The 'We're not leaving' thread




( but did say no to the beannie hat )

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I said "NO!" to mine too, I still ended up having to wear it!

�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from

EU, Union mostly.



I'm MESS and I'm still here in fact I'm here till they shut the dam servers down and kick me out (no way am i loosing the last intrepid standing bet)

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WRONG! You are losing.... i will win

I am staying





I'm MESS and I'm still here in fact I'm here till they shut the dam servers down and kick me out (no way am i loosing the last intrepid standing bet)

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WRONG! You are losing.... i will win

I am staying

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NEVER 8as3 1s b3l0ng1ng 2 m3



Dear Paragon City,

I loved this city once. From the very first time I stepped off the tram and saw Atlas Plaza in the distance I knew this was where I would call home.

I've been around since the arena was a building site, and I know how things once were. I've earned my right to moan with all the scorches and zombie sick on my spandex. I helped protect this city while it was growing up, and I've seen it change, sometimes for the good, sometimes for the worse. I've seen my friends come and I've seen them go again leaving me to keep watch.

You're my city, Paragon. You and I, we're inseperable. I might not always be around, but I'll always be close.

Y'ain't getting rid of me yet.


<Evie is an altoholic who's looking to be adopted by a friendly supergroup both blueside and redside to show her again why she keeps coming back>



Hi im Big Game (formerly Britanic). While I have on a few occassions had to take a break from the game (Usually forced upon me by outside RL sources) I plan on staying with CoX for a very long time to come.

I currently have over three years of gameplay under my belt, yet I still to this day have only one lvl 50. Admittedly a huge part of this could be put down to being cr*p(no need to expand on this guys!), oodles of alts, epic roleplay sessions, and narcoleptic episodes at the keyboard. However the biggest reason has to be that I just don't want to rush my way through the game. despite it's many imperfections CoX is d*mn good entertainment, and has been for a very long time now. I have every faith the game will keep my interest for a long time to come, and who knows might even still end up surprising everybody in future issues.




GhostRaptor and Avatea are not devs, they're EU community reps, and GR's leaving at the end of the week.

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I knew that FFM just to see them online was good.



Well I aint off, still got things to do. Might even try this MA thing one day.

I do have to say i#15 is a disapointment for me, there's been all sorts of talk about huge issues, coming storms etc, but i#15 isn't it. Hopefully i#16 will bring about these big things.

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Hope is a bitter illusion

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Actually Hope is my 5 year old Daughter



I15 was a bit of a sucker-punch, but I ain't down yet.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



Well I aint off, still got things to do. Might even try this MA thing one day.

I do have to say i#15 is a disapointment for me, there's been all sorts of talk about huge issues, coming storms etc, but i#15 isn't it. Hopefully i#16 will bring about these big things.

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Hope is a bitter illusion

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Actually Hope is my 5 year old Daughter

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So your daughter is a holographic lemon?



I currently have over three years of gameplay under my belt, yet I still to this day have only one lvl 50.

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Ah, so I'm not alone then 5 years, on 50... what a slacker I am



Well I aint off, still got things to do. Might even try this MA thing one day.

I do have to say i#15 is a disapointment for me, there's been all sorts of talk about huge issues, coming storms etc, but i#15 isn't it. Hopefully i#16 will bring about these big things.

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Hope is a bitter illusion

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Actually Hope is my 5 year old Daughter

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So your daughter is a holographic lemon?

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Ah you've met her then!



I'm not leaving, yet. I'm fairly underwhelmed by the issue 15 anouncement, given that I very rarely have sufficient time to commit to task forces. However I am still having lots of fun with the MA.

I will probably be here until either:

1) I find another game more fun

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Plus I'm waiting to see where my fellow RPers/Militants go



My name is Sapphic Neko, naughty kitten extraordinare!

I'm not going anywhere for now, so you're stuck with me, nyah!

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That is... Great.



I currently have over three years of gameplay under my belt, yet I still to this day have only one lvl 50.

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Ah, so I'm not alone then 5 years, on 50... what a slacker I am

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Oh no. I have 48 months in town and i still only have 1 50. It's a less showy and ostentatious way of playing, I feel. All those 50's laying around... It's just so gauche.

I'm Mercury Angel. I don't recognise any of you darn kids and I'm not going anywhere!


A New world Order?
Arc ID: 56881


A Dark Future

Posters by Soul Storm



Hi peeps, Arte here. Not intending to leave until the servers go down for the final time.



I'm sticking around also, I will be a 51 month vet on the 6th May. I am Dark Anarchy and like most have lots of alts, yes I have been farming [shock horror] but still have loads of fun with some friends. I do have a moan about the game every now and then and yes I15 is not as great as it should be, but hey a new TF/SF for 45+ is always welcome. I will try Champions out but can't see leaving this for a while.



Still here, I'm very excited about the MA and all it's offered me so far. I do wish there was some new character power options coming with I15 but that's just because I've been playing this game since August 2004, it still offers the most character options to any MMO I know.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



I've probably got more reason to leave than most people but I'll just say I'm not done with CoX yet....

See you all in game!



Hi, I'm MaX. I've not been here for long, but I've got a few months of game time paid now so I think I'll stick around at least until that ends.



Okay, insert yo-yo player here. I've taken breaks from playing several times over my three years, uncluding my own prattling post about 'Woe is me!' and other angst (feeling all better now by the way). I'm sticking around, not so much for the content as the friends I have among the roleplayers (the other minority section of the playerbase).

If it weren't for the roleplay, I'd never have lasted this long. I've enjoyed some quality arpee over the years in this game, as well as some less quality stuff but I consider that the gum between meals. When the people I roleplay with start to leave and go elsewhere, I'll follow them. Unless I find something much better for the same price, naturally. Fickle? Well, yeah. Now where's the kitchen, I fancy some toffee-toast.



You know me as Leese, and now you know that I'm sticking around. CoH is still one of the best MMORPGs I've played, I'm engrossed in its current state and excited about its future!

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Names Dr HR Started as hardRider. im a 39 month vet.(3+yrs). orginal member of the violators sg on villains and current member and officier in the Horde Sg. and im not going anywhere. sorry folks. im here to stay rofl



My name is Sapphic Neko, naughty kitten extraordinare!

I'm not going anywhere for now, so you're stuck with me, nyah!

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erm u dont have a say in this kittie. we control what u do here. and we say ur going NO where



I am Phobos and I speak for most of The Echelon when I say "We are not leaving yet!" CoX has been awesome these past 4 years no other MMO has kept my interest this long and I'll close by saying roll on i15!

Heroes: Phobos-, Protector-Bot, Shadow of Ra, Bionic Eye, Entropic Chaos, Strike-Freedom.

Villains: Necron Phobos, Khorne-Berzerker, Full Metal Panic, Smasher Devourer, Degrees Kelvin.

Co-Leader of The Echelon
Visit us at



There's no reason for me to leave but I got lots to stay

Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)

Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee

Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek