NCsoft Brighton more trouble?




The Servers slightly less so, mainly due to the time difference (you get a fair few After School Special teams which can be... odd). But if there was an (un)official EU server it'd mitigate that more.

[/ QUOTE ]
The (un) part will be very unlikely, NC keeps the serverstuff pretty secured (ok, LA2 excluded, but they activly hunt for em).

Ok, forums are bitty weird (due timezone too), the servers itself are ok, they have few more stuff then we have such as the sewer hunts. You just need to blend in a bit

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, US Sewer hunts are the most fun I've ever had starting a character. By the time you emerge (either by fighting your way through to the Kings entrance or by Death Taxi) you've gained 7 levels in under an hour.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well let me guess, you never started a new alt on Union, Atlas? We are doing it all the time and many runs include Atlas Bank mission. I mostly leave that core team around level 12-14 if they decide to continue Midnighters arc in Steel too.

[/ QUOTE ]
depends... I started a new troller a week ago, and had to solo Atlas and Kings banks (Although I did join a team which did Atlas+Midnighters, but after I soloed the bank, and the team desintegrated after Lady Jane. (we had to re-try it two times, and then arc's owner had to go) ) Partially that's because of an odd hours I was playing, though. It's still better than it used to be. (My defender I play from time to time had teams from Atlas to The Hollows to Faultline, and he's storm, not emp or kin. ADD: and yes, it's in the search comment)

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh i think i know who were your team leader

Yeah it was really hard to say goodbye but i had to go as i explained. We did an amazing job with Lady Jane tho'. I can be dumb sometimes, i should i pointed you and others that you can also start arc anytime you want by talking with the contact in Uni, the one you get a pop up window when you level up to 10, Montague.

Anyway if you see me online again with Araf send me a tell. If i ain't in a team we can start one anytime. Better you can add me to your globals; @Knightly.

Have fun.



Sigh* - still no post from NC West huh?, how very sad, how very predictable.

Dumping on the like this and leaving us hanging void of explanations has done irreparable damage to the company in my opinion. I had just re-subscribed for another 6 months but fear that every day without explanation means I'll be further away from resubscribing in September - I'll have to see what they say when they can be bothered to put in an appearance.

Shadowe: Thanks for the info update.

GhostRaptor I'm so very sorry this has affected you, I think the short time you have been here you have done a fine job, I'm sure it hasn't been easy with the reduced staff but you were responsible for resurrecting 'Creative Genius' which everybody enjoyed and the opening couple of blogs on GhostRaptor's Hideout were coming along very nicely! - Its a horrible gut-wrenching situation but best of luck with whatever you decide to do from here.

Carpenter I believe further steps go something like this:
1. Speculation
2 . Inuuendo and jokey Doom
3. Fact creeps in
4. Doom solifies
5. Facts confirmed
6. Specualtion
7. Wild speculation
8. Panic at the disco
9. Blame
10. Arm waving
11. Conjecture
12. Sleep

[/ QUOTE ]
13. Wake Up/Realisation/Sadness
14. Anger
15. Bitterness
16. Acceptance
17. US Transfer / Champions-Online / DC Universe Online.

I have to say I'm pretty disgusted at NC West's behaviour, not so much now that this has happened because as FFM indicated earlier on in this thread, It is clear the EU.arm of operations for CoX is not sustainable, but more because there is no excuse for leaving us hanging in the wind like this. I would suggest they just get it over and done with, concentrate on GuildWars and Aion and give us a full and comprehensive transfer to the US servers which clearly offers better service and forum feedback on this our beloved CoX. I'd say please be careful not to be haphazard or half-hearted about transfers, because as people have indicated... If they lose aspects of their characters they have worked hard to create they'll just leave. It may be easier for NCWest/NCSoft in the short-term to do a Tabula-rasa style offer but it will work out far worse for them in the longterm. EU.Subscribers will just leave.

I'm waiting to hear from NCWest next, but honestly!, they couldn't of done a better job at pushing 150,000 subscribers further towards the competition if they'd tried. How sad.

So, If the suspected transfers go ahead, I'll see you stateside - or If the US.account transfer offers are poor...Hope to see all your characters I love replicated in Millenium City or Metropolis/Gotham.



Personally I hope they keep the EU servers as is and just merge the forums so we can post in the US (would mean a chance of more direct interaction with the devs for us). It's how they do it in another game I play (though it's possible to play on *both* EU and US servers with the same account there).




As of... 19 minutes ago... GR woke up with a hangover.

He's also hungry.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*




As of... 19 minutes ago... GR woke up with a hangover.

He's also hungry.

[/ QUOTE ]

So... I take it that means he's not actually at work, and possibly won't be returning there?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Maybe, hope hope *finger crossed*, ghost raptor can continue work to the upcomming Aion? If i would leave CoX, Aion would be the reason.

Added, NCWest, its like 9am in the morning there now?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Maybe, hope hope *finger crossed*, ghost raptor can continue work to the upcomming Aion? If i would leave CoX, Aion would be the reason.

Added, NCWest, its like 9am in the morning there now?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!




As of... 19 minutes ago... GR woke up with a hangover.

He's also hungry.

[/ QUOTE ]


... at least, thats how it plays out in my little world.



I’d like to remain optimistic.

There is a lot of speculation about being transferred to the US, but why do we think that the EU servers cannot be maintained to its current standard from the team in America?





If anybodys taken the name "noob buster" on the US servers i swear there will be hell

[/ QUOTE ]i hope ur happy now just seen you on them us forums



I’d like to remain optimistic.

There is a lot of speculation about being transferred to the US, but why do we think that the EU servers cannot be maintained to its current standard from the team in America?

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think there's much doubt that they could maintain them.

Whether they'll [u]want[u] the extra hassle of supporting a separate data centre, half the servers of which need special translation services for mods, is a different matter.



If anybodys taken the name "noob buster" on the US servers i swear there will be hell

[/ QUOTE ]i hope ur happy now just seen you on them us forums

[/ QUOTE ]

Only a trial account atm But i do want to test their servers out though too. Posted a thread asking if anybody know how i can change the EU file to the US version (total techno noob).

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Including the Shirley Crabtree Appreciation Society?

[/ QUOTE ]

Shirley Crabtree was a horrible worker and was equally horrible towards his fellow professionals in the industry and was caught plenty of times showing absolute distain for the fans that came to see him when the TV cameras were turned off. He only ever got booked high up on the card because his brother was the promoter.

[/ QUOTE ]

And you know this how, exactly? Because I knew him since I was born, and he was NEVER like that to me, nor did I ever see him acting like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well if you never had any issues with him then that’s fair game. I'm sure that despite his reputation in the wrestling business he was a sound bloke with immediate family and friends and neighbours.

Being in the wrestling industry myself for some time, I soon figured out that there is a tonne of BS that goes around about people and I would not have said anything if only a handful of people spoke ill of him.

It is hard for me not to say though when everyone I ever met in the business whether it be old time wrestlers that worked with him, promoters, venue managers, ring crews and old school fans that met him in person always say nasty things about how he was with people ether in the business or fans of it.

As far as commenting on his work, you only have to look at footage of his in ring performance to see that he was not a very good worker. I did not have to hear stories from the older guys about getting unnecessarily injured because of the way he didn’t safely work, old footage of him can make me cringe when he performs moves to another worker with me saying "Damn! That had to hurt" but not in the good way.

The fact that he for most of the time he only ever did Tag Matches with more younger talented workers doing most of the work while he stood outside waiting for the “hot tag” did not improve the perception of his work ethic. Don't get me wrong, on the showmanship side of doing that he was good at that and it served a purpose. It allowed younger guys like Dynamite to get the rub from being involved in a tag match with him. But when it came clear that the public began to see how much better the other talent was compared to him and his and his brother's refusal to allow the transition to happen for newer stars to take the ball, as seems to be always the case for pro wrestling throughout history, problems were going to happen and affect a great of lot of people that really did not deserve the issues that came as a result.

It would be unfair of me to say that the Crabtree's were solely responsible for the demise and continuing stagnation of the British Wrestling scene. It would be inaccurate of me though to say that they are not a major part of it though.

The spectre of their "legacy" still haunts the British industry and even to this day is preventing a lot of hard working people in this country from getting the break they deserve in the business.

If what I am saying is upsetting you because you knew him personally then I am sorry. I am not aiming to upset or insult you. I am just coming from someone that managed to get into the same industry he was in and repeating what the industry thought of him.

It’s not a nice situation when I look at it. It almost like a reverse situation of Jake Roberts and his father. Grisly Adams was very well respected by his peers in the industry and they all spoke very well of him but as Jake said, "What was he like at home though?"

In the case of Crabtree, like I say it is very likely that he was a great guy at home and with his family, friends and neighbours. But what was he like to the wrestling industry?

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



If anybodys taken the name "noob buster" on the US servers i swear there will be hell

[/ QUOTE ]i hope ur happy now just seen you on them us forums

[/ QUOTE ]

Only a trial account atm But i do want to test their servers out though too. Posted a thread asking if anybody know how i can change the EU file to the US version (total techno noob).

[/ QUOTE ]

Just rename the updater exe to "Cohupdater.exe" instead of "CohUpdater.EU.exe".

In fact, you've probably already got that file.

It WILL ask you to reinstall.. Just install over the top, will only take it a second as it'll see the files there and just make the new registry entries.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I got Big Daddy's autograph when I was tiny - think I still have it in a cupboard somewhere.



A friend sent me a link that I think a few of you would be interested in seeing. Howver I don't think it's appropriate I posted the link here, so I'll let you check out my blog instead

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



All i can say is take it away Gir

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



6 months is nothing. CoH is approaching 5 years of doom now!

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Have been avoiding commenting on this thread in the hope that it turned out to be all wrong but its looking more and more like its all true

so my sympathies to those that have lost there jobs you'll all be missed.



This speculation is getting more and more far fetched...

Lets just stop, breathe slowly and await the official word on what will happen.



First off: Major condolences to all those who lost their jobs as a result of this.

Secondly, the "if the worst happens" bit: My gut feeling is that FFM is right - it's probably too much hassle trying to maintain servers with few staff unless a team in the US ends up doing virtually everything remotely.

So IF administrations ends up being moved to the US, it probably makes sense for them to physically MOVE the servers over there. They already have all the infrastructure in place, so adding four extra servers to the US server farm is probably not that big a deal given that they're all running exactly the same code.

The alternative is a PR fiasco where we get forceably absorbed into the existing US server farm (with all the character/global renaming that implies). I'm being quietly Optimistic here... worst comes to the worst, they could probably get away with bunging us all onto the one "new" US server - the 'European' server.



This speculation is getting more and more far fetched...

Lets just stop, breathe slowly and await the official word on what will happen.

[/ QUOTE ]
Without official word, a very common responce is speculating.

If this indeed was planned already last year, they at least had plenty of time to prepare a decent announcement for the players. Leaving them in the dark, from 1 day on another, with still the bitter taste of last year, aint doing good at all.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!