i13 Architect




Because they usually do at least two feature updates for every issue?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well lets just wait and see what they have to say.. Not expecting much though! As think they have announced the big stuff for i13..



just read the notes on the Jetpack being 30 day recurring, have to say thats a bit of a let down. If the jetpack was permanant then perhaps I would add it, but the only significant advantage I'd see in a temporary jetpack is if I cant get a flight temp power by any other means, even then there aren't many locations in game that I can't access without flight anyway...

As for the cyborg pack, power etc, would love to see more information on this, I'm really looking forward to it and like the wedding pack, I'd definately add it to my account!!!

Mission creator, what can I say except drool...

Base loving, especially how items are added to bases seem to be in as well, and any update to bases is a bonus in my book, as well as an expansion on the Cimerora zone which should get people in there more and more ( at the moment its populated by new toons or TF teams almost exclusively )

merit system! Brilliant idea, no longer will I suffer getting the entire Pacing of the turtle set on my scrapper's when all i'm after are some of the melee IO's lol!

How can I not mention "day jobs" too, great idea that I'll be really looking forward to, probably end up logging off in the RWZ a lot, would hope that there are costume pieces as well as other "perks" for logging off in certain areas!

One request though, any chance of some NON HALO RIPOFF Vanguard dual blades? Would love the Vanguard Katana, but just two of them please ta

Overall, once again I'm impressed with the way the game is going, now if they could just fix the DB issue mentioned above and fix Hami, all is well

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Fix for hami = shedload of merits

I really should do something about this signature.



Fix for hami = shedload of merits

[/ QUOTE ]
I think if that were to happen, then a Hami raid might even occur.



Enabling Level 53 Hamis' would also go part way to tempt people but It still would not make the event a fun community event like the old Hami was. As you know Hami can take hours,... longer if things go pear-shaped.



I'm afraid I don't know. As since I joined four years ago, I've not known of one to occur. Just visited him by myself, and dropped in from above. Terribly fun, you know.



I'm afraid I don't know. As since I joined four years ago, I've not known of one to occur.

[/ QUOTE ]

- Exactly why it needs to be sorted out. I bet if you took the statistics on how many raids have taken place since the redux and on a weekly basis (even when combining the E.U and the U.S numbers), it would make for pretty poor reading.



I imagine it would.
If this merit system is applied to Hami, I genuinely think that raids could start happening again.
I mean, wouldn't it be the equivalent of the Mothership raid? We all know how those went at first.



I imagine it would.
If this merit system is applied to Hami, I genuinely think that raids could start happening again.
I mean, wouldn't it be the equivalent of the Mothership raid? We all know how those went at first.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mothership Raids don't need much preparation though. All you need to do is turn up, get on a team and follow orders. Hamidon is a completely different matter. If they brought the old Hamidon back and implemented a Merits System then that would be... uber.

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



Looks exciting, the mission designer could be awesome... your characters story brought to life etc... new costume pieces, new powers, new missions, new consumerbles and I12 is really not so long ago!

It's a sad fact that the more they put into each issue the more the players expect of the next and the less time they are willing to wait for it.



I'm also wondering if some aren't jumping the gun with disappointments. After all not all facts are known about Issue 13, don't forget the "More" part in the announcement.

[/ QUOTE ]

If the "More" was that good why didn't they mention what it was? Guessing its going to be something small, hence why its added as an endnote!

[/ QUOTE ]

Cause it might be stuff thats not quite ready to be annoucned yet, but might make it, in one shape or another.



I'm also wondering if some aren't jumping the gun with disappointments. After all not all facts are known about Issue 13, don't forget the "More" part in the announcement.

[/ QUOTE ]

If the "More" was that good why didn't they mention what it was? Guessing its going to be something small, hence why its added as an endnote!

[/ QUOTE ]

Cause it might be stuff thats not quite ready to be annoucned yet, but might make it, in one shape or another.

[/ QUOTE ]
Or, because it gives them another opportunity to mess with our heads.



I'm also wondering if some aren't jumping the gun with disappointments. After all not all facts are known about Issue 13, don't forget the "More" part in the announcement.

[/ QUOTE ]

If the "More" was that good why didn't they mention what it was? Guessing its going to be something small, hence why its added as an endnote!

[/ QUOTE ]

Cause it might be stuff thats not quite ready to be annoucned yet, but might make it, in one shape or another.

[/ QUOTE ]
Or, because it gives them another opportunity to mess with our heads.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. ^^

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



GR saying earlier in the thread something along the lines of, ".... MUCH more " is part of what makes me think the best is still yet to come.

*edit.. (my eternal and rather naiive optimism is the other part of course )*

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



I'm afraid I don't know. As since I joined four years ago, I've not known of one to occur. Just visited him by myself, and dropped in from above. Terribly fun, you know.

[/ QUOTE ]

Up until the last Hami-Fix, the raids happened nightly @ 7pm on Union. I know quite a number of my SG (inc me) amased a huge stockpile of HO's.
Having said that it did get anoying with all the people dropping in for the brawl phase after the hard work had been done....



Today I learnt that:

* Many people don't seem to understand that information can be realised in several small segments rather than as a complete, exhaustive package.

* The (game) world ends when players get things that they want, get things that they don't want or get things that they aren't sure about - something to do with branching missions?

* I'd been mistyping Chimchimineechimchimineechimchimcheroo as Cimerora for ages.

* No-one is ever happy unless they are moaning... so obviously more brits here than I realised

Thank you forums.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I hope the mission creator is rammed full of badges. Just to annoy the whining badge hunters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, it won't annoy me... as with the PvP ones, I'll just ignore them.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Today I learnt that:

* Many people don't seem to understand that information can be realised in several small segments rather than as a complete, exhaustive package.

* The (game) world ends when players get things that they want, get things that they don't want or get things that they aren't sure about - something to do with branching missions?

* I'd been mistyping Chimchimineechimchimineechimchimcheroo as Cimerora for ages.

* No-one is ever happy unless they are moaning... so obviously more brits here than I realised

Thank you forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
That was just so Judgemental, Dave



Today I learnt that:

* Many people don't seem to understand that information can be realised in several small segments rather than as a complete, exhaustive package.

* The (game) world ends when players get things that they want, get things that they don't want or get things that they aren't sure about - something to do with branching missions?

* I'd been mistyping Chimchimineechimchimineechimchimcheroo as Cimerora for ages.

* No-one is ever happy unless they are moaning... so obviously more brits here than I realised

Thank you forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
I happen to love this post.

* I certainly agree. However, maybe it's just my optimism.

* Also agree. - Branching missions!?

* I've seen some terrible ones. Someone in my supergroup was saying chimmerorara. They also insist that we're being invaded by the ritiki.

* I'm only ever unhappy if I'm [u]not[u] moaning. Maybe I'm not supposed to be british.



Today I learnt that:

* Many people don't seem to understand that information can be realised in several small segments rather than as a complete, exhaustive package.

* The (game) world ends when players get things that they want, get things that they don't want or get things that they aren't sure about - something to do with branching missions?

* I'd been mistyping Chimchimineechimchimineechimchimcheroo as Cimerora for ages.

* No-one is ever happy unless they are moaning... so obviously more brits here than I realised

Thank you forums.

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly, any zone beginning with a C is called Croatia. I though this had been settled ages ago.

I’ve got to say, I think the moaning has been a lot less than normal. Most people moaning go on to concede that it all looks rather good and there might be better to come. Even the most stoic of moaners have said they’re happy to wait until more information is announced.

Even more shockingly there were a couple of occasions when a flame war could have started and it’s just fizzled out. Almost unheard of! There was even evidence that things were getting loved up at one point and I had to cover the children’s eyes.

Maybe the comedy complaint thread has been more effective than we all thought.



GR saying earlier in the thread something along the lines of, ".... MUCH more " is part of what makes me think the best is still yet to come.

*edit.. (my eternal and rather naiive optimism is the other part of course )*

[/ QUOTE ]

You didn't think "oh no its GDN again" then?......... actually neither did I but that would have been the extreme pessimistic thought.

I13 doesn't look to be a bad issue from that announcement, but I really don't find it an exciting one at the moment. Hopefully I can still be impressed by something later. It actually doesn't take much to be honest. When willpower was added I called it an amazing issue cause I'd wanted a new secondary for a claws scrapper for ages. That was my favourite announcement after CoV so I can be easily pleased. Just the only thing that's got me counting down at the moment is the idea of a villain patron respec (and I don't even need one its just a feature that brings parity)

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



any zone beginning with a C is called Croatia.

[/ QUOTE ]
Gadzooks it gets worse! Now we're building our own battle-torn Eastern European zones...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)




Honestly, any zone beginning with a C is called Croatia. I though this had been settled ages ago.

[/ QUOTE ]Except for Croatia's Folly



On the whole pretty excited about Issue 13, I like the Mission creator, already got ideas swimming around in my head for story arcs (now if any of them are any good...no idea but plenty of ideas none the less).

New powersets are always good and fun to get and the day jobs, while nothing outstanding are kinda quirky and I'm now thinking about where to log off my characters to give them a Day job that suits them.

Just the merit system is a bit 'meh' since I'm not entirely sure about it, yes if it means you can get rid of the [censored] of the hunter recipe dropping each and every time (I have gotten 3 good recipes from TFs rewards since it was an option, the rest has either been snipe recipes, pet recipes while on heroes (not as valuable as on villains) or fear recipes (got the full set on the one character that needed it), I feel I'm paying this price since I've had three purple recipes drop on one character while on teams, karma coming around to bite me in the behind as it were.

I'm just worried on how the devs are going to plan it out, are they going to base what awards how many merits on the average time taken or by the 'quicker than God on a rocket sledge' power teams?

Katie, yeah I can kinda understand it not giving that many merits because even on an average team...45min-1hr at the most and under 20min at it's quickest.

Once I've heard more about it and more about what costs how many merits I'll decide whether I like it or not. If it'll be about grinding the most boring TF available a couple of times to get one decent recipe then it's a meh, if it's about doing 3-4 average ITFs (2 hours or more) and getting a decent recipe...then whey.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



If it'll be about grinding the most boring TF available a couple of times to get one decent recipe then it's a meh

[/ QUOTE ]
Methinks I'll just play the TFs I enjoy, and hopefully I'll get me a lil' stockpile.