Colours !




Am having real lightning on my Elec/Fire brute, I dont know why red is meant to be evil, but lightning is meant to be blue (well is normally drawn that way)

Am going to have Light Melee on my DM/SR scrapper

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



As Liz stated before, matching energy blasts/melee together finally.

As for the rest:
- Toning down rad on my corr to a darker shade
- Changing dark powers, either see if they can be brought in line with GW's soul powers, or apply a blue-ish shade to it
- Any and all psionic powers to no-longer-have-pinkness
- A whiter tint to my fire blaster powers.
- A whole week of being unable to decide if all my powers need recolouring

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Changing the colour of Integration to a dark colour (preferably black).

Changing the colour of Hasten to another dark colour.

The reasons are fairly obvious.



My fire/kins will get fire-esque kinetic powers.

My mind/rads will get rad coloured mind powers.

Most of my scrapper toggles will be toned down as much as possible, I had a long defunct and totally illegal patch for regen that for me at least removed the visibility of many of the toggles but its long gone now. Same for my WP. My /DA will get some two tones into their fuzzyness and if possible I'd change Hasten to be dark too.

My various FF characters will get as close to opaque white bubbles as I can make... Joan D Vinge's Bobbles anyone?



fire blast- black
grav-not sure
elec melee on my stalker- white



Um lets see

my elec/elec brute will be getting some nice blue tinted elec powers

all my invul toons will be made less glowie

my willpower toons will be made less glowie

my SR/duel blade toon will hopeful loose that weird aura she has

my new stone/fire brute will get nice green flames

my dark/fire brute will get black fire

my energy dom will get blue/white blasts

Ill darken up the psy powers used by my toons

and I'm sure they'll be a few more



I'll possibly play about with my energy Blaster's colours, giving different colours depending on power strength if possible. Changing my MM's force-fields, not sure what colours, but again, if possible, I'll make my 2 bubbles different colours so I can see easier when they run out on people.
Thinking I'll finally get my fire Scrapper played with some blue flames.

If Kheld-forms were colourable I'd be all over that!
Might make some yellow lightning on something too.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



I'll probably changed the Pink Pompoms of Doom on my energy blaster to yellow, I might fiddle about with the Invun set on my tank too.



Starsunstorm will have orange Elec Assault like he always should have had...

Starskystalker will prob have a few of his wp shields toned to match the colours of the strikes from MA (maybe 1 or 2 attack alternates too - I muse the alt AS)...

Startriggerhappy will have some much more purpley-pink Mind AND Energy Assault goodness...

Thus far those are my 3 key candidates. My others as they stand have their own identity now because of the powers. But, my new i16 dom on the other hand... muhahhahaha!



White light for DW's healing and psychic powers. Probably blue for Powerstar's energy bolts... other than that, honestly, probably not too much change.

Though if we get custom minions, Casanova Funkenstein will get properly pimped zombies.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Theres numerous posibilities and it all depends on what combo i chose really.

Fire/Da scrapper:

Fire attacks will either be white or gold with the DA armour being the not chosen colour [my signature colours].

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Don't care!
...and will just be annoyed about other changes, since I'm sure the old engine can't handle it -> more lag.
The invasions will be top quality lag fests... Hooraaah!



Don't care!
...and will just be annoyed about other changes, since I'm sure the old engine can't handle it -> more lag.
The invasions will be top quality lag fests... Hooraaah!

[/ QUOTE ]

I want a happy singstar thread

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



There can only be 1 colour for all "smurf blue" everything else is just pure gargamel



I'll be changing my Orc elec/elec brute's powers to green for full on orc'y WAAGH.

Erm...probs quite a few other things I'll change but can't think at the moment. probs my energy stalkers power cos he looks like a cheerleader at the mo.


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



I won't be colouring anything, because some killjoy git decided that Kheldians aren't allowed to colour their powers for no sensible reason whatsoever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have a sneaking suspicion this has something to do with adapting the powers for both the Kheldian ATs is about as much work as all the other AT's combined.
Personally I like the Kheld colours so I'm not that fussed (not to mention that I could do without an invasion of pink squids, 's gonna be enough 'funny' toons around as is.)

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



I won't be colouring anything, because some killjoy git decided that Kheldians aren't allowed to colour their powers for no sensible reason whatsoever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have a sneaking suspicion this has something to do with adapting the powers for both the Kheldian ATs is about as much work as all the other AT's combined.
Personally I like the Kheld colours so I'm not that fussed (not to mention that I could do without an invasion of pink squids, 's gonna be enough 'funny' toons around as is.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't care less whether it's more work or not, frankly (and btw, you're wrong. The other sets added up contain WAY more powers than both Kheld powersets do). If they're putting the effort in to other power sets, then they can do the same for Khelds. Not doing so is just deliberately [censored] off part of your user base.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I won't be colouring anything, because some killjoy git decided that Kheldians aren't allowed to colour their powers for no sensible reason whatsoever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have a sneaking suspicion this has something to do with adapting the powers for both the Kheldian ATs is about as much work as all the other AT's combined.
Personally I like the Kheld colours so I'm not that fussed (not to mention that I could do without an invasion of pink squids, 's gonna be enough 'funny' toons around as is.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't care less whether it's more work or not, frankly (and btw, you're wrong. The other sets added up contain WAY more powers than both Kheld powersets do). If they're putting the effort in to other power sets, then they can do the same for Khelds. Not doing so is just deliberately [censored] off part of your user base.

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally I'm glad they aren’t making Kheld colour custom powers, maybe the development time could be used for things I'd like to see in-game like errrr fixing stuff!

On a side note am I the only one who thinks that customising powers in i16 will cause more pain and suffering to the players with respect to A) it being bugged at release and B) them taking ages to fix it?

Pure conjecture I know but many (maybe all) of the 'player want' features bought out in the last couple of years haven't been implemented without major hitch.

I can't possibly know, as a CoH Vet, what new players want, but it does strike me as odd that the devs choose to leave broken things in the game, either fix them or remove them and say sorry.

However back OT, since we can't stem the onslaught of eye bleeding powers I'll no doubt recolour my fire/rad's imps to attract even more aggro by some outlandish, ostentatious and downright gregarious tinting.



Fire Blasting Eleven will finally have blue flames as was always ment to have.

I am used to or already like the colours of powers on my other toons but there are a few tweaks I want to look at. I like the colour of the Energy Blasts Iron Works has generally but fancy trying out a slightly darker shade. His pom-pom fists though are going to have to be changed to match his blasts.

Same goes for "Super" Eleven's pom-pom fists. Will go for the bright gold colour as the rest of him.

I agree with most here about Hasten. Hopefully it is one of the pool powers that is looked at for customisation as I would like to colour that matching the toon I have it on or make it as invisable as possible if I have the power on a toon but its aura does not suit it.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



I can't possibly know, as a CoH Vet, what new players want, but it does strike me as odd that the devs choose to leave broken things in the game, either fix them or remove them and say sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

However, i think new players dont even know about these 'bugs', and just accept it is WAI. Majority of remaining bugs often are not even seen unless you actualy play the specific AT/set/power, added that some only occur in unique situations.

On the other hand, i still think it became way to 'big' for them to handle properly, if we look at IO's (huge huge ammount of different sets, along with their salvage) but also MA mobs, of wich they impossible can predict every possible situation to exploit them. Balance is hard to tell, due the impact of IO's to your character and its potentionals. (if a set is generaly weak compared to others, but mainly compensated by IO's, is this set still stated as balanced?).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



i always say, if someone does something asked a long time, do it right.
half as$ed work is only putting your self in shame.



I can't possibly know, as a CoH Vet, what new players want, but it does strike me as odd that the devs choose to leave broken things in the game, either fix them or remove them and say sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bear in mind that we have several teams working on different things. Those in charge of creating the content for Power customisation are not necessarily in charge of fixing certain types of bugs. That is just an example.

Support Centre for our English European players
Support Centre for our North American players
Plateforme d'assistance pour les francophones
Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler




Bear in mind that we have several teams working on different things.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think it's only fair that you list in detail what exactly they're all working on, so we're all aware of it, and how busy they are

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I can't possibly know, as a CoH Vet, what new players want, but it does strike me as odd that the devs choose to leave broken things in the game, either fix them or remove them and say sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bear in mind that we have several teams working on different things. Those in charge of creating the content for Power customisation are not necessarily in charge of fixing certain types of bugs. That is just an example.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're saying there is a whole room dedicated to the fixing of bugged trials? This is just an example.



Rhapsody will be saying byebye to orange sonic resonance and hello to a more subtle grey tint.

Brother Psyche will be having white/pale purple forcefields to mimic the sense of telekinetic shields rather than energy sheilds.

Jetspeed will be saying hello to green electricity and darker blue super reflexes.

Freeflight might be re-rolled as a Gravity/Storm controller, having gravity a pale blue/grey colour so it looks more like wind force

That should keep me satisfied until the indecisive nature kicks in and I have to mess with them all again