Positron Interviewed by Boomtown




Seems Posi's been getting very chatty recently . To go along with the Ten Ton Hammer interview posted earlier, there's another at Boomtown:


Quick excerpt:

Matt Miller: Issue 13 started off having all sorts of new features tied around PvP, simply because it was a system that we had not put as much attention towards in the past. When we began to play these new systems, the feedback we got was that none of them were any fun. This was really disappointing, since they looked good in design. When we drilled down to exactly why they were not fun, we came to the sobering realization that the lack of fun wasn’t the new systems’ fault, it was PvP as a whole that was limiting. Certain powersets dominated. Certain ATs were impossible to beat. Certain tactics were fun, but only for the person employing them. For everyone else these tactics bordered on “frustrating”, “annoying”, and a plethora of other words that are antonyms for “fun”.

PvP as a whole needed to be fixed. We’d let the current system get into a state where only a small handful of our players actually used it. If we were really going to invest in these new PvP systems, we needed to get the current PvP game to be accepted and used by more than just that handful of players.

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Boomtown: Will Issue 14 include the Mission Architect only or will it also include other new features?

Matt Miller: Mission Architect is a strong enough feature that it can, and should, stand on it’s own for an issue. We are very excited to see what the players come up with!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh FFS!! He honestly believes that?

Not impressed by that at all, and nor will a lot of people I reckon. Mission Architecture is a nice idea but at this stage I'm starting to think the Manhour investment is going to be way too high.



That must be his "vision" of the game...



Matt Miller: Mission Architect is a strong enough feature that it can, and should, stand on it’s own for an issue. We are very excited to see what the players come up with!

[/ QUOTE ]

What a load of [censored], what about the people that aint interested in the mission architect? Of which there are many.

What they skip an issue do they?

Issue 13 unlucky for plenty.

Issue 14 unlucky for the rest.



Matt Miller: Mission Architect is a strong enough feature that it can, and should, stand on it’s own for an issue. We are very excited to see what the players come up with!

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What a load of [censored], what about the people that aint interested in the mission architect? Of which there are many.

What they skip an issue do they?

Issue 13 unlucky for plenty.

Issue 14 unlucky for the rest.

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Now whereas I for one am totally stoked about the onset of being able to create my own storylines/arcs etc...especially since they have said you can put in your own created npc's this is looking to be a very good issue, but that isnt the point here, I am referring to londoner and carnies posts which have valid points, there needs to be some additional content to appease the people who will not (by choice) take up the player created mission aspect.

Now I understand the that these issues are given free etc etc but (and I am trying to be objective here) the player base for this game is varied across the board from RP'rs to badgehunters to pvp'rs etc so there needs to be attention to those aspects and not just one.

So even though I agree in extent on Posi's point that the issue is chock full of amazing content (that I for one cannot wait for), it resides around one area of the game that may not appeal to everyone...come on Posi share the love mate

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



So even though I agree in extent on Posi's point that the issue is chock full of amazing content (that I for one cannot wait for), it resides around one area of the game that may not appeal to everyone...come on Posi share the love mate

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Chock full of what amazing content? I couldnt give a monkeys about the mission architect and im not alone in that sentiment.



So even though I agree in extent on Posi's point that the issue is chock full of amazing content (that I for one cannot wait for), it resides around one area of the game that may not appeal to everyone...come on Posi share the love mate

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Chock full of what amazing content? I couldnt give a monkeys about the mission architect and im not alone in that sentiment.

[/ QUOTE ]

He's agreeing with you, London. Issue 13 IS chock full of amazing content for HIM (and me, and many many others). What he's saying is that even so, it needs more for those NOT interested in the Mission Architect...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Matt Miller: Mission Architect is a strong enough feature that it can, and should, stand on it’s own for an issue. We are very excited to see what the players come up with!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well thats a great attitude to have, for some like myself issue 14 was already a bust but now knowing that this is all its going to include makes me laugh.

Do the devs of this game not know that there is a huge market out there full of MMOs and by not keeping up with new content they run the risk of loosing alot of there players.

I was not looking forward to issue 14 as i knew the content would be again slim for me but now knowing that thats all we will get i just cant understand whats going through the heads of the devs at the moment.

If the devs want to turn cox into a RP game then please just say so as it looks like they way its going, i would rather know now and not wait to see what rubbish we get issue 15 before i decide to carry on paying for a game im not playing any more



So even though I agree in extent on Posi's point that the issue is chock full of amazing content (that I for one cannot wait for), it resides around one area of the game that may not appeal to everyone...come on Posi share the love mate

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Chock full of what amazing content? I couldnt give a monkeys about the mission architect and im not alone in that sentiment.

[/ QUOTE ]

He's agreeing with you, London. Issue 13 IS chock full of amazing content for HIM (and me, and many many others). What he's saying is that even so, it needs more for those NOT interested in the Mission Architect...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes i know he's agreeing with me and im just repeating my feelings.



So even though I agree in extent on Posi's point that the issue is chock full of amazing content (that I for one cannot wait for), it resides around one area of the game that may not appeal to everyone...come on Posi share the love mate

[/ QUOTE ]

Chock full of what amazing content? I couldnt give a monkeys about the mission architect and im not alone in that sentiment.

[/ QUOTE ]

He's agreeing with you, London. Issue 13 IS chock full of amazing content for HIM (and me, and many many others). What he's saying is that even so, it needs more for those NOT interested in the Mission Architect...

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the voice of reason FFM, aye london mate I personally am very excited about this but I do see your point, hence the agreement..there needs to be a wider spread across the board for those such as yourself who wont be taking part in the mission creator so that leaves you with six months or more with no new content for yourself, so I am actually on your side

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



So even though I agree in extent on Posi's point that the issue is chock full of amazing content (that I for one cannot wait for), it resides around one area of the game that may not appeal to everyone...come on Posi share the love mate

[/ QUOTE ]

Chock full of what amazing content? I couldnt give a monkeys about the mission architect and im not alone in that sentiment.

[/ QUOTE ]

He's agreeing with you, London. Issue 13 IS chock full of amazing content for HIM (and me, and many many others). What he's saying is that even so, it needs more for those NOT interested in the Mission Architect...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes i know he's agreeing with me and im just repeating my feelings.

[/ QUOTE ]

Damn my replies are too slow, sorry mate I just realised that makes my last post defunct

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Interesting interview and I bet we'll see more than Mission Architect in I14, but even if that's the bulk of the issue, where's the problem? It should lead to almost limitless content in about 20.34 seconds.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Interesting interview and I bet we'll see more than Mission Architect in I14, but even if that's the bulk of the issue, where's the problem? It should lead to almost limitless content in about 20.34 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem is not everyone wants to take part in mission building, i still fail to see how this is new content all you will be doing is making missions useing already avalible maps and enemy groups but adding your own pointless twist to the story.

New content to me means new not reworked, not everyone wants to pay subs for a game to spend time making maps that are already avalible by doing paper missions, issue 14 should include something for all like all past updates have



Yeah I was kind of excited about the Mission Architect and then being told.

"That's your lot" for that Issue....

Ouch...seriously...ouch...there has to be a lot more to Issue 14 than JUST that.

I understand that judging from various interviews it seems that Issue 15 looks like not only the only major story Issue (I.E. MAJOR dev created content) that we'll see in a year but I'm holding out hope that it's also the introduction of Power Customisation.

Well I can hope.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



From the last update I read you can't add fun things like Ambushes or place the mobs either, they're set automatically.

I assume you can add multiple enemy types though, and you can add the Mayhem missions to Heroes AFAIK which will be fun (assuming you can Mayhem on them rather than them just being instances of City Maps)



2 words for both issues


Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



Matt Miller: Mission Architect is a strong enough feature that it can, and should, stand on it’s own for an issue. We are very excited to see what the players come up with!

[/ QUOTE ]
TBH if thats it for i14 I'll be long gone and that is for someone who is looking forward to the architect more than anything else ever announced. And who has been writing plots for missions since it was announced.



We’d let the current system get into a state where only a small handful of our players actually used it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nothing to do with the state of the system, everything to do with players not being interested in PvP, full stop.

I really should do something about this signature.



I've known a good few players who like PvP who were very much turned off by CoH's current system. Including me! So please don't speak for all of us on that one :P



Hmmmm - on first reading I was very down on this; with further reading I'm still not convinced.

Still, if there was to be (say) an "Issue 13.5" which was only the Mission Architect, to be followed by a "full size" Issue 14 on near enough the same schedule as it would have had anyway, that would be OK.



To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

[/ QUOTE ]

You aint had to put up with an issue that contained one thing only that had no interest to you what so ever.



To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Hee hee, I was just thinking of Issue 4 earlier.

That's the only one AFAIK though, and you'd think that 3 years later they'd have learnt a lesson from it (ie try and throw some sort of bone along with it)



And the problem is also that, if I13 and the mission creator dont light your fire, personally neither of them do it for me, then that means those of us who want something different will probably now have to wait until next summer at the very least.

Plus, dont know about you guys, but if Mission Creator is an example of what he means when he keeps saying there are great things coming, then I am disappointed, i'm afraid.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

[/ QUOTE ]

You aint had to put up with an issue that contained one thing only that had no interest to you what so ever.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, yeah, he has. He just TOLD you he has.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.