I16 Closed Beta




Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Unless you are authorized (ie: Have a Beta Invite) you should not be able to get to server selection or character creation.

I'll have to settle for vids and pics from San Diego.



Originally Posted by Red_Valkyrja View Post
Well, that's pretty clear. Thanks for the clarification, Castle.
Originally Posted by BitStyle View Post
well i guess it's official now...

Yea time to pack up guys and get back to RL, until it gets into open beta



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
Well that just drained all the excitement out of the masses.



I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Paragon Studios probably won't be getting any gift baskets over this change. Oh yeah, while you're at it, how about someone let BaBs know what's going on before he gets everyone's hopes up on Twitter, eh?



Well damn. Gonna keep trying to log in until I get the "This account has no access to beta" message.



well gratz to the the thousands at comic-con that got to walk right up and try it out....

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by DarkSpade View Post
Very convenient that the server queue code change gets applied at a time when the unanointed and unwashed masses (among whom I miserably count myself) will most want to get a look at character creation, as we have been able to do during every closed beta so far. Timing, as they say, is everything ...
I'm pretty sure the code is meant for all servers (he did mention Freedom) so that during heavy play times (2XP, new issue releases) that people logging in to servers will now get placed in an access que to enter.



Originally Posted by Volt_Angel View Post
Yea time to pack up guys and get back to RL, until it gets into open beta
Yeah, I suppose so.



Well thanks for clarifying Castle, but that didn't "explain" anything. All you said was that you'd be instituting a server queue for when servers are full. That doesn't tell us why you chose to lock us out of character creation if we're not in beta. An actual explanation would be greatly appreciated, as like I said before, anyone at comic-con, COX player or no, could just waltz up to your booth and try it out. Everyone who's been around the forums has seen the videos of the color customization and alternate animations so it's not like you're hiding anything from us and frankly it's unfair. I want to see what a particular power would look like when colored to match my character, and see what sort of options we'll have available, but because I couldn't drop everything and fly out to San Diego for comic-con I'm apparently not special enough?

I'll say again, poor play, and on top of that no explanation.



Originally Posted by Gr33n View Post
well gratz to the the thousands at comic-con that got to walk right up and try it out....
God, it kills me that I was like $25 shy of being able to go.



Originally Posted by Red_Valkyrja View Post
I'm pretty sure the code is meant for all servers (he did mention Freedom) so that during heavy play times (2XP, new issue releases) that people logging in to servers will now get placed in an access que to enter.
Yes, I know the server queue change is ultimately meant for all the servers. My point relates to the timing of applying it (for testing or otherwise) to the test server such that it closes access to the character creation process during closed beta unless you are a closed beta tester.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
My understanding is that some of the code which has been written has a side effect of locking out anyone who is not supposed to be authorized from getting to Server selection, much less character creation. Earlier, that code did not appear to be working, which is why folks were able to see the character creator.

The servers have been taken down (meaning, not even Beta testers can get to it at the moment) until this issue is fixed.

Now, amid the cries of "Unfair!" and "Why change this now?" I'll explain the purpose of this code change. What we've done is instituted a "Queue" server, so that on really busy weekends, Freedom won't be listed as "unavailable" if it is full, it will simply put you into the "next available slot" queue. Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the issues that crop up from the full server problem.
Wondering...does a lot of people in the character creator affect the servers in any way? It seems that most, if not all, of the character creator could be completely client side and just send the server the information from the client upon completion. As far as various locked costume bits and archetypes and such, those bits could quickly be passed after log-in, then no interaction between the server and the client until the user is done with the creator.

I ask because I could see a reason behind locking non-beta players out of the character creator if there was a server load issue during beta. But if its mostly client side with minimal affect on the server, wouldn't more people hammering on the character creator, especially since its one of the first things new players would see in the game, be a good thing to expose more problems?



Originally Posted by Dark_Forgiven View Post
Yeah, I suppose so.
Well you don't have too.. I mean... we could just stay here and be sad together. LOL



Originally Posted by Dark_Forgiven View Post
God, it kills me that I was like $25 shy of being able to go.
Yeah...I was like $1100 shy of it. Crossing the country can be expensive apparently.



Originally Posted by Volt_Angel View Post
Well you don't have too.. I mean... we could just stay here and be sad together. LOL
or we could be mad... i like that better

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Volt_Angel View Post
Well you don't have too.. I mean... we could just stay here and be sad together. LOL
Sounds like a plan. =)



Seeing as this issue is 99% about customizing the powers, which one could see from the Character Creation page, then it is SHOCKING that a) they would want the testers to actually, um, TEST the interface before allowing *anyone* to see it, and it is also SHOCKING that b) they might not want to let Everyone see it immediately. I am SHOCKED, really, just SHOCKED.

"Relax, Francis." We'll all get our turn, kiddies.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



A hundred bucks says they disable the character login screen for i16 closed beta, and just leave it like that for the rest of the closed betas, want to check out the new powers in x set, nope sorry! >_>



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Seeing as this issue is 99% about customizing the powers, which one could see from the Character Creation page, then it is SHOCKING that a) they would want the testers to actually, um, TEST the interface before allowing *anyone* to see it, and it is also SHOCKING that b) they might not want to let Everyone see it immediately. I am SHOCKED, really, just SHOCKED.

"Relax, Francis." We'll all get our turn, kiddies.
you mean like any joe schmo off the streets at comic-con?

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
My understanding is that some of the code which has been written has a side effect of locking out anyone who is not supposed to be authorized from getting to Server selection, much less character creation. Earlier, that code did not appear to be working, which is why folks were able to see the character creator.

The servers have been taken down (meaning, not even Beta testers can get to it at the moment) until this issue is fixed.

Now, amid the cries of "Unfair!" and "Why change this now?" I'll explain the purpose of this code change. What we've done is instituted a "Queue" server, so that on really busy weekends, Freedom won't be listed as "unavailable" if it is full, it will simply put you into the "next available slot" queue. Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the issues that crop up from the full server problem.
And with that, you have eliminated the last viable reason to have closed beta testing for individual issues.

Without closing the servers to the general population, you now have the ability to:
  • Filter player "noise" on the forums by continuing to have a closed forum for desired testers
  • Filter player "noise" in game via private chat channels for desired testers
  • And now, with this feature, you can limit server load to a desired level (which historically has only been a minor issue of the first day of a beta patch anyway)
In the meantime, the closed beta process for individual issues:
  • Has not reduced average total beta time for each issue.
  • Has not resulted in less buggy issues, on average.
  • Has not resulted in more issues per year, on average.
  • Has resulted in strife, grief, and a two-tiered player base (have's and have-not's)
  • Has resulted in disruption of both player testing of personal character build and base testing issues and use of the unofficial cross-server PvP server
You would expect a better testing process to result in some positive quatifiable effect, like increases issues, decreased beta times, less bugs, or something - but it simply doesn't.

The only real reason I've ever seen offered by any dev for this process is to streamline the feedback process. That can be accomplished by other means.

So, really? Why not go back to the old all-open process. It wasn't broken, and hasn't been improved upon.



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Seeing as this issue is 99% about customizing the powers, which one could see from the Character Creation page, then it is SHOCKING that a) they would want the testers to actually, um, TEST the interface before allowing *anyone* to see it, and it is also SHOCKING that b) they might not want to let Everyone see it immediately. I am SHOCKED, really, just SHOCKED.

"Relax, Francis." We'll all get our turn, kiddies.
I understand the reasoning, but as we've been able to see it before, and BABs made it sound like we could get on, its frustrating.



BaBs also updated his twitter:


Training room is down to get fix for only closed beta testers being able to log in to character creator working.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Seeing as this issue is 99% about customizing the powers, which one could see from the Character Creation page, then it is SHOCKING that a) they would want the testers to actually, um, TEST the interface before allowing *anyone* to see it, and it is also SHOCKING that b) they might not want to let Everyone see it immediately. I am SHOCKED, really, just SHOCKED.
Are you talking about all the random people at Comic-Con that may not even play the game?

- or -

Are you talking about the loyal player base that was really excited about getting a preview of this issue like they've always been able to?



Originally Posted by Dark_Forgiven View Post
I understand the reasoning, but as we've been able to see it before, and BABs made it sound like we could get on, its frustrating.
BABs was simply mistaken. It happens.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
BaBs also updated his twitter:


Training room is down to get fix for only closed beta testers being able to log in to character creator working.
That was pointed put a while ago. =)