I16 Closed Beta




Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
Are you talking about all the random people at Comic-Con that may not even play the game?

- or -

Are you talking about the loyal player base that was really excited about getting a preview of this issue like they've always been able to?
Yeah, this.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
And with that, you have eliminated the last viable reason to have closed beta testing for individual issues. ...

You would expect a better testing process to result in some positive quatifiable effect, like increases issues, decreased beta times, less bugs, or something - but it simply doesn't.

The only real reason I've ever seen offered by any dev for this process is to streamline the feedback process. That can be accomplished by other means.

So, really? Why not go back to the old all-open process. It wasn't broken, and hasn't been improved upon.
Johnny_Velocity speaks for me, here. I voluntarily dropped out of the closed-beta process because their streamlined procedure for collecting feedback from a reduced number of testers just plain wasn't working. Not once did anything I submitted as a bug report, using either /bug or forum postings, make it into Castle's "Known Issues" occasional summaries; I was just being flatly ignored, which made it a waste of my time. I call "fail" on the whole closed beta process; they aren't even fixing reported exploits caught during the closed testing process, or else we wouldn't have gone through what we did after i14 went live.

And to the people who say that closed beta is supposed to be some kind of a treat, that of course they hold back "the good stuff" for closed beta users? For five years, when they've added new powersets, you could see them in the character creator as soon as they went to test, open or closed. For three-plus years, we've been able to see proliferated powersets as soon as they went to test, open or closed. When they put Real Numbers into the character creator, we were able to see it, even when it was on closed beta test. For years and years that I've been playing this game, they've done it one way -- and now they've yanked that privilege away from us, offending who knows how many thousands of customers who were expecting to enjoy at least a brief look at the new features list, without giving even a single reason as to why they did it. #cohfail



The way I see it is, (yes, I am slightly dissappointed that I can't go fiddling around too) since, as someone else has pointed out, the issue IS about 99% about the new character creator, to have "everyone" able to just waltz in and test it would take away from the 'new-awesome-saucy-ness' that it will have once it hits Open Beta/Live.

They probably want an extra-controlled group of testers to see how the powers play out in all level ranges and such. Keeping Issue 16 discussion down to a dull roar will help them pay attention to things that need attention and not some of the garbage that floats around here. (the boards in general, not "here" :P)

Like I said before hand, I am upset that I can't preview all of my new projects, but, that is probably what the Dev's were going for. This way, with a small controlled testing pool, they can probably power through most of the required testing to bring Open up faster.

...Or, you know, I could be out of mind. It wouldn't surprise me.



Originally Posted by JKPhage View Post
Well thanks for clarifying Castle, but that didn't "explain" anything. All you said was that you'd be instituting a server queue for when servers are full. That doesn't tell us why you chose to lock us out of character creation if we're not in beta. An actual explanation would be greatly appreciated, as like I said before, anyone at comic-con, COX player or no, could just waltz up to your booth and try it out. Everyone who's been around the forums has seen the videos of the color customization and alternate animations so it's not like you're hiding anything from us and frankly it's unfair. I want to see what a particular power would look like when colored to match my character, and see what sort of options we'll have available, but because I couldn't drop everything and fly out to San Diego for comic-con I'm apparently not special enough?

I'll say again, poor play, and on top of that no explanation.
Well, no disrespect intended, but I think it might have something to do with the fact that the character creation improvements are THE major feature of the new update. This is what they are trying to beta test, after all.
[edit] Too slow, I guess.

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Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Hello? This is the PRIMARY effect of the issue. Character creation/appearance has NEVER (After I1 that is), been the primary effect of any issue before, correct me if I am wrong. As quick as this issue has come about, is everyone here incapable of taking a deep breath and not overreacting?

They have to TEST IT.

(edit) Uhoh. It seems I have a red dot.
I completely agree with the testing part - but somehow I think they're looking for more real-world feedback on the animations and color changes than things in the character creation screen. Guess I'll just have to keep refreshing my email inbox, or barring that, wait a month or so for open beta. *shrug*

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Correct! And, since it is new code, it happens to be something very important we are testing with I16. And, oddly enough, we've found a couple nice large bugs with it already!

This is why we test, after all!
Well at least the testing is accomplishing what it needs to.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
... What we've done is instituted a "Queue" server, so that on really busy weekends, Freedom won't be listed as "unavailable" if it is full, it will simply put you into the "next available slot" queue. ...
Next needs to be a "Log out to Character Select" option. First you sit in a 5 minute queue, you log in and notice all your friends are starting a group you need a different character for. Log out to switch characters, and find your self stuck on another 5 minute queue.



Yes, but when seeing the powers is the point of the whole issue, you see where it might behoove them to test it a little more thoroughly. I mean, if these people react to not being in the closed beta like this, think of what might happen if their favorite character's favorite power has a bug that makes their character look like Pee Wee Herman (no offense, Pee Wee, but you're the least super-heroic dude I could think of on the spot).

There's a reason why the quote is not, "Impatience is a virtue."

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There really needs to be a "Logout to Character Select Screen" option. Having to re-log in every time gets ... old :P



Originally Posted by Macron_Dark View Post
Next needs to be a "Log out to Character Select" option. First you sit in a 5 minute queue, you log in and notice all your friends are starting a group you need a different character for. Log out to switch characters, and find your self stuck on another 5 minute queue.
But this is only going to happen on like 2 servers that are only busy on very few days out of the year. I could see if all the servers were over crowded like freedom. That would make a huge difference but since most of the servers are ghost towns I dont see a 5 minute wait being the norm.

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Originally Posted by Burst_Eagle View Post
There really needs to be a "Logout to Character Select Screen" option. Having to re-log in every time gets ... old :P
That's done for security purposes, so you don't accidentally leave your account info open, then someone can walk by your computer and delete one of your characters, or delete a whole server full of characters.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I interpreted BaBs' message as "right now only closed beta testers can log in to the character creator, and we're taking it down to fix that."
Nope. Opposite.

Only players who are in the closed beta will be able to log into any part of the training room, including the character creator.

For the rest of you, we hope you can be patient and understanding. Hopefully we'll be able to get through closed beta very quickly, but there's still a number of known issues, crash bugs, etc. that we want to get ironed out before opening the floodgates.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
For the rest of you, we hope you can be patient and understanding.
Someone's being optimistic...



Was the first batch of beta players based on the veteran thingie?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
But this is only going to happen on like 2 servers that are only busy on very few days out of the year. I could see if all the servers were over crowded like freedom. That would make a huge difference but since most of the servers are ghost towns I dont see a 5 minute wait being the norm.
Its like waiting in line to get into a club. If you wait 20 mins to get in, get there and find out your clothes are out of style and need to go home and change or be ridiculed, when you try to come back in after changing you don't get to hop to the front of the line. At least not at any clubs I've ever been to without knowing the bouncer.

But allowing the Quit Game function not force a re-login creates more problems than it solves as MANY other posts on this subject have gone into before and some posters here have already said. Minor inconvenience now for players. Possible huge customer service problem if they changed it.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Was the first batch of beta players based on the veteran thingie?
No. The Loalty Program will go towards Going Rogue Beta.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Was the first batch of beta players based on the veteran thingie?
The Suggestion in i15 was that those people that tested i15 would be heavily favored in future issue's closed betas. The announcement about Veteran's being teir one beta testers was with respect to Going Rogue.

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Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Was the first batch of beta players based on the veteran thingie?
No...that is for the future Going Rogue beta testing.



Originally Posted by Burst_Eagle View Post
No. The Loalty Program will go towards Going Rogue Beta.
Aah offcourse, my mistake

I just read the new elec power change, this aint just coloring stuff.. this gonna be great for my new elec toon also

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I just got to know 1 thing. Did they change those Gawd awful assasin's strike animations for MA, DM and EM? If they did this then I am 100% satisfied with issue 16 unless there are some earth shattering nerfs.
Change, no.

Add an new animation as an alternate for Martial Arts, yes.

Add said animation as an alternate for DM and EM, no.



Originally Posted by MoltenSlowa View Post
That's done for security purposes, so you don't accidentally leave your account info open, then someone can walk by your computer and delete one of your characters, or delete a whole server full of characters.
Ah, that makes sense. A bit paranoid, but yeah, I see the value.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Change, no.

Add an new animation as an alternate for Martial Arts, yes.

Add said animation as an alternate for DM and EM, no.
Don't give up too much info. You might get kicked out of closed beta.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Nope. Opposite.

Only players who are in the closed beta will be able to log into any part of the training room, including the character creator.

For the rest of you, we hope you can be patient and understanding. Hopefully we'll be able to get through closed beta very quickly, but there's still a number of known issues, crash bugs, etc. that we want to get ironed out before opening the floodgates.
Thanks for the clarification BABs and once again thanks for making power customization a reality. The work you/your team put in is really appreciated, despite the minor disappointment of today.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Nope. Opposite.

Only players who are in the closed beta will be able to log into any part of the training room, including the character creator.

For the rest of you, we hope you can be patient and understanding. Hopefully we'll be able to get through closed beta very quickly, but there's still a number of known issues, crash bugs, etc. that we want to get ironed out before opening the floodgates.
And that was all I needed to hear. If there are big numbers of crash bugs and issues with the character creator then I can see why you've locked it. I'm not happy about the circumstances, but at least we have an explanation. What was irritating me was that we were told on your twitter "Yeah, everyone can get to character creation" and then shortly after told "No. You're not beta. GTFO." with no rhyme or reason, much less explanation as to why. Negative comments retracted and I'll humbly bow out of the dev bashing.

Might not play for a couple of days as I got all hyped for i16 so soon and anticipating it without being able to have it is kind of hampering some ideas that I want to play with in game, but I'm in a much better mood now.