I13 screenies!




BAB says he is working on Rularuu shield at the moment.

I really should do something about this signature.



Lack of Rularuu Shield =

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I'm disappointed there isn't a giant fore-arm shield type. Or a giant fist melee powerset. Looks like the future's pretty grim for fans of Nightfist.

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Regarding these, the fat lady hasn't sung yet. From BAB:

As I'm still working on getting more shields into the game, this isn't exactly true. Probably won't be seeing all of the shields that will be available until Open Beta.

The selection for closed beta will be somewhat limited

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Looks like its becoming city of cave men / medieval.



Looks like its becoming city of cave men / medieval.

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Cavemen with glow in the dark shields that are made of some kind of force field... maybe you read different history books to me...



Looks like its becoming city of cave men / medieval.

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You mean i12 didn't tell you that already? And Shields have been coming since i11 or so.

I agree though, those settings don't really interest me either. Hopefully now they've got it out of their systems we can get something more Sci-Fi / Tech.

For one I'd like to see them resolve the Rkiti war and the "Coming Storm" rather than faffing about more with Heroes in Roman Times or other zany time travelling stories.

Or a decent Magic arc with some survival horror aspects / references.



Cavemen with glow in the dark shields that are made of some kind of force field... maybe you read different history books to me...

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Maybe you didnt look at all the variations of medieval/lump of rock shields...



Looks like its becoming city of cave men / medieval.

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The archery sets started that for me; heck the broadsword/mace/hammer sets are in that territory, and they've been in the game since..forever.

I really hope now that the shield fan-service has been completed the devs start work on more 'proper' superpower sets, or at least delve more into the SF side of things.

I play CoH when I don't feel like playing a fantasy MMO...



There are more non-weapon based sets than the reverse. It's the melee chars who are outnumbered here. Also, in my opinion, the higher smashing and lethal resistances out there in the end-game content is the reason melee weapon users are getting such customisation, to keep the interest in something which isn't as effective as the more elemental and energy-based attacks.

You want super-powers? The answer, my friend, is simple. Don't roll a weapon- or shield-user.



Given that a medievil shield would be about as much use against bullets as tissue paper, The CoX Shields are superpowered, whatever they happen to look like.

I really should do something about this signature.



Modern shields, modern materials.



Oh I agree about melee powers being under-represented, weapon-using powers are way out of balance though, there are far too many, in my opinion. Where's my golden age fisticuffs powerset?.

I don't intend rolling a shield user, for the same reason I don't have a dual-blader or archer.

I do have a broadsword scrapper, but that was taken for game mechanics reasons - spike damage - not concept reasons, it's one of the fastest levelling yet least satisfying alts I've played.

I made a mace tank - but only once I could give him a baseball-bat or sledge-hammer instead of something that wouldn't look out of place in WoW.

I love my shield. And my choppa. In WAR.



Cavemen with glow in the dark shields that are made of some kind of force field... maybe you read different history books to me...

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Maybe you didnt look at all the variations of medieval/lump of rock shields...

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I was trying to point out that while some shields could no doubt be construed as based on past events others are not.

In fact I don't see a sing;le shield that I would take as that primitive, the oldest there looks to be Celtic, possibly Bronze Age but certainly not cave men.

Besides how you tell the story is far more important than what props you use. I wonder how many BS scrappers, axe or mace tanks (not even looking at Katana or Ninja blade) have a weapon that is as modern as they are? Yet each is old tech. Or ancient weapons weilded for the good of modern peoples.

The devs are giving us tools to realise new stories its that simple. Yes you can just take it at face value but that I think is your loss.



Cave men didn't have shields, full stop. They are a [censored] sapians sapians invention.

I really should do something about this signature.



Cave men didn't have shields, full stop. They are a [censored] sapians sapians invention.

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While this is true i think what was said was to get across the old feel of the shields more rather than a section of people who use them



I was trying to point out that while some shields could no doubt be construed as based on past events others are not.

In fact I don't see a sing;le shield that I would take as that primitive, the oldest there looks to be Celtic, possibly Bronze Age but certainly not cave men.

Besides how you tell the story is far more important than what props you use. I wonder how many BS scrappers, axe or mace tanks (not even looking at Katana or Ninja blade) have a weapon that is as modern as they are? Yet each is old tech. Or ancient weapons weilded for the good of modern peoples.

The devs are giving us tools to realise new stories its that simple. Yes you can just take it at face value but that I think is your loss.

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Thanks for that, only trouble is i dont play this for stories or history lessons i play this because its a super hero game, thats it nice simple bash this bash that.

And the current trend towards past era's just dosent float my boat, it is after all my boat to be floated.



hmmm Mace/Kite shield brute maybe....... didn't think seriously about shields before, but that would be a sweet one to muck around with in the costume creator

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Cave men didn't have shields, full stop. They are a [censored] sapians sapians invention.

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What a wealth of useless information you are.



Cave men didn't have shields, full stop. They are a [censored] sapians sapians invention.

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What a wealth of useless information you are.

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I'm a teacher, that's my job.

I really should do something about this signature.



Cave men didn't have shields, full stop. They are a [censored] sapians sapians invention.

[/ QUOTE ]

What a wealth of useless information you are.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm a teacher, that's my job.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your over payed



The nearest thing to a primitive (stone age) shield is the Ishlangu carried by Zulu warriors. It was made from an Ox hide stretched over a wood frame.



Well regarding to the future issues.
Issue 13 we know and is just around the corner.. Issue 14 we know as the Architect
Issue 15 will be according to Positron... A big storywise Issue. Little is known other then that it deals with loose ends... or is deep Plotwise.
Guess the coming storm?

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



The nearest thing to a primitive (stone age) shield is the Ishlangu carried by Zulu warriors. It was made from an Ox hide stretched over a wood frame.

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The nearest thing to a primitive (stone age) shield is the Ishlangu carried by Zulu warriors. It was made from an Ox hide stretched over a wood frame.

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Hang on a sec mate, i apologise for the "cave man" generalisation, as it seems to have upset all the budding historians.

Let me put it another way, this is a super hero game, set in the most part in the present/future.

I was just passing an opinion that we might have now got enough "days gone by" content.



Cave men didn't have shields, full stop. They are a [censored] sapians sapians invention.

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If space aliens visited ancient Britons when they told them how to build Stonehenge they could just as well have visited cavemen and told them how to make shields.