Snowman Competition




clearly our infrastructure was not designed to handle.
The rest of the snowbound world must be in fits of laughter at fragile little Blighty grinding to a halt over a couple of inches of snow.

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Would you really want your tax money used to buy the heavy plant that would be required, and then sit rusting in a garage for several years? Places like Berlin or Moscow, they have to buy the stuff, because it gets used for several months every year.

The UK isn't more fragile, it's just less predictable.

Oh, and there is a lot more than a couple of inches of snow here at the moment.

I really should do something about this signature.



I don't even think its the councils that are to blame i instead blame the general public I've never understood the fact that you get more than a light covering of snow and the entire populace of a city grind to a halt

"OMG Snow i cant go out in that i cant drive in that"

yet they still go out?

Its only bloody snow don't drive like a nob and you'll be fine but no in general you either end up with nobody willing to move or driving like a nob and then being surprised when they hit the brakes and they don't stop.

Most annoying are people with 4x4s there made for this kind of weather but no there's dear old mum on the school run doing something like 1 mile a hour :O why get a 4x4 and not use it as such??? personally I've a old 1991 VW t4 the ABS is non existent the power steering works if it feels like it yet i can quite happily drive in the snow at a reasonable speed without fear.

If your not gonna drive correctly don't go on the roads and don't complain about the fact that you cant drive on the roads were in the 21st century I'm sure you can find some way of amusing yourselves.

So in short don't blame the councils they were more than likely out gritting and salting the roads before the weather started and instead if you don't like it stay in and stop moaning.



Hehe, thats great - love the detailing on the ghost



So in short don't blame the councils they were more than likely out gritting and salting the roads before the weather started and instead if you don't like it stay in and stop moaning.

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My road has been nither gritted or salted (in fact they can't use salt now, too damaging to the environment).

I really should do something about this signature.




My road has been nither gritted or salted (in fact they can't use salt now, too damaging to the environment).

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Wish they'd realise it over here in sweden...
as soon a snow flake comes they salt the roads, my car is covered in a thick layer of salt and it doesn't come off.




Love working retail, especially when all transport shuts down. Shortest shift ever.



Managed to dig the car out and make our way to Tescos, dig the car out of the car park, make our way back at 10mph, get the car skidding to be sideways in the road at one point, but have food. Which is good.



Here at the college I work at we have just been given the word from senior management that we can leave 30mins early to try and avoid traffic.

Short shift for me personally as I had come in at 11:30 as it was my turn to do the evening IT Support cover in the library but 5mins of coming in I was told all evening classes were cancelled.

Most of the students that did make it in seem to take it upon themselves to leave early thinking that nothing was going on today despite the fact that pretty much everyone was in as normal with only 3 teaching staff in total not making it in.

I would be mad about them doing that as it does seem a mockery for those that made the effort to come in but then considering the reliability of their buses are when the weather is fine, I can't blame them for getting alternative transportation home early!

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



So in short don't blame the councils they were more than likely out gritting and salting the roads before the weather started and instead if you don't like it stay in and stop moaning.

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My road has been nither gritted or salted (in fact they can't use salt now, too damaging to the environment).

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Really? they still grit the roads here and the grit contains salt how weird.

as the the not being cleared/gritted/salted i can only guess you live some where really remote and not on a main route as its those they tend to keep clear or that you're one of these unlucky few that live in a town where snow = end of the world.



Ok, change of plans as I'm far too warm (and lazy) to go back out in all that snow after clearing the pathway, Its starting to snow again and theres a lovely hot cuppa brewing so I think I'll leave it until tomorrow before attempting a snow sculpture thingy If the countrys still ground to a halt.



Well if it keeps to the same timeline as the past the next time I'll have to deal with snow I'll be 47, then I wont have to bother again cause I will hopefully be retired.

It doesn't snow much down here, I was shocked the weather report was right, last time I was 11 so this was my first time driving in it. I've learned the objective is to be as close to the car infront as possible. At least that's what the woman behind me this morning seemed to believe and she looked determined, or confused

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



So in short don't blame the councils they were more than likely out gritting and salting the roads before the weather started and instead if you don't like it stay in and stop moaning.

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My road has been nither gritted or salted (in fact they can't use salt now, too damaging to the environment).

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Just got off the phone to my parents, and discovered they are sitting under a foot and a half of snow - including the main roads (one of which a main route to Central London), because their council did not want to pay Sunday rates, so did not send the gritters out last night.

As such, all post was cancelled, no buses are running, no trains, no rubbish collection - and every school (including secondary schools and colleges) is shut.




Just got off the phone to my parents, and discovered they are sitting under a foot and a half of snow...

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Are they not a bit cold? Tell them to stop lying in the garden and go inside into the house for pete's sakes.

Unless they've built some Ray-Mears-stylee shelter out of snow and are lying in that of course, in which case they're probably lovely and toasty (and eating a meal of berries, bark and moss, which seems to be the equivelent Sunday Lunch to Mr Mears. How does he stay so portly?)



because their council did not want to pay Sunday rates, so did not send the gritters out last night.

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Well that's just stupidity on the councils part and some one should be shot for that decision.



because their council did not want to pay Sunday rates, so did not send the gritters out last night.

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Well that's just stupidity on the councils part and some one should be shot for that decision.

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Maybe the people who elected them? (It's not thier money they where being tight with after all).

I really should do something about this signature.



because their council did not want to pay Sunday rates, so did not send the gritters out last night.

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Well that's just stupidity on the councils part and some one should be shot for that decision.

[/ QUOTE ]


My dad's a postman, so he got the day off work - and my mum's retired. They're golden.

Besides, the local shop has always sold big bags of grit in the winter.



because their council did not want to pay Sunday rates, so did not send the gritters out last night.

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Well that's just stupidity on the councils part and some one should be shot for that decision.

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Maybe the people who elected them? (It's not thier money they where being tight with after all).

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It was for that reason (and that they gritted the yuppy areas and where the mayor lives, but left the rest of the borough, combined with the shoddyness of my local council in general) that i was tempted to take a shovel to the town hall, and pile up snow against the doors.

Of course that would of entailed a miles walk in the snow, and unpaid manual labour, so i sat in bed and watched Charlie and the chocolate factory instead.




Missing all the fun. No snow here. Not a single snowflake!

But no slippery roads either. Have fun you chaps and be careful out there.



Not CoH/V related but today I made snow pacman

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Wakka Wakka Wakka !!

Well, my promise to create a mini isit hotinhere has come to fruition - just gotta find the cable to attach my blackberry to my desktop so i can upload the extemely dodgy pic.

Don't hold your breath.. it's not a PACtch <cough> on the above. Mine is about 6 inches high and has 2 blobs of snow one on top of the other.



What is this... "snow?" you keep talking of?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit




Tell them to stop lying in the garden and go inside into the house for pete's sakes.

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Is pete suffering, too, then ?