The 'We're not leaving' thread




Been playing on-and-off for 4 years and will be playing on-and-off for 4 more probably, if the game's still here. I've played just about every other MMO out there but keep coming back to CoH. It may not do very much but what it does do it does better than anything else out there by a giant margin.



My name is Crazy Dragon, and I just couldn't give a... uh, yeah. Staying.

*marches out whistling "Self Preservation Society" innocently* >.>

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."





I'm so glad I finally found a group of people who have the same type of addiction as me and are prepared to listen and give support within a group.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stands by Eight_Ball.


[/ QUOTE ]

here here



Hi my name is Eskimo Spy and i am an... *sniff* altaholic.

I've got a shiny 42 month veteran badge and more toons than you can shake a stick at including Luna Blackheart, Coffin Dodger and my name sake Eskimo Spy.

I'll will be here till the servers explode and even then i'll pretend to play using the heroclix figures I got with the CoV box.

Now @Eskimo-Spy

I'm not evil.



I'm Radio and I'm also an addict of this game. Tho I can leave it now and again, I know health+money willing I'll be here till the inevitable server shutdown happens.

I am somewhat underwhelmed by what appears to be coming next but it sure the heck beats that long, long wait for new stuff.

Anyway me and my horde of alts will be around



I'm Defcon Kid, 46 months veteran currently, 12 50s (NONE of them by farming), 8 in Defiant and 4 in Union, and I have no plans of leaving this game.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts:



/e shuffles and stands up, looking nervous...

Hi everyone, I'm Dante and I'm a tabasco-aholic. It started when I first sniffed a bottle. And then... the taste...

Oh... sorry, wrong therapy group. I'm an altoholic, roleplayer and convention nudist extraordinaire and I've been here since November 2005. Best birthday present I ever bought myself. Only two 50s and they took an age to get but still so much of the game to see and explore. So many things untried.

I'm either ingame with my RPSG, The Militia or running around on one alt or another. Right now I'm aiming at getting those last four levels on my MM so I can finally try out VEATS. So despite some disappointments, no, I'm not going anywhere.

Now where'd I leave that bottle? Ahhhh... the smell of it...!

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



My name is Techbot ALPHA.
What do you mean 'Wrong prompy cards'?

Yes, altaholic with a Dictator complex You ain't seeing the back of ME anytime soon!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I'm Steve the Optimist (no, really) and I am staying with this darned City Of game. It keeps me too happy to quit.

Besides, I've only got 30-odd months under my belt, and not quite as many alts as that. By everyone else's standards, I still have far, far to go before I can say I'm 'done'.

Rehabilitation of Young Offenders: (arc ID 53384) Poor humour, grand egos and appalling fashion-sense!

Steve the Optimist (lv50 Illusions/Empathy/Psionic Controller)
Lv50s: Ben the Bouncer, Andy Obsidian, TwentyTwo over Seven, Teiresias, Johnny Nashinal.



I just come and go and don't say much about it...

/edit In these forums, I see much about problems I didn't even realize they are problems (why should I care if someone else farms MA missions?).
I guess perception is the key...



I'll stay a while longer...

Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)

Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU



I am a 51 month vet and no chance of leaving.

So you will all just have to put up with me.



My name's Storm, and I'm a dual blades/willpower scrapper on union.
I like investigating noises, I love the rain, and there's no chance of me leaving soon.
Still enjoying myself.



My name's Lukas, and I'm an altoholic. :')

OH and I occasionally have awesome misadventures with the Storm Survivor. ;D






Lady Cobra/Kunoichi X here - almost 51 months vet on first account and 30 on second, 100+ alts, still loving the game, enjoying the MA and most certainly not leaving



I'm Pyrokine. I like making things catch fire . I'm also partial to chucking electricity and other forms of energy as well but there's just something about fire . Me and my many, many, many alts will be here for a long time on all of my accounts (even the accounts the wife doesn't know about yet ). I've been here for 42 months now and I still only have one 50 and only three characters over 30.
Here's to I15 and beyond. I've enjoyed every issue so far and I'll enjoy many more hopefully.

"Live forever or die tryin'"



I am Eleven and I am defiantly a Scrapper personality. I like to hit things in the face....really hard!

I have only just recently had my subs auto paid for so I won't be able to be completely severed from here for another 6 months if I wanted to leave for some reason.

3 year vet that began the night Zidian Zidan thought it would be a good idea to close his playing career by delivering an epic head butt of devastation to someone that might have said something iffy about his sister.

I am a mild alt-aholic (see link in sig) and tried to be a regular rp'er but had to give up on that due to not been able to guarantee I would be online every night any more.

Only 4 of my toons are not Lv 50. One of them never will be as he is a NPC acting as the role of SG director.

Right now let’s just say I am in the middle of a strategic withdrawal and considering the battles going on around here between people leaving and people staying, that is probably for the best.

However there is always some un-finished business so I am sure I will be back playing regular at some point. I don't usually make a big deal when taking breaks simply because I know I always return and I have always been a one to just casually slide out of the room without a fuss and sneak back in later without making a scene.

Only saying something now so that people are aware of my intentions are and avoid suggestions of being an un-socialable goon.

I do not hold grudge against those leaving as I can understand their reasons and it is no skin off my bones if they want to make a thread allowing people that know them a chance to say "All the best marra".

Guess I am still burnt out from the three days solid I spent on my first published arc when MA first came out that I can't bring myself to log into the game right now. The way people have been to each other on the forums today has not helped ether, has to be said.

If there are any attempts to drag me into any of the fighting and I'll warn you now, I'll simply feel like forearm smashing both sides of the battle in the face!

If I am honest, the one thing that has likely been keep me away as I have already allured to a few times today, it is being caught up in the excitement of becoming 7 year old again soon when reuniting with my first one true love!

But I will likely make a return to regular playing in the not too distant future so I'll see ya, when I see ya.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



I am Avatea and I play on Union, Zukunft and Vigilance (sorry Defiant, nothing against you, honest!).

As soon as I first loaded the game into my wee PC back in February 2005, I knew I'd be a Controller at heart but I have tanked and healed and buffed a fair bit. Somehow I always end up being the healer and buffer though, I blame my boyfriend, he just likes to be the damage dealer for some reasons *sigh* Who said women solely enjoyed nursing and looking after others, I like a good fight!

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Wait - shouldn't be be on Defaint too? I mean, I can understand it if you're not able to handle the awesomeness, but even a token level 1 parked in Atlas shouldn't be too hard, surely?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Wait - shouldn't be be on Defaint too? I mean, I can understand it if you're not able to handle the awesomeness, but even a token level 1 parked in Atlas shouldn't be too hard, surely?

[/ QUOTE ]


She knows where you live GG

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Well as the old saying goes... 'The Crow will go on... KAAAAH'

Been here nearly 51 months now and still having fun. See you on the streets folks



My name is JB and i'm an Altoholic (9 months to make the first 50 kinda proves that).
Even tho my badgecount says 27 months (30 months by May 16) i dont in any way feel like a veteran as this game still has so much to show me and i still have so many alts to play.
So dont expect me to leave any time soon.

JB out!



Hello I am Charcoal. I enjoy long walks in the middle of nowhere and playing my ~20 alts on Defiant. Staying so long as the money lasts.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Greetings. I'm Baron Steel. Resides on Defiant. It's a territorial thing. Maintaining a fairly continuous presence. With the odd lapse now and then. Leaving, schmeaving. For what? The green grass on the other side of the fence? Weeds look pretty good at a distance.
