NCsoft Brighton more trouble?




When they closed the Korean servers, they just gave them all US accounts; no character transfers at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

S*d that, I would expect everything related to my Character suite Red-side/Blue-side and SG ported over or replicated.

Major pouting and reconsiderations if not.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not reading through all 700+ posts.
If THAT happens...well, my characters die. Technically, obviously. But..t'hells with that.
Grim. Really grim.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Yep, I'd quit if THAT happens.



That's unlikely to happen to us I think. For a start there's a lot more of us, and we've been going a lot longer.



for anyone that finds the conference call streaming link doesn't work (and the download seems to be disabled) it's here too

I found too boring to listen to all of it but maybe someone else can point out highlights I dunno

[/ QUOTE ]
*listening atm*

See if i get some interesting things.
(if i can understand him correctly, they saved 1.8billion wan by dropping Tabula and redo of NC Europe).

Few things already dont make sence, if you compare it with the PDF file. (they refer to 'finished launching' Aion by 2nd half - so they have to start earlier).

Even LA2 is pretty old, they even got a 24% increase of sales of this game. damn. But, City of Heroes was mentioned! Wooo.

Once again they say headcount havent changed, so those lost at the NC Europe has been assumable filled up on the US side in the same quarter.

They estimate a 35-44% total increase of income for this year, they really putting their bets on their racehorse Aion, along a steady going LA/LA2, but a 'trend' declining GW. City of heroes.. not mentioned.

Their aim for 2009 is to be come number 1, not only domestic but also global. They think they will make more succes on their 'blockbusters' in development globaly. (me thinks he aims on GW2 Soul&blade and maybe another?).

Question round is starting, i edit later

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Well what can I say that hasnt already been said.....

First....My thoughts and best wishes to all the Staff of NCSoft that have been shafted at this most unfortunate of times or anytime.

I hope I can speak for the rest of the community in wishing you all the best for the future and thank you for all your work and dedication on behalf of all those who have enjoyed the City Of experience.

Rant Starts.....look away now if you are of a sensitive disposition
If you are a representative of very close attention as this is for you NCSoft/Norcal or what ever brand, trade mark you are hiding behind these days......You have seriously, royally and utterly demonstrated a staggering ammount of arrogance and publics relations incompetence that truely beggers belief. I can understand your reorganising your business model ( such a harsh phrase when it affects actual people ) but to alienate your customer base ??????? Your pr guy/gal/team should be marched out and given a short stand up against a sunny wall with a brief cigarette.

Personally I do not think your "business model" will stand much more of such inaction. Do not try and hide behind EU HR laws, we have unfortunately seen far too many economic disasters recently to know that as a lie.The news headlines constantly report.
Do not use the excuse that you are not saying anything for the benefit of the staff affected you have already demonstrated that you are prepared to kick them in the teeth for your own sake..."I'm all right Jack" eh

And to our American gamer cousins....feel safe and settled ?
started looking over your shoulder yet ? I have a horrible feeling that this staggering disregard for paying subscribers has not finished yet

Looking for another MMO ? GW2 seem like a good idea ? still havent learnt yet have you

See you in GW2....not if it was the last MMO on earth.

The future ? Server Transfers ? Server Merges ? Not my concern my money is not going to finance it, -2 subscriptions right here.

Rant Off

Take Care all the Brighton staff. May the future bring you all your dreams and desires

*Edited for [censored] poor spelling*



Ah cheers Sinergy.

Hmm perhaps it is a subtle hint to the guys at the EU office that as the album/single title says 'the final countdown'

Still I think we've all got the panic out of our systems and gone through the 5 stages.

1) Confusion.
2) Anger.
3) Panic.
4) Theorising.
5) tired of being confused, angry and paniced (there is little to no acceptance ).

[/ QUOTE ]

I skipped 1 through 3, started at 4 - not gotten to 5 yet

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yep, I'd quit if THAT happens.

[/ QUOTE ]That's unlikely to happen to us I think. For a start there's a lot more of us, and we've been going a lot longer.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think most of you know me as a fairly ardent supporter of CoH but, to be honest, If NCNC do not work hard (and I mean really hard) to satisfy the playerbase if there is a merge or keep up remote if we stay where we are.... Then quite honestly 'The City of' Franchise does deserve to pass for NC Soft.

It would be a great shame if that happened, I would much rather It goes on to compete with the young upstart competition and fulfil its full potential, - but I refuse to support it further if its subscribers are treated like this.

I'm pretty much spent on worrying about my favourite MMO and its future, from now onwards I am just going to wait and see what is said re:any announcement or apology for the last couple of days.

All I can say is it had better be damn good.



So far, in terms of people directly involved with City of Heroes that are confirmed to have "possible redundancies" are... oh hey - Ghost Raptor. I can see that having a massive impact on the day to day running of the servers.


He's already stated GM's etc are staying.



I almost feel slightly abnormal for being more curious/interested about what's happening than worried/concerned like some others seem to be. I'll cross whatever bridge comes when it comes. Until then it's wait and see.

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!



Ok, the conference call question part, in short...

Aion this, aion that, aion this, aion that. Then finaly at 47minutes they asked GW2, why the huge delay. Basicly, they rewrote bunch of stuff to even make it bigger, better and anything that GW could have been. Now to link this to NCWest, the issues.. interesting.

Anyway, City of Heroes was never mentioned.. Again.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



See the 2nd line of my previous post Extremus, -I appreciate a skeleton staff are staying, -I appreciate they are refocusing EU.side on marketing etc, but If whats left of NCsoft Europe or any remote NC Soft(U.S) support do struggle to provide the same quality (or better) of In-game support if servers stay where they are, It won't really amount to much will it.



Considering people were offered the same/similar role in the US I'm not exactly worried that support for EU COH will suddenly dissapear with no warning.

Infact I'm pretty sure we've already got a few stateside GM's handling queries.



Considering people were offered the same/similar role in the US I'm not exactly worried that support for EU COH will suddenly dissapear with no warning.

Infact I'm pretty sure we've already got a few stateside GM's handling queries.

[/ QUOTE ]

Less logic, more doom mongering pls

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



Considering people were offered the same/similar role in the US I'm not exactly worried that support for EU COH will suddenly dissapear with no warning.

Infact I'm pretty sure we've already got a few stateside GM's handling queries.

[/ QUOTE ]

Less logic, more doom mongering pls

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack's coming back.

That sort of thing, you mean?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



Considering people were offered the same/similar role in the US I'm not exactly worried that support for EU COH will suddenly dissapear with no warning.

Infact I'm pretty sure we've already got a few stateside GM's handling queries.

[/ QUOTE ]

Less logic, more doom mongering pls

[/ QUOTE ]

*Private Frazer voice* .. We're Dooooomed!



I'm not exactly worried that support for EU COH will suddenly dissapear with no warning.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not worried either that support will suddenly disappear for EU.COH - I AM worried that the support staff left will be stretched beyond what is normally deemed an exceptable level of service. I've had an account problem that took a couple of days to resolve properly before!... and that was before both sets of EU.staff cuts down at Brighton.
The alternative will be U.S support handles more of our account problems - I don't fancy how long any Account or In-game help will take if we are in different time zones.

I'd rather be offered a transfer thankyou.



I'm not exactly worried that support for EU COH will suddenly dissapear with no warning.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not worried either that support will suddenly disappear for EU.COH - I AM worried that the support staff left will be stretched beyond what is normally deemed an exceptable level of service. I've had an account problem that took a couple of days to resolve properly before!... and that was before both sets of EU.staff cuts down at Brighton.
The alternative will be U.S support handles more of our account problems - I don't fancy how long any Account or In-game help will take if we are in different time zones.

I'd rather be offered a transfer thankyou.

[/ QUOTE ]
The flaw there is that, with a transfer, you'll still be in a different time zone to the US support staff.

Also I'm pretty sure no actual game support staff were made redundant in the last round of cuts.




"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



I'm not exactly worried that support for EU COH will suddenly dissapear with no warning.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not worried either that support will suddenly disappear for EU.COH - I AM worried that the support staff left will be stretched beyond what is normally deemed an exceptable level of service. I've had an account problem that took a couple of days to resolve properly before!... and that was before both sets of EU.staff cuts down at Brighton.
The alternative will be U.S support handles more of our account problems - I don't fancy how long any Account or In-game help will take if we are in different time zones.

I'd rather be offered a transfer thankyou.

[/ QUOTE ]
The flaw there is that, with a transfer, you'll still be in a different time zone to the US support staff.

Also I'm pretty sure no actual game support staff were made redundant in the last round of cuts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope... some support staff members were cut down in the last storm IIRC


If you include billing, accounts etc as well into that section of "support staff"

I seem to remember Avatea saying something about having to deal with a different person to get game time codes etc sorted out after the last cull.




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*Private Frazer voice* .. We're Dooooomed!

[/ QUOTE ]

Stop rolling your eyes Frazer..

Kneeling girls! Statues driving cars! What's going on? Ten years ago a man was arrested in the area for driving statues around in a car. Was it him?

@Ted Maul - The Echelon