The 'We're not leaving' thread




I'm Cobra Man, but my main 50 is Firestreak - mad, suicidal, extreme Fire/Fire Blaster.

I've been here for 39 months. I have 16 (non PL'd) level 50 Heroes and no level 50 villains.

I love this game, but I'm .... undecided on staying or leaving.

That's the best I can say right now.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



I've no intention of leaving. 48 month vet, albeit with a few breaks here and there. Love the game, love what the Dev's have done with it and I've every confidence in them.



I am Coldblood but some may know me as King Prawn, I have decided to stay for now, but I am going to try other MMO's and if I find that my experience with them is better then I shall be hanging up cape for good. I am an optimist but with the state of the game at the moment with constant farming and players that are pl'ed to 50 who have no idea how to play this game even to me the future is half empty, hopefully the Coming Storm if it does come will be a hurricane but at the moment I get the feeling that its going to be a damp drizzle but here is hoping.



*stands up from chair*

Hi my name is Eight Ball and I'm an addict...

I'm so glad I finally found a group of people who have the same type of addiction as me and are prepared to listen and give support within a group.

I don't feel alone anymore....*cries*

*sits back down in chair*



My name is ReclusesPhantom (An alt I deleted ages ago ) and I have no intentions on leaving just yet. I wanna see how CoX goes for the moment
I'm a two year veteran (getting my 27th in June), my main is a dark/thermal corrupter on Union and I'm always up for some TF's, RP and badgehuntong
I might not be on much due to RL but I'll always make an attempt.
I'm a very proud member of The Dirty Handprints (best Supergroup ever ) and I enjoy the usual in-game banter you find.




I'm so glad I finally found a group of people who have the same type of addiction as me and are prepared to listen and give support within a group.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stands by Eight_Ball.




Been here 3 years hardly scratched the surface of this game still lots of power sets to try out as well,people may leave but look at how many drift back when they cannot get their fix of being a hero/villian long may this game rule over all others.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



i'm here, stay for a while and move over to CO when it's released.



has noticed that my hands aren't all that cold, so you're not allowed to pry them off this game yet.

Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!



Still enjoy the game, and there's pleny in it so that I can avoid any bits I don't like.

Not going anywhere soon.



I'm staying with my 30 plus alts. I'm just coming up to two years and I'm still enjoying the game Normally after about a year I'm fed up with a game and looking for the next one so CoH/V must still be doing something right.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces



I'm Dagar / Larac on Union and I'll still be here when they come to turn the lights out.


always looking for badges and new people to join our motly crew



I'm @Lord Mayhem, my alts are legion, my L50s are thirteen in number (ominous), my levelling is mainly in duos, my gameplay is mainly villainous, my MA arcs are story-focused, my marketeering is not ebil, my farming and PvPing and RPing are non-existent, my badgehunting is just for titles and accolade powers, my taskforcing/raiding is at weekends, my SGs both have 2 active members and aren't recruiting, my 2 SG bases are fully-featured and lovingly decorated, my forum posts are sporadic and too long, my sub is paid until September, I've been here since 2005, I'm a 32 month vet, I took a year out to play other MMOs the last time I felt the game was no longer fun for me...

... and I'm not leaving CoH/V unless the game stops being fun for me again, or I find another MMO that is more fun (TOR perhaps), or someone turns Union and Defiant off.

I'll be here as long as there are archetype/powerset combinations I still want to level to 50. I currently have 13 characters at level 50 I still enjoy playing, 13 characters on their way to level 50, and plans to make another 5 (once I can think up good names/concepts for them), so I suspect I'll be here for quite a while yet.



I'm Toxic Monkey (39 month on/off vet from release) and as I've just introduced my girlfriend (Mistress of Light) to both Red and Blue side I'm going to be sticking around for some time yet



I've been here a while (54 months) and my sub is paid up until September - I'm underwhelmed with the new content recently, but still love playing the old stuff.

By September, I'll have made a decision on whether I'm staying, but right now, I'll be hanging around Paragon and THe Rogue Isles.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



I am a 12 month vet with 24 Alts only 3 of which are L50.
I am still having fun finding new things in game so will be staying around for some time



<---Staying. For now.

If I was to find nothing fun anymore then for me personally the game would not serve a purpose and then I would quietly leave as in the real world there are much more worse things to get worked up over.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I am a 12 month vet with 24 Alts only 3 of which are L50.
I am still having fun finding new things in game so will be staying around for some time

[/ QUOTE ]

Also remember that Infernal Justice will not let you leave

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces



Hello there,

I'm Mother's Love /Mumsie/Mum/Mom/Mommy/ML/that cow who has been moaning on the forums lately and plugging Champions[delete as appropriate]

51 Month Veteran, 5000 hours on active duty, It has been (and continues to be) my pleasure serving in Paragon among you all. My current hero-corps contract runs until September at which time I will be evaluating all offers on the table.

Ps: I'm also honest, like Jaffa cakes and Red wine, and take no nonsence from junior whippersnappers.




Hey all.
I'm BW, been playing for at least 3 years, primarily on Defiant, and have 7 lvl 50s.
I'm not leaving any time soon, as I have been brain washed by the Elflings to help in their world domination plans.

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



I'm Cybercel, and I'm not leaving; I'm looking forward to the new TFs (especially as we've been told they include new maps), new costume options, and an improved MA search. I'm also hoping those hints about Dual Pistols and Power Customisation materialise into more than just hints.

If they don't though, I'm still not leaving.




I'm not going anywhere because I have a free sub until November.

I do still like the game, I'm just disappointed in the lack of big new gameplay mechanics and awesomeness.

I'm also disappointed in Posi's statement that he'd rather do TFs than arcs because the players can do arcs now. Sure we can, but we can't put new gameplay mechanics in them, only you guys can.

I hope I16 brings new, awesome stuff.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



I'm Swashbuckle, though in game you'll usually catch me as Josh Stormfall.

I don't get to play often anymore due to RL and hardly ever get a chance to look at the forums, but I still love the game and the people and have done for the 35 months I've been playing so far and my feet are firmly planted in Paragon City.



Still here, still staying, still base building/MA messing/cozzie making/atlas posing



Hello to the group: my name is DreamWeaver, and I'm a CoHoholic.

I'm a 48 month veteran, and deal with both Deviants and Onion-heads with equal pleasure. I'm still happily playing the game, still making new friends, still being an agony auntie and still mad that Posi isn't doing vehicles. :P

I understand the reasons some of the people have for leaving at the moment and share one or two of the concerns: but I still think they're fixable and not game-breaking. (I lived through the NGE... THAT, my friends, was a real horror show.)

Still here. Still defending Truth, Justice, and the right to be exactly who I want to be. And my Icon fireproofed loyalty card.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?