So... Going Rogue...What is it?




Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
General rumour - totally unconfirmed - is that 50s can unlock 10 "super" enhancements slots that do a lot more than regular slots, simulating 10 levels from 50-60. This rumour stems from a new feature survey sent out some time ago that included items very similar to what we're getting now.
Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
I'd be surprised if we get that feature verbatim. But personally, there's no doubt in my mind that whatever gets added on will allow you to earn experience and beef up your character, while being on the same playing field as a level 50 all the way through. It gives old toons something to work for (other than IOs) while preventing the problems seen in World of Cocaine's many expansions.
Actually that's one of the bits that I've been seeing as probably being delivered as described.

The way I've seen the idea of Universal Enhancement Slots is similar to the way the IO set bonuses work:
Smallish bonuses/changes that affect all applicable powers and stand outside of ED.

By applicable powers I mean that a +dmg UE wouldn't add damage to a non-damaging power, but would add damage to all damaging powers.

If the engine permits it, I could even see UEs ignoring many of the various caps (e.g. allowing a small progression past damage/def/res caps).

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Make your level 50s stronger than ever before with Going Rogue! *

* level 40 to 50 content to arrive in a future patch.

What I meant was the actual zone with the lvl 40 - 50 contacts in it. The scheme for enhancing our lvl 50s could be completely independent of any actual lvl 50 content.

Thinking about it now, though, it does seem unlikely that they will delay this content to a following issue. After all, GR won't be coming out with 5 new ATs like CoV (and the many new sets required for them), so they definitely have development time to create a new 1-50 City's worth of content.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Number of zones is not the same as amount of content. This game already has plenty of zones with little or no content.

I would be quite happy with one big zone, so long as it had lots of missions and stuff to do in it.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'm looking forward to a revamp of the existing Praetorians. I think one of the Devs mentioned something like it. Obviously, some of them work fine as-is because they're more fleshed out - like Tyrant and Dominatrix and Neuron. But some are just thrown in to be the "ebil opposite" such as Marauder. I'm eager to get a better look at the interactions between these people and how their world actually works, maybe with Tyrant's "organization" having a ladder to climb similar to Arachnos'... but with something to stand it apart.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Number of zones is not the same as amount of content. This game already has plenty of zones with little or no content.

I would be quite happy with one big zone, so long as it had lots of missions and stuff to do in it.
I don't just one new zone. I want several more. Even with under used Hazard/Trial zones, they are places a hero can go for a change of scenery. The villain zones are getting a bit long in the tooth for me. I want some new stomping grounds for my Villains.

The devs has leaned a lot since the initial design of the game. The Hollows and especially Striga set the bar on the creation/revamping of zones. No more hazard/trail only zones. Any new zones will have have mixed city and hazard areas. Plenty of new contacts with lots of new story content which tell the story of the zone.

With the devs saying they heard the players wanting a new low level character experience from the ComicCon panel. I fully expect there to be 5 or 6 new zones along the lines of the CoV zones. 1 or 2 new starting zones, and then new zones for higher level band as the players level up. Except I see the level 35-50 bands to mix more than they in CoV. IF level 50 are getting some lateral leveling out of GR, we might have a level 50 ZOMG!!!111ithurtsomuch111mommy!!!! zone.



Originally Posted by Fuzun View Post
I don't just one new zone. I want several more. Even with under used Hazard/Trial zones, they are places a hero can go for a change of scenery. The villain zones are getting a bit long in the tooth for me. I want some new stomping grounds for my Villains.

The devs has leaned a lot since the initial design of the game. The Hollows and especially Striga set the bar on the creation/revamping of zones. No more hazard/trail only zones. Any new zones will have have mixed city and hazard areas. Plenty of new contacts with lots of new story content which tell the story of the zone.

With the devs saying they heard the players wanting a new low level character experience from the ComicCon panel. I fully expect there to be 5 or 6 new zones along the lines of the CoV zones. 1 or 2 new starting zones, and then new zones for higher level band as the players level up. Except I see the level 35-50 bands to mix more than they in CoV. IF level 50 are getting some lateral leveling out of GR, we might have a level 50 ZOMG!!!111ithurtsomuch111mommy!!!! zone.
The devs have said there'll be "several new zones" - I'd guess there'd be at least 5, going by a zone having an average of about 10 levels of content in it.
There will also be "a slew of new stories"/"Lots and lots of missions", and I'd think at least one TF - possibly a reworking of the "Hero's Hero" arc, with a beefed up Tyrant as the final boss.

And if that NCSoft marketing survey is accurate, there'll also be at least one new AT, the Spy, as well as super enhancements to make 50s more like level 60, as well as an alien space station zone or zones where the super enhancements would be unlocked.
The survey also mentioned new PvP zones - those could be for the new "level 60s", or it could be three way battles of the devs are going with the idea of adding a third Neutral/Mercenary faction to the game.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I just need more info before justifying spending 40 dollars on a boxed expansion. And it's gonna need more than whats announced if it wants to pull back in old players who left and also new players. As is I don't think many besides current players would buy it. I might be wrong, but thats how I feel.
Well, i feel i will buy this expansion, no matter the content.
I16 just made me this happy.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
The last expansion was CoV; it launched with 6 zones, not counting the PvP zones. I would expect GR to have a commensurate level of content. They may even pull the old trick where GR only launches with 1-40 content, and they add the 40-50 zone in the next issue. I hope they don't do that, but it's possible.
It could be that they're experimenting with tech that'll allow them larger zones- perhaps a larger mega-zone instead of several smaller ones. Praetorian Earth wouldn't need war walls, after all. Granted, Tyrant might break up the city into areas of control...



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I apologize good sir. How dare I have my opinion on whats worth my money! I reserve the right to decide if it's worth it once we get more info. Comes with being a consumer.
Apology accepted.
And it looks like we are in agreement.

If it looks like it is worth the money to you, buy it.
If it looks like it is not worth it to you, do NOT buy it. (and then you can complain)

But don't try to have it both ways.
Don't buy it when it is not worth it, and then complain.
That would be irrational, and insincere.

... I just need more info before justifying spending 40 dollars on a boxed expansion. And it's gonna need more than whats announced if it wants to pull back in old players who left and also new players. As is I don't think many besides current players would buy it. I might be wrong, but thats how I feel.
Well, New users would buy it rather than older versions, because they would get ALL the game content of both sides for each of their alts.

The other point is my amusement when people say "I want TEN new zones!".

Yup. Exactly what we need....
Less players per zone because we are spread out even more places.
Yeah. Let's aim for that!



Originally Posted by stever View Post
Well, New users would buy it rather than older versions, because they would get ALL the game content of both sides for each of their alts.
Buying Going Rogue alone will not get a new user all game content. Going Rogue requires having a current City of Heroes account, which means you must buy some other box (or online code) prior to applying Going Rogue.

This information is freely available in the FAQ.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



But they would buy the expansion to get the whole of both sides along with the 10-20 dollar older package they would apply it to.

That price is freely available all over.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Replace "a few zones" with "as many zones as CoV launched with".
Hm, thats possible. I think there were six PvE zones with the release of CoV. I am sure there will be a few Praetorian versions of zones from Paragon City and possibly the Rogue Isles as well. And maybe even a PvP zone or two, so it might be a grand total of 7 zones or so?

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



But will there be worgen(s)?

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
But will there be worgen(s)?
What about goblins?



In my eyes it's just gonna need alot more than whats announced to justify an expansion. The hardcore crowd will buy it no doubt. But I have a feeling GR is aimed more toward introducing/getting back players. Not retaining the players who would never leave in the first place. For that, it's gonna need abit more.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
In my eyes it's just gonna need alot more than whats announced to justify an expansion. The hardcore crowd will buy it no doubt. But I have a feeling GR is aimed more toward introducing/getting back players. Not retaining the players who would never leave in the first place. For that, it's gonna need abit more.
You've been here long enough to know that what's announced this early is just a teaser. That's like saying the previews before the movie are gonna need to be a lot longer to justify paying 10 bucks to see em.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Gonna need at least one screenshot.

One CG video reveals nothing about the expansion.



I think they should let out little bits every two weeks til the beta for it starts.
Then I can stay in a state of constant anticipation.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
In my eyes it's just gonna need alot more than whats announced to justify an expansion. The hardcore crowd will buy it no doubt. But I have a feeling GR is aimed more toward introducing/getting back players. Not retaining the players who would never leave in the first place. For that, it's gonna need abit more.
While we could certainly use more specifics, what they've announced seems pretty close to CoV. We will be getting a whole new city's worth of content in Praetoria... how is that not enough to keep existing players? Would we need to have twice the content CoH had at launch to justify an expansion? Three times?

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I think what they should do is just release a bulleted list of the big features and start to go in depth of each feature the closer it get's to release. Like how they do (did) it for issues and how most expansion packs do it.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
I think what they should do is just release a bulleted list of the big features and start to go in depth of each feature the closer it get's to release. Like how they do (did) it for issues and how most expansion packs do it.
They most likely will....later.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



If there's anything this game is good at, it's getting back players. Might as well play to its strengths.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
In my eyes it's just gonna need alot more than whats announced to justify an expansion. The hardcore crowd will buy it no doubt. But I have a feeling GR is aimed more toward introducing/getting back players. Not retaining the players who would never leave in the first place. For that, it's gonna need abit more.
They've already said that there will be "Difficult tasks for level 50s to do that make them more powerful." I think that is one good feature for the expansion to keep the players that are not going anywhere entertained.

It is a paid expansion because of the scope with which they've gone into creating such content. We hardly know the full bulleted feature list. We don't even know if there are larger, mega-ton surprises in store with said expansion. Don't give that judgment just yet, it could be far from just a level 1 through 25 expansion.

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I don't even care as long as there are atleast 5-8 NEW ZONES. Seriously.
Just wanna go someplace NEW.

And it would be even awesomer if there were like 2 NEW ZONES for both Heroes and Villains that were not Co-OP.

I would be so damn happy, it would be rediculous.