NCsoft Brighton more trouble?




Gracious, this is all turning rather political! - em,cower

I've emailed practically every global NCSoft PR department I can think of on three continents and let them know in no uncertain words exactly what I think of the current situation, and pointed them the way of this thread.

All I can say is if somebody... anybody doesn't get back to us to let us know what is happening - then I'm sorry but there is something fundamentally wrong with the company as a global business. There is no business scenario including a company takeover that warrants total communication blackout for your customers.

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After seeing GR posting here and don't (can't) say a word about things streghtened the idea of silenced employees scenario more. So as higher places didn't say a word in this time of crisis... well we are kinda alone for now. They will inform us when they please/pity us. Honestly if they will decide to say something after 3 days i will never trust their honesty either.

So i think i will join Statsis and others on greener pastures in the end. That disrespect they shoved us is unforgiveable in my opinion.



Q4 numbers are out folks.

Looks like things [censored]'d in September, but improved very slightly by December...

Either way, 13,823 concurrent users for US/EU combined is rubbish.

Games sales are, however, up. From 5,416 in Q1 to 6,865 in Q4, increasing steadily throughout the year.

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I can't see it but I am having a blind as a bat day, but does the sale include the Mac pack? I would imagine that several people bought it without actually increasing the player base.



so i ask u this If u were a PvP hardcorer (or even softcorer) would u be happy with they way that they (Castle in particular) treated this.

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I don't think we should turn this into a 'i hate the PvP changes thread'. To be honest i'm not a Pvp'er, i dabble now and then but not to an extent that i would say it part of my gaming life. However i did play enough before and after to notice the changes. To be honest i felt that they'd tried to make it more equal and accessible for all rather than those top few who would just blitz everyone and make it less fun for others, especially new people.

What people have to remember is this isn't City of Veterans. It has to cater to new people too and obviously they felt that PvP didn't, as i did when i first started it.

As i previously stated i find the fact of creating a ton of bugs then not fixing half of them until i14 far more negligent than anything they did to PvP.

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again another person who reads what they want to read (it isnt an i hate pvp thread) what im actually digging at therer is Castle and his communist PR skills (not the dire mess that PvP is in) one thing that is fairly certain a lot dropped off becoz of the pvp mess.

and the not fixing of bugs are just as much a problem as the mess of pvp (both are terrible and BOTH will put subscribers off (meaning bugs will put some off pvp will put others off))

What is indiputable is i13 has been an epic failure (as is my speeling)

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No thankyou, i read what i see and what i actually meant was i didn't think that this thread should be turned into an 'i hate the PvP changes' thread which is what so often happens when this is mentioned.

I also think people are giving the PvP changes far too much weight in what's happening now. Fact remains some were going to like the changes and some were not. The small proportion that actually would of left is insignificant imo and could have easily been evened out by new people joining and old people returning for i13, which i saw quite a few of in game.

Imho if someones going to throw a hissy fit over a few PvP changes which accounts for a small part of the game then we didn't need them here anyway. There is a whole load more to do in game to have fun with. if they really wanted to make a point they could have stayed and put their point across rather than leaving in some sort of false martyrdom.

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the only one turn this into a PVP debate is you

I mainly implied that Castle and his epic 1337 skillz at PR caused a alot of pvpers to leave.. i sorry but arrogant beligerent we do what we want and sod the rest of u attitude whihc is what he did cost the game a heck of a lot on subs (including some albeit not as many as pvpers)

you can not deny he has had a big part in the fall of subs

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I'm not debating the PvP changes, I'm debating whether or not they had a large negative effect on the subscription base as you suggest. Regardless of how Castle handled it as i have already said, you were either going to like them or hate them. Bit like marmite in that respect.

With all due respect Castle is answerable to other people and if he is told to make some changes to make the system fair to both new and old players and all AT's, then he has to go make those changes and there is nothing you, i or anyone else can do about it. Maybe he did deal with the PR wrongly but in his defence some people were never going to like it anyway.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



A couple of other things to consider.

I think we are mostly agreed that the plug was pulled on TR rather prematurely. It might never have recovered it's development costs, but it should have been able to turn a small operating profit.

The only reason I can see for axing it so suddenly is if the company desperatly needed to liquify assets to pay creditors.

Also, thier have been no posts (on anything) by deveropers/community staff on the US forums since the news broke. My inference is they are uncertain about thier own jobs.

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I agree completely. Killing TR just smacks of an urgent need for some cash, and silence from rednames in the US really DOES lend credence to something else afoot...

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Am I alone in thinking some kind of interntal coup's been pulled off by NCWest?

Are they trying to take control of CoX to either control it solely from the USA or maybe even sell it off?

If I've understood what I've been looking at, with TR having been executed so suddenly, CoX is their lowest performing MMO... by some margin. It's probably viable, but when compared to L1 and L2 and GW and Aion, it looks like the mutant runt of the litter now.

But we also need to consider what NCWest does? It doesn't have much else other than CoX right? (I think I'm right, again caveats apply.) So they need to control it to justify their own existence.

Something has happened in the board rooms and we possibly won't ever know the actual results - but it's not looking good right now

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I am right, and you're very welcome

pats Khorak on the head

Now run along like a good boy

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh shut up you idiot, you failed entirely to grasp the point being made and even enforced my reasoning that a united UK team would, and does, perform better.

Next time I'll write a lengthy treatise in crayon with a legal advisor, to make sure it's airtight enough to absolutely guarantee some tool like you can't ignore the entire subtext and explicit meaning in order to make some meaningless nitpick constructed entirely for some masturbatory smug satisfaction.

[/ QUOTE ]

What a beautifully constructed counter argument.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



This thread is the most hysterical block of doom-mongering ever to appear on these boards. Please don't forget to tar yourself with that brush,

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Indeed, and you will notice I entered this thread very late, in order to avoid DOOOM mongering, as I'm aware of how damaging it is.

I'm pretty sure it's too late to change anything now though, so it doesn't matter one way or the other.

TBH, I'm suprised CoX has lasted as long as it did. Around the time of issue 7 I didn't think it would get beyond issue 9.

I really should do something about this signature.




But we also need to consider what NCWest does? It doesn't have much else other than CoX right? (I think I'm right, again caveats apply.) So they need to control it to justify their own existence.

Something has happened in the board rooms and we possibly won't ever know the actual results - but it's not looking good right now

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NCWest is ArenaNet pretty much; run by ArenaNet people, staffed by ArenaNet people. The ArenaNet people are the ones who make Guild Wars.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



That disrespect they shoved us is unforgiveable in my opinion.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd be lying if I said I would not be considering all my options when there are other superhero MMOs to consider.
I'm just very grateful there are going to be other MMO options available for spandex-clad adventures.

The company is clearly haemorraging departments left right and centre in what is clearly the worst internal shake-up for years.
The lack of communication to subscribers and very public embarrasment for internal staff shown by the parent company could very well mean that even when the dust has settled and the new leaner meaner NCNC steps forward - there may not be many left who care to give a damn.



All I can say is if somebody... anybody doesn't get back to us to let us know what is happening

[/ QUOTE ]

such as the Baliffs carrying out the desks...

I really should do something about this signature.



Can we say same about i14? I don't think so especially on New Player point of view. People don't get into games to build mods for a game they know nothing about. At least that is my idea.

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Depends. If it's marketed <snort> properly it could be great... "Build your own Superhero Game" and released a new pack for it. Tho with I15 meant to conicide with the 5th anniversary I'd expect (under normal circumstances) a new box release to get the game into the shops.

I14 can be really good for the game but the biggest problem with CoX is that it's never been well marketed. Hell, GW and other NC products are in the shops but CoX hardly ever is these days

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk




I just looked at the page about NC Soft values and so I'm now certain that they'll talk to us as soon as possible.

BTW - I thought it's been mentioned that there were some US positions affected - did anyone find a linky about staff losses over there?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Just wow....
I never would have thought there will ever be a company as [censored] as sony online when it comes to customer support and information, now NCsoft has proven me wrong




I just looked at the page about NC Soft values and so I'm now certain that they'll talk to us as soon as possible.

BTW - I thought it's been mentioned that there were some US positions affected - did anyone find a linky about staff losses over there?

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I really don't understand why they'd offer jobs in America to the people in Brighton if they were going to cut jobs in America as well. It's morally dubious imo, unless they really didn't think anyone from Brighton would realistically choose to have a job in America.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.




But we also need to consider what NCWest does? It doesn't have much else other than CoX right? (I think I'm right, again caveats apply.) So they need to control it to justify their own existence.

Something has happened in the board rooms and we possibly won't ever know the actual results - but it's not looking good right now

[/ QUOTE ]

NCWest is ArenaNet pretty much; run by ArenaNet people, staffed by ArenaNet people. The ArenaNet people are the ones who make Guild Wars.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what I mean.

GW relies purely on box shifting to make money. Potentially CoX could be more profitable than GW... but somebody's got to drive that process.

Let's consider this: ArenaNet wouldn't want to bring CoX under their control for no obvious reason. If they wanted it to die they'd have let it wither on the vine so to speak. If this is a coup (and that is speculation I admit) and they've wrested control of CoX they'd wnt to do something with it.

Maybe they'll change the business model somehow, or plug some resources into it. I can't see much other reason for them to want to do this.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



"Agile: React with agility and don't miss chances"

Hahahahaha....Oh wait, they serious?

Bwahahahaha haaaha hahaaa haaaaaaa
(falls off chair laughing)

Seriously though, I don't think the NCSoft Global site has been updated in a while, half the email contacts under 'contact us' are dead as a doornail and you just get failure at webmaster notifications back.



If I've understood what I've been looking at, with TR having been executed so suddenly, CoX is their lowest performing MMO... by some margin. It's probably viable, but when compared to L1 and L2 and GW and Aion, it looks like the mutant runt of the litter now.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, CoH/V is bringing in more income than GW. Total sales for 2008 was 24,218 Kr Mn Won (which is just under 12 million GBP, for CoH/V, and 23,227 Kr Mn Won for GW. The trend is towards CoH/V as well - that figure is actually a slight increase from 2007.

Obviously it's also outperforming Aion at the moment, but that will likely change unless Aion is a complete flop.

Still, it's only really the Lineage games that are bigger right now.




I just looked at the page about NC Soft values and so I'm now certain that they'll talk to us as soon as possible.

BTW - I thought it's been mentioned that there were some US positions affected - did anyone find a linky about staff losses over there?

[/ QUOTE ]

I really don't understand why they'd offer jobs in America to the people in Brighton if they were going to cut jobs in America as well. It's morally dubious imo, unless they really didn't think anyone from Brighton would realistically choose to have a job in America.

[/ QUOTE ]

Possibly because the jobs they were offering Stateside are at a different area to where the jobs are being cut, and the people being cut in Austin (I think it was) are being offered the same deal to another US office.



Obviously it's also outperforming Aion at the moment, but that will likely change unless Aion is a complete flop.

[/ QUOTE ]

What does Aion really have that will sell it to a western market though, appart from pretty graphics which will make it run like a slide show on a lot of PCs?

I really should do something about this signature.



Then you are blind, it hasnt effected me in way except its fab news for my business, but it quite obviously is real.

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What does your business do? Few industries flourish in a recession, liquidators/administrators and corporate lawyers are the only two that spring to mind for me.

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Been inside Primark lately? or the cheaper end food stores?
Anything cheap and cheerful and essential (food clothes etc) is going to score a hit.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



Things must be getting bad when I think Lionsbane is talking sense...

I really should do something about this signature.



"Agile: React with agility and don't miss chances"

Hahahahaha....Oh wait, they serious?

Bwahahahaha haaaha hahaaa haaaaaaa
(falls off chair laughing)

Seriously though, I don't think the NCSoft Global site has been updated in a while, half the email contacts under 'contact us' are dead as a doornail and you just get failure at webmaster notifications back.

[/ QUOTE ]

NCSoft's official motto on their site used to be "Always bring you the great pleasure" for years I hadn't checked it until recently but seems someone must've pointed out the chinglish/konglish ... I doubt the english site has ever had much attention given to it other than copypasting stuff from the corporate handbook or whatever



Things must be getting bad when I think Lionsbane is talking sense...

[/ QUOTE ]



Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Actually if anyone is to be blamed for spreading the doom and gloom to the US side Sugar Rush, then that would be myself, intially telling the Americans it's bigger than just a few people losing their jobs as they beleived and that it was a wider cutback.

Trust me I don't think those lashing hurt as much as this toothache right now (no emergency dentists in the area, NHS dentist didn't listen to me at all (told her it was an abcess and she was determined to tell me it was a root infection), didn't even give me antibotics for the infection as was going to operate today, went to see a private dentist recommended by my father today and got antibotics (and took one look at my face and said it was an abcess), and scheduled in for a root canal surgery, yes it's costing me £250 in total but the NHS dentis, after the way she treated me, can bugger off).

To be fair just a simple, "we understand you're all kind of nervous right now but rest assured you will have news within a week" wouldn't have put to bed any of the fears we've all got BUT it would have let more people do the 'lets just wait and see' approach rather than be incredibly worried with no news and silence.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Just wow....
I never would have thought there will ever be a company as [censored] as sony online when it comes to customer support and information, now NCsoft has proven me wrong

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you have to keep in mind that the number of people on the Euro boards, and therefore even knows this is going on, is pretty dirisable. And the number miffed by lack of feedback is even less than that. So I dont think they consider us to be a priority.

And besides, there is another reason they are saying nothing. And it's all about HR.

GR has not been made redundant. He has been put at risk of being made redundant. They are two legislatively speaking distinctly different things.
By law the company has to operate a period of consultancy with him and others affected.
During that time they cant make announcements that suggest the situation is a feta compli (ie he WILL be made redundant) because GR could then claim for constructive dismaissal and probably win.

Redundancy has to be SEEN to work in a certain way, even if both sides privately know what the outcome is going to be.

And i suspect that is why the silence.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



Who's worried?

Sometimes when the apocalypse happens the best thing to do is sit back and enjoy the fireworks...

I really should do something about this signature.