NCsoft Brighton more trouble?




Sorry, didn't notice that you also suggested to make language selection clientside. Not sure it's the way to go, though... 1st rule of netcoding is that yes, Yossarian was right, they all are trying to hack you, and the less is decided on the client, the better. But in this case this might be just paranoia.




Yes while the "its your ISP" response is a royal pain in the [censored] not reporting the problem is worse as it'll be assumed that there's no problem. the unfortunate thing is that its always the user that has to prove the problems not there end and its something else and it can take a lot of time to convince them other wise.

but doing nothing about it wont help solve it




Yes while the "its your ISP" response is a royal pain in the [censored] not reporting the problem is worse as it'll be assumed that there's no problem. the unfortunate thing is that its always the user that has to prove the problems not there end and its something else and it can take a lot of time to convince them other wise.

but doing nothing about it wont help solve it

[/ QUOTE ]

They have had 4 years and thousands of /bug's to solve it, before people got sick of the same jank and gave up.



and you can say without a shadow of a doubt that all those bug reports reported were the same bug

I know for a fact I've had at least 2 problems that turned out not to be a problem with CoH but a problem my end



but doing nothing about it wont help solve it

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I agree. However, reporting it doesn't work either.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



and you can say without a shadow of a doubt that all those bug reports reported were the same bug

I know for a fact I've had at least 2 problems that turned out not to be a problem with CoH but a problem my end

[/ QUOTE ]

No but i do know for a fact that the position of the servers is the biggest problem, something they knew from the get go, and still have done nothing about.



The really incredible thing is you get a period of lag. The whole 8 man team you're on get it. Every team that every member of your SG is on gets it for the same length of time, hell even the Union Chat channel reports it, and you bug it and get "Check your router settings".

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



The really incredible thing is you get a period of lag. The whole 8 man team you're on get it. Every team that every member of your SG is on gets it for the same length of time, hell even the Union Chat channel reports it, and you bug it and get "Check your router settings".

[/ QUOTE ]
Like I said a few posts back:

It could really do with a diagnostic panic button in the client - hit this button (or slash command) and it'll log network and client performance data for 5 min, and gives an option at the end to send the data to NC tech support. Then we could hit that button (or fire that command) when we hit these periods of 'lag' and it wouldn't interfere with the battle we're in the middle of.

[/ QUOTE ]
Make it easy (i.e. 1-click) to get data as the problem hits and to submit the data. They'd soon take a closer look at the issue if every time this hit they got inundated by data dumps showing them how widespread the issue was with few commonalities near the client end...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)




It could really do with a diagnostic panic button in the client

[/ QUOTE ]
But... But that'd spoil our department's OBJECTIVE METRICS! Number of issues resolved and closed goes down, percentage of issues answered by form letters goes down, clients satisfaction (objectively mesasured) would go down. Besides, we don't have dev's time for such silliness anyway. It's your ISP, honestly. Don't touch our bug report farm!
/sarcasm off

That said, I did receive quite good replies from the tech support. Not on the lag though. Never /bugged it.



you convinced supports going to be ok with a skeleton staff?

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty sure I've said it already in this thread, but seems it bears mentioning again: there have been no redundancies in the CS team this time around. They are continuing with the same number of staff they had at the end of last year.

As for an explanation from NCsoft West: they've given one to the press, and it's been reproduced in a few places. Copy'n'Paste from a Massively article:

"In order to solidify and streamline company operations across all NCsoft West territories, we are implementing some structural changes this week which will impact 70 to 90 employees. We are working with these employees to determine the best fit for approximately 80 alternate positions within the company.
The European office is transitioning to have a stronger focus in marketing and sales, with many of the existing disciplines being consolidated in our studios on the US West Coast and our headquarters in Seattle. Additionally, we are transitioning to an embedded quality assurance (QA) model in which the QA staff works in our studios directly with the development teams, providing support throughout the entire development process.
This finalizes the NCsoft West reorganization plan which began last September, and the resulting structure will better support the company's direction."
- NCsoft PR

[/ QUOTE ]



Even letting Avateas take over is an almighty risk because if you make someone redundant, you are not allowed to fil that post for 3 months.

[/ QUOTE ]

Avatea's role will be different from mine (although what you all will see will be similar), and she'll be based in the NCNC office. I had the option of making that move or taking voluntary redundancy, and I've chosen the latter.



Even letting Avateas take over is an almighty risk because if you make someone redundant, you are not allowed to fil that post for 3 months.

[/ QUOTE ]

Avatea's role will be different from mine (although what you all will see will be similar), and she'll be based in the NCNC office. I had the option of making that move or taking voluntary redundancy, and I've chosen the latter.

[/ QUOTE ]

When do you leave us, GR?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Avatea's role will be different from mine (although what you all will see will be similar), and she'll be based in the NCNC office. I had the option of making that move or taking voluntary redundancy, and I've chosen the latter.

[/ QUOTE ]
How will she ever comply to the timezone difference? Afaik thats 8 hours (or was it 7? meh wintertime and stuff), making quite some gaps in rolling out and moderating the forums. (we are already pretty active when US side still is in a deep sleep).

Hm, sad to keep asking questions to you though, knowing we soon loose you too. Only some PR notice to a MMO website was apperently sufficient to give a reply to the EU.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



a big steaming cup of screw you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that decaffeiniated?

[/ QUOTE ]

ew no.. yuk. Decaff is the devils brew.



How will she ever comply to the timezone difference? Afaik thats 8 hours (or was it 7? meh wintertime and stuff), making quite some gaps in rolling out and moderating the forums. (we are already pretty active when US side still is in a deep sleep).

Hm, sad to keep asking questions to you though, knowing we soon loose you too. Only some PR notice to a MMO website was apperently sufficient to give a reply to the EU.

[/ QUOTE ]

She'll either work non-standard hours to comply with the EU timezones, or forum modding will have an 8 hour lag.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



a big steaming cup of screw you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that decaffeiniated?

[/ QUOTE ]

ew no.. yuk. Decaff is the devils brew.

[/ QUOTE ]

And probably the most pointless product ever invented.

Next you'll be telling me they make lactose free milk and alchohol free beer *chuckle*

.. ah.. waitaminute...

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



She'll either work non-standard hours to comply with the EU timezones, or forum modding will have an 8 hour lag

[/ QUOTE ]

Non standard hours are big money in California, so I guess it'll be the 8 hour lag moderation.



a big steaming cup of screw you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that decaffeiniated?

[/ QUOTE ]

ew no.. yuk. Decaff is the devils brew.

[/ QUOTE ]

And probably the most pointless product ever invented.

Next you'll be telling me they make lactose free milk and alchohol free beer *chuckle*

.. ah.. waitaminute...

[/ QUOTE ]

I drink decaf , I like the coffee taste but not the manic hyperactivity that comes when you mix me with caffeine.

Expresso is not my friend



a big steaming cup of screw you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that decaffeiniated?

[/ QUOTE ]

ew no.. yuk. Decaff is the devils brew.

[/ QUOTE ]

And probably the most pointless product ever invented.

Next you'll be telling me they make lactose free milk and alchohol free beer *chuckle*

.. ah.. waitaminute...

[/ QUOTE ]

I think that diet, caffeine free coke is the most pointless. Just brown water with bubbles.




As for an explanation from NCsoft West: they've given one to the press, and it's been reproduced in a few places. Copy'n'Paste from a Massively article:

"In order to solidify and streamline company operations across all NCsoft West territories, we are implementing some structural changes this week which will impact 70 to 90 employees. We are working with these employees to determine the best fit for approximately 80 alternate positions within the company.
The European office is transitioning to have a stronger focus in marketing and sales, with many of the existing disciplines being consolidated in our studios on the US West Coast and our headquarters in Seattle. Additionally, we are transitioning to an embedded quality assurance (QA) model in which the QA staff works in our studios directly with the development teams, providing support throughout the entire development process.
This finalizes the NCsoft West reorganization plan which began last September, and the resulting structure will better support the company's direction."
- NCsoft PR

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

The real iisue here is that this message should have gone out to the customer base at the same time as it went to the press. Finding out this sort of information third hand really has done no favours for NCSoft or NCWest - even worse considering NCSofts stated values of Openess, Integrity and Agile all of which I would say have been completely failed by the lack of communication in this.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant