I13 screenies!




Before i hear cries of "Your breaking the NDA! OMG". I havn't and the pics, links and comments in regards to tints etc are taken from this post on the US forums where they've taken screenshots from in the character creator (the furthest a person can go with the closed beta on there atm).

Enough with the covering my [censored] and onwards with the pics!

Blue Shield - This is fully tintable. Something tells me this isn't supposed to be available to us, or we have to unlock it somehow.

Riot Shield - Accepts all chest emblems, and can be tinted.

Round Shield A - The basic round shield, can take all emblems. Most shields can.

Round Shield B - A slight variant of Round Shield A, this can also take emblems.

Round Romulus Shield (Roman) - Another variant of the Round Shield, this one is probably unlockable. Strangely, emblems CAN be placed over the design.

Half Ascendant Shield

Full Ascendant Shield

Heater? Shield (how they called it not me)

Cavalier Shield

Cavalier Knight

Kite Shield (or the 1066 Shield as a friend calls it, lol) - This has a nice wooden inlay on the inside of the shield, not shown here.

Talsorian - Both the emitter and the deflection matrix are two-tone and tintable.
I should have added... this appears to work like a combat aura. Ordinarily, it just sits on your arm as a small disc. It expands to what you see there when you go into your combat stance. I'm assuming this, as there is an actual animation when you first select that shield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Manhole Cover Shield (ala Lost style) - Lost RPers unite!

Rock Shield - Fully tintable

Crystal Shield - Both the stone and crystals can be tinted.

Fire Shield - Non-tintable.

Ice Shield - Not truly tintable, but various colors affect the opacity of the ice.

And now onto cozzies:

Did someone call the cops?

A mass collage of the new male cozzie peices



some of those actually look a lot better than i thought they would, still would have liked to see a more pointy evil one somewhere but the elemental shields are awesome, except for the crystal one which i think looks kinda lame.



some of those actually look a lot better than i thought they would, still would have liked to see a more pointy evil one somewhere but the elemental shields are awesome, except for the crystal one which i think looks kinda lame.

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aye, a few people have already commented on that over there, infact it's got this responce from BaB's:
If it'll make you feel better, I could rename it to something else.

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in one of the many shield topics in the US BaB says something along the lines of 'adding in the correct requirements to getting the Blue Steel, Ascendant and Romulous shields next build' (meaning they will nolonger be seeable from the Character creation screen).

Suggesting that it will indeed by unlockable...well hopefully.

Also all the Roman shields have been confirmed as unlockable (so that's the normal Roman, Surgeon and Boss Roman shields) by BaB.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Lol for the BaB's response ;D

BTW, how it would work with, p.eg., dual blades??

Not sure if this has been answered already, just i got this little shoot of curiosity...

Tnx for the pics!!




Loving the new Police Utility Belt. I don't think there's a single hero should be without their trusty gadget belt (if you want a quote from DW: I may be able to access phenomenal cosmic power and be in tune with the universe. But if push comes to shove, a beanbag round ain't sparkly but gets the job done.)

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



The Fire Shield just blew me straight through the wall of my room with its sheer awesome.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."




"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Loving the new Police Utility Belt. I don't think there's a single hero should be without their trusty gadget belt (if you want a quote from DW: I may be able to access phenomenal cosmic power and be in tune with the universe. But if push comes to shove, a beanbag round ain't sparkly but gets the job done.)

[/ QUOTE ]

There's quite a few that have too though, due to the annoying limitation of not being able to have a belt AND a tail...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Love them!



Playing GW for over 2 years, i must say i'm pretty dissapointed about the shields. Only the Talsorian looks very nice, the rest is so 'plain'. I mean, a tower, eagis, tormented or even the 300-style round shield.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Playing GW for over 2 years, i must say i'm pretty dissapointed about the shields. Only the Talsorian looks very nice, the rest is so 'plain'. I mean, a tower, eagis, tormented or even the 300-style round shield.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Loving the new Police Utility Belt. I don't think there's a single hero should be without their trusty gadget belt (if you want a quote from DW: I may be able to access phenomenal cosmic power and be in tune with the universe. But if push comes to shove, a beanbag round ain't sparkly but gets the job done.)

[/ QUOTE ]

There's quite a few that have too though, due to the annoying limitation of not being able to have a belt AND a tail...

[/ QUOTE ]

Serves ye right for being Catgirls

The new cossies are nice, they will suit both my Masterminds, they seem to step on the Male wedding packs toes a bit though. Although I'm not complaining, I didn't buy it and have been hoping for more suit combos.

The Talsorian shield is pretty nifty as well. The rest, didn't care anyway, I'm not going to be playing a Shield anything any time soon.



Riot shield isn't bad. It'd be great to have a police baton added to the Warmace set to match it.



BaBs has come to an agreement.

Could you call it the Geode Shield? If I remember right, geodes are composite minerals (crystals imbedded in rock).

[/ QUOTE ] I like this suggestion. I think I'll go with this one.

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Elemental shields... <3

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc




[/ QUOTE ]

Pfft, old fart :P

I like em, osme good stuff there, be interesting to see them in different colours and with a girly butterfly on it

Loving some of the new cossie parts as well, if those stripy tights are available for females, expect a plethora of withces for halloween

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Hm, nothing there that really wows me ...



I like the new male cossie models. Perhaps it is time to change the tux of my MM a bit. His tux was the height of fashion in 2005 but now it looks a bit dated



I'm disappointed there isn't a giant fore-arm shield type. Or a giant fist melee powerset. Looks like the future's pretty grim for fans of Nightfist.



Well the shields do look rather nice it has to be said, and will look nicer once the uniform grey is taken off and few more colours/ patterns are applied. Looking at the elemental shields gave me a thought. given that 'Shield Bash' is likely be incorporated in the powerset, I wonder if part of it's damgae/ effect would take its cue from the other powerset selected, e.g. if fire melee was selected then the shield bash would do a small amount of fire DoT. Or if stone melee, perhaps more chance to stun or knockdown. Probably be impossible to code for and wouldn't interest those who would want to take 'Ice Melee' but be holding the fire shield.

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



given that 'Shield Bash' is likely be incorporated in the powerset

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Nope. We get a Shield charge instead (which sounds much cooler).

Shield powers discussion.

I really should do something about this signature.



Erm yes, just read that post.

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Ascendant Shield =

Lack of Rularuu Shield =