I16 Closed Beta




Originally Posted by _Cai_ View Post
Thanks for the clarification BABs and once again thanks for making power customization a reality. The work you/your team put in is really appreciated, despite the minor disappointment of today.
My thoughts exactly. I have no idea if I'll get in this one or not, but either way, I'm really excited to see this in its entirety.

Quick question on that; with things like DM/DA/etc dark powersets, are the 'dark' portions of the powers going to be re-colorable, or is it changes/selections to the available animations?



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Saw that on Posi's twitter. Not sure if he's just fooling or if he's serious. Can't tell these days.
He's being serious, I think.
If he'd mentioned something about Rikti Monkey vet pets, then it'd probbably be a joke though

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Caleb_Nokama View Post
Quick question on that; with things like DM/DA/etc dark powersets, are the 'dark' portions of the powers going to be re-colorable, or is it changes/selections to the available animations?
Read This



Originally Posted by Grumble View Post
Will only Beta Testers be able to access the Character Creator at all? Will non-beta accounts be able to get into the queue and eventually get to the Character Creator?
Because just about the entire Issue is in the costume creator, then the only way they can have a closed beta is to block it from the univited
They could leave it unblocked for the I14 closed beta, because the big stuff of that Issue was in the actual game, unlike this time.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Volt_Angel View Post
Well you don't have too.. I mean... we could just stay here and be sad together. LOL
No need to be sad - we can still talk about I16, or maybe even log into a normal server and play

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Someone's being optimistic...
No, someone is being very optimistic here.

I know I am not please at all with this, I knew I wasn't getting into the beta, I only have been in one issue beta but I've been waitting for this day for over 4 1/2 years and some even longer and to just close of test so we can't even mess around with the creator was just a very bad idea. Now, if they did that from the begin of issues closed betas, I think no one would be upset by it but to just do it now, with the this the number one most wanted thing, was a very big mistake imo.



Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
Y'know, I'm kind of surprised they haven't tried to close off the character creator for previous closed betas, especially with powerset proliferation or new powersets. And especially now that we have access to Real Numbers during character creation. It might cause problems when we start complaining about powresets before they're ready to be seen by everyone. I think some of that happened with the Shields set.

This is probably one of those things where it's better not to see it getting made, like sausage or legislation or babies.

But I am a little sad I won't get to play with the power customization.
Not only that, but you couldn't see the animations for every single power at the character creator before. Now you can.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Well, I could be wrong, but there's nothing in the character creator/powerset proliferation/animations that we haven't already seen. There's nothing to really test in the character creator.
There are at least 2 different sets of alternate animations.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Gr33n View Post
you mean like any joe schmo off the streets at comic-con?
Well, I'm thinking that things can change a lot after Comic-con, and the average Joe will not know the difference.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
[*]Has not resulted in less buggy issues, on average.
I have to say, that seems like a fallacy to me. Were you around for issue 7? Have we ever had anything as buggy since the closed beta process?

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



C-c-c-c-combo breaker!

...Sorry, couldn't resist.

On a side note, there are STILL more things that don't know about i16 that are coming, so it's possible that locking us out is only the tip of the iceberg.



Gotta say that not announcing that this beta would be different than others, and waiting untill the day beta starts to let people find out they can't get thier usual sneak peek at the powers/character creator......pretty bad idea. Just letting people know a few weeks ago would have softened the blow a bit. Pretty bummed out right now



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I just got to know 1 thing. Did they change those Gawd awful assasin's strike animations for MA, DM and EM? If they did this then I am 100% satisfied with issue 16 unless there are some earth shattering nerfs.
I believe the horse stance remains as the default option for MA...as of SDCC.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
I have. If I felt it addressed my specific question, I wouldn't be asking it.



Originally Posted by MoltenSlowa View Post
C-c-c-c-combo breaker!

...Sorry, couldn't resist.

On a side note, there are STILL more things that don't know about i16 that are coming, so it's possible that locking us out is only the tip of the iceberg.
Lol! How much is a four hit combo worth? :P

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Not only that, but you couldn't see the animations for every single power at the character creator before. Now you can.
Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
There are at least 2 different sets of alternate animations.
Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Well, I'm thinking that things can change a lot after Comic-con, and the average Joe will not know the difference.
Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
I have to say, that seems like a fallacy to me. Were you around for issue 7? Have we ever had anything as buggy since the closed beta process?
See that icon to the right of the 'quote' button? That's multi-quote. It makes it so you don't have to make one post per reply.



Originally Posted by Maynia View Post
Mesuspects I'm not seeing something important here, but how is implementing a queue system that will get used on all of 2 servers out of 15 for about 10 days a year worth doing? O.o
What is the population ratio of those 2 servers, compared to the others?

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Chaos_Creator View Post
See that icon to the right of the 'quote' button? That's multi-quote. It makes it so you don't have to make one post per reply.
Excuse ME.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
This is annoying, especially coming less than an hour after BABs raised hopes to the contrary. What on earth does Paragon Studios gain from not letting the people who aren't in closed beta even see the new animations, color palettes, auras? I don't get it. It seems pointlessly petty.
Paragon Studios is powered by rage. They feed off of it. It's like blood to a vampire for them.

I was kind of mad at first, but then I read about the electric armor heal and now I am not mad.



Originally Posted by Volt_Angel View Post
yes we could, but being mad is just an after effect of being sad.
First sadness, then madness...
I thought the proper approved sequence was fear-anger-hate-suffering?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I really don't see what the big deal is. Allowing us get into the costume creator would make zero sense. That is why there is closed beta. This isn't rocket science people.



Originally Posted by Grumble View Post
I appreciate the information and the "leak" of the new log-in technology, but this is still rather convoluted and a straight answer would also be appreciated.

Will only Beta Testers be able to access the Character Creator at all? Will non-beta accounts be able to get into the queue and eventually get to the Character Creator?

If non-beta will not be able to get to it at all, I strongly suggest changing that, unless, as I said before, there are some other secret, market-breaking features or that you are testing other features like the functionality of that new log-in system. With the other games in development, that would be a marketing boondoggle; you could get so much interest and "free" coverage and possibly displace the competition in the media.

(The saddest part of posting this is that I believe that there is a slim chance that the people at Paragon Studios might not have seriously considered the marketing value of allowing free access to the Character Creator.)

Yes, the marketing team for this company sucks, no doubt about it. Only the Dev's outstanding work keeps them in business, so I would say the marketing team should go ahead and brown up their noses, hoping the Devs never move on.

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Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I really don't see what the big deal is. Allowing us get into the costume creator would make zero sense. That is why there is closed beta. This isn't rocket science people.
Its not a big deal and not hard to figure out why and I think most of us understand why for the most part. We're just disappointed with the change in precedent from the previous closed betas and had our hopes of getting a little bit of a preview like we always have been able to, so we're venting.



Originally Posted by Caleb_Nokama View Post
I have. If I felt it addressed my specific question, I wouldn't be asking it.
It does...unless you read in a language other than English.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Daedalus View Post
Paragon Studios is powered by rage. They feed off of it. It's like blood to a vampire for them.

I was kind of mad at first, but then I read about the electric armor heal and now I am not mad.

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