i13 Architect





Honestly, any zone beginning with a C is called Croatia. I though this had been settled ages ago.

[/ QUOTE ]Except for Croatia's Folly

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Stop poking holes in my otherwise flimsy theory, that’s for the suggestions forum and requests for wall walking and line swinging.



If it'll be about grinding the most boring TF available a couple of times to get one decent recipe then it's a meh

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Methinks I'll just play the TFs I enjoy, and hopefully I'll get me a lil' stockpile.

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Ditto - which probably means I'll be doing as many ITFs as I do now, with a few LGTFs sprinkled in here and there - just hopefully with at least one decent recipe for my time, rather than the endless cascade of trash I've had from my last dozen or so TFs.



Shields shields shiieeeelds. Cetratus is finally happy.



Shields shields shiieeeelds. Cetratus is finally happy.

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Aha! Were you one of those planning a shield-wielder along with Seti? Don't think I didn't hear you all.
Since the announcement, I'm quite tempted, meself. I guess I'll decide once I learn a little more. Wanna see those designs!



One thing about shields that has got me pondering and cursing is the fact of what unlockables will they have.

If I have a weapon wielding character I get all obsessive about getting every single unlockable option available to them as quickly as possible (namely getting to 35/40 for my Broadsword main).

Now I'm probably going to remake my BS/Regen into a BS/Shield since it would definitely suit is concept better...

Damn you Devs...damn you for making me level more alts!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I definitely want a BS/Shield Brute (concept, name and costume all ready for it), but if Castle is right there probably won't be any proliferation in I13 so that idea will have to wait for I14 or beyond



I know what I'm going to get for saying this, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Roman zones, shields, dual pistols... this is a super hero MMO isn't it? Yanno.. people with SUPER POWERS?

*Temperature Protection: CHECK*
*Plasma Shield ON: CHECK*
*Fire Shield ON: CHECK*

Ok. Ready. Sarcasm / Insults / Attempts at witty put downs? FIRE AWAY! *ba dum tsh*

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Today I learnt that:

* Many people don't seem to understand that information can be realised in several small segments rather than as a complete, exhaustive package.

* The (game) world ends when players get things that they want, get things that they don't want or get things that they aren't sure about - something to do with branching missions?

* I'd been mistyping Chimchimineechimchimineechimchimcheroo as Cimerora for ages.

* No-one is ever happy unless they are moaning... so obviously more brits here than I realised

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Could this be classed as a Moan?



In reality there will be lots of content and the dev’s have done things correctly by setting up the new zone last issue and adding lots of missions this issue. The mission designer is a massive bit of the game and we, as users, probably don’t appreciate how much work has gone in to it. We will only realise the full effect of this release months later when there is loads of user content to play.

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From that point of view I think they've done the right thing as far as meeting the CO/DCO challenge is concerned. By releasing the designer next issue and holding off on new zones, etc..., they've given players time to familiarise themselves with adding new content and start building up a decent library of good stuff. Then as the competitors come out they can release new NC stuff (I13/14) and have the player content there to impress people.

If they'd held off on the designer they'd be facing the competitors with old NC content and a player-designed setup no one had really got up to speed with, and that would be a far weaker position.

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I take your point but they havent added anything new or groundbreaking, (apartfrom the mission creator) when those new games will be bursting with them. The offline career hardly counts as you got to be offline to use it.(?)
Dont fully understand that one. Maybe its just setting the scene for something bigger in the future, although positron said it wasnt secret identities. We'll see.

If this were any other time, then yeah a decent issue.
But now? This wont be out till Oct/ Nov, leaving them very little time to really step up to the plate against fresher, newer competition.

I'm reserving final judgement until we know fully about the "loads more" but right now, mission creator aside, I am distinctly unimpressed.

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If the Devs think anything like me, then any big new zones and story arcs will be released two or three weeks after CO or DCUO are released next year.

When people are disillusioned with the inevitable buggy new games on release and are searching for another Superhero MMO.

Not to mention that we may know less than half of what is exactly in the new issue.



I know what I'm going to get for saying this, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Roman zones, shields, dual pistols... this is a super hero MMO isn't it? Yanno.. people with SUPER POWERS?

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Shields actually are part of super hero lore but I have noticed this myself.

I cant imagine anything more anti thematic than dual blades for instance. I mean, what, we hitting the bad guys with the flat of em all the time?

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



I cant imagine anything more anti thematic than dual blades for instance. I mean, what, we hitting the bad guys with the flat of em all the time?

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Katana and Broadsword got there first tho, LB :/



I know what I'm going to get for saying this, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Roman zones, shields, dual pistols... this is a super hero MMO isn't it? Yanno.. people with SUPER POWERS?

*Temperature Protection: CHECK*
*Plasma Shield ON: CHECK*
*Fire Shield ON: CHECK*

Ok. Ready. Sarcasm / Insults / Attempts at witty put downs? FIRE AWAY! *ba dum tsh*

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Completely agree with you. It's the sole reason I refuse to make a Hero who uses weapons. To me, it just doesn't fit concept wise. The only exception(s) I make are:
[*]Archery: You hit their limbs so they can't fight back OR you pin them down so they're unable to move.
[*]Claws: Not so much stabbing, more slicing, but not lethally.

However, if I do think of a concept for a rogue Hero, then by all means I'll use weapons but I haven't got there yet.

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com




Roman zones, shields, dual pistols... this is a super hero MMO isn't it? Yanno.. people with SUPER POWERS?

[/ QUOTE ]Batman would like to have a word with you



Completely agree with you. It's the sole reason I refuse to make a Hero who uses weapons.

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Zorro, Golden era Sandman, Daredevil, Wonder Woman, The Phantom, Thor, The Shadow, Snake-Eyes...



Completely agree with you. It's the sole reason I refuse to make a Hero who uses weapons.

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Zorro, Golden era Sandman, Daredevil, Wonder Woman, The Phantom, Thor, The Shadow, Snake-Eyes...

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The first comic book hero used guns!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Or in my case, Sai, which can be used defensively VERY effectively. Both as blocking aids and bludgeons



Completely agree with you. It's the sole reason I refuse to make a Hero who uses weapons.

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Zorro, Golden era Sandman, Daredevil, Wonder Woman, The Phantom, Thor, The Shadow, Snake-Eyes...

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Batman, Hawkeye, Green Arrow, Hawkman...

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



I hope they include models for a shield of ice, stone, etc, so you could pair it up with the appropiate melee power for a more fantastical type of shield user.

I really should do something about this signature.



The "current" Aquaman uses a sword, as dfoes Wonder Woman regularly. The Marvel characters Echo/Ronin and Elektra regularly use katana or sai



Completely agree with you. It's the sole reason I refuse to make a Hero who uses weapons.

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Zorro, Golden era Sandman, Daredevil, Wonder Woman, The Phantom, Thor, The Shadow, Snake-Eyes...

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Batman, Hawkeye, Green Arrow, Hawkman...

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Ares, Black Knight, Blade, Sharon Carter, Nick Fury, Cable...

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Completely agree with you. It's the sole reason I refuse to make a Hero who uses weapons.

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Zorro, Golden era Sandman, Daredevil, Wonder Woman, The Phantom, Thor, The Shadow, Snake-Eyes...

[/ QUOTE ]

The first comic book hero used guns!

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Something about shooting a petty thug to the floor doesn't quite sit with me.

That's... quite a long list of heroes. Did they ever kill a petty thug though? Huh?

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



I cant imagine anything more anti thematic than dual blades for instance. I mean, what, we hitting the bad guys with the flat of em all the time?

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Katana and Broadsword got there first tho, LB :/

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Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



I have no problems with supers using weaponry. I use supers because well they can be heroes or villains alike and still be supers. And I imagine if they wield a gun they do so with such an exceedingly superior skill that no common person could do the same.

So in that thinking, it's not the weapon/instrument that's being used that is important, but how it's being used. Except in a game like CoX you probably have to add a bit of creative thinking, hmm, maybe a lot, ah well as long as you can convince yourself you're doing alright.



Completely agree with you. It's the sole reason I refuse to make a Hero who uses weapons.

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Zorro, Golden era Sandman, Daredevil, Wonder Woman, The Phantom, Thor, The Shadow, Snake-Eyes...

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I think you'll find he means lethal weapons. WWs lassoo and Daredevils billy club dont quite fit the bill.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



I'm not mate