So... Going Rogue...What is it?




All I've heard is "new zones (plural, no specifics, for all I know it could be 2), side switching, two powersets". Everything else I hear has been speculation or stuff said at comic con that they'd "like to put in in the future."

I'm with Mr. Playskool. Cinematic trailer is nice. But I'm gonna need some screenshots etc before I commit to buying or anything. Yes, I'm aware those will come at some point. I'm just not able to be like others and say "even if it just had side switching, two sets, and one new zone...I'd buy it!"

And COV had more than 6 new zones. It had completely new 1-40 content, new AT's, etc. I don't think GR needs that much, but it'll need atleast 5 full fledged zones (real zones. Not mini-zones like Ouroborus or pocket D.), side switching, new TF's, etc.

I hope it'll have all that.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
All I've heard is "new zones (plural, no specifics, for all I know it could be 2), side switching, two powersets". Everything else I hear has been speculation or stuff said at comic con that they'd "like to put in in the future."
Quote from Positron in Boomtown interview:

Boomtown: Looking forward the first paid expansion has been announced – Going Rogue. Please explain to our readers what the new expansion will bring.

Matt Miller: I can’t release much information yet. Hopefully the name alone, Going Rogue, provides a good foreshadowing to what the game will encompass. But among other things there will be new zones, the ability to switch a hero to a villain and vice versa, and difficult tasks for level 50 characters to do that make them more powerful.
That's not speculation or stuff they'd like to do, that's something Marketing let him say will specifically be in the expansion.

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Originally Posted by Silver_Gale View Post
Quote from Positron in Boomtown interview:

Looking forward the first paid expansion has been announced – Going Rogue.
the first paid expansion – Going Rogue.
Somebody fails at research. Unless they're not counting CoV since it was a standalone game/expansion for some odd reason.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
All I've heard is "new zones (plural, no specifics, for all I know it could be 2), side switching, two powersets". Everything else I hear has been speculation or stuff said at comic con that they'd "like to put in in the future."

I'm with Mr. Playskool. Cinematic trailer is nice. But I'm gonna need some screenshots etc before I commit to buying or anything. Yes, I'm aware those will come at some point. I'm just not able to be like others and say "even if it just had side switching, two sets, and one new zone...I'd buy it!"

And COV had more than 6 new zones. It had completely new 1-40 content, new AT's, etc. I don't think GR needs that much, but it'll need atleast 5 full fledged zones (real zones. Not mini-zones like Ouroborus or pocket D.), side switching, new TF's, etc.

I hope it'll have all that.
It'll have "missions, lots of mission"/"a slew of new stories" - as well as a new low level experience, which going by that marketing survey means that players will be able to create a neutral avatar from the start, picking from any of the normal ATs, and begin in Praetroia, and eventually their choices will make them good or bad.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Somebody fails at research. Unless they're not counting CoV since it was a standalone game/expansion for some odd reason.
Yeah, I wouldn't count CoV. I think we can see from this that while CoV was a game in its own right (that tied closely in with CoH), Going Rogue isn't as self-sustaining as CoV could be, maybe because it isn't as big (I hope not) or maybe because the storylines and components of it require CoH and/or CoV. I think this makes sense because if you ONLY had Going Rogue, how are you gonna switch sides? So I think it's fair to call GR the "first expansion" because it's the first time you've needed the original game.



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
Yeah, I wouldn't count CoV. I think we can see from this that while CoV was a game in its own right (that tied closely in with CoH), Going Rogue isn't as self-sustaining as CoV could be, maybe because it isn't as big (I hope not) or maybe because the storylines and components of it require CoH and/or CoV. I think this makes sense because if you ONLY had Going Rogue, how are you gonna switch sides? So I think it's fair to call GR the "first expansion" because it's the first time you've needed the original game.
I can't read about half of the press releases and stuff, since I'm at work... has it actually been confirmed that you need CoH for it? It seems to me that if they're trying to expand subscription numbers with it, doing a mostly standalone game at first like CoV was would be the way to go.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
Yeah, I wouldn't count CoV. I think we can see from this that while CoV was a game in its own right (that tied closely in with CoH), Going Rogue isn't as self-sustaining as CoV could be, maybe because it isn't as big (I hope not) or maybe because the storylines and components of it require CoH and/or CoV. I think this makes sense because if you ONLY had Going Rogue, how are you gonna switch sides? So I think it's fair to call GR the "first expansion" because it's the first time you've needed the original game.
Yeah, that is one of the things that is keeping my "new zone" expectations down. People are saying it should have as many as CoV had, because that was the last expansion. Only, CoV was not developed as an expansion, it was developed as it's own game that could hook up with CoH for an expanded experionce. (expanshalone I believe some sites called it). Even if by now, it's been merged with CoH completely as part of the game, the fact is it's development and everything else was making a new, but linked, game, not an expansion.

That being said, we'll probably start getting more GR news after I16 goes live. Even if Going Rogue isn't tied to issue 17, but if it's not, then it's really weird they announced it so early.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
I can't read about half of the press releases and stuff, since I'm at work... has it actually been confirmed that you need CoH for it? It seems to me that if they're trying to expand subscription numbers with it, doing a mostly standalone game at first like CoV was would be the way to go.
It's been confirmed it's not a stand-alone game - you need CoH/CoV to use it.

Also, about the number of zones, Positron has said there will be "several" new zones - so I'd take that as meaning 3 as the absolute minimum.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
It's been confirmed it's not a stand-alone game - you need CoH/CoV to use it.

Also, about the number of zones, Positron has said there will be "several" new zones - so I'd take that as meaning 3 as the absolute minimum.
If is only 3 I will be GREATLY dissappointed.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
If is only 3 I will be GREATLY dissappointed.
But they could be very large zones - I think it's the content of the zones that's more important than the size of them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
But they could be very large zones - I think it's the content of the zones that's more important than the size of them.

I saw really big zones someplace else.
I didn't like that.

Maybe if they did it right, but I actually like traveling to different places.
(not different places 1 jump later - it feels cramped)



I think that in a perfect world, Praetoria will be as big as Paragon and the Rogue Isles. It'd have all the zones, just "backwards". Obviously, it'd have to be a bit more complex than "Paragon = evil, Rouge Isles = good" to be impressive, but I'd like to see many zones in which you learn more about Praetoria and its relationship to "Primal Earth".



I think that most of the Praetorians would have their lairs in the capital, to make it easier to keep an eye on each other, and to be close to Tyrant.
But at the same time, there could be several zones for that city - like a central one with Tyrant's palace in it, an industrial zone for Siege and his robot factory, a slum zone terrorized by Mother Mayhem's victims who she sends out from her asylum to cause havoc - that sort of thing.
And there could also be some outside the capital city, like a wilderness for Shadowhunter and his wolves, and Anti-Matter's orbiting space station.

They might even add some new Praetorians, who'd have their own zones too.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
I think that in a perfect world, Praetoria will be as big as Paragon and the Rogue Isles. It'd have all the zones, just "backwards". Obviously, it'd have to be a bit more complex than "Paragon = evil, Rouge Isles = good" to be impressive, but I'd like to see many zones in which you learn more about Praetoria and its relationship to "Primal Earth".
If Praetoria were a world with multiple zones instead of a tacked on zone like Cimerora or Croatoa that would be beyond incredible.
I'd love if it had a starting zone/entry point, other zones scaled by levels with Arenas, Stores, Trainers, a Market...just no AE *laughs* as it would break the immersion factor skyhigh.

If they just give us some Rikti War Zone quality writing/arcs, it'll already be great.
Perhaps also RWZ style Denari Merits...which we can't trade and buy stuff with.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
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Maybe Pratoria will be on the moon...



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
I think that most of the Praetorians would have their lairs in the capital, to make it easier to keep an eye on each other, and to be close to Tyrant.
Well, Anti-Matter at least has an orbital lab that I think it his 'lair'.

Anyhoo, if the expansion doesn't have multiple zones it'll pretty much be a waste in my opinion. One zone and a new system is an issue really. Of course, if it's just one (or even only a couple) new zones I'll be highly surprised.

A new boxed expansion indicates the intent to provide a significant amount of new content in both systems and new areas/missions. They've said the thing's going to be set in Praetoria, sure, but it's a whole world, I figure they're likely to at least give us one Paragon zone and one Rogue Isle zone to show us how 'different' the world is, and that's at the very least.

I don't know, I guess it's just when I think boxed expansion I think multiple areas and things to do, it's generally the norm for games from what I've seen.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Somebody fails at research. Unless they're not counting CoV since it was a standalone game/expansion for some odd reason.
They don't count CoV because it was an "expanshalone". It could stand on its own as its own game, or be combined with CoH.

Going Rogue is ONLY an expansion. You NEED an account to even USE GR.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
They might even add some new Praetorians, who'd have their own zones too.
Since there are so many 'Evil Twins,' I'd love to see alternate incarnations of characters like Captain Mako or Nemesis.

Can you imagine what a heroic doppelganger of Lord Recluse would be like? I imagine he could don the guise of a cute, fuzzy tarantula.



Originally Posted by Alasdair View Post
Since there are so many 'Evil Twins,' I'd love to see alternate incarnations of characters like Captain Mako or Nemesis.

Can you imagine what a heroic doppelganger of Lord Recluse would be like? I imagine he could don the guise of a cute, fuzzy taratula.
At Comic-Con, the devs said it's not totally a mirror universe - some characters are inherently god or evil, so there could still be an evil Recluse in Praetoria.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I just thought of something. I wonder if we'll get any new character slots with GR. I'm about to run out of slots on two accounts on my main server (not freedom), and it would make things a bit tricky to take advantage of the new stuff without new characters.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
I just thought of something. I wonder if we'll get any new character slots with GR. I'm about to run out of slots on two accounts on my main server (not freedom), and it would make things a bit tricky to take advantage of the new stuff without new characters.
Ill take 8 more pwease!



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I think they should let out little bits every two weeks til the beta for it starts.
Then I can stay in a state of constant anticipation.
You know, to achieve the same result, they could also do nothing. <grin>


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Maybe Going Rogue will have improved ATi support...




I expect a few Praetorian versions of existing zones. I would certainly *hope* it's more than 3 or something (that's the minimum number to qualify as "several", right?)...I guess that'll be the real test of how good all those minions they hired are working out if they surprise me with 10 or 12 or something.

I'd love to see Lord Extrovert's Grandville that's filled with Red Caps building rainbow bridges, and see a world where the Tyrant just has a really awesome god-emperor throne built in the middle of Atlas Park where his worshipers have to gather daily on penalty of death to prostate and chant for several hours about how awesome he is.

Mako would probably look like Aquaman...



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
Mako would probably look like Aquaman...
Heckler: "And just what can you do?"
Mako: "I can talk to fish."
Heckler: "Haha!"
Mako: "...and eat people who laugh at me for it."
Heckler: "Uh-oh."

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.