A paragon of customisation




CO seems to becoming the Chuck Norris of game design...

When it comes out I fully expect it to kill WoW dead...



You can already recolour MM pets in the issue 15 version of MA.

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Wait...WHAT?! Oo
Like....how? Does that apply to PC MMs too?

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No, just pets you use in MA missions.

There is only a fairly small subset of MM pets available though. You can, for example, change the colours of some of the plates on an Assult bot, or give the lich yellow skin and a pink robe. Oh, and I had lots of fun with the Oni.

Shows the tech has gone in though, all they need is to do is the interface.

I really should do something about this signature.



I like the way everyone's leapt at the power customisation idea, even though it wasn't specified. They did say they were working on more customisation options, but they didn't say what you'd be able to customise. It could be that extra customisation options just means more costume options and base customisations.

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At the risk of getting lynched here, that's how I read the post as well. I don't know about any other hints or the like from Positron, but as far as I interpreted BaB's post, it seemed to refer to costume options.

Of course, I guess it's all down to your own interpretation of the article - arguably the term 'customisation' is a bit ambiguous in the CoH context

Apologies, not trying to cause contention here. Just my tuppence. Let the wild speculation continue...

Cheers, @RoboTank

Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster

Sent from my HAL 9000



You can already recolour MM pets in the issue 15 version of MA.

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Wait...WHAT?! Oo
Like....how? Does that apply to PC MMs too?

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No, just pets you use in MA missions.

There is only a fairly small subset of MM pets available though. You can, for example, change the colours of some of the plates on an Assult bot, or give the lich yellow skin and a pink robe. Oh, and I had lots of fun with the Oni.

Shows the tech has gone in though, all they need is to do is the interface.

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Aye, even this allows me to edit one of my arcs for the better. Instead of having some random mob boss, I can include the AV MM's Assault Bot. Pity we can't colour the pets that are summoned, otherwise I would give him the full black plating that looks so awesome

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



It can mean anything from power customisation to adding more costume parts or even opening up the costume part selection more (e.g. left & right gloves/shoulders selectable as different choices) or allowing more freedom in choosing powersets during character creation.

Whatever it will be, more customisation is always welcome



IMO it's more a bit of "quick, give what they want, CO is getting close to release", tho, it's nice for the HC COX fans.

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I'm not sure it's that "quick" - power customization is a very big task for this engine

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know, it's gonna release far after CO hit's the stores, but i do think it's attempt to get players back.

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I'm pretty sure it was one of the first things they started to seriously look at once NCSoft stepped in - power customization and switching sides were two of the most requested features while the game was still owned by Cryptic.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Power customisation is AFAIK one of the selling points of CO. In some minds CoH will need that to compete. Yes more costume parts are good but they've been adding them since launch and tellingly never said it was something they can't do. Power customization on the other hand we were told many moons back was impossible... And it is something that a dev (possibly Posi. FFM or Praf can no doubt correct me ) mentioned in one of the interviews a while back that they were adding something that they had said was impossible.

Plus I doubt they'd hype more costume pieces even if they opened up the selections some like GG says. Costumes have been added from day one it isn't news.



Serious just release that damn CO already.. oh wait, they shifted it few months later eh? But serious, release it so all those 'oooh CO gonna wack CoH butty, ooho they doing X and Y because CO coming' kids can finaly go play their happy dinkytoy game and we can have some common conversations again instead of every freaking thread looking at yet another CO reference post.

If they would have to fear any game they would currently players to, it would be their own game, Aion. Those who leave to CO are, or werent not, worth it anyway.

Conspiracy [censored].. sigh.

If i would go play Aion, i go play it. If i would go play WoW, i would go play it. But i wont blame my personal preference to some other game to CoH, or any reason related to it.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Serious just release that damn CO already.. oh wait, they shifted it few months later eh? But serious, release it so all those 'oooh CO gonna wack CoH butty, ooho they doing X and Y because CO coming' kids can finaly go play their happy dinkytoy game and we can have some common conversations again instead of every freaking thread looking at yet another CO reference post.

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But don't forget there'll be an expansion pack and/or large content update for CO soon-ish after it's released

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



In some minds CoH will need that to compete.

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In some minds but not mine I should have added. I've heard good things about CO from people whose opinions I respect. But the I heard good things about WAR and AoC and neither of those are IMO anyway any good.



Serious just release that damn CO already.. oh wait, they shifted it few months later eh? But serious, release it so all those 'oooh CO gonna wack CoH butty, ooho they doing X and Y because CO coming' kids can finaly go play their happy dinkytoy game and we can have some common conversations again instead of every freaking thread looking at yet another CO reference post.

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But don't forget there'll be an expansion pack and/or large content update for CO soon-ish after it's released

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Or they could do it like Auto Assault and change 90% of the game a month before release. Seriously you'd have thought Cryptic would have learned something from the mistakes they made with CoH to not release something with parts missing. Allegedly CoH was to have PvP & Villains in from the start and adding both at a later date never worked. I know CO is having PvP from the off but AFAIK Villains might be added later. I know nobody releases MMOs with most of the content in there at the start, you want a way to keep those initial subs hanging around for a couple of months.

So for me, start telling me that CO is so damn good three months after its actually launched and I might believe you.

Sorry to rant OT.

PS All you CO fanbois (and gurls) perhaps you'd like to [bleep]* off to the CO forums and stop polluting this one with your rabid fanboism... (Except GG who is banned, you could just stop spouting maybe )

PPS And yes I know there is no way that anyone can actually shut GG up with out actually banning her.

Edited by Avatea: that was NOT nice...and a bit disturbing!



That sounds so nice I might even consider to eat my shame and return to the game.



Allegedly CoH was to have PvP & Villains in from the start

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CoH wasn't even planned on having PvP at the start, and certainly not player villains.

The CO devs are talking down the prospect of player villains: they consider CoV was near-disatarous for CoH, and they don't want that to happen again.

I really should do something about this signature.



Allegedly CoH was to have PvP & Villains in from the start

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CoH wasn't even planned on having PvP at the start, and certainly not player villains.

The CO devs are talking down the prospect of player villains: they consider CoV was near-disatarous for CoH, and they don't want that to happen again.

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Actually Praf, if you take Emmerts words as gospel, then PvP WAS originally planned from the outset; they just were unable to implement it until issue 4.

As for CO, I don't think villains are in the offing at all. What IS in the offing is "Dark Champions", which contrary to a lot of peoples misunderstandings, are not player villains. They're anti-hero types along the lines of Punisher or maybe Deadpool types.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Might be a bug and I've never seen this before (perhaps someone on here knows?) but I did a respect (using one of my vet ones) last night and once finished I was informed that I now had access to new costume parts:

You may now access the costume part CustomWeapon_DualBladeRight at the Tailor.

You may now access the costume part CustomWeapon_DualBladeLeft at the Tailor

Nothing new in the tailors though.

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when you respec any weapon customizations you have gained while exp ing resets to say that you have gained the option . so you get the messages just as if you had just killed your 333 red cap ..



As for CO, I don't think villains are in the offing at all. What IS in the offing is "Dark Champions", which contrary to a lot of peoples misunderstandings, are not player villains. They're anti-hero types along the lines of Punisher or maybe Deadpool types.

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This is certainly true. The people who say that villains are "promised" for CO have misinterpreted comments about Dark Champions.

I really should do something about this signature.



Actually Praf, if you take Emmerts words as gospel, then PvP WAS originally planned from the outset;

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"I know there are other ways to do player versus player in a more controlled manner. You can have safe zones for new folks and/or danger zones where such combat takes place. Dark Age of Camelot seems to be using this latter strategy fairly well. But that kind of solution doesn't work for City of Heroes. Maybe if we had two cities - one full of villains, the other full of heroes - warring with one another, it might work. But that would be a very different and, in my opinion, very silly game indeed."

Silly game indeed. This quote was from one Rick Dakan, lead designer for City of Heroes prior to Jack "Statesman" Emmert.

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Who takes Emmert's word with anything less than a super tanker hold sized-pinch of salt anyway?

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



I think PvP was always intended for the game - superheroes vs supervillains is just begging for it - but the devs seemed unsure of just how to make it work.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think PvP was always intended for the game - superheroes vs supervillains is just begging for it - but the devs seem unsure of just how to make it work.

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Fixed it for you.

Please fight My Brute: http://2hero.mybrute.com

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



I think PvP was always intended for the game - superheroes vs supervillains is just begging for it - but the devs have no clue of just how to make it work.

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Fixed it for you.

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There, really fixed.



CO better have villains, then i might actually be motivated to try it x)



Not at launch, but villainous champions are planned.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



As for CO, I don't think villains are in the offing at all. What IS in the offing is "Dark Champions", which contrary to a lot of peoples misunderstandings, are not player villains. They're anti-hero types along the lines of Punisher or maybe Deadpool types.

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This is certainly true. The people who say that villains are "promised" for CO have misinterpreted comments about Dark Champions.

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I really should do something about this signature.