NCsoft Brighton more trouble?




I have to agree with Mother Love here. They are way overdue with explanations to their customers.

Yes there should be a balance with what they tell us and what they tell their employees. I hope they told at least their employees whats going on because the balance right now is very skewed. And that is bad business.

First rule: Keep the customers happy.



And that is bad business

[/ QUOTE ]

That's pretty par for the course in my experience.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



I agree with Myopic. The day to day running of the game is not affected so far and clearly NC can't say anything yet for one reason or another or they would have done it already.

There is no point worrying about something which you have no control over. i'm sure we'll know when they are able to tell us, until then the 'We have a right to know posts' are a little pointless.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



Is that so? Well one thing did happen. I cannot log normally on anymore and have to log on without checking for updates. Probably coincidence but I am not certain that the devs are trying to solve that. Could be I worry to much we will see.



This thread just reminds me of a bunch of school kids.

"But whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy?"



'We have a right to know posts' are a little pointless.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was a great time to read the forums though

I agree with the majority though in that i dont feel as convinced as before about the support. I dont feel the urge/need to log onto my EU characters anymore and have cancelled my sub when this current one ends.
But my love for the game hasnt died and thus iv started over again state side Yes thats right people im Sellout-damz

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Is that so? Well one thing did happen. I cannot log normally on anymore and have to log on without checking for updates. Probably coincidence but I am not certain that the devs are trying to solve that. Could be I worry to much we will see.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's no evidence that has anything to do with this. Also if i remember rightly the fixes are done in America anyway and then rolled out over here. So it matters not either way.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



Yeah, because calling people you don't agree with "a bunch of school kids" always helps on internet forums.



Is that so? Well one thing did happen. I cannot log normally on anymore and have to log on without checking for updates. Probably coincidence but I am not certain that the devs are trying to solve that. Could be I worry to much we will see.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's no evidence that has anything to do with this. Also if i remember rightly the fixes are done in America anyway and then rolled out over here. So it matters not either way.

[/ QUOTE ]

Could be that is coincidence. It probably is. But I am not CONVINCED they are trying to solve it. See the difference? This is not a rational thought this is about feelings. I as customer don't feel that this company takes me seriously. My feelings towards this company and therefore this game gets negatively altered by this. Alienating their customers is never a good idea.



Yeah, because calling people you don't agree with "a bunch of school kids" always helps on internet forums.

[/ QUOTE ]

Reminds me of, and I was referring to everyone.

There's: Whhhhhhhhhy haven't NCWest spoken to us?
There's: Whhhhhhhhhy did this have to happen?
There's: Whhhhhhhhhy won't you shut up?

If everyone was to calm down, be a little patient - wait for i14 to be as ready as it can be, and such giving the dev team and related teams a bit of a break - we'd get some answers.

i14 is the most important thing for NCsoft now; and if we all want the game to continue - we should probably try and respect that.



Offical Post from GR.
Europe ain't going nowheres! ^^

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually its moving east at around 2cm per year

[/ QUOTE ]

Your data is incomplete Carbon Unit Scarlet,
Additionally your continent is moving at 65,000 mph or 29.17 km/s around Sol, which in turn is as part of The Milky Way and its neighbors (the so-called Local Group), are moving at 600 kilometers per second (1.34 million miles per hour) in the direction of the constellation Hydra with regards to a static point in space time.

- Whoops, wrong forums.

[/ QUOTE ]

So remember when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space
'Cause there's b**gger all down here on Earth..

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a great song



i14 is the most important thing for NCsoft now

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh purleeease,

Actually, making sure Aion doesn't tank is the most Important thing for NCSoft now, Do you even know how much NCSoft is counting on its success this year? - They can't even get out this quarters fiscal report without sprinkling some Aion-optimism all over it.



Ok. The section of NCsoft that concerns us, then.



i14 is the most important thing for NCsoft now

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh purleeease,

Actually, making sure Aion doesn't tank is the most Important thing for NCSoft now, Do you even know how much NCSoft is counting on its success this year? - They can't even get out this quarters fiscal report without sprinkling some Aion-optimism all over it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let's hope it doesn't tank. After the failures with Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa, the last thing NCSoft needs now is another MMO that does poorly. I think the better Aion does, the better it is for CoH and other NCSoft titles.



I doubt it will tank as the beta doing great in korea and I presume the figures are for pre-orders. It may not do so well here though as it seems to be to all intents and purposes Lineage 3 and another grindfest.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



I doubt it will tank as the beta doing great in korea and I presume the figures are for pre-orders. It may not do so well here though as it seems to be to all intents and purposes Lineage 3 and another grindfest.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is Lineage II... with prettier graphics and floaty light wings.

NCsoft are riding way to much on that title, there making the same mistake they made with TR.

As for the complete disregard of there EU player base ( I don't just mean us)... well the thing is we have been ignored for a long time now...for instance we have been playing on out dated servers for so long now, these servers can't break 200 users without threatening to have a ruddy seizure.

Server health alone has been a killer for this game, how many trial accounts have we had breeze through here in the last year? A lot ...but how many stayed? Not a lot.

Did anyone notice one of the biggest complaints from the trials was server lag and DC'ing?

It cant continue like this, the EU servers (to me) feel like they have been left to rot, even more so now we don't have any true EU representation.

OK rant over.



Thats a bit harsh Myopic , While open to the suggestion I may be worrying unnecessarily, I think we're due an explanation/apology thats all I'm saying. The lack of communication is terrible, and whats changed other than the news Avateas off to the states to represent us?, Issue 14 beta news?, anything else? - you convinced supports going to be ok with a skeleton staff?. Try reading back though the thread Myopic, Its not just rookie doom-mongers posting throughout - Its forum veterans as well who are angered by the lack of communication.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mother, they CANT come outright and spell out directly what's going ion until the redudancy process is complete. If they do they are opening themselves up for an almighty employment claim. Not least because the process is legislative.

Even letting Avateas take over is an almighty risk because if you make someone redundant, you are not allowed to fil that post for 3 months.

I'm very well versed in UK HR law but not in USA or international so maybe there is a loophole there somewhere.

But I think GR and others may well have a possible constructive dismissal claim simpl;y n the basis that someone is taking over their roles. As I say, I'm not 100% sure because of the UK / USA thing. But NC sure as heck wont want to predudice themselves any further.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



I think it's less making the post redundant and more moving it to the US for GR/Avatea's position. Move or take voluntary redundancy.

As for the "server health" issue, it's not the servers, it's the ludicrously poor routing between the data centre and us.

Aion however should quite easily be a massive hit in Asia, even without a strong Euro/US playerbase it should pull enough in to be worth it. I'm fairly certain that it'll get a good enough following this hemisphere anyway as have other Asian MMO's.

TR wanted to appeal to the FPS crowd and the MMO crowd. It didn't have nearly as much depth/immersion for the latter, and the gameplay wasn't anywhere near what the former were after. Which is a shame, TR was a fun game - there just wasn't enough there for most people.



As for the "server health" issue, it's not the servers, it's the ludicrously poor routing between the data centre and us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Continually shifting the blame on the poor performance of the EU servers does not make things any better. The buck stops with NCsoft they know where the problems lie and have the ability to fix it, they just don't seem to actually want to fix it....after all from what I can gather from there corporate site they pride themselves on giving there customers first class service. *snigger*

New and interested players don't give a carp about what's being routed where, they just want to play on a game that doesn't rubber band them and chuck them off the server every 10 darn minutes.



New and interested players don't give a carp about what's being routed where, they just want to play on a game that doesn't rubber band them and chuck them off the server every 10 darn minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

^^This. NC say the problem is "beyond their control", yet it's something that's been going on for such a long time surely someone would have considered moving the damn servers to a less crappily routed location? Yes I know there's a cost implication and it's not something that would be undertaken lightly, but if it's the main reason that new players are leaving, surely it should be given more serious consideration?

ML, whilst I agree with the sentiment of your posts and your ire, should we really be surprised? NC have always been legendarily poor at keeping us informed about goings on, so why should the situation now be any different?

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Ok. The section of NCsoft that concerns us, then.

[/ QUOTE ]

The whole of NCSoft concerns us, because if it goes belly up there will be no more CoX.

I really should do something about this signature.



it's something that's been going on for such a long time surely someone would have considered moving the damn servers to a less crappily routed location?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure they are considering it, but have you considered what is actually involved in such a move?

1) You load the servers onto the back of a van and drive them to the new location. The servers are closed completly for about a week, by which time all your customers have left.

2) You buy new servers at the new location and copy the data across. the only problem is NCSoft can't afford to buy new paperclips at the moment, and the banks sure aint lending.

And how do you decide where to move them to? Most of the Internet in Europe is on the brink of collapse due to a lack of investment.

I really should do something about this signature.




Mother, they CANT come outright and spell out directly what's going ion until the redudancy process is complete. If they do they are opening themselves up for an almighty employment claim. Not least because the process is legislative.

Even letting Avateas take over is an almighty risk because if you make someone redundant, you are not allowed to fil that post for 3 months.

I'm very well versed in UK HR law but not in USA or international so maybe there is a loophole there somewhere.

But I think GR and others may well have a possible constructive dismissal claim simpl;y n the basis that someone is taking over their roles. As I say, I'm not 100% sure because of the UK / USA thing. But NC sure as heck wont want to predudice themselves any further.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really... They're moving the jobs to the USA. As far as we know, GR and others were offered equivalent positions in the USA, or voluntary redundancy, so NC's backs are pretty much covered really. There's no claim there.

The "not allowed to replace for 3 months" thing doesn't apply either, as there IS no position in the UK anymore. That there is in the US is not relevant to British legislation.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



wait for i14 to be as ready as it can be

[/ QUOTE ]

So what your saying is NC won't tell us what is going on, There's no official explanation from NC other than GR's farewell and the community is very worried that it is not going to be listened to or talked to, but screw that issue 14 is out soon... oooo shiny. Wake up and smell the coffee. It smells like a big steaming cup of screw you.

As I see it we know have a marketing department in the EU. Which does what for CoX exactly? No GMs, No development, No QA, No Mods, No Web team, Not much of anything really. We have 1 mod who is in the states. GM response has been bad in the past, how good do you think it is going to be now?

I am still waiting for the announcement that due to not giving a damn what the EU players think the downtime will be moved to the same as the US servers as it is easier for the devs.

The EU community has always been a second class community to the devs. I can't see this making us more popular, or listened to. Personally I am not going to hang around unless we start getting some sort of response or reassurance. I remember all too well what SoE was like. No answers for the community and then a huge dump on them, with promises that it will be a shiny [censored] in the future.