Where does your character live?




Quick census. Where in Paragon City does your character live? This assumes you 'roleplay' enough to have thought about it. For me:

War Crow: Steel Canyon.
Jason Caine: Croatoa.
Operative Seven: King's Row.
Nitoichi: Galaxy City.
Velvet: Founder's Falls.

The rest I've never thought about.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Tiger White (Ellie) lives on a tropical island in the south seas.
Tiger Dark (Eloise) lives in Skyway City, in the Unity Vigil Tower
Burned Ice lives in Skyway City, in the New Vigilants tower
Novastar. lives in Skyway City, in the Unity Vigil Tower

The others, not really thought about!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Peregrine Island



Madam Victim owns a mansion just outside of Crey's Folly, she however lives in the Bane of Crey base located beneath an apartment building in Kings Row.

Bluedarky, Temperature Sprite and Amanda share an apartment in the aforementioned building.

Tech Queen lives in an Arachnos Living Cell in Grandville.

Midnight Strike has an apartment in Mercy Island.

The Maestro of Mayhem has no real home, although Bluedarky says it's the Zig.




SchrodingersCat lives in PI in a penthouse apartment

Dark Celestine doesn't sleep, eat or anything like that so he fights injustine 24/7

Prise De Fer lives under a building in Founders

Miss Taik is currently travelling and not in Paragon at all

Jenn Teal rents rooms and moves around when the landlord get fed up of her parties

Gral lives in the Warrior dimension, constantly fighting back Battlemaiden's minions. Hit and run style

Midnight Lost lives above Pandora's Magic Shop where she works part time

Sweaty Chaps is staying in the Guild Of Extreme Heroes base at the moment, he owns a large ranch in texas though

Cashmere and Pashmina both live in Founders in a one bedroomed flat, though they argue a lot over who gets the couch. Its hard living with yourself sometimes.

Cynical Elfling sleeps at the Elfling base when he remembers he's meant to sleep

Iskra is renting in Kings

Not really thought about my other heroes too much


Dark Mist has a lab in Grandville where he conducts his experiments, he often sleeps with ladies of the night though.

Frost Wolf lives in the Insanity Inc. base, or in the woody area in St Ms

Licosa Raptoria has a house in St Ms near the Casino.

Countess Mortia is a vampire so living is stretching the definition. Mostly she stays in what ever building her mercenaries have depopulated recently, with the survivors providing her food until they need a new building

Mistress Wrath lives where ever she damn well pleases, often at the expense of others unless they let her stay without making her mad

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



My main character, "Dark Freeman", on Vigilance server, is the leader of a japanese yakuza clan. So, we have a restaurant in Talos island named "The Hungry Dragon" which sell sushis and makis (it's our speciality !). We are in a permanent territory war with the bad boys from the Tsoo.
So i live in the appartment, upstair our restaurant, and our yakuza guys, in the other rooms of the place, as any other clan of japanese yakuzas

Furthermore, the hidden entry of our base in downstair the restaurant. You can reach the door trought the "cold room"



Nibiru dwells in the Shadow Shard.
Titan Beta is in hiding somewhere in the Nerva Archipelago, rumoured to be deep in the forests.
D-molition lives in Atlas Park in one of the tower blocks.
Nibby resides in Talos Island.

They are the only ones I've given any thought to.



Odd that I had the bit of paper I worked it all out on for my comic to hand lol

Starscreamer himself lives in penthouse of a building he owns and uses as a front in Nerva. Widely rumoured he does not live alone...

Starsoundwave has a small facility on Nerva used as an outpost for monitoring Longbow operations.

Starslugslinger lives on Sharkhead in a small converted warehouse.

Starsixshot lives in the North East of Cap Au Diable.

Starshockwave is permanently in the UD Misfits base conducting some mad magical experiments.

The rest I have never got round to working out.



is the leader of a japanese yakuza clan.

[/ QUOTE ]As opposed to some kind of non-Japanese Yakuza?



Gotta watch out for those Swedish Yakuza. Swiss army Katanas *nods*

Anyway...Inflammable Jack has upgraded from a crappy apartment in Kings to a not so crappy apartment in Faultline. Tempus Elfling lives where ever the Elfling base is I guess, and Dr. Weatherstorm has a pokey little lab somewhere under Mercy Island. I dunno about the rest.

"Maybe in the end, what makes heroes into heroes...is that we're just too stupid to quit."



Atomic Boy Scout, Last Forrest, Tesla Pulse, Porter Brook and just about everyone else in the "Pargon Parahuman University" live on four floors of an apartment building in Kings owned by another member, The Grey Attorney.

They often get together to lament the rule that stops them changing the SG's stupid name.

Atomic Boy Scout
(a) definition of a casual gamer - 3 years in game and first fifty still only on the horizon.



Barbarous: Sets up camp on any secluded patch of grass he can find. The police are in the annoying pickle of having to deal with complaints of him doing this near residential areas, and killing wildlife in parks and wilderness areas.
"I'm sorry, hero who has saved hundreds of lives and makes the place safe for us all, please stop having an open fire roast in the park. Some tools keep complaining about it."

(Lord)(King)(Sir) Khorak: Khorak in all his iterations has slaughtered a Circle enclave and taken their cave ruin as his own in an undisclosed location.

Carnal Sin: Lives with her fiance in an undisclosed suburb. It wouldn't be that hard to find her, they don't even really bother trying to hide an eight foot musclebound b**** of an ex-supervillain, but there are no such locations represented in the game.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



All my villains and heroes are unkted under the peace that Circle Of Thorns. thus we live in forbidden and lost city under paragon



Pink Hart lives in Kings Row not too far from the PPD where her dad used to work before his "death". She still cannot arrest/kill/maim enough of the Circle of Thorns to make up for her loss

Hart Noir, the "dead" father of Pink Hart, is currently residing in Port Oakes under the ever watchful eye of Lord Recluse (whos keeping an eye on his latest recruit...like Hart had any choice).




A space station with LASERS!



The only one I've thought about enough to have decided where he lives is my main Swordkin.

He is currently residing in an apartment in Steel Canyon which was presented to him by the Freedom Phalanx to help him to recuperate after the mental stresses of fighting in the First Rikti War.

He was part of the alpha team and has spent the last few years working on getting back to full strength.

Everyone else lives on the top of train stations, as that's where I tend to log out for some reason.



My main villain has usurped Rularuu in the dream realm, and he and his cadre reside in the Storm Palace

My main heroes have pleaded with Faathim, and live in their own wing within the Chantry.

Not that it makes any sense story wise, but it keeps me happy



Shadowe lives in a manor house outside the War Walls.
Luminescence lives in a flat in Founder's Falls.
Helena H Mk 1, 2, 2.1 & 4 all live at Shadowe's manor house.
Psychonova is itinerant - stays in hotels, mostly.
Liz Ross has no fixed abode.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Storm Kitty lives with Plasmarch and their two kittens, judging from the comic in a big mansion not too far away from a zoo. I'd say the suburbs somewhere.

Shadow Kitty lives in Grandville, standing right behind Ghost Widow to do her bidding. She's known as Widow Kitty these days.

Sturmvogel lives in the Echelon base. It's either that or the Spandau prison.

Fimbulwinter lives in the Presidential suite on Rogue Islands, after the defeat of Lord Recluse in the general election. The chances of her winning it was summarized as "slightly less than a snowball in hell", and she kinda took that personal.

Silly Math lives in Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan, but regularly flies to Paragon to cosplay, eh, do heroics. Her appartment costs a fortune.

Unn the Thrown-At lives in Valhalla, Asgard. She's just in Paragon at the Allfather's bidding to gather intelligence before Ragnarök.

Space Girl is completely lost. Her rocketship was eaten by a giant squid in Independence Port, so now she can't go home to Yana Yana.

Little White Lies is in Hell. Literally speaking. And she loves it! She's a little devil, after all. She pops up in Rogue Islands every Monday to spread mischief and villainy.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Imoba: Talus island

Jacen: no fixed abode



Blue Rabbit has burrows throughout Paragon city, with the most used being in Perez Park, Rikti Crash Site (now Rikti War Zone) and in Eden.

Purple Rabbit leaves in an apartment in Atlas, near City Hall.

Yellow Rabbit currently resides in Croatoa as that zone is the one that somewhat resembles his native planet.

Red Rabbit has a laboratory in a deserted area outside Paragon where he can blow stuff up.

Grey Rabbit resided in a museum in Founders Falls as part of an itinerant exhibition on Mediaeval Armours lent by the Louvre to Paragon.

White Rabbit hasn't a home any more... he was a street performer and has now embraced life on the street.

Black Rabbit lives in her Steel Canyon duplex overlooking Siren's Call.

Maroon Hare is trying desperately to get back to his home dimension and couldn't care less where he decides to rest as long as he can thoroughly turn that place into a radioactive hell.

Purple Hare has decided to continue his ethnobotanics studies in Primeva and has relocated to the Nerva Archipelago.

Green Hare thinks she's still in India, reliving her last days before the invasion. Her madness is too deep for her to realise where (or when) she is.

Black Hare never sleeps on the same place for he is afraid he wasn't thorough enough in destroying the cult who raised him, although he tends to choose St. Martial more often than not.

Grey Hare has had his stately manor brought over from Scotland stone by stone and had it rebuilt in Cap au Diable where he has no trouble... procuring subjects for his kind of... enlightened teachings.

Ultraviolet Hare and Viridescent Hare live in their barracks on Grandville. Viridescent has access to a laboratory where she can continue her research into nanites and Ultraviolet wants nothing more than a state of the art gymnasium where he can continue to increase his abilities.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



The only ones I've really thought about are

Eve - Zombie stomping MA scrapper - Has moved into/taken over a penthouse apartment in Dark Astoria.

Evie. - Sulky NRG blaster - Inhabits the Sisters of Misery base in a disused part of the sewer system.

Bethan - Plant based claws scrapper - Roots down anywhere there's soil but she wants to move into Eden.

My zombie/dark mastermind has her small but perfectly formed base in the voodoo temple she got her powers in... I've not played enough villains to have decided where that is though.



Gotta watch out for those Swedish Yakuza. Swiss army Katanas *nods*

[/ QUOTE ]

New Weapon Set please!

The only character I have thought about is my main Mega Jamie who lived in Croatoa, however I was planning of writing a rather convoluted JLA style backstory which included all of my heroes, but most that I have thought about originate outside of Paragon City, so I don't think they'd care where they lived too much, heh

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*