I promised Ignicity that I'd do this...
Impressive. Like Horton, you said what you meant and you meant what you said.
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
*stamp of approval*
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
Well said, and Thank you
Just thought I'd throw in as part of the customer base I don't feel ANY of that. I don't feel treated like garbage. I don't play with anyone that does... I haven't been hurt, maligned, dis'd or anything else by any changes or anything Posi's said or done.
People leave all the time. A few forumites isn't even a stastic.
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]

Just thought I'd throw in as part of the customer base I don't feel ANY of that. I don't feel treated like garbage. I don't play with anyone that does... I haven't been hurt, maligned, dis'd or anything else by any changes or anything Posi's said or done.
[/ QUOTE ]
To be clear, I don't either... but others have and do. Moreover, there's nothing wrong with expression outrage at how your friends have been treated, which is, in part, what I'm doing. Not to mention that a promise is a promise.
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!
Then you haven't been paying attention or simply don't care. Which is your prerogative.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
Then you haven't been paying attention or simply don't care. Which is your prerogative.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, just the opposite. I agree with everything they've done that I can think of. Up to and including draconian dictatorship.
I've been playing these games since Meridian 59 and I've worked in QA for 6 years. Give a player an inch they'll kill your baby and burn your house down.
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]

Nice resume. Doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me. I'd still disagree with you all day long. Not that I will, since it would be a waste of time. Suffice it to say that there are enough people that don't agree with your assessment to warrant the notation.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
Then you haven't been paying attention or simply don't care. Which is your prerogative.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, just the opposite. I agree with everything they've done that I can think of. Up to and including draconian dictatorship.
I've been playing these games since Meridian 59 and I've worked in QA for 6 years. Give a player an inch they'll kill your baby and burn your house down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I think that just about says it all, right there. There's really not much else upon which one can elaborate, you've summed up nicely for us what your mentality is and how you feel about players, and from the perspective of someone who works within the industry no less.
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!
Nice resume. Doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me. I'd still disagree with you all day long. Not that I will, since it would be a waste of time. Suffice it to say that there are enough people that don't agree with your assessment to warrant the notation.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll personally call 'very vocal minority' on this whole thing and am extremely comfortable assuming the vast majority of the games population doesn't even know anything about any of this.
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]

Then you haven't been paying attention or simply don't care. Which is your prerogative.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, just the opposite. I agree with everything they've done that I can think of. Up to and including draconian dictatorship.
I've been playing these games since Meridian 59 and I've worked in QA for 6 years. Give a player an inch they'll kill your baby and burn your house down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Way to treat customers like children, many of us aren't and opps we get to take our money elsewhere. Good way to run a business that is based on profit.
Since the complaint has to do with customer service and a semblance of respect for their player base (customers) i am not sure how your analogy works there. But as Smoke said it's your right to have that opinion and while i have not be able to speak mine recently I value when others express theirs.
I would suggest you visit Infinity, and Virtue forums for an idea of how many are leaving. My guess is about 1% of subscribers have unsubed this week alone, since many who are leaving have multiple accounts.
Just thought I'd throw in as part of the customer base I don't feel ANY of that. I don't feel treated like garbage. I don't play with anyone that does... I haven't been hurt, maligned, dis'd or anything else by any changes or anything Posi's said or done.
People leave all the time. A few forumites isn't even a stastic.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're allowed that, of course. As for me, I'm neither a farmer or a PLer, the toons I got from 1-20 in a matter of minutes I deleted myself because I just don't like not playing my characters, I want to invest time in them. So I don't have a problem with a couple characters being deleted for exploiting something that was so obviously not right.
But I still agree with those that say "its your fault!" for leaving it in the game for so long. As for this chain reaction into legitimate players w/ pacts being deleted/banned, I feel for them, and hope everything will be fixed.
But when you take everyone away that provides me my morning fix of humor on this server, reading the outrageous posts, laughing at the insanity that is Justice, it saddens me. When you take away Smoke, the guy that duped his oil for my UD patronage, I am saddened.
Thank you, Justice forumites, for 2 years of laughter and joy, inviting me to look at wedding pictures, and pictures of pets doing crazy things. These forums have gotten me away from the monotony from "lf sewers" to "lf AE FARMZ!111!," and I appreciate it. You guys are pretty much amazing, and I'm sad to see things fall apart like this.
Then you haven't been paying attention or simply don't care. Which is your prerogative.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, just the opposite. I agree with everything they've done that I can think of. Up to and including draconian dictatorship.
I've been playing these games since Meridian 59 and I've worked in QA for 6 years. Give a player an inch they'll kill your baby and burn your house down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I think that just about says it all, right there. There's really not much else upon which one can elaborate, you've summed up nicely for us what your mentality is and how you feel about players, and from the perspective of someone who works within the industry no less.
[/ QUOTE ]
On one hand I think I like you and the other I think you're messing with me.. I feel so torn...
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]

There needs to be a dialogue... a real one, where Mr. Millar heaves his considerable bulk off his pedestal
[/ QUOTE ]
Good thing the 'vast majority of the games population' doesn't have anything to do with my opinion.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
Nice resume. Doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me. I'd still disagree with you all day long. Not that I will, since it would be a waste of time. Suffice it to say that there are enough people that don't agree with your assessment to warrant the notation.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll personally call 'very vocal minority' on this whole thing and am extremely comfortable assuming the vast majority of the games population doesn't even know anything about any of this.
[/ QUOTE ]
Then you are ignoring the boards and in-game conversations. I really have not seen this kind of discussion since ED. I whole-heartily agree with the OP. It must be addressed.
Good thing the 'vast majority of the games population' doesn't have anything to do with my opinion.
[/ QUOTE ]
Can't argue with that.
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]

There needs to be a dialogue... a real one, where Mr. Millar heaves his considerable bulk off his pedestal
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
What, too much?
I never know...
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!
I was surprised that that was all he commented on, actually. Though my eyebrows did go up a bit at that part.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
There needs to be a dialogue... a real one, where Mr. Millar heaves his considerable bulk off his pedestal
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
What, too much?
I never know...
[/ QUOTE ]
It's way too much. That's an incredibly low blow, and it doesn't help anything.
Also, I don't know where the idea comes from this these are Posi's rules or that the buck stops with him on customer service matters. This is, indeed, a customer service issue, and Posi is not a part of that. Let's stop dragging him into it, ok?
And seriously Liv, you're better than that kind of petty personal attack.
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
There needs to be a dialogue... a real one, where Mr. Millar heaves his considerable bulk off his pedestal
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
What, too much?
I never know...
[/ QUOTE ]
It's way too much. That's an incredibly low blow, and it doesn't help anything.
Also, I don't know where the idea comes from this these are Posi's rules or that the buck stops with him on customer service matters. This is, indeed, a customer service issue, and Posi is not a part of that. Let's stop dragging him into it, ok?
And seriously Liv, you're better than that kind of petty personal attack.
[/ QUOTE ]
Everybody shoots the messenger boss.
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]

There needs to be a dialogue... a real one, where Mr. Millar heaves his considerable bulk off his pedestal
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
What, too much?
I never know...
[/ QUOTE ]
It's way too much. That's an incredibly low blow, and it doesn't help anything.
Also, I don't know where the idea comes from this these are Posi's rules or that the buck stops with him on customer service matters. This is, indeed, a customer service issue, and Posi is not a part of that. Let's stop dragging him into it, ok?
And seriously Liv, you're better than that kind of petty personal attack.
[/ QUOTE ]
It felt really sort of off-hand, as far as I was concerned. I could have been far more cutting. To be honest it had more to do with how I percieve him doing his job than anything else. I'm not going to bother to defend the remark as it detracts from the point.
If it has to do with game design and implementation, then the buck does stop with Miller, he's the boss. As far as I know the only person he reports to is whatever NCSoft VP has been given pervue over the little boutique studio they've established.
Whatever you might think of that one line in my post, you simply cannot claim that the lead designer of an MMO isn't responsible for design and implementation issues, be they prepared features and updates or simply fixes.
EDIT - To be clear, there are two issues. There's the "fix", which is Positron's responsibility, and there's the customer service issue.
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!
I don't know exactly what is happening behind the scenes, but I suspect it is a Pandora's Box scenario.
Matt opened the box, but it is no longer under his control.
Should he come forward with a statement or something?
I don't know if it would make things better or worse.
I'm glad to not be him right now, though.
Also, I don't know where the idea comes from this these are Posi's rules or that the buck stops with him on customer service matters. This is, indeed, a customer service issue, and Posi is not a part of that. Let's stop dragging him into it, ok?
[/ QUOTE ]
He's also the one that put up the initial post warning of possible spankings to his City of 1st Graders. A follow up regarding the implementation and where it went wrong should have been issued. And it should have been issued by him.
"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF
Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')
He's right.
It seems clear to me that what he's doing by continually posting his complaint and pushing mods that are already having to enforce bull-[censored] gestapo rules, pre-empting a client base that's been abused, antagonized and tortured not simply from having any method of redress, but by silencing them altogether.
I'm on the outside, to a degree, even still. One might assume that I'm not effected by this, but the reality is very different. The reality is that as a result of the current them on these boards people are leaving.
Now, anyone who's been here for longer than about 10 minutes is familiar with the people screaming that "if you do [x] people will leave!", and we all mock those claims. They're silly and hyperbolic and usually without merit. However, this is different... this isn't that... people are leaving now. They're already leaving. That effects me, even if I choose to stay.
Continually posting the same complaint over and over isn't going to accomplish anything... in fact, this post might not even accomplish anything, and Ignicity has kind of gotten on people's nerves with the constant posting of the issue, and perhaps some of the arguments he's had in the past on other issues... but I promised him that if he could convince me that what he was saying was right that I'd support him, and he has, and I am.
You can't treat your customer base like garbage and not expect them to be angry. You can't treat your clients like commodities to be shoved around, abused and tortured and then ban them and toss them out on their ear when they have the temerity to complain. That's not how it works... and NCSoft is going to pay the price. In fact, they're already paying the price and that will be amply demonstrated next quarter when their sub reports come in. I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts that says that their sub numbers will be smaller next quarter than they were this past one.
There needs to be a dialogue... a real one, where Mr. Millar heaves his considerable bulk off his pedestal and comes down to actually talk to us... not simply pronounce policy from On High and disappear, leaving us to deal with moderators who are now in the unfortunate position of enforcing a policy that neither makes sense nor is in any way reasonable. In fact... I kind of feel sorry for them for having to be the bad guys on the back of Millar's negligent and lazy implementation of a fix that, in the end, does NOTHING to actually resolve the issue that got us here in the first place.
Brother of Markus
The Lord of Fire and Pain
The Legendary Living Hellfire
Fight my brute!