Your favourite Scrappers




What title says. You might want to share your favourite Scrap moments too

Myself, I've only played one Scrapper - Spines/SR. It's quite a beast. My favourite moment was to aggro 15-16 (6 bosses total iirc) L54 Rikti on RWZ and kill them with no insps/temps/tier9 (see RWZ challenge rules). It was probably the most intense battle I've ever had in my game time and also the one that made me feel like a damn tough hero. I just pitty I don't have a demo to show, but I guess I never thought I could do it myself at the time. I must give it another try.

I'm thinking of rolling a Claws/Regen now but I don't think Regen can ever beat SR's fun in the late game.

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Hah, I had similar moments in raids when unlocking my DB/SR's Talsorian Blades. Good times :') :P




I've recently rolled a DB/WP scrapper and I must say, after barely playing a scapper EVER past level 10, im loving everything about it! Level 22 now, just picked up quick recovery which is making things easier too. Scrappers rock!



Ooo i have so many... I guess the two that stand out is when i had a duel with Twin Soul, "Em/Nin" a great fight 5 - 2, even tho i lost i was dead pleased with her, He was hopeless without his god mode =3

My other moment was when my toon managed to hit 500 with Eagles Claw, sigh if only it was a critical; Although I have managed to critical with 472 before but 500 would just been EPIC!

"Farah O." Stalker: Street/Energy
"Aoi" Scrapper : Kat/SR
"Supa Troll" Tanker: WP/SS
"Milkman Bill" Brute: Staff/Fire



Lost my mentor in the 3rd respec trial and was fighting +7s on my CLaw/WP. Took down a group of them and didn't wind up floor observing.

Actually quite enjoyed taking down the 8 man spawns on the STF solo looking for the security cheif too.

I dont think I've had many great moments, just so many good ones that scrappers are worth their while for me. As they make up half my 50s they damned well should be

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I've had a couple of elude moments with Flitz, when the brown stuff hits the rotating object and he's the only one left standing against a roomful of purple conning enemies.

Managing to clear the room while emptying a tray of insps plus a few extra greens donated by a cheering crowd of faceplanted team-mates is the stuff of legends and what makes playing /SR fun.

UNION @Flitz 50, Lead Hose 50, Red Rag 50
DEFIANT Rose Bloodthorn 34
VIGILANCE Captain Caledonia 20 - Yeah, I made toons on the French server coz we only had 4 back then (might have to transfer/recreate them on one of the US servers)
..and many more!



Feel guilty on my BS SR when I finish fighting and realise the rest of the team wiped some time ago sometimes. I really get lock on that alt, all I see is the health bar of the foe I've currently got targetted

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Alendar, my Fire/Regen Scrapper really does kick butt. More so than anything else! Too easy to go into Scrapperlock when you're dishing out the insane damage that Fiery Melee does...



My favourites have to be first DM/DA, an all round swiss knife scrapper and DM/SR specially since Elude is not needed, it feels damn good tanking GW on STF or being untouched by the Hydra on sewer Trial or clearing single handedly the Honoree room while the rest of the team are going hospital...

Now I'm quite excited on my Fire/DA currently at lvl 42 mainly because of his crazy damage output and I am expecting fun from my MA/Fire once I manage to get an attack chain in a few lvls.



Funwise for me it has to be my Claws/Regen/Dark I really missed the amount of immediate soft control I got out of Claws when I tried a DB scrapper.
Sentimentally my first 50 was my Bs/Regen/Body I still play her in high level TFs and for blitzing prestige. The revised MoG really gave her a new lease of life.
Most of the time it's the "in the zone" moments that keep me returning to these toons. When you're fighting a bunch of mobs and everything becomes instinctive, each attack lands in just the right way and in just the right order to make the fight look and feel almost effortless.
That aside I think single handedly taking down all the yellow Mitos in an LGTF and pinning down a heal spamming Nictus at the end of the ITF are some of my BS/Regen's finer moments in a team.



Mine would have to be my DM/DA/BM. Maily because he is the only one I have spent the time and INF to fully IO with as many purples as I can cram in.

He can quiet easily tank the nictus's in ITF and stay allive in pretty much any situation. Although it's getting really stupid the number of MoSTF attempts I've been on where people have gone ewww scrapper, make sure you stay out of the way all the time and then been faceplanted becasue they were chatting about how ubba they were....

The BS/DA/DM could be more fun if I wholesale swapped the IOs over, but I don't currently have the INF or drops to fully pimp him.

Basically any scrapper is fun.



My favorite have to be my spine/will scrapper since it's my second char ever created. He has been on ice for awhile but now i have started to use him again and i love it.



I only have one scrapper and he is DA/DM but languishing at lvl 22 at the moment

Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?



Although it's getting really stupid the number of MoSTF attempts I've been on where people have gone ewww scrapper, make sure you stay out of the way all the time and then been faceplanted becasue they were chatting about how ubba they were....

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds very familiar



Favourite Scrapper?

Does a Human/Dwarf Peacebringer count? No? Rats.
How about a EM/Regen/Mace Mastery Stalker? Still No?

Fine then. For AoE and general teaming I'll go with "Nightdagger", my Spines/Dark/Body Mastery lawnmower, and for Single Target AV/GM/Elite Boss Killing fun, I'll go with my namesake "Maelwys", a Katana/Regen/Body 'Damage Proc Cannon' build.

Night can tank the Psi Clockwork King or Babbage... but skipped "Tough" for Energy Torrent and Focussed Accuracy, and thus tends to die to the likes of +2 Freakshow bosses. He can two-shot or three-shot most normal mobs though, and tends to put Fire Blasters to shame unless they're /Fire rather than Fire/ and dive into melee range a lot (and somehow manage to survive whilst doing so).

Mael can withstand being pummelled by stupidly high numbers of Melee or Lethal damage mobs assuming he has something to plink with Divine Avalanche (like 40-50 mobs in the final Ouroboros 5th column mission). He's light on AoE (having just the two Katana Cones) but if there's a decent Tanker on the team then thanks to all his damage procs virtually nothing can catch him in sustained single-target DPS, even a VERY min/maxxed "machine gun" DM build.

They both have Scrapper taunt (confront, the single-target one). More for the look on the tankers face when they end up tanking the AV instead of him than out of actual necessity though. Back before there were any Willpower or Dark Armor Tankers, Nightdagger was one of the best Psionic Damage tanks around.

I've had my eye on a Fire/Fire (or possibly a Fire/Regen) scrapper for the next one. Same basic idea as Nightdagger, but with Emphasis on Fire Damage rather than Lethal Damage, and little or no tanking ability. It may end up as a Fire/Fire or even EM/Fire Tanker instead though...



I'm still tempted to put Challenge in on my BS/SR not for necessity but to show off. But somehow I think that its the wrong reason to. Actually its kind of refreshing not having an agro aura, choosing to tank on your scrapper is nicer than gaining all the agro cause the squishy tank's dead. My Spine/Inv spent most of its journey to 50 tanking for various reasons at different times.

I do want to get myself a nicer ST scrapper but having BS, DM and Claws already I'm not entirely sure how I can top each of them at the thing they do best. When the claws gets rolling it gets stupid, the burst on BS is so nice out the box and trying to top a decent soul drain with just build up feels futile. Next for me is MA/DA though (I think that's the DA I finally agreed to Duo with Nightmarer at least, cause I couldn't make a Claw/DA build that looked as nice as my Claw/WP for anything like a reasonable cost)

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



My favourite would be my main, a DB/DA/DMastery scrapper. Yes. Really. ... REALLY!! Okay, it's been a bit of a pain in the early-mid levels, but as I slowly approach 50 with him (47 and counting so far) and after a couple of respecs - oh and a sticking "Target Nearest Enemy" on a side mouse button - I find it... awesome, just knocking everything in my face to the floor. With style. o_O

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




I for one love my Spines/Regen. Solid but rather standard Lethal damage, a few handy AoEs and the Toxic DoTs work wonders against most mobs. The excellent survivability that comes with Regeneration is very, very handy. I'm probably gonna spec out of Revive sooner or later (admittedly I only took it because I couldn't be arsed stocking up on wakies ) but aside from that, it's a wonderful combination. He can't take massive groups at once (might change once I get my level 38 godmode power) but what he can take goes down very quickly.

He's only 37 at the moment (and incomplete slotting-wise), but I'm sure I'll be able to level him when I can actually get a team.

I'm also a big fan of my BS/WP. He has end problems occasionally, but I attribute that to his low level and lack of Quick Recovery/Stamina/whatever. The amazing burst damage more than compensates.



I've never been a Melee fighter fan, always prefered Trollers or fenders... Played some scrappers (BS/INV-Spines/SS-MA/SS-FM/FA) but always got bored around lvl 25 (even earlier)... But then Cyborg Booster pack came and I started a Claws/Regen Cyborg Scrapper... I just love him! Got lvl 42 in 2 weeks and half! And I enjoy large battles against hard foes: full team is wiped out except tank and me, he's getting red, while I just have 5% health... And then..Bingo! Dull Pain Recharges!!!No chance to win damned nemessis!



I love my claws/regen scrapper - she's a lot of fun. Teamed up with my FF defender and there's not much stopping her.

I also have a spine/dark duoing with my empath. A very fun and fast combo.

I also would like a MA/SR, but I'm not certain what duo AT would make a good match for her.



oww... I looove my Dark/SR Scrapper... She is addictive as hell...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



My fav scrapper was spine/regen, untill i rolled fire/fire, fire/fire is so much fun, both pve and pvp, the damage boost from build upp and fiery embrace (+200%) makes you almost 1 shot mobs with firesword circle , and in pvp fire melee is the damage king, even more then broadsword tbh. i once got AS´d and the stalker went for TF follow upp, but i fired off me heal, popped bu+FE and launched a greater firesword CRIT = DEAD em/regen stalker
Was laughing so hard i almost fell off chair...:P



Well my favourite scrapper moment is either tanking Lord Recluse in an MoSTF on my DB/Regen for the duration of the fight or soloing Siege(as an AV) , both moments were achievements for me as far as pushing my builds capabilities. (The scrapper is named Sereta, and yes the emp and kin who helped keep me toe to toe against lord recluse were excellent)

Ofcourse my favourite scrapper is likely to be a character i have created myself, natural human ego is a blessing and a curse, so excluding myself my favourite scrapper ive played with is DarkKnight, always a pleasure to scrapper lock alongside



Well my favourite scrapper moment is either tanking Lord Recluse in an MoSTF on my DB/Regen for the duration of the fight or soloing Siege(as an AV) , both moments were achievements for me as far as pushing my builds capabilities. (The scrapper is named Sereta, and yes the emp and kin who helped keep me toe to toe against lord recluse were excellent)

[/ QUOTE ]

I 100% believe you but think that the whole team contributed in some way for making possible for you doing what you did. It can be for something they helped in previously doing or for not doing something that could of created issues. Great job anyhow!

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Definitely my Katana/SR, Captain Bladetastic. Like most high level SR scrappers these days he is def soft capped with IOs but thanks to Devine Avalanche he felt almost god-like from lvl 8. Beautifully animated attacks, nice flowing attack chain, very rarely get hit and when you are it is seldom anything that a single green or your base regen can't handle. Great toon to play. Like any defence based toon he is susceptible to the odd big lucky hit, but that just adds to the fun.

Favourite moment with him would have to be taking down NeuronLeader as an AV solo. Took a while and one or two greens to get me over the line but I got there in the end. Obviously not one of the tougher AVs, but still an acheivement I am delighted with, so much so I hastily took a screenie of my moment of victory before his body vanished.

Would recommend the build to anyone.