i13 Architect




Like a ingame itemmall, nothing new on the horizon. And if people willing to pay for it, whats wrong with it?

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Not something I'm hugely bothered about myself, but several people have made "if you can actully buff your toon for cash, that's wrong" noises in the past.

The concern, which I can see the reasons for, is that being able to make your toon more capable with RL money means you're gaining an in-game advantage you didn't earn through in-game efforts.

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Its an ongoing story in nearly every game that has a itemshop.

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But CoX doesn't (didn't?) - one of its unique selling points. "Everyone else does it" isn't a compelling argument in itself.

I dont see a jet-pack actualy 'boosting' your character (refer weddingpack). At the end its simple for me, time is money and money is time. It pretty much balances everything out.

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The wedding pack isn't a good thing to compare it to, because that was 100% cosmetic. The Cyborg pack isn't, and the jet thingy seems to be 100% power-based.

The "boost" in the jet pack is that if you pay (and continue paying) for this, you don't need to pick a travel power so you effectively get an extra power slot to pick into.

Sure, there are other ways to get jet packs, but even so...slippery slope.

Edit: Fixed typo



I think I will be spending a very long time in the mission creator.

Om nom nom.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Agree with Tuarus post above, but then again doesn't matter what we think! The Dev's probably don't even read the forums from the poor relations from Europe...



The wedding pack isn't a good thing to compare it to, because that was 100% cosmetic. The Cyborg pack isn't, and the jet thingy seems to be 100% power-based.

The "boost" in the jet pack is that if you pay (and continue paying) for this, you don't need to pick a travel power so you effectively get an extra power slot to pick into.

Sure, there are other ways to get jet packs, but even so...slippery slope.

Edit: Fixed typo

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In fact if you're a squishy who was taking Fly, chances are you'll free up two powers this way. That's a serious advantage!

Plus any other way of getting jet packs involves ingame actions. Again if they were serious about providing this content to people who missed it they could have added them as temporary power recipes rather than charging for the privilage. Then you would work / pay ingame for the pack rather than it depending on RL circumstances.



2nd concern will raise how are you going to beat some of the brilliant creative minds who will make every issue content seems so trival . never ever underestimate players creativity

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Hire them? Valve do it all the time...

Defiant 50: Blonde Justice inv/ss; Lady Aminta emp/elec; Sierra Colt merc/traps; Tess LaCoyle elec/elec (blaster); Powerstorm elec/elec (brute);
Union 50: @Steel Dancer WP/DB; Blast Pulse Fire/Rad (corr); Bitter Twilight Earth/Psi (dom); Compassionate Emp/Psi;
Freedom 50: Incandescent Blaze ElecAm/Fire;



Bye bye for the rest of my social life...

Pain domination sounds so evil, how could that fit as a villain version of empathy... Still, I might have to give a zombie/pain MM a try (with vampire-face!).

As for the rest, I'm looking forward of more info on the new invention sets and day jobs. And although a badge-hunter, I'd like the jobs to have some kind of limit, like 3 jobs per char would be enough. If you'd have more, where to find the time to be a super-villain...

Rewards for trials, SF's, raids etc. sound good, and very addictive as well. Maybe we'll be having some Hami raids becouse of this..?

My main toons on Union:
Majer; Dark/Dark Corruptor
Caitlin Calathea; Plant/Thorns Dominator
Davallia Fejeensis; Empathy/Archery Defender

My arc:
ID 98789, What once was, will be again.



I like the sound of Pain Domination... I'm intrigued to see how it will work! I was kind of hoping for something like Apathy though. Something where you would drain the emotion from your allies and turn them into emotionless killers with no morals

Looks good so far though! Customisation is definately what sets this game apart from others for me



In reality there will be lots of content and the dev’s have done things correctly by setting up the new zone last issue and adding lots of missions this issue. The mission designer is a massive bit of the game and we, as users, probably don’t appreciate how much work has gone in to it. We will only realise the full effect of this release months later when there is loads of user content to play.

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From that point of view I think they've done the right thing as far as meeting the CO/DCO challenge is concerned. By releasing the designer next issue and holding off on new zones, etc..., they've given players time to familiarise themselves with adding new content and start building up a decent library of good stuff. Then as the competitors come out they can release new NC stuff (I13/14) and have the player content there to impress people.

If they'd held off on the designer they'd be facing the competitors with old NC content and a player-designed setup no one had really got up to speed with, and that would be a far weaker position.

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I take your point but they havent added anything new or groundbreaking, (apartfrom the mission creator) when those new games will be bursting with them. The offline career hardly counts as you got to be offline to use it.(?)
Dont fully understand that one. Maybe its just setting the scene for something bigger in the future, although positron said it wasnt secret identities. We'll see.

If this were any other time, then yeah a decent issue.
But now? This wont be out till Oct/ Nov, leaving them very little time to really step up to the plate against fresher, newer competition.

I'm reserving final judgement until we know fully about the "loads more" but right now, mission creator aside, I am distinctly unimpressed.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



what its only works for 30 days...that is weak i thought it was like the jump pack that you kept and had on every toon?

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So did I. Surely they arent literally talking about 1 flight pack that you got to pay over 20% the amount of your entire subscription cost for???

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



what its only works for 30 days...that is weak i thought it was like the jump pack that you kept and had on every toon?

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So did I. Surely they arent literally talking about 1 flight pack that you got to pay over 20% the amount of your entire subscription cost for???

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After thinking about the advantage it could give I'm happy they've made it so expensive really. Otherwise it could have been City of MinMax jetpackers.

I'd be very interesting to see what this cyberpack thingy does...




For this issue to be touted as a massive improvement to the game I am really dissapointed by the announced features. If it is going to be as good as was shouted about they best be holding some stuff back otherwise I think it is a massive dissapointment.

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But, to be fair, unless it’s farming or PLing stuff, what is going to impress you?

Heck, I’m disappointed there is new content being added as I’ve only completed about 50% of the existing stuff. I’d say hold back on new content until the end of next year at the earliest.




All that aside, all I really want and expect from new issues are:
- new (or revamped) mission/zone content
- new powersets (proliferated, or totally new)
- new costume pieces (hopefully we won't have to buy all new stuff in "booster packs" in future)
- bug fixing
- QoL improvements

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I agree, these are the sort of things I’m looking for and thinking about it we are getting all (or most) of those.

- new (or revamped) mission/zone content - Croatoa
- new powersets (proliferated, or totally new) – That is certainly there.
- new costume pieces – Not confirmed (outside of the paid for stuff)
- bug fixing – I’m sure there’ll be bugs to fix.
- QoL improvements – I’m really hoping the new teaming stuff will be in this release, but there could be other stuff not announced yet.

(I’m highlighting these to demonstrate the things we are getting, rather than to claiming you think we’re not getting them. )

I could be wrong (and often I am), but if there is a lot of content being added to Croatoa I’d have done a trailer and highlighted this as the main thing in the issue. It will have a wider appeal and looks cool. The mission designer is very cool and I think has more depth to it than people think, but on the face of it a lot of players will look at it and it will mean nothing to them.

I’m more curious what people did want in an issue?




But, to be fair, unless it’s farming or PLing stuff, what is going to impress you?

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Say What? I dont actually farm any more and I have never PL'd. I am disapointed by the way people are being encouraged not to play the game or team anymore. At least farmers like 5 other people on the mission with them even if it is just to boost the mob size. Mission creator is a solo event that will empty our smaller populated servers, and being encouraged not to play toons to earn rewards ????[censored]



Sorry, my entire reply was meant tongue in cheek (I put the smiley at the end to cover it all). I wasn’t meaning to imply (accept in jest) that you farm all the time.


Mission creator is a solo event that will empty our smaller populated servers

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I don’t think it will have a wide enough appeal to empty out the servers.




I don’t think it will have a wide enough appeal to empty out the servers.

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There by diminishing the overall effectiveness of the issue. It is not a massive issue but a relativly small one if you ask me



If the mission creator "empties the servers", then it's actually a popular addition that's been well received. If it wasn't popular, nobody would use it.

I don't think you quite understand the argument you're making with this point.



I don’t think it will have a wide enough appeal to empty out the servers.

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Isn't that one of the points why people are dissapointed about i13, only a small percentage will be interested in the mission creator, but new zones and more power swapping between AT's would appeal to a bigger percentage?



Either way we "lose"



Oh my God! People will throw away their money on jetpacks only as fast as a level 20 unslotted Fly! THE WORLD IS ENDING! TELL GG I ALWAYS LOVED HER! *jumps off a cliff*

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Either way we "lose"

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Wow, some complaints are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

"If people enjoy the content they're given we lose! "



I don’t think it will have a wide enough appeal to empty out the servers.

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Isn't that one of the points why people are dissapointed about i13, only a small percentage will be interested in the mission creator, but new zones and more power swapping between AT's would appeal to a bigger percentage?

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I agree, and much as I don’t like to do it, I’ll quote my own badly worded post:


I could be wrong (and often I am), but if there is a lot of content being added to Croatoa I’d have done a trailer and highlighted this as the main thing in the issue. It will have a wider appeal and looks cool. The mission designer is very cool and I think has more depth to it than people think, but on the face of it a lot of players will look at it and it will mean nothing to them.

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I’m more curious what people did want in an issue?

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Tbh we're all being a bit previous as this is just the first announcement - obviously they'll have held some stuff back to tease us with and keep us interested as time passes between now and I13 going live. But as I said, I'd like to have seen a new zone or a zone revamp (and yes, we may still get one) - and for that zone to be important enough to the game and the storyline to have received close to top-billing in the initial announcement. As it stands we've had no indication that the storyline will move forward at all apart from the new Cimerora missions. I'm also disappointed we probably won't get any power proliferation (as confirmed by Castle since Posi's announcement).

Oh and btw the new content is being added to Cimerora, not Croatoa



Either way we "lose"

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Wow, some complaints are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

"If people enjoy the content they're given we lose! "

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Let's just say that whatever all the extra stuff they've yet to announce is, we're still living in the land of Dooooooooooooooommmmm!!!! and should start preparing for the servers going dark.



Either way we "lose"

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Wow, some complaints are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

"If people enjoy the content they're given we lose! "

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If it is only a small percentage then yes the majority do lose :P