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  1. Boxxy

    JFA Redux

    I'm truly touched by your heartfelt post above, Quatermain. Unfortunately, I don't understand where most of it is coming from and believe that it probably should have been sent in a PM to me, if in fact it was meant for me.

    Cant we keep this thread on topic and civil?
  2. Boxxy

    JFA Redux

    Oh, I'm sorry. I must have been Miss Informed... I was sold on the concept of Diet JFA because JFA was very close to full. That being the case, I'm sure you could mistake me for thinking it was an overflow channel.

    In reference to the OP:
    Originally Posted by Quatermain View Post
    The diet channel helps a little, but it is not what most people want. This morning, someone who has been in the channel for a while deleted their tabs on accident and was unable to rejoin the channel because it refilled before they noticed what had happened.
    Did you mean that someone who has been in the "Diet JFA" channel for a while delete their tabs on accident and was unable to rejoin the channel because it refilled before they noticed what had happened? Or were you referring to someone in JFA?

    Originally Posted by Quatermain View Post
    For a while we've been thinking that eventually the channel will have to move if it wants to continue to support newer users.
    Who are the "we" in which you are referring to?
  3. Boxxy

    JFA Redux

    Is Diet JFA anywhere near full? If not, whats wrong with it being the overflow channel that it currently is?

    If Freedom and Virtue jumped off a cliff, should Justice jump off too?

    Seems to be like there has been a lot of discussion about this in the Raid Leaders global channel. It's nice that the discussion has been made public, so that this time, the general public have some input as to what this supposed community channel's direction should be. Let's hope that "selective moderation" from the same moderators that brought you JFA/J-H/A-Team/J-B/Raid Leaders isn't on the cards.
  4. Boxxy

    JFA Redux

    Are you unhappy with the performance of JFA?

    Do you feel a need to moderate more channels than the one in which you currently over-moderate?

    Why is there a need to herd everyone from one channel to another under the same leadership?

    Why are the moderators of JFA so sure that they should be the new moderators in a new "justice for all" channel?

    What's wrong with going back to Justice-Hamidon? A channel that was working perfectly well much like JFA is now, until old moderators thought it best to move everyone.

    If it's not broke, don't fix it! Is JFA broke ?

    Wouldn't a new channel made to replace JFA be just like Diet JFA? If yes, then why the need for a new channel?

    Isn't this too much drama for a global channel?

    Most of the people on this server want to keep to smaller groups (channels) anyway, considering the differences between so many groups. ie Roleplayers, Anti-AE groups, PvPers, non-PvPers, l33tists, power gamers. Is it really the best thing to herd them all together under the current self-appointed leaders?
  5. [Censored]!! I forgot the new rule of the GreenFlame Forums: Everyone needs to let GreenFlame know everything!!

    PS.. Philly is my girlfriend so back the [Censored] off!
  6. Perhaps they should rename the Justice forum to the GreenFlame forum, where every [censored] single thread is a random discussion by GreenFlame about Greenflame' likes and GreenFlame's dislikes.
  7. Wait... did you just stereotype all PvPers and Veterans with multiple 50s as players most people on these forums WOULD NOT want to play with?

    WTF are you smoking?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
    <--did not do any MA missions
    <----Did nothing but MA missions
  9. I miss the little Mogwai

    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    Sassy, it's been 20 days since we were told "We are aware of your concerns and we are looking into it."

    It'd be nice to know that they are sincere, and I'd like to hope they are, but I've learned that unless it's to talk down at us, probably not going to get any other sort of official statement.

    I wonder if they've finished looking into it.
  10. I had my slowest Double XP weekend ever.

    1-50 on two new toons and 32-50 on another.

    Coincidentally, I trained up the 2 toon's from 1-50 in 5 min's. As you can probably imagine I can't wait for the Ban script to run.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
    Welcome back to the forums, Iggy.
    I'm not Iggy. I'm Boxxy
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
    Yep but... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    I wonder if these new features that we are given will really be used and made worth it...
    if nothing else its been worth it just for the carebear tears
  13. Boxxy

    Main Event?

    Sounds like a normal day at the office for me...

    Did I miss when putting a good "lolAwesome" team together for a TF/SF/Trial/Raid became hard?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
    What are you talking about? Blindly accepting change is...well, its un-American! It certainly isn't what the forums are all about. This is where we complain about stuff, even if it turns out to be good stuff!
    No... this is where we get berated for discussing NCSoft decisions
  15. Unfortunately, the majority of this games community are carebears. It's clear that the Carebear devs of this game don't like PvP. It's clear that they go out of their way to ruin PvP. That being said, I don't fully understand why they haven't completely scrapped PvP all together. Who knows... I'm sure they have a few more anti-PvP surprises for us all.
  16. Thanx for the reply Bab's.

    Would u have preferred I replace the word "hard" with "to difficult to undertake before they got more staff at which point a competitor coincidentally advertised that customization was one of it's strong selling points"?
  17. I'm not sure if I feel the need for CoX to gaurd against CO, but I have taken a look at Champions and I've liked what I've seen. Couple that with the extra-ordinary job that the NCSoft Devs and Moderation staff have done over the past few years; it's not hard to see why all of my accounts have been un-subbed and I'll be moving into Millennium City A.S.A.P.

    - ED
    - GDN
    - Aggro Cap
    - Hamidon Nerf
    - the death of PvP
    - the lack of development of the Cathedral of Pain
    - AE Nerfs and consequent Bannings
    - being told that it's too hard to implement power customization, then implement as soon as CO looms

    ... srsly I could keep going on, but needless to say: this jury is out.
  18. what i like most about the OP is the need to compare what the next best thing for CoX could be with what is already known to be in CO....

    What does CoX have left: nothing!

    The next big thing: Champions Online!
  19. TJ admit that he is wrong? like that would ever happen.