What does COx have left: The next big thing




With Power Customization coming at last, it may seem as though all of our dreams are coming true. Many of you may have wondered what could possibly top it. However, we absolutely -must- think of incredibly hard things to add, if only to give the devs something to do.

Here are some things that have yet to be added, or whose addition could prove helpful to the game:

-Unconvential travel powers: Ice Sliding, Vechicles, Slinging, Wall-running, Walking...

-Movement "stances": The ability to define a characters movement. This would involve things like walking with hands on the ground (Golem shuffle), or perhaps a sort of jerky walk like a robot or something.

-Removing/improving the red rectangle: Currently, all characters in the game are basically rectangular prisms. With updated technology, it may be possible to reinvent the targeting system so that we occupy a character shaped space. While this may not seem like much of an improvement, it would make help solve some of the problems dealing with extremely large foes. One of the main reasons we do not have amazingly large creatures in the game is because melee toons would be literally unable to hit them. This would allow, us to fight beings like Rularuu, which brings me to my next point.

-Epic Scale encounters: In comic books, gargantuan characters are nothing new. It would be nice to face something that is amazingly impressive.

-Fun PvP: Lets face it, the PvP Revamp was not a sucess. I foresee at least one more attempt to revitalize this aspect of the game. In particular, we must focus on what would make PvP fun in this game:

--1. Speed: Heroes and Villains don't fight like classic MMORPG characters. We don't partake in the "kick enemy in shins until he falls over" style of PvP present in most games. We are -SUPER-. PvP should be all about flying, blasting, superspeeding, and should always be about speed. The only problem is bringing melee style ATs into the speed game. My solution would involve giving melee based ATs higher max speeds, and keeping the -range in Taunt powers.

--2. Flight: Remember that super powers thing? Well, wouldn't it amazing if they styled aerial combat in a way that was fast and fun? It would be something that would be unique (note, other games do have flight, and PvP, but it still is just a gimmick) to COx.

--3. Knockback: In any superpowered combat, I expect to see people being thrown around. Tanks and other melee ATs would be tougher to knock around than most characters, but still would not be entirely immune. I would give the most powerful knockback to melee ATs, so that if a Tank was fighting another Tank, he might be able to knock the other tank flying with his strongest attack (knockback being attached to powerful attacks for effeft). I don't think that ranged characters should be able to knock melee characters back in most situations, but some exceptions could be made.

-Game Engine: I could see them improving the game engine to allow more effects. One big thing they could do is to just speed up of the game engine "ticks" (reducing the Arcanatime factor). There are many other things too, but I'm not a programmer, so I don't know anything beyond: The engine is old and it makes adding things hard. So I suggest getting a new (similar but much better at adapting to new programming, so that the game would be basically unchanged) engine.

TW/Elec Optimization



1.Epic Scale encounters:

Well we have large bosses, but most of them look like normal minions with a different scale.No beautifully designed colossus.(speaking of colossus, they should take a look at the game "shadow of the colossus", THERE they´d get inspiration for boss-individuality)

2.Fun PvP:

Yes I been thinking about that one for years now.
seems this topic has a built in "/unsigned" ... noone cares enough.PvP should be optional ,SPONTANEUS and uncomplicated.It should be able to be done in between two PvE missions.no long travels to area XY....wahtever

3.real flight combat:
Wont happen until CoX is fully playable on a joypad,like ChampionsOnline will be.my guess.

4.about knockback...
Well there IS knockback,just it could need change.
you should be able to slam a minion 30 meters agains a wall, causing him to take extra damage when hitting it.heavy foes(robots) should break right THROUGH the wall
also knockback should not only send the foe flying in an arc(somewhat slowly at that), like he´s been hit by a soft breeze of air
they should be sent flying like being shot out of a slingshot the force should be visible



What does CoX have left?

Going Rogue.

How 'bout we build a bit from there before saying ZOMG DOOOOOOM?



what i like most about the OP is the need to compare what the next best thing for CoX could be with what is already known to be in CO....

What does CoX have left: nothing!

The next big thing: Champions Online!



Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
what i like most about the OP is the need to compare what the next best thing for CoX could be with what is already known to be in CO....

What does CoX have left: nothing!

The next big thing: Champions Online!
He left out interacting with the environment: throwing cars, telephone poles for bats...

Oh yeah, CO has that.

But seriously, I think CoH will *quickly* catch up to just about everything CO can do.

OP, couple things I'd like:
1) Carrying other characters. Rather teammate or NPC. Be cool for flyers to be able to carry non-flyers to high points, and to carry Rescued (or kidnapped victims) to safety. Related - throwing enemies.
2)Vehicles of some sort.... much requested, never delivered...yet



One word: Jetpacks.

Global name: @k26dp



Seriously, I think only very few people who feel the need for CoX to guard against CO have taken a look or two at the CO beta. Otherwise they would probably be much more relaxed.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



I'm not sure if I feel the need for CoX to gaurd against CO, but I have taken a look at Champions and I've liked what I've seen. Couple that with the extra-ordinary job that the NCSoft Devs and Moderation staff have done over the past few years; it's not hard to see why all of my accounts have been un-subbed and I'll be moving into Millennium City A.S.A.P.

- ED
- Aggro Cap
- Hamidon Nerf
- the death of PvP
- the lack of development of the Cathedral of Pain
- AE Nerfs and consequent Bannings
- being told that it's too hard to implement power customization, then implement as soon as CO looms

... srsly I could keep going on, but needless to say: this jury is out.



Well i think CoX DOES have to guard against CO.If CO turns out to be as it is being announced.
Since CoX cant go back ,start from scratch and unwalk the paths chosen (game mechanics etc.) CO has an obvious advantage there.
CoX looks way better to me than what I´ve seen in CO so far(cell shading uuaaggghh), but IF they can provide that level of customization freedom(do what u wanna do, how u wanna do it, and WITH what u wanna do it) and IF CoX cannot bring it, I will definately switch to CO and give it a serious try.



Going Rogue first.

Then (or maybe with GR?) webslinging/grappling.

And bridge the RIs and Paragon so that heroes and villains can go either side.

And for the awesome that it would be: A super mega enemy that attacks a single zone. Not a raid. Not an invasion... a single bad *** 30 stories tall. That would take easily an hour to defeat, and 100 heroes to do it.

Yeah. There ya go.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
I'm not sure if I feel the need for CoX to gaurd against CO, but I have taken a look at Champions and I've liked what I've seen. Couple that with the extra-ordinary job that the NCSoft Devs and Moderation staff have done over the past few years; it's not hard to see why all of my accounts have been un-subbed and I'll be moving into Millennium City A.S.A.P.

- ED
- Aggro Cap
- Hamidon Nerf
- the death of PvP
- the lack of development of the Cathedral of Pain
- AE Nerfs and consequent Bannings
- being told that it's too hard to implement power customization, then implement as soon as CO looms

... srsly I could keep going on, but needless to say: this jury is out.
ED was without a doubt good for the game. There is no reasonable argument I have ever seen to even remotely suggest otherwise. Also, power customization was never too hard, it was just too big a task for the dev team at the time. Once they got a lot more people, we got power customization. But hey, if making stuff up is your thing, who am I to stop you?



Thanx for the reply Bab's.

Would u have preferred I replace the word "hard" with "to difficult to undertake before they got more staff at which point a competitor coincidentally advertised that customization was one of it's strong selling points"?



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
ED was without a doubt good for the game. There is no reasonable argument I have ever seen to even remotely suggest otherwise.

I actually agree that ED was good for the game, but only once IOs came out. I would say the way ED was implemented was without a doubt (IMO) the worst thing that has happened to the game to date.

As far as the OP's ideas, I like a lot of them.




Hmm, what aren't we getting that we want?

I'd say:
- More back detail options! Like backpacks and jetpacks and stuff. I realize there's no scaling "mount point" for those yet, but seriously. I'm looking at the back of my character all the time and I want something cool there to look at =(

- More large scale encounters are a definite yes. More specifically, encounters that amount to more than just a "sack of HP". I want to see unique attacks and techniques come out of these big guys.

- More "detailed" maps. I like tilesets as much as the next guy, it makes map assembly easier, but it just doesn't turn out as well as a more purpose built or detailed map. Some unique maps have real nice bits, like the Mu Vault and the broken elevators you can jump down in that one escaped demon mission.

- I wish to see further development of the "alternate animations" thing they've done with sets like martial arts and super strength. I want to see cool alternate animations sets we can mix and match for other power sets like fire blast that centers around fire "breathing" or a more brutesque version of claws (large wild slashes as opposed to the typically more controlled "efficient" slashes of current claws)

- Base love. Period.

- All the issues have been carrying so much for the players that the world feels left behind. We're more powerful and shiny than ever but our world sure isn't. I'd like to think, however, that this will be addressed very well with Going Rogue

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Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
I'm not sure if I feel the need for CoX to gaurd against CO, but I have taken a look at Champions and I've liked what I've seen. Couple that with the extra-ordinary job that the NCSoft Devs and Moderation staff have done over the past few years; it's not hard to see why all of my accounts have been un-subbed and I'll be moving into Millennium City A.S.A.P.

- ED
- Aggro Cap
- Hamidon Nerf
- the death of PvP
- the lack of development of the Cathedral of Pain
- AE Nerfs and consequent Bannings
- being told that it's too hard to implement power customization, then implement as soon as CO looms

... srsly I could keep going on, but needless to say: this jury is out.
1. Half of what you listed were things unbelievably GOOD for the game that you've tried to put a really miserable spin on.
2. You think the devs just one day said 'Champions is doin' it let's do it too!'? I'd say with a great deal of certainty that they had the idea on paper before Champions became some big threat.
3. If you want to leave, then go ahead. Please, leave for the game with a few more shinies. I'll stick to a game that has a good, solid, easily-usable core mechanic and engine that enables me to actually PLAY the game the way I want to, rather than something I'll be diving headfirst into.

As for myself? I'll definitely be buying Champions Online. Whether I find it worth more than 1 month of subscription is a whole different matter. And even then, I won't say "OMG THIS HAS EVERYTHING COX DOESN'T!" because chances are, it won't.



Zone revamps are something Id like as the next "big thing". We have all of these hazard zones on heroes that really just don't get used. Add some contacts and missions to them. Revamp boom town and Dark Astoria (shouldn't it be time that the citizens start trying to reclaim these lost areas?)

Add some more zones to villains. Buff xp rewards for normal content and zones so people will want to do other things than sit at AE all day.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by TresCool View Post
2.Fun PvP:

Yes I been thinking about that one for years now.
seems this topic has a built in "/unsigned" ... noone cares enough.PvP should be optional ,SPONTANEUS and uncomplicated.It should be able to be done in between two PvE missions.no long travels to area XY....wahtever
I think PvP could have a lot of potential in Going Rogue. I can understand having specific zones for heroes to fight villains in PvP, but I see no reason why there should be the same mechanic with Rogues. If two players cross paths, no matter where they happen to be at the time, they should have to option of challenging the other to a duel.

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AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm



Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
Thanx for the reply Bab's.

Would u have preferred I replace the word "hard" with "to difficult to undertake before they got more staff at which point a competitor coincidentally advertised that customization was one of it's strong selling points"?
you are right, once co announced customization, they just were able to go in and program it in that fast, programming totally works like that, it had nothing at all to do with ncsoft giving them more funds, alternate forms of revenue(da boosters) or an almost tripling of the staff, it was just a reaction to co, i can tell you are on the way to becoming a productive poster here.



Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
Would u have preferred I replace the word "hard" with "to difficult to undertake before they got more staff at which point a competitor coincidentally advertised that customization was one of it's strong selling points"?

Do you really, honestly think that they could have accomplished color customization easily with the skeleton dev team they had back then? I obviously don't, but that's just me.

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Originally Posted by Master_Armantus View Post
I think PvP could have a lot of potential in Going Rogue. I can understand having specific zones for heroes to fight villains in PvP, but I see no reason why there should be the same mechanic with Rogues. If two players cross paths, no matter where they happen to be at the time, they should have to option of challenging the other to a duel.
this has been roundly and soundly opposed by a large and vocal number of posters, and would cause far more canceled accounts than it would draw in, duel spamming is annoying enough in the other fantasy mmos, lets leave them there.



Originally Posted by Boxxy View Post
I'm not sure if I feel the need for CoX to gaurd against CO, but I have taken a look at Champions and I've liked what I've seen. Couple that with the extra-ordinary job that the NCSoft Devs and Moderation staff have done over the past few years; it's not hard to see why all of my accounts have been un-subbed and I'll be moving into Millennium City A.S.A.P.

- ED
- Aggro Cap
- Hamidon Nerf
- the death of PvP
- the lack of development of the Cathedral of Pain
- AE Nerfs and consequent Bannings
- being told that it's too hard to implement power customization, then implement as soon as CO looms

... srsly I could keep going on, but needless to say: this jury is out.
I'm curious as to how you'll react when CO gets its' rounds of nerfs.

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Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
this has been roundly and soundly opposed by a large and vocal number of posters, and would cause far more canceled accounts than it would draw in, duel spamming is annoying enough in the other fantasy mmos, lets leave them there.
The last time I bothered to have a go at CO I was challenged to a duel 3 times, by the same person, one right after the other. The fact that some people cant take a hint the first time I click "decline", makes me really not want a feature like that in this game.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
The last time I bothered to have a go at CO I was challenged to a duel 3 times, by the same person, one right after the other. The fact that some people cant take a hint the first time I click "decline", makes me really not want a feature like that in this game.

On Topic: sounds cool



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
The last time I bothered to have a go at CO I was challenged to a duel 3 times, by the same person, one right after the other. The fact that some people cant take a hint the first time I click "decline", makes me really not want a feature like that in this game.
How frickin' hard would it be to have a 'Enable/Disable Duel Challenges' Option, defaulted to 'Off'? And if they spam you in regular chat, 'Ignore' works pretty well too.



The devs could simply have an auto-decline duel option, much like declining gifts and tp's.

My Virtue Projects

AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm