like leadership more freely. Why play a Defender when you can do just about everything better as a Controller?
Seismic Smash only deals 79.52 at base, 159 is actually the damage after containment.

All the same, the DPS difference between the two powers is pretty staggering with 50% more damage, 50% faster recharge and half the activation time in favour of Seismic Smash. A boss crippling mag 4 v. a simple mag 3 is just icing.
I really don't think the issue is of HP. Here's how I would look at reworking defenders.
One, a Vigilance overhaul. Defenders get too big of an end discount from Vigilance. Just try to bleed your blue bar when a teammate is dead. And oh, I have no clue what a defender with a bottomless blue bar is suppose to do when one teammate is already dead. It's like having a full gas can, but no vehicle. A defender's primary tends to be end light and even one that is more end heavy, Sonic, probably is already running DF with a certain amount of ease and the team hopefully is already shielded.
Think of the currently reworked Elec armor since it had two powers for end recovery and then it was going to have CP again in the epics for scrappers and tanks. What did they do? They pulled back the end management and gave it heal and regen which Elec was completely lacking. Bare minimum should be a slight increase in recharge(increase in DPS without messing with defender damage) and making it work solo. I pause to say we get an increase in damage as health goes low because we all known how well that worked for blasters.
Two, a rethinking of epics. I know this is so not happening, but it's what is needed to be done. Outside of scrappers, who tend to use the Fighting pool as an unofficial epic pool, I think defenders benefit the least from epics.
One way to change epics would be to change the armors from resist based, which is horrible for squishies, to def based. Sonic would lose out on stacking, but there could be at least one res based epic armor. Give defender def based epic armors and we start to get hit less so our lower HP doesn't matter as much. We start to get mezzed less(points at Indomitable Will), which is a holy grail wish by the defender player base that defenders could get somehow.
Side note, IMO, it's a crock that defenders got World of Confusion versus Indomitable Will. "But it follows the mold of defenders getting blaster secondary powers." And that mold is vastly why defender epics need to be reworked(see below).
I know I'm going against my Kin nature, but we really don't need melee attacks. Yes, I know it's the attack type that we are missing compared to blasters, but it's not helping compared to the attacks scrappers, tanks, and controllers get. We sure as hell don't need melee attacks that have 3.3 second animations.
Again, following the fill in the blanks of what the AT needs, further ways to provide personal mitigation would be welcomed. Take out Total Focus and add in Dull Pain. Doesn't every FF defender take this? Hell, you could just add it as the 5th choice for Power since it needs to add one. Again, controllers get Earth's Embrace and blasters even get Hoarfrost so it's not out of line.
I really wouldn't be opposed to filling in epics will control type powers instead. Defenders will never be as good as controllers at controlling., but giving them additional controls even if the recharge times and such are scaled back would offer ways for defenders to be safer.
Oh so not happening, but hey, why not give defenders actual blaster level attacks in the epics, but have them go through the controller type nerf so they aren't deemed overpowered. We would be getting an end and recharge discount with our inherit anyway so we couldn't complain too much.
I know this is thinking outside of the box, but maybe an optional pet in epics might be worthwhile. Adds to damage and mitigates damage away from the defender.
Finally, and for the love, give us Thermal/fire. Defenders are one of two ATs that don't get Fire based powers and it's the only AT that really has a major issue with base damage. Add in GR coming and defenders getting Traps instead(and I like Traps) and it's just going to be another one of those little things against defenders. The excuse of BAB wanting to do no new animations doesn't work here either.
I have no clue what a defender with a bottomless blue bar is suppose to do when one teammate is already dead. It's like having a full gas can, but no vehicle. A defender's primary tends to be end light and even one that is more end heavy, Sonic, probably is already running DF with a certain amount of ease and the team hopefully is already shielded.
Bare minimum should be a slight increase in recharge(increase in DPS without messing with defender damage) and making it work solo. I pause to say we get an increase in damage as health goes low because we all known how well that worked for blasters.
Before we get into the thought process of working with the APPs, I want to mention that I think perceived defender issues are not in the high levels. I will reiterate this point throughout the following.
Two, a rethinking of epics. I know this is so not happening, but it's what is needed to be done. Outside of scrappers, who tend to use the Fighting pool as an unofficial epic pool, I think defenders benefit the least from epics.
One way to change epics would be to change the armors from resist based, which is horrible for squishies, to def based. Sonic would lose out on stacking, but there could be at least one res based epic armor. Give defender def based epic armors and we start to get hit less so our lower HP doesn't matter as much. We start to get mezzed less(points at Indomitable Will), which is a holy grail wish by the defender player base that defenders could get somehow.
I know I'm going against my Kin nature, but we really don't need melee attacks. Yes, I know it's the attack type that we are missing compared to blasters, but it's not helping compared to the attacks scrappers, tanks, and controllers get. We sure as hell don't need melee attacks that have 3.3 second animations.
Again, following the fill in the blanks of what the AT needs, further ways to provide personal mitigation would be welcomed. Take out Total Focus and add in Dull Pain. Doesn't every FF defender take this? Hell, you could just add it as the 5th choice for Power since it needs to add one. Again, controllers get Earth's Embrace and blasters even get Hoarfrost so it's not out of line.
I really wouldn't be opposed to filling in epics will control type powers instead. Defenders will never be as good as controllers at controlling., but giving them additional controls even if the recharge times and such are scaled back would offer ways for defenders to be safer.
Oh so not happening, but hey, why not give defenders actual blaster level attacks in the epics, but have them go through the controller type nerf so they aren't deemed overpowered. We would be getting an end and recharge discount with our inherit anyway so we couldn't complain too much.
A pet is not a bad idea, although I do not plan on taking one with my only 40+ corruptor (my other corruptors do not yet even have a plan for after 40). It also would come late, when defenders need the least "help".
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
I really don't think the issue is of HP. Here's how I would look at reworking defenders.
One, a Vigilance overhaul. Defenders get too big of an end discount from Vigilance. Just try to bleed your blue bar when a teammate is dead. And oh, I have no clue what a defender with a bottomless blue bar is suppose to do when one teammate is already dead. It's like having a full gas can, but no vehicle. A defender's primary tends to be end light and even one that is more end heavy, Sonic, probably is already running DF with a certain amount of ease and the team hopefully is already shielded. |
Even though I am starting to warm up to the +rech idea that some suggest, one thing keeps getting pointed out to me nearly every time I post is that every primary is different, so some things will help each powerset differently. This is why I believe a HP boost would be a better start. It would help every powerset pretty much the same.
Two, a rethinking of epics. I know this is so not happening, but it's what is needed to be done. Outside of scrappers, who tend to use the Fighting pool as an unofficial epic pool, I think defenders benefit the least from epics. |
One way to change epics would be to change the armors from resist based, which is horrible for squishies, to def based. Sonic would lose out on stacking, but there could be at least one res based epic armor. Give defender def based epic armors and we start to get hit less so our lower HP doesn't matter as much. We start to get mezzed less(points at Indomitable Will), which is a holy grail wish by the defender player base that defenders could get somehow. |
I know I'm going against my Kin nature, but we really don't need melee attacks. Yes, I know it's the attack type that we are missing compared to blasters, but it's not helping compared to the attacks scrappers, tanks, and controllers get. We sure as hell don't need melee attacks that have 3.3 second animations. |
If they would give the standard pools a 5th power including more melee options, then your ideas about taking out the melee attacks would be fine. But... for odd folks like me that want more melee attacks, please no, add more, dont take away my toys

I know this is thinking outside of the box, but maybe an optional pet in epics might be worthwhile. Adds to damage and mitigates damage away from the defender. |
You have some interesting ideas and as far as outside the box, the more ideas that are brought out, the more likely the Devs will look at them and think about them.
Keep on talking

I can tell you're most likely being sarcastic with this thread, but I'll answer suggestion seriously.
HP is not the issue with defenders and corruptors. Both ATs have quite a wide variety of tools to survive in both blasts and support sets. Also changing HP count directly effects all team/ally heal effects which already have support values balanced around the idea that Corr/Def/Trollers all have about the same base hp (1070/1017/1017 respectively). Any dramatic shift such as to 1204 (blaster hp) or 1338 (scrapper hp) would severely hurt this balance. HP caps are a completely different story and IMO should be raised significantly across all ATs. Current damage mods for corruptors and defenders are 0.75 and 0.65 respectively. With scourge the corruptor damage modifier might as well be 0.84 against standard foes (minion/Lt/boss) using Starman's quantified data. This is a 30% damage advantage for Corruptors versus about a 25% defender support advantage. A defender modifier of 0.67 would balance it at 25% to 25%, but defender damage would still be too low compared to other ATs. Controller damage modifier is 0.55 but since containment is easily achieved and doubles, it's actually 1.10. Let's assume corruptor damage should equal 1.10 after scourge, we would need to increase both defender and corruptor modifiers by 31%. That would come out to be 0.98 for corruptors and 0.87 for defenders. If controller mod was lowered to 1.00 you would have corr/def mods of 0.9/0.8. So it should really be lower controller mod from 0.55 to 0.5 in addition to increasing corr from 0.75 to 0.9 and defender from 0.65 to 0.8. |
I am fond of the HP increase, because it helps differentiate the two buff/blast sets from controllers and MM, both of whom get extra HPs in the form of pets. It is a subtle difference, but one I think would be felt, as most people don't count pets into how squishy they feel. The increased HPs might add about the same benefit as a pet or two mitigation wise, but it will have more a feeling of personal power.
The minor HP increase helps in the low levels and the pet in the Epic helps soloing in the high levels when you have most of your buff powers that can't be used on yourself.
I have always been a proponent of the following and have proposed these things in the past.
1) Rework Vigilance. The defender inherent should benefit the defender for actually doing their job of defending the team. The current version gives you a higher reward for failing in your role and it disproportionately rewards reactive "healing" sets while simultaneously giving little to nothing to sets that defend by preventing damage in the first place whether through buff or debuffs. It should also work while solo (last time I checked the defender was a part of the team especially when that team is a team of 1.)
My idea for a Vigilance rework has always been a 5% buff to recharge and a 5% reduction to end costs every time a defender uses a power from their primary or secondary. That buff should stack a maximum of 5 times and each buff should last ~10 seconds before expiring. That's just a base line goal.
What I'm looking for is about 1 SO's worth of extra recharge and 1 SO's worth of extra end reduction free for the defender once they reach their Vigilance "cap" which should take them about 8 seconds to do.
The advantages are that it rewards the defender for taking an active role in defending the team, whether that defender power set combination functions best by buffing, debuffing, or blasting, while at the same time not rewarding the defender for failing to do so. It doesn't punish the defender when they are on small or skillfull teams (even if the team is a team of one), encourages them to do their job on the team instead of failing on purpose for the end discount and to use teammates as Vengance bait, and it increases damage slightly by allowing the defender to cycle their more damaging attacks a little more often. It's going to be the most useful in long drawn out battles which are also typical of the soloing defender.
2) Add a pet to the Epic at level 41. This will allow the defender to use all those teammate only powers even while they are solo.
Want the pet earlier? Make it part of the inherent. A long recharge click (1000 seconds or more) that is affected by outside recharge (like Domination) but isn't slottable (like Domination). It's then up to you to keep your pet alive with your buffs, debuffs, and blasts. The pet should be a brawl only pet so all defender pets would be identical in powers but it could be set up to use ANY pet sprite available in the game (within reason) just make the pet 1/2 the normal size so that teammates can tell it's the defender version. This would give the defender those extra hit points that you want and could be made available from level 1.
3) Proliferate the Ice Epic from Blasters to Defenders. Like Amy I've noticed that this is a glaring hole in the Defender Epics. We have a Cold Primary, an Ice secondary, but no Ice Epic? WTH?
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Vigilance needs to be reworked into something that works for the defender that isnt based on the team taking damage. This was developed seeming around one type of defender. The Empath. It doenst help the dark defender. It doesnt help the Rad defender. The FF defender gets nothing out of it because of the team doesnt take any damage then the vigilance doesnt do a thing. Its a stupd stupid mechanic that needs to be changed.
And defender values dont seem to be correct sometimes IMO. Oftentimes a controller with a defender primary is better than the defender itself because of the Controller Primary.. They get the controls, pets, containment damage AND buffs and debuffs ???? That allows them to do just as well as a defenders primary even though the values might be slightly higher for the defender. My Kin/Elec defender doesnt seem to drain end any better than my Elec/Elec blaster who us built for end drain ( not counting transfusion )
And on a side note the Electric Epic Pool for defenders blows... Why in the world do I have Thunderstrike in the elec pool and why does it come very early in the set before PowerSink when one would thing that PowerSink is FAR more defenderish than Thunderstike.. and a Single Target Immobilze ??? REALLY ?????? I mean REALLY ??? and then there is a single target hold later in the same set.. Come on...The Blaster set got EM Pulse... that seems WAY more Defenderish to me.. I would trade Thunderstrike in the set for EM Pulse even with the large recharge time any day of the week...
But back to defenders in general.. Damage.. Damage ona defender is just plain hurtful. The defender secondary is DAMAGE the problem is the defender is TERRIBLE at dishing out the damage. We need a damage boost.. badly.. Thats one of the things that holds defenders back and I dont care how you slice it. The very thing we are supposed to be second best at the defender does VERY VERY poorly. Worse that its cousin the corruptor. I play corruptors and they feel a WHOLE lot better than defenders do.
Defenders need help and they have needed it for a WHILE.. Its time to pay attention to the defender.. NOT the Healer.. ( looking at you vigilance )...
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
There is a swear word in the thread title! My virgin eyes!
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Did you hear the latest news about Billy Mays? He did cocaine. While part of me is shocked about that, part of me is thinking "wow, that explains SO MUCH."
Let's be objective about defender's soloability. DO NOT bring IOs into this as the Devs contend that SOs are perfectly fine for all content this game has that they put in, outside of the MA. Most compliants I've seen are that defenders do too little damage and they die fast with being light on the HP when soloing. I'm going to name 4 groups where I think most players fall into on this issue, attempting to view this issue from outside the game in a vacuum.
Group A: These are the people that have tried to solo on their defenders and find it absolutely horrible. They might come here and vent that soloing isn't possible. They might be new to defenders or unexperienced or maybe even set their expectations too high.
Group B: This group is your elite defender player. They solo all the time and love it, challenging themselves to greater and greater epic, heroic feats. They have a playstyle and knowledge of tactics that compliment the way their defender's powersets work. They may have the uber defender builds (think the 3D, Kin/*, ... ) and maybe not. When on a team, this player may stand out with their defender as outstanding or maybe even be a glory hound. When a Group A person comes to the forums, this group will usually, religiously bash the "A" person. Their precious egos are bruised and they must strike back. They like, no, adore how defenders work now and do not wish to see a change.
Group C: These are the team defender players. They may have dabbled in soloing at one time. They may even be able to solo reasonably well. But ultimately, the satisfaction of being on a team that is steamrolling is just too exciting and fun for them. You might consider this group elite defender players as well. They are extremely active all the time: buffs are constantly refreshed, debuffs are applied in good time on usually the best targets, and, when all else is covered, they use their attacks. This group will defend their position that defenders are fine the way they are now. No buffs are needed as some nerf will usually follow. They are more worried about the nerfs than whether or not they may like the idea of buffs.
Group D: All others. These are the players that do not play defenders usually or only dabble with them- the fence-sitters. They run the gambit of being decent or horrible defenders. They are sitting on the fence. It doesn't matter to them how defenders work solo or on teams. Some ATs are not for everyone. They will have no opinion on any defender topics unless it may somehow affect them. For instance: a controller may like to see a defender change if they share the same buff/ debuff set with hopes of it porting to the controller set as well or a blaster/ corrupter may have an interest if they share the same attack set. These players usually have another AT that they love intensely.
Now to be realistic. Yes, I know defenders can solo. Those who complain about them not being able to may have reason though. As I solo or team play, I like to see the difficulty set to lvl 3 or 4 after I reach lvl 20 or so. After certain levels, all ATs can solo on these settings reasonably well except for defenders. "WHAT???", you say? Still looking in from that vacuum, defenders have the least self-help powers in their primaries/secondaries of all other ATs with some exceptions, namely Kin, Rad, and Dark Miasma. They need to dip into the Power Pools to help them and maybe their choose of Epic for later. All ATs should be considered equal and if the blasters, tanks, controllers, and scrappers with any powersets can run at these settings, then so should defenders as well. I'm not advocating that it should be made easy but reasonable. It is not reasonable to tell the average defender that if he wants to solo, then keep to heroic, that's the easy button.
Beginner Levels (1-6) All players are on an even lvl with damage because TOs suck. The debuffs in defenders attacks actually can serve them well in this range.
Early Levels (7-19) DOs become available and the disparity between the ATs starts to become apparent. It is more beneficial for defenders to slot their primary over their attack set if they intend to team. If they intend to solo, then they are placing all those slots in their attacks with almost little help from their primary. Getting Power Pools to help here is usually not an option. Endurance issues and power placement picks set aside, slots are few and far between to make a big difference. Before the advent of the dual build feature, most players would make compromises of slotting primary/ secondary and power pools-- in other words, gimping themselves for soloing. Dual builds has helped, but is still not enough.
Mid Levels (20-32): Stamina and then SOs! Endurance issues lighten. Problem is: some of the more damaging powers open up here but you also get some of the best buffs/ debuffs and those tier 3 & 4 Pool powers are now available. Still lots of powers, few slots, compromise, compromise, compromise. And again, Dual builds have helped here. Soloing is an issue as most foes have some sort of debuff-- -to hit, -def, kd/kb, slows.
Higher Levels (33-50): Finally get those slots rolling in now. Able to flesh out all those powers now. 2 more attack powers available but with a tier 9 that usually leaves you without endurance. AH, now the defender starts to feel more powerful! But wait! Now your foe's power has seemed to multiply by a greater factor. Now they not only have those same debuffs but also buff powers- DE, Nemesis, CoT, Carnies, Malta oh my!
SO. The OP has stated that defenders need buffs. I agree. Before the flaming starts, IF the Devs stated that defenders were going to get a buff in HP and damage, would you tell them "No Thank-you, I like my defender just like he is." Would you? Be Honest! Of course not. What would this do for defenders? Lets looks at my Groups again.
Group A: "Woot! Now I have that chance to run solo." Greater #'s of people will be interested in staying with their defender and more would be available.
Group B: This changes nothing for them in reality. Since they were already soloing, they would just be able to now push themselves even farther. Pat themselves on the back for their new heights in epic heroic-ness.
Group C: Again nothing will change for this group. Teaming will still be preferable for these people. They may not even notice the additional damage, but they sure might notice the additional survivability.
Group D: This group might be the most affected. These fence-sitters might be encouraged to play more defenders, widening the defender- base even more.
SO! Increase my defender's HP and damage! Allow the average defender to rise to new epic heroic-ness!
SO. The OP has stated that defenders need buffs. I agree. Before the flaming starts, IF the Devs stated that defenders were going to get a buff in HP and damage, would you tell them "No Thank-you, I like my defender just like he is." Would you? Be Honest! Of course not. What would this do for defenders? Lets looks at my Groups again. ... SO! Increase my defender's HP and damage! Allow the average defender to rise to new epic heroic-ness! |
Because I believe that since defenders can't be shown to be underperforming or not "working as intended", then any buff would have to be balanced by a decrease elsewhere. It can't be our damage (aka secondaries), so it has to come from our buffs/debuffs (aka primaries).
From my reading on the forums, three ATs that were not performing as expected, blaster, stalkers, and dominators, all received changes because they were not meeting the devs expectations as an AT. The blaster can now damage under status effects, the stalker has greater team benefit, and dominators with the damage boost and changing of the powers in general.
The devs have also shown balance in changes to powers, such if one like damage is increase, then something else (like recharge time or end cost) is increased.
I have been on all defender TFs and we shread the mobs. You seriously think we need more damage or HP with our force multiplication?
I have done an STF with 6 dark and 2 storm defenders. In the last part we IGNORED LR to take the towers down, just defuffed and hit the towers - and didn't use any temps either. Could an all tanker, scrapper, kheld, or blaster STF do that? (Controllers may be able too.)
The fastest MSTF I have done is 43 min, which I know is not a record. The make up of the team was tank, scrapper (me), 2 blasters, controller, and 3 (THREE) defenders. Who was the liability and almost blew the run and was saved by the one shot code? Me on my DM/Regen scrapper - the one with more HP and damage than a defender.
I am somewhat surprised to hear all these issues with defenders after 5 years of playing them.
I would say "No thank you, I don't want my defender nerfed in other areas."
Because I believe that since defenders can't be shown to be underperforming or not "working as intended", then any buff would have to be balanced by a decrease elsewhere. It can't be our damage (aka secondaries), so it has to come from our buffs/debuffs (aka primaries). |
I have been on all defender TFs and we shread the mobs. You seriously think we need more damage or HP with our force multiplication?
I have done an STF with 6 dark and 2 storm defenders. In the last part we IGNORED LR to take the towers down, just defuffed and hit the towers - and didn't use any temps either. Could an all tanker, scrapper, kheld, or blaster STF do that? (Controllers may be able too.) The fastest MSTF I have done is 43 min, which I know is not a record. The make up of the team was tank, scrapper (me), 2 blasters, controller, and 3 (THREE) defenders. Who was the liability and almost blew the run and was saved by the one shot code? Me on my DM/Regen scrapper - the one with more HP and damage than a defender. |
I know what you mean.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
I would say "No thank you, I don't want my defender nerfed in other areas."
Because I believe that since defenders can't be shown to be underperforming or not "working as intended", then any buff would have to be balanced by a decrease elsewhere. It can't be our damage (aka secondaries), so it has to come from our buffs/debuffs (aka primaries). From my reading on the forums, three ATs that were not performing as expected, blaster, stalkers, and dominators, all received changes because they were not meeting the devs expectations as an AT. The blaster can now damage under status effects, the stalker has greater team benefit, and dominators with the damage boost and changing of the powers in general. The devs have also shown balance in changes to powers, such if one like damage is increase, then something else (like recharge time or end cost) is increased. I have been on all defender TFs and we shread the mobs. You seriously think we need more damage or HP with our force multiplication? I have done an STF with 6 dark and 2 storm defenders. In the last part we IGNORED LR to take the towers down, just defuffed and hit the towers - and didn't use any temps either. Could an all tanker, scrapper, kheld, or blaster STF do that? (Controllers may be able too.) The fastest MSTF I have done is 43 min, which I know is not a record. The make up of the team was tank, scrapper (me), 2 blasters, controller, and 3 (THREE) defenders. Who was the liability and almost blew the run and was saved by the one shot code? Me on my DM/Regen scrapper - the one with more HP and damage than a defender. I am somewhat surprised to hear all these issues with defenders after 5 years of playing them. |
The reality of the situation is that most defender players have difficulty in the early levels and solo. The exact same reasons controllers got containment.
Sure you "can" build a defender to solo (a Rad/Sonic for example) but those are outliers just like the the Fire/Kin controller is. The defender is also the only AT (other than Kheldians) who have absolutely no control of their inherent (unless you have a heal in which case you self nerf your own endurance discount) and whose inherent gives them benefits that range from nothing when it's needed most to the ridiculous when it's not needed. It's also the only inherent in the game that functions differently (and not in a good way) depending on the Power Set combo you have choosen to play.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
The ramblings of an escaped mental patient follow.
TL;DR - Increase defender base HPs to scrapper level and change their ranged damage mod to 0.8; Increase corruptor base HPs to blaster level and change their ranged damage mod to 0.9.
So I read this the other day, from Stormfront_NA:
I believe a simple reduction of the penalty employed against Defenders's damage of 0.6 to 0.9 (Tankers get a 0.8) would solve the damage issue, and adding the MAG 4 Status effect resist to the Epic armors, would do quite a great of difference to the Defender, and I would expect those to be minor code changes.
Well, it was so crazy and ridiculous, it pushed me over the edge and fractured my mind. I have now been convinced that defenders (and corruptors, by extension) are more unfun than fun. Oh, sure, there are insane lunatics who like to play them and even more ludicrously mad folks who solo them with pleasure. They don't matter. More appropriately, they don't matter as long as any changes made to the ATs do not hurt their gameplay.
I love defenders. I play several defenders reglarly. I find defenders fun on a team and I enjoy playing them solo from time to time (I'd enjoy soloing them more, if I did not keep thinking how much more awesome I would be with others around to benefit from my buffs/debuffs). I love corruptors. I play several corruptors. I find corruptors fun on a team and I enjoy playing them solo from time to time (I'd enjoy soloing them more, if I did not keep thinking how much more awesome I would be with others around to benefit from my buffs/debuffs).
Why should we change anything about either AT? Maybe they will become even more funner! Maybe even more people will find them appealing! Perhaps more players will feel more powerful and awesome! Who knows? Who cares? Let's just do it!
Defenders and corruptors need more hitpoints. These ATs are designed with AoE damage powers and will draw aggro. They are designed with many PBAoE powers to affect enemies, so they often need to get close to baddies. They are designed with many PBAoE powers to protect teammates, so they need to be close enough to enemies in order to keep melee allies inside the effect. It would be more fun if these ATs could utilize those powers with less fear and with more confidence in their ability to take some of that AoE splash damage and some return fire from any aggro generated by using their best AoE damage (and debuff) powers. Extra hitpoints will also ease solo play, allowing these ATs to survive the longer battles their slightly lower damage engender. Since defenders will have the lower damage, they should get scrapper level hitpoints. Corruptors, being the more offensive AT, get blaster level HPs.
Speaking of damage, these ATs do too little. One of the great features of the CoH game is its fast paced battles, and defenders fall out of that area. Variety is good, but defenders are way out of range of standard CoH experience. Corruptors are moderately less so, but still fall short vs most of the enemies in game. While surviving longer battles can be done by both these ATs, in addition to needing more attacks to win a fight, most also need to use active mitigation powers (debuffs/self-heals/controls), taking even more time and endurance. The endurance consumption needed to win fights on these ATs is unacceptable. We could adjust endurance costs, but that would still leave these ATs lacking on teams (you know, the place they are supposed to shine the most). Wouldn't it be more fun if defenders were appreciated more for their attack sets?
Therefore, we will move corruptors damage scale to 0.9 and defenders to 0.8. The corruptor damage cap will be lowered to 400, resluting in a negligible change at the buff cap (0.75*5=3.75, compared to 0.9*4=3.6). Defender caps will be lowered to 325, resulting in no change at the cap (0.65*4=2.6 vs 0.8*3.25=2.6). It might be wise here to lower scourge from +100% damage to +80% in order to maintain current performance vs the higher HP targets, but its not really necessary, IMO, since they are such a small part of the game anyway, albeit an important one for some aspects of the game.
Neither of the above changes will have a major impact on current defender/corruptor playstyle. No one who currently loves the defender playstyle will feel a major difference. Fights will go a bit faster, and they will be slightly harder to kill, but they still will not be able to carelessly wade into enemies. Most of their mitigation will still be active, requiring attention to be payed and tough choices to be made. Current players of those ATs lose nothing (please do not gripe about the 4% reduction corruptors get at the damage cap).
The last suggestion that pushed me into crazy land, was Mag 4 status resists in the Epic armors. This idea I do not like. It would change the current playstyle, it would make those powers must take, and it would take away a bit from FF, Sonic, Traps, and to a lesser extent Rad. Therefore, I can only be wild-eyed, fanatical about the modest increases in Hit Points and Damage. Just say no to APP armor status protection!
OK, now that you are all convinced, let us counter the non-believers.
But no one would play a blaster anymore.
Dominators and VEATs exist, yet I still want to play blasters. It is possible doms could overtake blasters, but never defenders and corruptors. You see, melee attacks are fun. People like to punch, kick, bash, and stab things. Doms and blasters are really the only way to get both. (Yes, some pool attacks for defenders could be used, but really, it is not the same as Ice Sword or Bone Smasher). /Traps might kick /Devices in the teeth; that is not an AT issue, but a powerset concern.
Scrapper and tanker population could suffer.
Have I mentioned that people like to kick, bash, rip, shred, punch, stabbity-death baddies? Also, people will always enjoy the passive mitigation the armored ATs have, not to mention the status protection. Brutes, scrappers, and tankers are not in any jeopardy because of the above proposed changes.
All corruptor/defender teams would be overpowered.
Status Quo. This suggestion does not particularly make them any more powerful when on large teams of other defenders/corruptors, although smaller teams of just these ATs will see a modest benefit. It does indeed improve their (percieved) performance on mixed teams, as they will be a bit more resilient and provide more damage than currently.
Sometimes there is an alligator driving a car, and sometimes you are wearing a hat made out of meat.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.