The 'We're not leaving' thread
My name is Col. Blitzkrieger, I play a bunch of toons on Union, mostly redside, though I do love also my Warshade. My in-game hobbies are the MA and answering peoples' questions on game mechanics, builds, and other power-related questions. No intentions of leaving as i14 pretty much eliminated my biggest problem with the game - lack of stuff to do on my 50s.
I also enjoy Italian food and I'm single.
Intend to stay, so your still stuck with me and my alts, my rp and my badgehunt (and excel sheet).
Also the few Positron words I noticed, even though it is nothing definitiv... made me definitly curious on the I-16. After all he did say power customisation was not possible with Cryptic...
So I'll still be around with my chars mainly my main fire/fire/fire blaster (Lady Arete) and Cyrene (emp/son) defender and others.
Also, looking forward to FINALLY see Reichman. (new maps etc in the i-15)
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
My name is Thorny Devil. I am a 42 month veteran and I play many alts but my main is a Zombie/Dark Mastermind on Defiant. I will not be leaving any time soon.
My names are many and I play on Union and Defiant - I have no intention of leaving quite yet (paid up until ~September anyway )
With i15 seemingly being released within a month or 2 of i14 I'd see it more as a big between issues update dressed up as a full issue just for the anniversary - the amount of upset over it just strikes me as a little excessive.
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
As i said on the US forums, my name is damz and im a Coxer
I wont be able to play as much as i used to do (hence why i post a LOT more on the forums) since i MIGHT be a daddy! But i'll still be spending any free "omg whats going on? How? Why? how? how how " time here
SO you all got damz to put up with just a TAD bit longer.
Edit: Since we're saying what our toons are . . . .
Noob buster > level 50 fire/dark/power scrapper [union]
Ultimate damz > level 50 illusion/rad/fire controller [union]
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
SO you all got damz to put up with just a TAD bit longer.
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Which is no bad thing.
Yeah i am staying as well. I swing to both sides*, love doing TFs and helping people if i can.
*Since MA launch i moved to the Defiant but still has my two 50s and Global Defense members on Union. Araf is became my Defiant main.
See you in game.
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from
EU, Union mostly.
My name is not actually Midnight Guard, but hey, it sounds cool.
I'm a 41-month veteran, currently residing on the moon with no access to City of Heroes/Villains whatsoever, but I am rejoicing over every bit of news released.
Over the last few years, I've seen the developers become more and more caring to the fanbase, and I've definitely seen more love. From the developers, that is.
My account is still running because I want to contribute my money to the game that's kept me entertained for so long, inspired me to do so much, and helped me meet so many people. I love this game, and I will stay with it until the end.
@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter
<----- i'm going no-where either, been here for just about 4 years now and still finding loads of fun things to do
atl-itis (cant spell ) being one of them
Keep up the good work devs
I go by the pseudonym Infinitron; I'm a 45 month vet, and I'm staying put.
Also not leaving!
I'm Jamie, on Defiant primarily, usually found helping to blaze through TFs with one of my two beloved VEATs; failing that, taking my blaster ever-slowly towards as many freaking badges as I can get, and - very occasionally - remembering that I have a bunch of alts who need a little love. I also like to pimp my MA arc *for example...
Cancelled in Three - MA ID #34608. Please play and comment! Top 10 placing in Projectionist's MA contest!
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oh its far too early for that kind of talk
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Hi! I'm Master Zaprobo (formerly Zap Robotnik of CoH Comic "Fame"), a 5 year veteran transferred to the EU from the US servers at the launch of City of Villains.
I'm not going anywhere.
I may even play Heroes a bit more once my current fascination with the Mission Architect passes (if it passes!)
I'm not leaving, yet. I'm fairly underwhelmed by the issue 15 anouncement, given that I very rarely have sufficient time to commit to task forces. However I am still having lots of fun with the MA.
I will probably be here until either:
1) I find another game more fun; or
2) Money becomes tight.
I really should do something about this signature.
I'm @Alvan (best known as Coldest War, my blaster) - according to my badges, a 54 month veteran, but been around since US Beta.
I'm too stubborn / stupid to quit.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I'm Shadowe, and I am not going to be leaving the game soon. I might stop paying for my second account, though, since I tend to only log onto it to move toons between Day Job locations at the moment.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Hi I'm Beet.
3 years and 6 month Veteren and I have no plans of leaving any time soon, I think. I'm looking forward to I15 as it's more content within a pretty short amount of time, which considering the state of some other MMOs makes CoH the best option, and that's just in the field of (free!) updates.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
My Name is Crimson Archer and I'm a 39 month veteran, a roleplayer, and I am still loving the game.
I'll leave CoX when you pry it from my cold, dead hands...
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
YEs I'm Saphi and im here until CO is release then we'll see (ive been on borrowed time in the game since the i13 PVP was announced. and after yesturdays answers from Pois its really on borrowed time now ... Shame really becoz this game still has some serious potiental but no-one with the [censored] to deliever it
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
I'm Khorak, and I spent all of yesterday hoping Positrons speech would suck so I could laugh at people.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
...I figured we could do with an 'I'm staying' thread. It may take off, it may not, but I think it's worth a go.
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I was writing one of these with a much larger introduction atm, and figured rather than a new thread, I'd post my basic thoughts here instead:
I've only just got back to CoH and I'm not quitting any time soon. The MA is a great technical and interaction achievement, but farming is also annoying. Inverted Cloud/Silver lining situation here. I didn't ask for the MA, didn't have it on my list of wants or ideas, but it's great when you get down to the nuts and bolts of it.
CoH is coming along just fine, and unless you desperately want X, Y or Z feature and cling to every developer's and red-name's over-hyped word for the merest hint that what you want is coming, then you probably won't be too depressed yet. Vaguely recognise the following, anyone?
"Hey, I'd love something cool like... and ice cream factory, or a space station, or a haunted house or something"
"Yeah, space station sounds cool"
"Love that space station idea"
"They're doing a space station?"
"When's the space station coming?"
"Awww man they didn't make a space station in this issue"
"...again, no space station"
"if we don't get our space station, I'm leaving!"
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Anyways, ramble over: I'm @Starblayde on Union for random roleplaying and levelling of my late-30s main or any of my pre-teens (those are security levels, tyvm!) alts.
Blueside Union: Starblayde (Blaster), Pax Imperia (Tanker), Pax Britannia (Defender)
Redside Union: Natasha Redshade (Stalker)
CoX is way to much fun to leave ...and it keeps getting better ... but then some people have been known to call me odd ..
*Raises Hand and plants feet firmly*
As we've seen a number of people openly say they're leaving, one of whom I call a friend, it's not a great advert for the game, a game that personally I'm enjoying more now than I have for a while, so I figured we could do with an 'I'm staying' thread. It may take off, it may not, but I think it's worth a go.
My name is Escalus, I play a broadsword scrapper on Union as a member of the Clean Handprint supergroup and I have no intentions of leaving the game.