i13 Architect




Ah I see...

The other problem I have is how do you measure what TF is worth which amount of Merits.

The ITF can take a very skilled and well built group 1hr-90 minutes but can take some groups 2-3hrs+

I would be peeved if I had done 3hrs on an ITF and got a minimal reward of merits for it because 'it can be done faster'.

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Only time will tell, and I suspect the devs themselves don't know exactly how the release version will scale yet.



As I understand it, the point's that with merits you can be sure of getting the recipe you're after if you earn the necessary number of merits. As it is you can rerun TFs as often as you like and still get nothing but Pacing of the !*$!!%ing Turtle every time.

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The way I see this is, you plan a build worth, let's say 500 mill, usually, if including a couple LoTG's, a Numina and a Miracle you'll prolly spend half of your build cost in 5 - 6 enhancements. With this new system, by doing enough TF's you grant yourself these desired recipes avoinding, as you very well said, the legion of Sniper recipes, Teddy Bear recipes, Trap of the Hunter recipes, Pacing of the Turtle... while the rest of your build will be probably paid by the amount of inf generated by doing the mentioned TF's so basically TFing will be the new farming to an extent, not bad, I prefer doing a few TF's than farm a mish over and over again plus it might encourage TF events and teaming.



and much more: let the speculation begin what do they mean with much more? ;-)

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This is the bit I'm looking at. I reckon they've got something else moderately big, and haven't told us yet. I mean, what happened to "all your base are belong to us"?
I reckon we've got something basey. If not, I know a certain someone who wouldn't be too pleased.



and much more: let the speculation begin what do they mean with much more? ;-)

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This is the bit I'm looking at. I reckon they've got something else moderately big, and haven't told us yet. I mean, what happened to "all your base are belong to us"?
I reckon we've got something basey. If not, I know a certain someone who wouldn't be too pleased.

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I think you may be right.



and much more: let the speculation begin what do they mean with much more? ;-)

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This is the bit I'm looking at. I reckon they've got something else moderately big, and haven't told us yet. I mean, what happened to "all your base are belong to us"?
I reckon we've got something basey. If not, I know a certain someone who wouldn't be too pleased.

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I think you may be right.

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No way! I should like, get an oreo, or something.
I really hope bases are what's coming, as I've just inherited a supergroup from a dear friend who's had to cancel their account, and they spent all their time making our base better. I must avenge his cancellation!

I'm particularly digging:
There are so many details to Issue 13, we couldn't possibly fit all in to an overview.

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what really is the point in the merit system if it's going to take LONGER than farming a TF...

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Getting a rare receipe will take longer with the merit system. Get a particular rare receipe will be faster.



Outta curiosity, can anyone show me a screenshot of the Jetpack in question?

The Cyborg Booster Pack sounds like it could contain really cool stuff

(The rest of) I13 sounds cool, too



I hope the mission creator is rammed full of badges. Just to annoy the whining badge hunters.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



what really is the point in the merit system if it's going to take LONGER than farming a TF...

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Getting a rare receipe will take longer with the merit system. Get a particular rare receipe will be faster.

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Well, not strictly faster (if you are lucky with the dices ), however it will be guaranteed after a predictable amount of time, and that's a big plus... so we will have now 3 options to get the one recipe we want: influence on the market, luck on a single TF and just plain playing multiple TF



I hope the mission creator is rammed full of badges. Just to annoy the whining badge hunters.

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I personally, would love it if it was crammed full of badges.
However, I would like to see those particular badgers complain.
"omg furst orbroso now dis i h8 u devs"



Well for me a patron power respec and a version of empathy for villains are great.

The pack with the aura and a power etc i will no doubt get.

The rest im not too bothered about either way.

Except the buy every 30 days jet pack, i hope that gets the fail it deserves, in my opinion of course.



Well for me a patron power respec and a version of empathy for villains are great.

The pack with the aura and a power etc i will no doubt get.

The rest im not too bothered about either way.

Except the buy every 30 days jet pack, i hope that gets the fail it deserves, in my opinion of course.

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Buy every 30 days jetpack?

That's ridiculous beyond belief.

First thing in CoX that has my contempt!



what its only works for 30 days...that is weak i thought it was like the jump pack that you kept and had on every toon?



what its only works for 30 days...that is weak i thought it was like the jump pack that you kept and had on every toon?

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Having consulted with my main guru (for matters im not sure on) Standoff , that is my understanding of it yea.



Except the buy every 30 days jet pack, i hope that gets the fail it deserves, in my opinion of course.

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Eh, it's no skin off my nose if lots of silly Americans with money burning holes in their pockets decides to give NCSoft the money they need to develope the Nemesis system or secret identities.



what its only works for 30 days...that is weak i thought it was like the jump pack that you kept and had on every toon?

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Having consulted with my main guru (for matters im not sure on) Standoff , that is my understanding of it yea.

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I also do lottery numbers.

That 30 day expiry does strike me as a bit cheap on NCSoft's part...and the pack as a whole also seems to have opened the "pay cash and get a useful in-game power" gates. Buy this and you can skip a travel power, get something more useful instead and have a more effective toon as a result.

Similarly, the Cyborg pack promises some power (no details given) as part of the goodies.

Slippery slope time?



Like a ingame itemmall, nothing new on the horizon. And if people willing to pay for it, whats wrong with it?

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Like a ingame itemmall, nothing new on the horizon. And if people willing to pay for it, whats wrong with it?

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Not something I'm hugely bothered about myself, but several people have made "if you can actully buff your toon for cash, that's wrong" noises in the past.

The concern, which I can see the reasons for, is that being able to make your toon more capable with RL money means you're gaining an in-game advantage you didn't earn through in-game efforts.




Slippery slope time?

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I suspect so. Or at least "milk it until it bleeds" time.

The pay-for respecs threw warning signals to me, there was no technical reason they couldn't have made the last Trial repeatable for heroes and villains if they were really concerned about people not having enough respecs. (it would have probably been technically less difficult than tying it into the Payment system). It also lets me turn real life cash into regained Inf by letting me sell the unused SOs in a paid-for respec build which I don't like. As a non-vet lowbie on the US servers it means I can have a paid-for edge over other people by buying and using a respec at certain levels (22, 27 and 32 anyway).



iforgot about that, they did mention a couple of issues ago about 50s having a repeatable respec trial....which would be great for me as im a respecaholic and i usually use them all up and then end up back to where i started
(i have bought 2 so far!!)



Like a ingame itemmall, nothing new on the horizon. And if people willing to pay for it, whats wrong with it?

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Not something I'm hugely bothered about myself, but several people have made "if you can actully buff your toon for cash, that's wrong" noises in the past.

The concern, which I can see the reasons for, is that being able to make your toon more capable with RL money means you're gaining an in-game advantage you didn't earn through in-game efforts.

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Its an ongoing story in nearly every game that has a itemshop. I dont see a jet-pack actualy 'boosting' your character (refer weddingpack). At the end its simple for me, time is money and money is time. It pretty much balances everything out.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



I do think this is what some people are feeling because there isn’t an announcement of a big new zone and when people were told they were getting a massive issue they presumed this would be lots of new zones and missions. Then there were a few of us who were getting excited about new base stuff (which isn’t essential for the game and only plays to a minority of the user base).

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This is my main complaint and the thing that gave me a mild pang of disappointment.

Honestly, even though new powersets (or proliferated ones) are the main thing I like to get, I've also come to expect either a new zone or a zone revamp in every issue and, just as importantly, I want to see the main storyline moving forward. The Cimerora missions I'm looking forward to - but to my mind they're just something that should have been in the last issue, as they will "complete" I12's new zone - but I was really hoping I13 would have its own new zone plus 4 contacts/arcs and a TF as well (maybe it will - I hope so).

New systems can be great, sure, if most of the playerbase actually use them (unlike the base editor) and if they don't change the game for the worse (IOs were a good addition, but brought some undesirable side-effects to the game too). If the mission builder does fast-track more arcs/missions into the game that the Devs can sanction as "official content" (with normal mission rewards) then that will be great, but it could end up being as underused/niche as Ouro is (personally I use Ouro more as a teleport shortcut and vendoring place - I'll do Pilgrim's arc on most characters, but the "task forces" and flashbacks I only do rarely, usually just for badges I need for accolades). I'm glad we have Ouro, but it doesn't feature as more than a very minor part of my playing time (unlike Inventions, or even bases).

Obviously the reward system the Devs tag onto the mission architect, and the power/flexibility of the architect itself to let players make interesting missions, and then easily find the best missions by other players, will make or break it as a gameplay feature. I just hope the mission architect doesn't end up sidelined by the playerbase, so that it exists mainly as a draw for marketing to put on CoH adverts.

All that aside, all I really want and expect from new issues are:
- new (or revamped) mission/zone content
- new powersets (proliferated, or totally new)
- new costume pieces (hopefully we won't have to buy all new stuff in "booster packs" in future)
- bug fixing
- QoL improvements

If the Devs deliver all of that each issue then they can tag on whatever new systems they feel like adding.



After patienlty mulling over the issue announcement I will share some of my thoughts about the various aspects.

First the City of Heroes Character Creator set a new standard for player creation and customisation. Now, Issue 13 takes another giant step, allowing players to design their own missions and story arcs to share with the entire City of Heroes community

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Mmmm Brilliant never will Paragon City seem so empty after a release. I mean teams will be a no no as everyone is making missions and testing them and remaking. The zones will be left undefended and we could all come back out into the light to see rikti selling hotdogs around the city as there has been noone to fight and they have gotten bored and taken up a job to relieve the boredom.

The goal was to give creative minds an outlet to tell the stories they have in their heads.

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Oh maybe not then as only a small percentage of the players maybe interested. The biggest let down of this system to myself is that it isn't open for everything. I mean if you have a great story to tell brilliant but making an ultimate farm map, or making a map that would make it easy to obtain a difficult to get badge (venomous) is not being allowed.

It is not meant for “easy levelling”, “badging” or “farming”.

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So this is for creative people and not farmers or badgers. Ok check that doesnt include me.

DAY JOBS (Offline Character Progression)
Scholar? Caregiver? City Official? Now when players log out of City of Heroes / Villains they’re just getting started! A character’s day job is determined by the actual in-game location from which he or she logs out

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Way to go. Encourage people not to play toons by allowing them to earn badges and salvage and the like. Would you mind getting your healer out please to help with this mission? No he is at his day job trying to get the badge Well helpful feature that seems. Nice concept but giving things to offline toons will encourage some to be just that....offline.


* Shields – Heft a Shield for Heroic or Villainous Ends! This new powerset brings a classic power to City of Heroes: Shields! Now, you can arm Tankers, Scrappers, Brutes and Stalkers with a powerful shield to protect both themselves and their allies.
* Pain Domination – Villains can now bend the power of pain to serve their own ends! Those playing a Corruptor or Mastermind have access to this new powerset. The antithesis of the Hero healing powerset “Empathy,” Pain Domination brings parity between Heroes and Villains with a distinctively evil flair.

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Meh not bad. The shields is a nice option but a new secondary/primary to go with it would be nice. Now have to do a toon with the same old so really only 50% new content there.

Same for the villians, except I dont play villians so no help there.

New Hero and Villain story arcs expand upon the history and lore, and delve into the players and politics of Cimerora.

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Ok wont take long to do those unless there is litterally hundreds of them.

A new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items.

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What so the current system doesn't work or have people been listening to the whineings of the non farmers?? Not content just a new way to be exploited. It may have been more productive to look at the borked TFs and fixed them and also reshuffled the recipe pools about a bit rather than introduce a new rewards system.

Other features include new Invention Origin Sets, new Costume Sets, a Patron Power Respec, Zone Refinements, and much more!

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Yay more IO sets to make the ones I have already bought undesirable
Cossies is a good thing
Patron Respecs -asked for but not for me :P
Zone refinements - Is a good thing for the underused zones.
and much more??- Will this be a list of proliferation powersets. Hope so

Finally, I want to tell you about two “Booster Packs” that will be available in a month or so. Many players have requested the ability to buy the 30 day temporary jetpack that comes with the new City of Heroes Game Cards. Once the retailer exclusive period ends next month, we are making the same jetpack available for purchase for £2.99/€4.49. We are also excited to launch our Super Booster I: Cyborg Pack for £5.99/€8.99. This pack has an awesome set of costume pieces, emotes, auras and a power. We’ll be sharing all of the details shortly.

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Kick in the teeth. I know I will hear crys of dont buy and for the jet prolly wont, but the other pack has auras, cossie bits, A NEW POWER, and some emotes.

For this issue to be touted as a massive improvement to the game I am really dissapointed by the announced features. If it is going to be as good as was shouted about they best be holding some stuff back otherwise I think it is a massive dissapointment.

The above is my own feelings and pregognition and so cannot be verified or proved until it happens, but lets remember that people arguing will be doing exactly the same.



As I'm sitting here planning out my three story arcs, I'm finding myself hoping we have access to the branching dialog tech that is previewed in the Origin of Powers arcs.

For instance, I want a computer that needs shutting down to say one thing for Tech Origins and another for anyone else.

Also to have hidden clickies a la the Midnighters Club/University Tutorial. Not as mission objectives but as flavour.



I agree with what some people are saying. At this point, I13 seems to be too small to be called 'huge'.

However, I'm quite sure they'll (soon) announce more stuff that'll be in there Remains to be seen how big the extra stuff is; with the title being what it is, I somehow don't see major storyline advancements or new zones...

And regardless of all of the above, I've got Origin Story Arcs for ten toons to plan